
flocculantso this is odd - zesty vm - add gtk3 ppa and it doesn't reach desktop \o/08:56
stevehopecould anyone give me the link to report an issue with 17.04, re software store, not installing google chrome, workaround, install GDebi Package installer, or manually added key and ppa, from mentions on  askubuntu this is having a wide impact15:42
stevehope* downloading Linux 64 .deb file from google15:45
stevehope* seems to be impacting all 17.04 releases15:48
flocculantstevehope: known issue bug 167242415:48
ubottubug 1672424 in gnome-software (Ubuntu Zesty) "Cannot install Debian files outside of the repositories" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/167242415:48
stevehopeok thanks :) I've been out of the loop a few days15:49
stevehopesuggests the addition of one non ubuntu deb install, to ISO testcases 15:59
stevehope*Live ISO16:00
stevehopeor would that be more appropriate to test it at package level?16:03
flocculantpackage level imo16:07
flocculantand luckily because it's that gnome thing - nothing to do with us - we just seed it16:07
flocculantI guess something that should get autotested16:08
flocculantespecially given the numbers available for testing, we've got some - ubuntu has all the infrastructure and as many people as get told to test things :)16:10
stevehopeI'm a don't let errors pass silently, unless deliberately suppressed, person, which tends to make unpopular with the upstream lol16:15
flocculantluckily upstream in this case is nothing to do with us :)16:16
flocculantthe first thing to think is, am I really likely to be the first person to see this? if not likely - check on launchpad :)16:17
flocculantor in my case - check a different install of xx.xx ... usually broken something 16:18
stevehopei was still thinking on how to approach it, as chrome specific, or if it was a borader problem with all external deb handling16:19
flocculantpretty sure this is an old issue16:19
flocculantI don't use the software 16:19
stevehopewas not present in pre ISO, i just installed 17.04 on my main computer in clean install (thve the pre 17.04 Xubuntu did not have this issue16:21
stevehopeat least least I did not encounter it a few weeks ago installing  Xubuntu daily, and downloading the .deb from google, it changed in a respin16:23
stevehopemy Canadian super-power, is I can get American Netfix, firefox - netfilx drm do not like each other16:26
flocculantyea I think some gnome thing got uploaded16:41
flocculantwasn't taking a whole lot of notice though16:44
flocculantbbl maybe16:45

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