
icoexist_Heyo! I did some tinkering and removed plank, but then didn't like the task management in the budgie menu so I brought it back. I do get an error saying "/etc/profile.d/vte.sh" is missing, and opened up .bashrc to check it out. Is this .bashrc important or can I remove it with minimal issues?00:03
icoexist_I don't know if this posted, but I'll throw it out again!00:04
Budgie^Smoreso I am trying out the 17.04 release and I am stuck in a login loop :-/13:24
fossfreedomjust a vanilla install?13:25
fossfreedomnothing changed?13:25
fossfreedomreal hardware install?13:29
Budgie^Smoreit is running in a VirtualBox VM if that matters13:29
fossfreedomwhat version of virtualbox?13:29
Budgie^Smorelatest, 5.1813:30
Budgie^Smore5.1.18 even13:30
fossfreedomhave you ticked 3D graphics acceleration?13:30
fossfreedomuntick it13:30
Budgie^SmoreOK and I just noticed it only has 33MB of vram when I could have sworn I maxed that out13:31
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Budgie^Smoregoing to have to play with budgie later :-/ running into too many issues right now probably due to VirtualBox though16:06
elopiofossfreedom: I sent you an email a couple of weeks ago about testing days on ubuntu on air, but got no reply.18:09
elopiolast time we talked about ubuntu mate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75zgIVHkXRA18:10
elopioI would like to talk this friday about budgie. Are you interested?18:10
enoch85ping fossfreedom :)20:07
enoch85I'm surprised that this channel is so quiet20:08
fossfreedomenoch85: aye - we haven't really publicised the room. We should really.21:19
enoch85fossfreedom, I'm even more surprised you didn't do that actually21:21
fossfreedomagree.  on the list ... getting longer21:22
elopiofossfreedom: so, no?21:49
fossfreedomelopio: to be honest I didnt really understand the email ... and myself and the team are swamped with 17.04 support issues at the moment to consider this.21:51
fossfreedomwhat are we trying to achieve here?21:52
enoch85Hey, just noticed that Budgie doesn't recognize when I put headphones in22:48
enoch85I have to use PVC to enable it and switch to headphons22:49
enoch85I'm on this driver: https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/9406/Audio-Intel-HD-Audio-Controller-Realtek-22:49
enoch85anyone else with this issue?22:49
fossfreedomrealtek drivers are a real pain - cause no end of issues22:50
fossfreedomenoch85: I would recommend this question be posted on Ask Ubuntu - this would be a common issue across all ubuntu variants so should get an answer hopefully22:51
elopiofossfreedom: we just want to show people the kind of things that are happening in the free software community. We talk for ~30 minutes with a free software devs, and explain how to help.22:51
elopioI am personally interested in people contributing to ubuntu flavours.22:52
fossfreedomk - friday you said?  what time?22:54
elopiofossfreedom: you choose the time.22:54
enoch85fossfreedom, ok22:55
fossfreedomIt will have to be in the evening - impossible during the daytime - 1900 BST (UK summertime)22:56
elopiofossfreedom: works for me. If you are sure you can make it, I'll send the invites and prepare things on ubuntuonair.22:58

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