
cmaloneyWell, I figured out one of the issues and frustrations I was having with jslint / jshint00:45
cmaloneyApparently the jshint plugin for vim ships with a very outdated jshint version00:45
cmaloneyworse, there were several copies of that jshint version installed in the .vim directory00:46
brousch__cmaloney: Are you going to PyOhio this year?13:58
cmaloneybrousch__: Planning on it13:59
cmaloneySubmitted a proposal for a talk13:59
brousch__I haven't decided, but leaning towards yes14:00
cmaloneyDepends on who all is going14:01
cmaloneyBut yeah, planning on driving down14:01
brousch__I have a GRPUG friend who moved to Tha D. He might be interested in carpooling from there.14:03
cmaloneyWhereabouts in the D?14:05
rick_hcmaloney: heh if the wife's van ever comes in we can get a party bus going!14:08
brousch__Downtown D, near Grand Circus I think14:23
cmaloneyrick_h: Are you planning on driving down as well?14:30
rick_hcmaloney: I think so. Erica has the time off and I submitted a couple of talks14:30
cmaloneyOh cool!14:30
rick_hYea, hopefully one of them gets accepted and will be fun stuff14:30
brousch__Wait, rick_h still does Python?14:47
rick_hbrousch__: sometimes :P14:47
rick_hbrousch__: the question is more "Rick still does programming?"14:47
rick_hbrousch__: but I have a couple of things to chat on14:47
brousch__I haven't done much programming since 2015. At my current job it's mostly config management: a bunch of Jinja!14:49
cmaloneysounds like a talk to me14:50
brousch__I gave it last night :P14:50
rick_h"templating for the mega power user!"14:50
cmaloney"Ginger Ginsing Ninja Jinja"14:51
cmaloneyYou'll have to play with it some more, but there you go14:51
jrwrenat least it isn't Cheetah.14:51
* rick_h gets the shakes at the thought14:52
* jrwren grumbles something about juju14:52
jrwrenCheetah is an obsolete & abandoned python templating system.14:52
rick_hcmaloney: cheetah was an xml based python template system14:52
cmaloneyOh. Glad I missed that.14:52
rick_hand I HATED trying to do everything in this xml crazy syntax world...guess it's like react :P14:52
* cmaloney got in when it was "Mako vs. Jinja".14:52
rick_hI hated my encouters with it14:52
rick_hyea, mako ftw14:53
jrwrenrick_h: you've seen charm utils, right? :p14:53
rick_hjrwren: is it cheetah?14:53
jrwrenrick_h: yes.14:53
jrwrenrick_h: there is a reason it doesn't run in python314:53
* rick_h adds a new todo list item...get rid of that14:53
cmaloneyAre you fucking kidding me?14:53
jrwrenrick_h: wtf indeed.14:53
cmaloneyThe last release was in 1201014:54
jrwrencmaloney: welcome to juju14:54
cmaloneyI'm not much for the cult of the new, but the cult of the moribund and necrotizing isn't great either.14:55
jrwrencmaloney: in its defense, said library is at least 3 yrs old.14:58
cmaloneyI guess there's something to be said for not having Cheetah change on you15:00
cmaloneybut still, XML templating?15:00
cmaloneyI'd want to shoot myself.15:00
cmaloney.rst is bad enough with its pickiness. I'd hate to add XML pickiness on top of it.15:01
* cmaloney finally canceled his Ars Technica subscription15:02
cmaloneywas subscribed to the full news feed, but realized most of what's there is phone sales, equipment plugs, car plugs, and Expanse spoilers.15:02
jrwrenit is telling that their "tech" link at top of page links to /gadgets15:04
jrwrenas if they are the same15:05
cmaloneyWorse, i would put the good articles in my "read and review" folder, and then never read them15:06
rick_hyea, haven't watched ars for much lately15:06
cmaloneyso figured what's the point of paying for it if I'm not using it15:06
cmaloneysadly the only place I have for tech news is Reddit15:06
cmaloneywhich is about one step up from Hacker News15:07
greg-g /.!15:08
cmaloneycraigmaloney writes: "As a concerned Linux and FLOSS person who was previously employed by Geeknet I find that Slashdot's articles tend to have a rambling quality to them based ont eh community of people who make them"15:09
cmaloneythat and the ouster of cmdrtaco / hemos left a bitter taste in my mouth15:10
cmaloneynot that they haven't done well for themselves (and likely should have left a while ago)15:10
* greg-g nods15:10
cmaloneyI know, new management15:10
greg-gcmaloney: did you ever know Wes Moran?15:10
brousch__I still subscribe to some of /.15:11
cmaloneyYeah, he was the designer for SF.net and Slashdot15:11
cmaloneygood person, and one of the better designers I've worked with15:11
cmaloney(which isn't saying much because I rarely worked with designers)15:11
cmaloneybut he set a pretty high bar15:11
greg-gcmaloney: he was my boss at WMF for the past year or so (we didn't have a CTO, so he being VP of Product took on the responsibilities while we hired)15:11
cmaloneyOh cool15:12
greg-gyeah, I like him a lot, he left WMF a bit ago (2 months or so)15:12
cmaloneyAh, neat. Hopefully to something more awesome15:12
jrwrenis that Wes from down in Tecumseh?15:13
brousch__What could be more awesome than WMF?15:13
jrwrenoh, nope.15:14
jrwrentoo many people named Wes :)15:14
greg-gyeah, his plan was to actually honestly take a break for a bit, not sure how long15:16
cmaloneyI can imagine WMF VP of Product would burn one out pretty quickly15:17
greg-gespecially doing what he was doing: also having all of Tech report to him (just in managerial reasons, not wrt actual work, we're pretty self-governing, badly-ish ;) )15:18
greg-ghe worked hard, too, and was a remotie from NH15:19
greg-gI loved that part for my own personal reasons, made it way easier for me to stop commuting the 2 hours each way twice/week :)15:19
greg-g(that and baby #2)15:19
cmaloneyYeah, no doubt15:22
jrwrenhow old are the kids now, greg-g ?15:41
brousch__That's one heck of a commute15:43
brousch__Like me commuting to Ann Arbor from GR15:44
jrwren'cept that is 120mi. greg-g would be going 20miles. :p15:44
cmaloneyyeah, California has a transit problem15:45
greg-gespecially northbay, going over the GGB is a huge bottle neck, and the only other option is the ferry which is $$$15:46
greg-gbut yeah, 40 miles :P (it's like commuting from SF to Mountain View, but without the option of taking CalTrain)15:46
greg-gjrwren: Rowan is 5 and Terran turned 1 on Sunday(!!!!)15:46
jrwrenHAPPY BIRTHDAY!15:47
jrwrenI knew it was about now. He shares birthday with my Dad who would have been 70.15:47
jrwrenAnd my girl turned 10 yesterday.15:47
greg-git's hard for me because 4 days before Terran was born the pregnant wife of one of my team members died suddenly and the child didn't make it. And I like/would consider myself friends with him. So yeah, it's effing tough. He had to take last week off because of obvious reasons.15:49
cmaloneyYeah, that's one hell of an anniversary. :(15:50
jrwrenIt hurts. I can't imagine that amount of loss.15:50
greg-ghe's in a group that calls themselves the Shitty Widowers Club15:50
jrwrenha! It is great that he found a group.15:51
greg-gthe humor they share is pretty dark :)15:51
cmaloneyI can imagine15:52
gamerchick02trying out budgie. anyone in here give it a whirl?22:04
rick_hNot here22:10
cmaloneynot i22:10
gamerchick02was just wondering if anyone had an opinion22:14
gamerchick02it looks slick22:14
brousch__All of my encounters with budgies involve a stick covered in bird seed and poop on my hat22:19
cmaloneyas one does22:20
gamerchick02i got an operating system not found error on reboot22:28
gamerchick02i'll mess with it another night22:28

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