
nsnzeromorning all06:19
superflymorning nsnzero. got my internet working at my new house, wanna cry, I mean, see?06:30
nsnzerowelcome back superfly - lol06:31
superflynsnzero: http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/a/279838371106:31
nsnzeroi dont even get 1mbs 06:33
superflyI got a 300Mbps down, 30Mbps up connection.06:34
nsnzeroi am so jealous06:35
superflyI'll be working from home, so I need to make sure that I can always do what I need to (which includes video conferencing).06:38
MaNIonly 30Mbps up, not that impressive, shitty american internet :p06:40
andrewlsdMornings Ubuntu-ZA06:54
nsnzero300mbs is faster than my lan06:55
* andrewlsd lurks again06:56
MaNIbut 10 is not :p06:59
theblazehenHi all07:18
nsnzeromorning theblazehen 07:22
theblazehenhi nsnzero07:22
nsnzeroone question : why when i use vboxmanage in tmux the virtual machine closes when the terminal after detaching tmux from it 07:30
theblazehennsnzero: Does a vm console pop up, or is it headless?07:36
nsnzerotheblazehen: headless - it starts fine - runs fine - but closes as soon as i end the ssh session - it runs in tmux 07:38
theblazehennsnzero: Any reason for virtualbox over kvm?07:38
theblazehenRunning a relatively recent distro?07:39
theblazehenDoes your tmux stay alive?07:39
nsnzerono reason - it was the first vm i tried out07:39
theblazehen(Thinking about https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=825394)07:40
nsnzerorunning 16.04 07:40
nsnzerotmux staying alive - good question - let me check07:40
theblazehenIf you're running on linux, I'd go with kvm (or Xen, if you like. But kvm is more popular)07:40
theblazehenjSimple too07:40
theblazehenJust `sudo tasksel`, select Virtual Machine Host and install `virt-manager`07:41
nsnzeronice - theblazehen 07:43
andrewlsd+1 for virt-manager07:52
andrewlsdvirtualbox is nice for running Windows in a VM, with shared folders etc. but if you need to run  other VMs and/or have them start at boot time or even primarily run them headless,  then KVM via virt-manager FTW.07:53
MaNIOnly annoying thing with kvm is networking, theres no nice solution to bridge AND be able to access host IP 07:55
andrewlsd^ hmm yip. I tend to run two bridges.07:55
andrewlsdor use laptop wifi for internet and laptop eth for bridge of vms.07:55
andrewlsd(when they need internet access)07:56
MaNII have some gross script that adds a macvlan interface onto the hypervisor with the same IP as main network card :(07:59
MaNIhttps://pastebin.com/N8xQ2GRk < I don't like it though and I worry that at times it might be the cause of weird network issues08:00
nsnzerovirtual box is good for us beginners 08:00
MaNII really wish there was just an official way to do this08:01
MaNIotherwise really happy with kvm though :p08:01
theblazehenMaNI: A normal bridge Just Works for me?08:01
* nsnzero is slowly becoming a hard core linux user08:02
theblazehennsnzero: Easier to `tasksel` and `apt install virt-manager` than virtualbox :) 08:02
theblazehenIt's okay on windows though08:03
MaNItheblazehen, with 2 network cards you mean? It's easy enough to get it working on a machine with two cards but this machine only has one08:03
MaNIor you mean you are using bridging instead of e.g. macvtap? IIRC that doesn't scale well if you are running multiple VMs it's fine for 1 VM08:04
theblazehenMaNI: Nope, just one. Just a normal bridge, with your IP on the bridge not directly on the nic08:04
theblazehen> or you mean you are using bridging instead of e.g. macvtap? IIRC that doesn't scale well if you are running multiple VMs it's fine for 1 VMyeah, that08:04
nsnzerovirtual box doesnt auto mount usb disks - which is irritating 08:04
theblazehenWell, works great with plenty of containers08:04
MaNII'll probably just shove another network card in here at some point and be done with it08:05
theblazehenMaNI: Or are you talking say 100+ VMs on a host, with decent hardware?08:06
MaNII tend to have 5 VMs running on my dev box at any given time08:06
* theblazehen didn't have issues with around 6 VMs and 40 containers on old desktop-running-as-server08:07
MaNII don't recall bridging working for me in this scenario, but I may remember wrong, or something may have changed - I mean it's been a few years since I looked I've just been using the same solution since I first set it up (which is the script)08:08
theblazehenWas only getting around 7 gbit/s between containers, but that was more an issue of mtu / cpu / ram speed I think08:08
theblazehenYeah, I've only been running that many VMs + containers for like a year or so08:08
MaNIor it may have even been some hardware (or kernel) specific gotcha - can try it again when I get a break I guess08:09
MaNIthough maybe I should anyway just shove in an extra card - it's only like R100 or whatever for another network card and that solves everything08:09
nsnzerocan i import vbox images into kvm ?08:10
MaNIyou can import vbox harddrives, you'll have to reconfigure the hardware part of the machine08:11
theblazehennsnzero: Yeah, check `qemu-img`08:11
nsnzeromani theblazehen thanks 08:11
theblazehenMaNI, eh. On new server just getting 11 gbit/s between containers. dunno how exactly it's done between them, but it may be slowed down a bit due to NUMA stuff?08:13
MaNINo idea, I'm not a hardware/networking guy :p 08:23
theblazehenEither way, IMO if you're doing more than 10 gbit/s between VMs then it's either storage, in which case, pass through an iSCSI LUN as a direct block device, then it's just guest running storage <-> host, not storage guest<->host<->guest, or you'll likely be CPU bound anyway (I'm guessing) if you're passing that much application data. Or memory speed bound08:27
theblazehenOr different NUMA zones like this case I guess, could slow you down08:28
theblazehenRight. That's a valid use case if you have multiple CPUs08:28
theblazehenAlthough in that case if application isn't NUMA aware, which it should be if you run multiple instances and not just for replication, you can use shared memory between containers afaik, may be faster than overhead of TCP/IP08:30
theblazehenNot a huge improvement, but container -> guest network gets 12.6 gbit/s over TCP/IP08:31
theblazehenJust running a http://ark.intel.com/products/64590/Intel-Xeon-Processor-E5-2650-20M-Cache-2_00-GHz-8_00-GTs-Intel-QPI though08:32
theblazehenmaxing out a single cpu core08:32
theblazehenFor comparison, direct to localhost is just 30.6 gbit/s08:34
MaNIhehe, my needs are quite a bit more modest than anything like that, I just need dev VMs that can access the rest of the network at reasonable speeds while being able to also ping the hypervisor and not have to be on a different subnet :)08:34
* theblazehen still thinks if your application traffic needs more than 10 gbit/s you should probably use more physical hardware08:35
theblazehenHeh, yeah :p I like taking things too far though08:35
theblazehenHave you _seen_ my hardware specs? lol08:35
MaNIyeah I can only dream of hardware like that08:36
MaNIwhich reminds me, I should upgrade soon now that theres finally some consumer CPU competition again08:37
theblazehenhttps://linx.li/lawf60tu.txt (I normally use around 64 GiB more RAM, so it's not all wasted)08:37
theblazehenAlthough an i7-4790k still ends up a bit faster than my Xeon though. At least I have 2 of them08:37
theblazehenAnd an i7-4790k can't address 384 GiB RAM :p08:37
theblazehenIf that nigerian prince gets back to me soon I'll be upgrading to full flash storage though08:38
theblazehen... Would anyone be interested in a south african FidoNet node?09:03
nsnzerois it like freenode ?09:09
theblazehennsnzero: It's a BBS basically09:09
nsnzerook nice old school 09:10
* theblazehen thinks that phone call costs will make people not really want to use it though09:11
theblazehen(FidoNet is basically a network of BBSs if I understand right)09:11
theblazehenAnd exposing it over telnet or something kinda gets rid of the cool part or running a BBS anyway09:12
nsnzerothey all use dsl lines - before its was only dial-up 09:13
theblazehennsnzero: yeah. So these days people would probably prefer to telnet into node, rather than dial in09:14
theblazehenIn which case, why bother running a BBS09:14
nsnzeronostalgia theblazehen 09:16
theblazehennsnzero: Heh. /me never got to experience it in the first place :(09:17
nsnzerolooked cool in the old movies - but i also didnt have the thrill of bbs 09:18
* theblazehen got rid of a PCI modem because I never expected to want to use it :(09:18
theblazehenYeah. Wargames ftw09:18
theblazehennsnzero: Did you know that hackthissite has a phreaking section?09:18
nsnzerono never knew that09:19
* theblazehen also liked that kind-of phreaking? scene in wargames09:19
nsnzerowar dialing 09:19
nsnzerotelnet telehack.com 09:20
theblazehenAnd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5b5GWDqYrk a real phreaking scene09:20
theblazehennice ty nsnzero09:20
nsnzeroits got a WOPR server there somewhere 09:20
theblazehennsnzero: Did you get to it, or just know it's there?09:26
nsnzeroi got to it - lol - everything from the movie is there including thermo-nulcear war09:30
nsnzeroits got 25 000 hosts to explore and hack into09:33
theblazehenwow, nice. ty nsnzero09:33
MaNIthere just shoved a second NIC in and put all the VMS as macvtap|eth1 - hooray for hardware solutions10:08
theblazehenMaNI: but then you're limited by speed of the NIC :/10:13
MaNImost the traffic is to external boxes anyway10:14
* theblazehen wishes my whole network was 10 gbit :( Only (storage + my pc) and server have 10 gbit connection between them10:15
andrewlsdMaNI: sudo brctl show10:16
andrewlsdI use a bridge to share network, so that VMs and containers can all talk to each other too.10:17
andrewlsdone network.10:17
andrewlsdadmittedly, sometimes I remove eth0 from it so that they can't access external stuff.10:17
theblazehenandrewlsd: Nice idea. Have you looked a `ebtables`?10:18
andrewlsdtheblazehen: I have _looked_ at ebtables. I haven't had a cause to use it yet.10:18
theblazehenhttp://pastebin.methlab.lsd.co.za/boehzrnn.txt my `brctl show`. Basically the same thing10:18
theblazehenandrewlsd: Heh. Try to avoid it :p10:18
andrewlsdexcept you have a bond device :-D10:19
theblazehenEnded up just dropping everything to iptables when I used it10:19
theblazehenandrewlsd: Yeah, but bridge is the same :p10:19
andrewlsdI configured LXD not to start its own bridge.10:19
andrewlsd(ditto for `libvirt`)10:20
andrewlsdinteresting that your `virtbr0` has Spanning Tree Protocol enabled.10:20
theblazehenHmm. Was the default IIRC10:21
theblazehenI use br0 for VMs anyway10:21
theblazehennsnzero: `apt install bsdgames`, `wargames` :)10:22
theblazehenHmm. /me should actually rewrite my `hangman` solver properly10:23
theblazehenThe more I use perl the less I like it10:34
* theblazehen never knew that going from web interface admin -> command execution was a big deal... /me has some reporting to do in that case...11:26
nsnzerohave good afternoon everyone12:13
nsnzeroevening all17:50
superflyHi nsnzero18:03
nsnzerohi superfly 18:05
* superfly is busy getting all his Red Hat accounts set up18:06
superflyThey take security seriously.18:06
* nsnzero wonders why he cant ssh into his server18:07
theblazehenHi nsnzero, superfly18:08
theblazehensuperfly: Nice. What you going to be working on there?18:08
nsnzerohi theblazehen 18:09
superflytheblazehen: I'm a testing engineer on the CloudForms team. CloudForms Red Hat's "product" version of ManageIQ18:09
nsnzerocongrats superfly 18:10
nsnzerotheblazehen: do you think installing kvm messed up my ssh settings ? i didnt reboot after installing as well 18:11
theblazehensuperfly: Nice18:16
theblazehennsnzero: How so?18:16
theblazehenCan't ssh in?18:16
nsnzeronope - no errors just no response - server is up 18:18
theblazehenCan you `ssh -vvv teh.server`?18:20
nsnzeroit emails me  its system state every 30 minutes 18:20
theblazehenDoes it hang after sending version string?18:20
theblazehenYou can ping it?18:20
nsnzeroconnection timeout after a long wait 18:20
theblazehenDoes IP come from dhcp or static?18:20
nsnzerodhcp 18:21
theblazehenYou should have gotten a new IP18:21
theblazehenCan probably check hostname on dhcp server18:21
theblazehenOtherwise check arp cache if your local pc is on same lan perhaps18:22
theblazehenOr just nmap the network if you run on a /2418:22
nsnzeroi suppose it  just needs a reboot 18:22
nsnzeroit connected fine on the lan early now it just not responding 18:23
nsnzeroevening Kilos 18:28
nsnzerohave a good night all 18:39
Kilosnight guys.19:00

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