[00:01] <^k^> 新 Ubuntu 14.04 LTS • 进入系统后,所有功能都没了怎么回事? http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=483548 本来开机启动系统后 需要输入密码登陆自己的用户系统 现在开机后直接进入系统 如图所示 启动/关机 左边的功能框都没了 连终端都打不开了 什么都干不了 怎么回事啊 很久前一直 [00:01] <^k^> ─> 就有系统错误提示,我都没管 这次开机直接就。。。这样 郁闷了 统计信息: 发表于 由 … [00:08] 早!Ubuntu中国社区有离线活动吗? === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk [01:08] <^k^> 逛了一下论坛,暂时无新贴. === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun [01:20] 没有Offline活动吗?(例如:研讨会) [01:26] youngbin: 有时候有,多留意官方或社区通知 === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun [01:41] pity 通过论坛的新闻和通知可以找到吗? === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk [01:48] youngbin: 应该有吧,挺长时间没上了 === Administrator is now known as Guest74595 [01:50] pity: 好,谢谢。 [01:52] youngbin: :) [01:55] youngbin: 以前有, 最近都没了. === iMadper is now known as Madper|SaltedFis === Madper|SaltedFis is now known as SlatedFishMadper [02:30] 请问 图形化界面各种出错 命令行是透明的 中文提示没有 设置界面都是黑的怎么版 [02:31] 我就安装了几个依赖但是忘记名字了 有没有可能是什么qt的问题 我使用的是 ubuntu gnome === Guest74595 is now known as zhxt__ === Administrator is now known as Guest69988 [04:10] SlatedFishMadper: 大佬改名了 [04:48] <^k^> 取新帖 timeout [04:51] <^k^> 新 启动和引导 • 如何在已有16.04的情况下安装14.04不覆盖引导 http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=483549 如题 uefi下 统计信息: 发表于 由 fishtorres — 2017-04-18 12:43 [04:56] <^k^> 新 屏幕抓图 • 无聊,发个xfce桌面 http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=483550 任务栏半透明,就是没有显示电源时间的插件 统计信息: 发表于 由 handyw — 2017-04-18 12:54 [04:59] IsoaSFlus: . [05:17] <^k^> 新 Ubuntu GNOME • 一个扩展引发的血案 http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=483551 装完ubuntu-gnome17.04,感觉还不错,再把常用软件都装上了,结果问题来了 为保护屏幕,开启了空闲时blank屏幕,但一到时间gnome-shell就重启,导致无法熄灭屏幕 syslog日志如下: Apr 18 11:13:25 kernel: [ 622.052356 [05:17] <^k^> ─> ] do_general_protection: 78 callbacks suppressed Apr 18 11:13:25 kernel: [ 622.052358] traps: gnome-shell[1567] gener … [08:07] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: http://xiaohua.zol.com.cn/detail1/31673.html 有本事考试也让我一个人过 : 情人节让我一个人过,中秋节让我一个人过,国庆节让我一个人过,光棍节让我一个人过,有本事考试也让我一个人过。 [08:47] <^k^> 新 办公、图像、机械电子设计等 • Master PDF Editor for ubuntu(4.1.30) http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=483552 严正声明:根据《计算机软件保护条例》第十七条规定“为了学习和研究软件内含的设计思想和原理,通过安装、显示、传输或者存储软件等方式使用软件的,可以不经软件 === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun === vipzrx1 is now known as vipzrx === Guest69988 is now known as zhxt__ [10:09] <^k^> 新 字体美化和中文支持 • fcitx 无法在kate,libreoffice,konsole中输入中文 http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=483554 之前,就时前几天,在libreoffice中时可以输入中文的,现在不知道为什么不行了,安装了sogou之后还是不行, ctrl+space后,输入法图标没有变化,但是实际上已经切换过来 [10:09] <^k^> ─> 了(右击查看的) 有人说在主目录下新建.xprofile 输入 export GTK_IM_MODULE=fcitx export QT_IM_MODU … [10:22] 嗨 [10:22] 各位晚上好 [10:31] ciao [10:35] 从 Gentoo, Slackware 蹦过来惹,初步印象 Ubuntu用户问的问题好实用😄 [10:35] <^k^> psychi[m] say: 从 Gentoo, Slackware 蹦过来惹,初步印象 Ubuntu用户问的问题好实用😄 in GB2312 ? We use UTF-8 ! [10:36] ??? [10:36] How do u know what encoding i use? [10:37] i do USE en_US.UTF-8 [10:47] ? [12:15] <^k^> 取新帖 timeout [12:18] <^k^> 新 Debian发行版 • 如何临时禁止内核cached某文件或设备? http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=483555 如何临时禁止内核cached某文件或设备? 某些特殊情况下某些设备会临时出现缓存不可能命中的情况 这种情况依然缓存感觉就浪费缓存空间了,有无方法临时禁止内核缓存特定文件或设备? [12:18] <^k^> ─> 统计信息: 发表于 由 科学之子 — 2017-04-18 20:18 === zhxt_ is now known as zhxt [14:11] are there channels that wont talk about techniques? [14:11] 这是中文群 [14:11] 看到了英语用户 [14:11] 神了 [14:11] sorry,cant type chinse [14:11] on my android termux [14:12] where are you from? [14:12] from china [14:12] are you from english-speaking countries? [14:12] of course [14:12] yes it is. but there is all chinese. so maybe #ubuntu is good for you. [14:13] 人家只是打不了中文 [14:13] why did you using English here [14:13] ... [14:13] perr clever [14:14] wo da bu liao zhong wen [14:14] 来来来,打个拼音惊死 Ilc [14:14] kanbpin yin,ni bu geng nan shou me? [14:14] yuanlai shi zheyang. [14:14] :) [14:15] 我在电脑上也用irssi [14:15] are there android app for irc chat? [14:15] 不过好像没有打不出来的情况 [14:15] 你去英文群看看 [14:15] using my android phone [14:16] english maybe better,also could learn some enlgish [14:17] 中式英语进英文群可能会被打脸 [14:17] 我有一次进英语群,我英语半吊子 [14:17] I donot think so [14:17] 人家说我是不是10岁以下小孩 [14:17] 用手机登irc也是蛮奇怪的 [14:17] 怎么语言学成这样 [14:17] language just for communication [14:18] 我也是手机上用irc [14:18] 我用的irc图形客户端 [14:18] 你的电量够? [14:18] using irssi in termux [14:18] 39% power left [14:18] 我是水果机 [14:19] 6666 [14:19] no money to contribute to apple [14:20] just Meizu phone [14:20] 我是几年前的 [14:20] have money on HuaWei?? [14:20] Im proud to use Meizu :) [14:21] no money for Huawei,too :) [14:21] 发图我看不到 [14:21] 需要用到proud 吗? [14:21] 这是真爱哪。 [14:22] meizu is for poor people like me [14:22] 这里的人都是纯粹的linux用户么 [14:22] I use gentoo [14:22] I use arch [14:22] 我的dota2还在windows上呢。 [14:23] gentoo需要电脑配置高 [14:23] 我的电脑配置低 [14:23] f**k windows,and still cannot leave windows... [14:23] 编译速度比较慢 [14:23] thinkpad x260 [14:23] 工具而已,不必太认真。 [14:24] 我的cpu主频只有1.5GHz [14:24] ^ correct [14:25] 还是这个群显示昵称好一点 [14:25] 我发现其他频道 [14:25] 显示昵称都是 [14:25] ?? [14:25] 你好慢。 [14:25] 昵称 [昵称] [14:26] 或者是昵称<昵称> [14:26] 不知道是什麼情況 [14:26] are there other chinese chsnnels? [14:26] 他们可能不是用的irc,是跟别的群联通了。 [14:26] except this onr [14:26] 有啊 [14:26] ^one [14:27] 各大linux發行版中文群 [14:27] 還有linuxba [14:27] 維基中文 [14:27] 8-) [14:27] I mean,not about techniques [14:27] just free chatting [14:27] 那好像沒有 [14:28] 有也是英語群 [14:28] ok [14:28] 用irc的外國人比較多 [14:29] yes,seldom chinese [14:29] chinese sre [14:29] chinese are in QQ :) [14:29] 我同時用qq,telegram和irc [14:30] i'll try telegroup [14:30] telegram [14:30] tg沒有搜索功能 [14:30] 比較麻煩 [14:30] 而且還要爬梯子 [14:30] ... [14:31] fine,irc is enough [14:31] tg不能根據關鍵字搜索群 [14:31] that means tg is useless for me [14:32] >:o [14:32] tg现在还有人发黄色图片吗?? [14:32] I just hate tencent [14:33] under the supervision of government [14:33] 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 [14:33] and it could use in linux [14:33] 8-) [14:34] and in QQ qun,just nonsense bullshit [14:34] 你應該進英語ubuntu群 === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk [14:34] 這樣你就可以一直發英語了 [14:34] =-O [14:34] you cannot understand my english? [14:35] :-* [14:35] 中文群發英語 [14:35] 不太協調 [14:35] i'd like to use chinese [14:35] 我最怕在一個群 [14:35] if u can help me on my android phone [14:35] 同時看到兩種語言 [14:35] 或者兩種以上語言 [14:36] 那么为啥你用繁体 [14:36] since u r in linux world,english is inevitible [14:36] 因為我也混台灣群 [14:36] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 搞笑短信一句话小幽默 : 此处不留爷,自有留爷处,处处不留爷,爷干个体户。 [14:37] ye kai xiao mai bu [14:37] wu lin wai zhuan :) [14:37] 用英语还好了,只要他不用拼音就行了。 [14:38] ^bingo [14:38] english is easy than pinyin [14:38] 我在隔壁群就看到清一色英語 [14:39] I once communicst with a chinese gentoo developer [14:40] in pure english [14:40] sounds weired [14:40] a guru,graduated from tsinghua university [14:41] hello... [14:42] anybody? [14:42] ♥ [14:43] ◀♠♥♣♦•❖✓✝✡✨✥✳✴❄❁✷✶❤❣❥❒❌❎❇◉❒◢❦❥❣❑❑ [14:44] …… [14:44] ⊄⊅⊆⊇∪∩κββγεληκθκομπμςτρττομΨΧΞΦΟΟΗΟχΞωΨΥΞΞ⑻⑷⑻↖↓↩↪↝↢↛↘↚↘↠↞↗↞↗↡↝↽↹↽↹⇆↷↲↷⇅↹↽↺↽⇆↹↳⇙⇕⇙⇙⇔⇏⇔⇙⇘⇓ [14:44] Is there any relationship between mac os and linux?I use my roommate's macbook air just now and I found in apple's terminal, linux command such as ls mkdir or rm also take effect [14:44] all are *nix [14:45] all originate from unix [14:45] but the command did not work on windows [14:46] windows is not from unix [14:47] macos from BSD,all BSDs from unix,linux is a morgh of unix [14:47] windows,play with itself :) [14:48] I think Android, IOS, linux, mac os ,the file structure of these operating systems are similar [14:49] android is similar with linux [14:49] ios macos,I've no idea [14:49] poor to get a machine made by JOBS [14:50] windows is quite different from them, but there are similarities between windows and DOS [14:50] <^k^> 新 Ubuntu 14.04 LTS • 在非图形界面升级到16LTS,遭遇gtk warning: cannot open display http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=483557 系统不知原因的突然崩溃 viewtopic.php?f=180&t=483548 我想干脆升级算了 所以ctrl+alt+F2 进入tty2 终端 然后更新源 sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade sudo reboot sudo update-mana [14:50] <^k^> ─> ger -d 可是出现如图所示错误 我觉得是不是因为需要图形界面才能继续啊 有没有不需要图 … [14:51] u can install a desktop environment [14:52] are there people using ubuntu without DE? [14:53] can server be counted as ? [14:53] no idea,I don't use ubuntu in server [14:54] and I just have one server :) [14:55] just us now /say Ilc [14:55] other people maybe go to bed,or watch some japan movies now :) [14:55] the server has no GUI in general [14:56] I don't konw much about server [14:56] I am female,I have no interested in some especial Japan movies [14:57] ... [14:57] I believe u r kidding me :) [14:58] if u r female,me too [14:58] ✨ [14:59] no [15:00] I am really a female,not male [15:00] fine,go to sleep early,young girl,or u will be getting old fast :) [15:02] it's funny to chat here,with freedom [15:02] just useless words release bad feelings [15:03] I built a linux group on qq,only allowed to talk about technology, not allowed to chat other topic,once I see someone talk about other topic,the first time warning, second direct kicked out. made it a pure technology group, finally the most people went away [15:04] qq is not for techniques [15:04] just for free chat [15:05] people like chat,not about tech [15:05] i like chat,not about tech :) [15:07] Finally left,the beginner, day and night to ask questions, and the experienced,help solve the problem [15:08] in qq group,people like to ask [15:08] only this two kind of member remain in my group [15:08] seldom to answer [15:09] because I have serious rules in limiting topic [15:09] I dislike qq group,and never join a qq group again [15:09] except for work [15:10] most are useless or boring [15:10] irc is good mechanism for chat [15:11] with many foreigners [15:11] and things seems better than qq group [15:11] and it could be uses in our country [15:12] thank government :) [15:13] anybody...... [15:13] come and join us in slack, ubuntu-cn.slack.com [15:13] what is slack? [15:13] ttuurree: define:slack not defined. [15:13] I dislike the chatting randomly [15:15] in any group composed by strangers [15:15] it's always random in chat [15:16] could not be organise in an order [15:16] If most of members in a group or a channel often talk about the topic not related to tech,I would leave immediately [15:16] ... [15:17] girls donnot like tech [15:18] I would rather go into a group of people who are all talking about technology, but I can not understand, nor into a random chat group [15:18] seemingly beautiful is better choice for girld [15:20] random chat ,u mean free chat? [15:21] have to have a sleep [15:21] to late [15:21] too late [15:21] 23:21 [15:21] To some extent, the two are equivalent [15:21] good night [15:22] if u r a girl,make urself beautiful is better choice than ability in techs [15:23] I do not think so [15:23] I am a les [15:23] or ,you will be regret for what u have done [15:23] believe me [15:23] I dislike the female [15:23] also dislike male [15:23] fine [15:24] that's another problem,especially in china [15:24] I am not to tend to marry [15:24] i can understand u [15:25] I would live alone in my whole life [15:25] and wish u could get rid of the pressure from all aro7nd [15:25] around [15:26] holly shit [15:26] [pity, ubuntu-cn] @zhengpenghou . [15:26] 这群竟然还有这么多人 [15:26] i'm here [15:26] [pity, ubuntu-cn] 都是挂线高手 [15:26] fuck u abc [15:26] [Zhengpeng Hou, ubuntu-cn] 这个群关键还有人说话 [15:26] wo cao [15:27] [Zhengpeng Hou, ubuntu-cn] abc是谁啊 [15:27] da bu liao pinyin [15:27] 最烦在中文群飙英文的 [15:27] qing wenming yong yu,hao me [15:27] then shut the fuck off [15:27] please [15:28] wo da bu liao zhong wen [15:28] xie xie [15:28] suan le [15:28] wo yao shui jiao le [15:29] and please talk politely [15:29] it's rude,specially when u talk here [15:29] see u all [15:30] ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♦♣✔✔✘✔♣✝✝✙✦✚✓✔✚✝✙✜✜✓✘✔✜✙✔♣✔✧✙✝✝✙✔✚✝✝✣✝♧△▽▼△▼△▽●▼◇▷◇◇△⬜▶ [15:30] :) [15:30] quiy [15:38] 请问,加入ubuntu-cn Slack 需要个人的邀请码?如何加入? [15:38] youngbin: email [15:40] >:o [15:43] freeflying: 需要要求Slack用户送个Email邀请的吗? [15:47] [pity, ubuntu-cn] https://now-examples-slackin-viqifnlnzn.now.sh/ 在这个临时地址填写邮件可以接收邀请邮件 [15:47] ⇪ f: Join ubuntu-cn on Slack! [15:47] 谢谢你们! === maclin1 is now known as maclin [21:33] [tenzu, ubuntu-cn] 于是在这里也算挂上irc了? [21:36] [tenzu, ubuntu-cn] 似乎不能identify [22:06] [Zhengpeng Hou, ubuntu-cn] 叫兽真早啊 [22:06] [tenzu, ubuntu-cn] 你也差不多 [22:07] [tenzu, ubuntu-cn] 其实我刚过5点就被黄子踹醒了 [23:30] morning === ttrruu is now known as troysung === TeaNT1 is now known as TeaNT-lap