
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.07:34
=== mh is now known as megubyte
m0nkey_daftykins: I had a response from Louis on reddit :) https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/65rnwk/apple_uses_spite_to_force_planned_obsolescence/dgcyflo/11:00
ali1234i mean he's right, it's a really boring video11:28
ali1234and i like watching electronics repair videos11:28
ali1234also he doesn't even do a good repair job lol11:33
diddledanhow do I report someone on launchpad for spamming?16:44
diddledanhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vsftpd/+bug/1160372 (see the last two comments)16:44
lubotu3Launchpad bug 1160372 in openSUSE "Login is not possible" [High,Fix released]16:44
penguin42diddledan: You can ask on #launchpad  and I think the other thing is to do an ask-a-question of the launchpad team16:45
thudkolHi. With many Ubuntu installations across many machines I've noticed that trying to change video driver to nvidia in Additional Drivers often fails with no error messages. It simply reverts to xorg driver with no comment. Any idea how I can find out why?17:24
thudkolHere's syslog, though again, no errors: https://paste.ubuntu.com/24402080/ are there other logs I could be looking in?17:31
daftykinsm0nkey_: XD17:52
daftykinsali1234: what's bad about it?18:33
ali1234instead of properly repairing the pad he just soldered a bit of wire under the chip18:34
daftykinsi suspect it's a time-result trade-off18:34
ali1234i mean sure it works but all the people saying "wow amazing job" in the comments have absolutely no idea what they are talking about18:34
ali1234doing it properly wouldn't take that much longer18:35
ali1234the only difference is you have to wait 12 hours for the epoxy to cure but its not like you have to sit and stare at it while that happens18:36
daftykinshmm, never seen a missing pad resolved18:36
ali1234search "lifted smd pad repair" on youtube, there's loads of videos18:36
daftykinsah well if he did that and the issue ended up being a dead PCH or CPU anyway, then that'd be a waste18:36
ali1234then you replace the chip too18:37
daftykinsneither are viable18:37
penguin42heck, never tried replacing a pad18:37
daftykinsi mean i watch his videos a lot and i'm totally new to it, but there must be a reason he does it the way he does...18:37
ali1234cos its cheap and easy18:37
ali1234this is how you do it properly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vx50YtEC2S818:38
ali1234there's nothing wrong with doing it the lazy way, i mean i've done it myself18:39
ali1234i wouldn't pay someone $350 to do that though18:39
daftykinsyeah, in other videos he explains that sure, if he weren't right in the centre of Manhattan the prices he charges wouldn't be so high18:42
daftykinsoften he knows that Apple ask customers for upwards of $700 for a full out motherboard swap too, so just undercuts it18:45
ali1234yep. but he's not doing a good job18:45
ali1234just a passable one18:45
ali1234sure, apple will give the customer a new board, but they won't just landfill the old one. it will get repaired and then given to some other customer18:46
ali1234they do that for efficiency, not in order to sell more motherboards18:46
zmoylan-pii see so many people going around with phones with cracked screens that i don't think people care about quality anymore18:46
daftykinsonly if it's a given age model - but yeah they ship them back to China for repair18:46
daftykinszmoylan-pi: i think they just don't care about their possessions ;) careless idiots18:47
ali1234they can swap the motherboard in minutes, and then take the ~48 hours needed to do the repair job properly18:47
daftykinsof course there's the angle that the premium devices are more prone to screen shatter when dropped too18:47
daftykinsali1234: Apple don't do that though :) that's the crime18:48
ali1234of course they do18:48
daftykinsnot in-house in the US, no18:48
ali1234no, they ship the board to china and ship the reconditioned ones back18:48
ali1234but customer won't want to wait for that18:48
daftykinsyip, with a customer getting a blank refurb18:49
daftykins"oh, you mean you don't pay us for iCloud services so all your data is stored with is and restorable?"18:49
zmoylan-piapple with their cash hoard could build a mini hyperloop to send sick phones to china for motherboard swap and have them back a few hours later... :-P18:51
ali1234all the way to china is mini?18:51
zmoylan-pinarrow gauge so won't transport humans so to speak...18:52
ali1234oh i see, just big enough for devices18:52
zmoylan-pithink futurama transport tubes...18:52
diddledana succubus: http://www.starshiptitanic.com/game/succubus.html18:52
ali1234or like the original pneumatic tube systems that inspired hyperloop18:53
zmoylan-pithere's still a few of those still around...18:53
zmoylan-pia lot of supermarkets now have them for cash deposits that seem to be a new use of them18:53
penguin42is it that new?18:55
zmoylan-piwell new supermarkets installing them after years of not using them so i'm thinking someone is flogging them new now18:55
zmoylan-pia quick search turns up a lot of competing systems..18:57
zmoylan-pion plus side unhappy customers who want to complain and set up companynamesucks.com domains to complain might not do as well as they hoped... :-P19:00
diddledanone of you probably have that already?19:01
* daftykins whistles19:02
loptaDid Ubuntu abandon i386?21:13
loptaI'm wondering whether I need to dig out my amd64 test rig.21:13
loptaThink I found the answer.21:14
daftykins32-bit got the chop at some point i think, not sure if it's past or future21:14
ali1234the archive is still built for i38621:21
ali1234you might need to use the alternate iso to install it though21:21
daftykinsthen you might still get PAE issues21:23
ali1234that's purely down to what kernel you decide to install21:23
ali1234ie it's easily fixed21:23
daftykinsif you're fighting to keep using 32-bit machines, it's time to reevaluate life :)21:25
ali1234unless you're on arm21:26
ali1234but that's a whole different can of worms21:26
* hamitron is currently struggling with 256MB ram on his server21:26
razian_Hello !21:29
zmoylan-pii'll have you know daftykins that i intend at some point to get an 8bit cpm machine up and going :-)21:30
daftykinshamitron: oof even my irssi only VM is up to 384MB now due to newer and newer releases :)21:31
hamitronI'm considering upgrading to 4GB21:31
razian_Hi, I have a problem with xubuntu setup, can anyone help me please ? :)21:31
ali1234i think you can install cp/m on an arduino21:31
daftykinsrazian_: ask away, with detail, on one line21:32
hamitronI got the memory sat on my desk now... just can't risk having downtime at this time of the week21:32
zmoylan-pithere seems to be 1-2 z80 based systems still been built for cpm enthusiasts/masochists...21:33
zmoylan-pii think the arduino is way over powered for cpm :-D21:33
loptaI miss CP/M.21:33
ali1234back when s1mp3 was popular we briefly entertained the idea of running cp/m on them21:33
ali12348 bit avr is pretty close to the original machines that ran cp/m actually21:34
zmoylan-pii remember we got a cp/m system in our office to transfer the data from it to our pc based crm accounts system.  it had better sound capabilities than pcs built 10+ years after it and played midi files21:34
zmoylan-pibut no serial port so we had to export the data via lpt -> rs232 using an interfaker... https://farm7.staticflickr.com/6069/6074303957_8d92001eb8_z.jpg21:35
loptazmoylan-pi: Couldn't do PLIP?21:36
zmoylan-pithe data was locked up in propietary software so options were parallel or nowt21:36
loptaAh, I understand.21:36
lopta"Pretend I'm a daisywheel printer..." ;-)21:37
zmoylan-pithat's the puppy :-)21:37
razian_When installing xubuntu, a message appears saying that grub2 can not be installed and that the installation will stop. I do not have any operating system (windows was crushed during installation), I just have a usb to install xuubuntu and am currently on the test session of xubuntu21:37
ali1234razian_: modern computer with uefi?21:37
zmoylan-piis secure boot on/off?21:38
ali1234uefi / secure boot requires a FAT partition to store boot files21:38
ali1234did you delete that, when you deleted windows?21:38
ali1234if so you will need to recreate it21:38
loptaDoes ubuntu-17.04-desktop-i386.iso only work from a CD or can I use dd to dump it onto a USB flash stick?21:38
lopta(and expect it to boot)?21:38
ali1234lopta: you can dd it to a flash disk21:38
ali1234it will boot21:39
razian_Hmm, yes I think21:39
ali1234all major distros support hybrid iso at this point21:39
ali1234even for uefi21:39
loptaali1234: I don't use Linux much.21:40
ali1234i think even windows can do it at this point :)21:40
loptaI don't use Windows much ;-)21:40
* zmoylan-pi hands out the pitchforks and torches to deal with the os/2 user :-P21:41
loptaCP/M > OS/2 ;-)21:42
loptaI have to go now.21:42
razian_ali1234 : Should I create a FAT partition to have a good installation?21:43
ali1234"my home planet needs me"21:43
ali1234razian_: i'm just looking up the documentation21:43
ali1234can you open a terminal and run "sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit"21:44
ali1234if it says pastebinit not found then "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install pastebinit"21:44
ali1234this will upload information abut your partitions (just the sizes and whatever) and give you a link21:45
ali1234paste the link here21:45
ali1234thats an interesting collection of disks21:45
ali1234which one did you install on?21:46
razian_On my SSD (sda), I want my /home on sdc and keep my sdb data21:48
ali1234i see. and indeed you don't have any uefi partition on sda21:51
ali1234if sdb has precious data on it, i would unplug it while trying to get this working21:51
ali1234just as a precaution21:52
razian_"precious"... just my windows games, if it will be delete it's not a real problem. my precious datas are in my external hard drive21:53
ali1234okay well that's up to you21:53
ali1234i'm reading the docs and i get the impression that the install should create the uefi partition if it doesn't exist21:54
ali1234however, maybe it doesn't depending on what install method you choose21:54
ali1234you can also do it manually21:54
razian_I use the manual install method, cause i want the /home on sdc21:55
daftykinsit does, but razian_ has booted in EFI mode and the installer is playing it safe with wiping the disks21:55
ali1234that could be why21:55
daftykinsone of the drives needs to have the first sectors zero'd then it'll intall.21:55
ali1234arch wiki has some docs on how to make the boot partition manually: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/EFI_System_Partition21:55
daftykinsnah manual would just be more work than it's worth21:55
ali1234yep that will probably work too delete the whole partition table, not just the partitions21:55
daftykinsrazian_: do any of those 3 disks have data you need to keep?21:56
razian_I'l prefer to keep sdb's datas, but it's not really important21:56
ali1234as i said, just unplug it... the installer doesn't need to know about data drives anyway. actually even separate /home is very easy to do post-install21:58
daftykins^ shutdown, unplug sdb and sdc and come back with just sda plugged in21:58
daftykinsi know you want home elsewhere but you can worry about that later21:58
razian_Okay nice21:58
razian_Thanks you ! :D21:59
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