[08:45] bjr [08:46] bjr [08:54] Good morning [09:05] Morning folks.. [09:05] hey elacheche [09:05] you don't seem to happy [09:06] as if it is monday [09:06] * praisethemoon chuckles [09:14] Is it Monday! o_O x( [09:15] that's right, hehe [09:30] Bjr, café? [09:30] Aujourd'hui, c'est chocolat!!! Vive le multiculturalisme! [09:59] davlefou: :) [09:59] I didn't watch all of this yet, but I should share it here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0y0oXU8YNk [10:58] Vim Is The Perfect IDE http://coderoncode.com/tools/2017/04/16/vim-the-perfect-ide.html [11:00] elacheche: le mail qui envoi le spam n'est pas inscrit sur la ML ? [11:04] nizarus: Le mail que tu a fait le forward ne continet pas d'@ mail.. il cotnient que le nom de la personne.. [11:06] Ah ! j'ai pas fait attention [11:06] Aussi, j'ai pas eu un mail de la part de la ML avec ce sujet.. [11:06] voilà les sources https://bin.op.tn/?55fbe6cf8d23d080#NsKDHTq/RJ/vAefBbGq/actJf7luQQ0QZ7GvLYuui5I= [11:06] C'est pourquoi j'ai demander les sources, pour regarder comment tu as eu le mail hors-ML [11:08] OK, c'est pas notmal ça.. Je vais analyser plus les headers que tu partage avant de pouvoir dire qu'est ce quec'est passé.. [11:12] nizarus: l'@ mail est inscrit dans notre ML.. Mais je comprends, pourquoi tu as le mail, et je l'ai pas eu.. L'anti-spam de la ML bloque déjà 2 mail de la part de la même @, mais pas le mail que t'as eu [11:13] ok. [11:15] Selon les headers des sources, le mail a était bien transmis vers la ML.. mais je comprends pas comment tu l'as eu.. :/ Même dans mes spams j'ai pas ce mail.. Je regarde encore les sources [11:15] Sinon, t'as raison, je dois bloquer cette personne.. [11:17] C'est encore plus bizarre, le mail est dans le serveur d'archive.. [11:18] et j'ai aucune trace de ce mail sur mon inbox, spam ou trash.. :/ [11:29] c'est pas google qui filtre en plus ? [11:32] Google filtre, mais d'habitude, et logiquement, il envoi vers les spams.. Il supprime pas des emails avant même qu'ils tombent dans mon inbox ou spams :/ [12:02] Google est a éviter, ses filtres fond un carnage! [12:39] nizarus: nzoueidi davlefou https://www.xudongz.com/blog/2017/idn-phishing/ [12:42] xn--80ak6aa92e.com [12:42] http://xn--80ak6aa92e.com [12:46] Yep [13:19] Oh ! c'est grave ce truc ! [13:22] nizarus, problématique de l'anglais avec l'ASCII. [13:24] davlefou: Not only English! That's Latin! [13:24] Ascii 128 avant d'avoir l'étendu a 256. [13:25] http://صيادة.تونس/ [13:27] Cela dit quand on ipv6 a déjà 20 ans! [13:27] Cela dit quand on vois que ipv6 a déjà 20 ans! [14:49] o/ elacheche nizarus davlefou and others [14:51] I checked my local INBOX and spam folders, brini_med sent 2 mails and 1 reply in a thread. He is a teacher in Mahdia. 2 mails are totally spam :/ I don't know why [14:54] the question is, does it matter? [14:54] Just asking [14:58] praisethemoon Yes, we like to keep the ML healthy.. [14:58] nzoueidi: Did you got the email he sent yesterday? The one that nizarus replied to [14:59] nzoueidi: oui je confirme que je reçois beaucoup de mails de cette personne [14:59] nzoueidi: I did not got that one.. The 1st email I got was the one from nizarus [14:59] je pense que son mail est piraté [14:59] I'm not talking about that, but no problem [14:59] praisethemoon: What are you talking about then x) [15:00] who the guy is and what he does [15:02] Oh! That! Yes, that matters too :) Imagine if you were him! If one day you (somehow) disappear, and somehow, after years, you start spamming my inbox via personal emails and via the ML, I would've share the information about your identity and what was probably wrong with the future people whou'll be here at that future moment :) [15:03] Back, nope I didn't got his mail of yesterday [15:04] praisethemoon: I am not gathering any private infos! It is already shared in the ML! x) [15:04] That confirms that Gmail did something with that email, other than putting it in the Spams dir [15:06] elacheche: you should leave the G of GAFAM :p [15:06] Yep, elacheche you are not planning to switch the ML to a moderate one. I mean like what we do in the UBM ML.. [15:06] ou du moins l'utiliser de moins en moins :p [15:07] Le domaine elacheche.tn est libre pour l'instant ;-) [15:07] nizarus: No! It's a public ML, and we should keep it that way :) [15:08] elacheche: je ne parle pas de la ML mais de ton mail [15:08] nizarus: I was planning the migration for 6 months x) Still have time issues, I can't start a such project without having the good amount of free time to manage.. [15:45] nzoueidi, i didn't mean it that way [15:45] :( [15:48] so who is on mastodon ? [15:50] davlefou à déjà plusieurs comptes :p [15:50] nzoueidi: Linagora a déjà un compte https://framapiaf.org/@LINAGORA :p [15:54] nizarus, je suis... [15:54] praisethemoon: No problem :D [15:54] nizarus: then I need to create one too :D [16:06] :-)