
rick_hugh, love it when my wife offers to make coffee...hate it when she burns it each time13:12
rick_hrick thinks in case anyone is interested: https://twitter.com/mitechie/status/853952365455708161 :)13:13
shakes808rick_h: keurig?13:13
rick_hshakes808: oh hell no13:13
rick_hmoka pot13:13
shakes808rick_h: You're FANCY!  ;) haha13:15
rick_hshakes808: heh, just like coffee :)13:15
rick_hhave to put that fancy grinder to good use13:15
shakes808i guess so.   at a previous  job, we had something like this -> https://goo.gl/ZaGgYB13:17
shakes808our president LOVES coffee and his expressos.13:18
rick_hyea, not gotten into an expresso maker13:18
rick_hI fear the day I break that barrier13:18
rick_hbut do have a bi-weekly shipment of fresh beans from peet's coffee and the nice kitchenaid grinder and <3 moka pot brewing13:18
rick_hthough getting into pour over for the camper. Easier to do there.13:19
shakes808they are pretty good.  Was addicted to "red eyes" :) and since it was free, i drank them everyday :)13:19
rick_hlol nice13:19
mrgoodcatdon't hate i got my moka pot bc rick_h recommended it at chc13:22
cmaloneyI have yet to get th emoka pot13:23
rick_hlol, how do you like it mrgoodcat ?13:23
mrgoodcatI like it a lot13:23
cmaloneyBut I already have a grind and brew from Melita. ;)13:23
mrgoodcatI still tend to use the french press more often though13:23
rick_hyea, my wife finds the french press faster and easier to clean13:23
mrgoodcatbasically the way I feel13:23
mrgoodcatalso moka is more espresso-y13:24
rick_hsince I latte it up I like that about it13:24
mrgoodcatI tend to drink black coffee13:24
mrgoodcatwe also get cold brew delivered to work from chazanno so I drink a lot of that13:25
rick_hI've not gotten into the cold side yet.13:25
mrgoodcatits sweeter definitely13:25
shakes808+1 mrgoodcat on the black coffee. why ruin the great taste?!13:26
mrgoodcatI started drinking black because the cream and sugar isn't good for you13:26
mrgoodcatbut now I actually prefer it13:26
widoxno Aeropress users?13:29
* widox sips his freshly made cup13:30
* cmaloney doesn't mention https://decentespresso.com/13:31
rick_hwidox: I keep wanting to try it, but you have to buy into the whole system which has turned me off so far13:34
widoxcmaloney: I hope you have one of these for your espresso machine ;) https://decentespresso.com/dem_suitcase13:34
widoxrick_h: its only the ~$30 device13:34
cmaloneyIf I'm travelling anywhere I have to take my espresso machine. ;)13:35
rick_hlol https://decentespresso.com/dem_suitcase this is going to change my popularity at sprints!13:35
widoxand it comes with a ton filters, that will last forever (I use mine more then once)13:35
rick_hwidox: shouldn't you be getting coffee flights at some awesome hidden coffee shop in Detroit? :P13:37
mrgoodcatwidox: i used to aeropress13:37
mrgoodcatit was my first "craft" coffee experience13:37
brousch__Black coffee from French press ++13:38
brousch__It's actually easy to do cold in French press too. Put in the grounds, add cold water, leave it in the fridge overnight13:38
widoxrick_h: hah. well sometimes I like to stay home :D13:39
widoxfrench press is good. I'm usually just to lazy to clean it; aeropress is easier13:41
brousch__I rinse it and throw it in the dish washer13:42
rick_hok, it's manipulated and all but still kind of impressive/cool https://twitter.com/xwithmywoes/status/85342756760444518514:50
cmaloneyI can see why nobody wants to use jslint20:12
cmaloney"for (i = 0; i < tile_input.length; i++) {"20:13
cmaloney"Expected '+= 1' and instead saw '++'."20:13
cmaloneyUm, OK20:13
ZimdaleThere's usually settings20:13
jrwreneslint > jslint20:14
ZimdaleI hear jshint is decent too20:15
cmaloneyjshint didn't return anything20:15
cmaloneyso I knew it was full of shit.20:15
cmaloneyI'm using it as a bit of a tutor (much like C linting) and it's making me more confused than anything20:17
cmaloneypartially because Crockford is a little opinionated on the for loop.20:17
mrgoodcatcmaloney: I think they disallow the increment operator because when people use it inline with other arithmetic operators it is confusing to some programmers20:21
mrgoodcatand even when it isn't confusing it unnecessarily increases cognitive load20:21
mrgoodcatlike when you see lines like `x = i++ + --j * k--`20:22
mrgoodcatand you're like why would you do that :facepalm:20:22
mrgoodcatbasically disallow anything that allows people to be stupid because if they are allowed then they will in fact be stupid20:22
cmaloneymrgoodcat: Right, I've seen the C code where the puzzle is to figure out ++c + c--20:23
cmaloneyAnd yeah, don't be stupid. ;)20:24
mrgoodcati think the lesson is that people will use the tools you give them20:25
mrgoodcateven if that means using a bandsaw instead of scissors because bandsaws are cool20:26
mrgoodcatpeople use the inc/dec operators purely to make the line shorter, rather than as index/counter or other things that make sense20:27
mrgoodcatalso why would you not just tile_input.map(fn) instead?20:28
ZimdaleUsually people use foreaches too.20:28
cmaloneyZimdale: Yeah20:33

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