[00:27] getting a lot of video ghosting/stuttering [00:28] in 17.04 [02:05] i upgraded from 16.10 [02:05] it's on an xps 9560 with 4K display [02:05] bumblebee setup for running optirun [02:05] window elements appear and disappear [02:06] if i type in the terminal that screen stutters all over the place [02:06] i think there is a problem with inplace upgrade at least at the level i was at [02:06] running a live USB gnome 17.04 does not replicate the problem [02:07] i tried a new user login, but noticed this was all happening at the login screen as well indicating a GDM issue afaik [02:07] i'm fairly confident that a reinstall will fix this [02:29] i think it has something to do with hidpi [02:29] at the login screen everything is at naitive 4K res [02:35] something is pretty wrong [02:35] definitely seems to be related to hidpi [02:35] guess i just have to go for reinstall [03:55] clean install fixed it [12:35] I installed the latest version of gnome, I'm trying to install chrome atm, I downloaded it through web browser and opened it in software installer, but when I click install nothing happens [12:45] Optimus_Prime, could be https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-software/+bug/1573206 [12:45] Ubuntu bug 1573408 in gnome-software (Ubuntu Xenial) "duplicate for #1573206 GNOME Software does not install third-party .deb packages" [High,Fix released] [12:46] Optimus_Prime, you can always install the .deb with `dpkg -i .deb` [12:48] or gdebi [16:19] probably bug 1672424 [16:19] bug 1672424 in gnome-software (Ubuntu Zesty) "Cannot install Debian files outside of the repositories" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1672424 [17:26] Is it just me or is the legacy notification tray broken in 17.04? === eldon is now known as EldonMcGuinness === eldon is now known as EldonMcGuinness