
=== Spass_ is now known as Spass
SpassHello. Is something wrong with http://docs.xubuntu.org/ ? It redirects me to https://xubuntu.org/help/05:32
Unit193http://docs.xubuntu.org/1704/  well it's supposed to have a link to here, not be recursive.05:35
SpassSo you always recommend newest release documentation for users? No need for choice between regular and LTS?05:43
Unit193Incorrect, I gave an example.  The page is supposed to dynamically link to $current and $lts.05:43
SpassOK, I understand. I'm asking because I want to put a link to Xubuntu Documentation on my website/project.05:46
flocculantknome: ^^ you broke it :p06:25
ochosiflocculant: quick question, do you have a gtk2 panel around?06:28
ochosi(i'd need a screenshot of the panel separator set to "dots" style)06:28
flocculantochosi: I can boot a vm up pretty quick if that's sufficient?06:28
flocculant16.04 or 16.10 ?06:29
ochositrying to recreate it with cairo (currently the feature is not there in gtk3)06:29
ochosiwhatever you prefer, it's the same06:29
ochosiideally take the screenshots with either greybird or adwaita06:29
flocculantk - booting now06:30
ochosiawesome thanks!06:30
flocculantit's a bit less opaque cos I couldn't see it with the screenshot tool :p06:35
flocculantochosi: ^^06:35
flocculantand greybird obv06:35
ochosicould you set the opacity to 100% though?06:36
ochosiah, nvm06:37
ochosishould be ok06:37
flocculanthttp://i.imgur.com/unVRzi7.png if it isn't :)06:39
ochosido the dots scale if you make the panel taller?06:42
flocculantochosi: yea06:43
flocculantyou want 128px screenshot?06:43
ochosii was afraid they would :/06:43
ochosia 48px one would be enough ;)06:43
flocculanthttp://i.imgur.com/XHYw6YT.png 48px then06:45
flocculant128px is too many dots for me to count this early in the morning ;)06:45
SpassI'm thinking about creating a website for Polish Xubuntu community, nothing big, but I think that's a good way to spend some free time. What do you think about version alpha? https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8qh4-wxxEZ7aE9UVzdIdFd1bzA07:21
Unit193knome: ↑ Website stuff.07:23
Spassknome: I'm afraid that my "custom" logo colours will be a problem with trademark... Or not?08:11
knomeSpass, yes, please do not use the inverted colors08:52
knomeSpass, or if you really really really insist, then make the inside transparent, eg. the same color as the header bar08:52
Spassknome: Done.08:53
knomeand feel free to ask about further questions if any08:54
Unit193knome: See also: Docs scrollback.08:56
knomeUnit193, oh yeah, i didn't :)08:58
knomethe link to the main site from the root is intentional08:58
knomewe don't want to maintain two pages with essentially the same information08:59
knomeeg. the old docs root and /help08:59
knome(especially now that the latter is automated by the website...)08:59
Unit193knome: Right, but where does it link to, say, 1704?  The only link I see forwards back to that very same page.08:59
knomethat's a bug09:00
knomelet me go fix it.09:00
knometheeeere we go.09:01
knomethe release bit is on for the supported releases09:01
akxwi-daveflocculant:  Thunar patch.. installed and patched..  working fine here10:48
akxwi-davealthough the script didn't work for me.  so just read what you had put and typed the script in manually to get it to work... 10:49
akxwi-dave( not including the first failure of forgetting to enable source code and not having Xfce4-dev-tools installed)   :-)10:52
flocculantyea all fails if no source or tools - did that myself :p11:03
flocculantknome: and the circle link on https://xubuntu.org/help/ :)11:28
* flocculant wanders off now11:28
knomeflocculant, and done11:29
Unit193He likes circle links.11:29
knomeprefer them to ellipse links.11:29
flocculantochosi: did you notice terminal border thickening and changing colour? is this some gtk3 thing? want a bug report? if so launchpad or lp/bugzilla?14:32
ochosieh, no, haven't noticed yet14:35
ochosihaven't had time to upgrade tbh14:35
flocculanthttp://i.imgur.com/YAP69tQ.png - back terminal has 2 tabs 14:36
flocculantanyway - if you want bug reported I'll get on it for the alcholic awardnight release 14:37
ochosiflocculant: not sure, what's the bug there?15:11
ochosior did you mean the fact that with tabs, the border seems 1px thicker?15:12
ochosi(cause if so, i'd say you're starting to distinguish circles and elliptical circles!)15:12
flocculantochosi: lmao - so yea - is the border being 2 px instead of 1px a bug (assuming px'ness) that needs dealing with? 15:19
flocculantcertainly looks a bit odd now I've seen it ;)15:19
ochosiwell its because of the tabs15:20
ochosiso expected15:20
flocculantok - just different than what I see on a 16.10 vm 15:20
flocculantso expected - but a change? gtk3? 15:20
ochosiflocculant: yeah, i think it's a gtk3 change15:33
flocculantochosi: ok - thanks :)15:33
Spassthat additional 1px frame (when with tabs) isn't visible on other themes like Zukitre, Numix or Arc15:42
Spassjust checked15:42
flocculantthanks Spass 15:42
flocculantnor adwait btw15:43
flocculantochosi: so if it's Greybird - will it stay as is? 15:45
ochosia-ha, interesting15:46
flocculantochosi: shall I report this now :D15:47
ochosiyou can, then at least i don't forget to check this later ;)15:47
flocculantha ha - okey doke15:47
Spassknome: what about that shiny mouse logo, is it free to use without any modifications? http://xubuntu.ugu.pl (sorry for that ad on top, I've just upload it to a random free hosting for testing purposes)15:49
flocculantochosi: ok - bug 1683857 then - linked it on the aa bug blueprint15:56
ubottubug 1683857 in greybird-gtk-theme (Ubuntu) "Terminal border doubles when more than 1 tab" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/168385715:56
flocculantknome: any reason that aa bug b/p doesn't show up on http://dev.xubuntu.org/ that I've forgotten about :)15:56
knomeSpass, feel free to use it16:14
knomeflocculant, ...but it does? :)16:15
Spassknome: cool, I like how it looks and adds colour, thanks16:15
flocculantknome: lol16:16
flocculanthatez u :D16:16
knomei didn't do anything about it :P16:16
knomeit should have been there all along16:16
knomethe only reason why it might not show up if the tracker has failed to load it16:17
knomei should do something about this, but i won't until some of the other changes have landed16:17
flocculantwasn't there at 16:56:47 BST :p16:17
knomeyeah, likely reappeared 3 minutes later16:17
flocculantknome: me again :p what's your thinking of colour plugin for the wiki? https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:color17:09
knomeflocculant, where/how would you use that...?17:59
ochosiflocculant: ok, the panel's dot style is reimplemented now. wanna supply me the same types of screeners for the handle style too? (while the code doesn't throw warnings, it seems broken in gtk3)18:01
flocculantknome: at 18:09 using red as a warning on a release note18:07
flocculantochosi: 48px panel http://i.imgur.com/ffpoAGD.png18:10
flocculantochosi: oh hang on - wrong handle probably :D18:14
ochosiyeah, that looked like the panel handle18:14
flocculanttop marks for the xfce panel dev guy there :D18:15
flocculanthttp://i.imgur.com/J3qF3Zl.png :)18:15
flocculantyou can haz both handles 18:16
knomeflocculant, would you be happy with a plugin that allowed you to add a red warning of which style was controlled by the css? :P18:16
knomeflocculant, or in other words, i'd rather let us use the predetermined styles than tell you use any color you wish :P18:17
knomeflocculant, for an example, see https://xubuntu.org/contact/18:17
flocculantknome: if the plugin pulled colour from the nearest telephone box I'd be happy - not too concerned with the how :)18:17
knomei'll look at that...18:18
knomeshould be relatively easy18:18
flocculantyea that type things would be fine18:18
flocculantas long as we have a few to pick from I guess18:18
flocculantochosi: on 16.10 speperator is 'some real dark shade' on 17.04 with the git panel it's grey 18:19
ochosiyeah, i would argue that gtk3 does the right thing18:23
ochosialthough the bright color could be tuned down a little18:24
flocculantthe grey one that's visible? I'd agree with that18:24
flocculantand yea maybe a little tuned out 18:24
ochosilook, gtk3 handle 18:24
ochosiimplemented since you sent me the second screenshot ;)18:25
flocculantI can't see the gtk3 handle 18:25
ochosiit was broken18:25
flocculantoh right18:25
ochosii noticed when re-implementing the dots style18:25
ochosihad to rewrite it in cairo though18:26
flocculantoh meh 18:26
ochosithe gdk drawing crap didn't seem to work anymore18:26
ochosiand i was too lazy to debug it ;)18:26
flocculantumm is this expected?18:26
flocculantthat's obviously lowering opacity18:27
flocculantand I'm guessing difference between internal and external plugins?18:27
ochosiare you on git master from two days ago?18:28
flocculantochosi: git pulled and rebuilt 5 minutes ago actually18:28
ochosiso that's with a custom bg color?18:28
flocculantoh the blue is wallpaper 18:29
flocculantbackground is set to None (use system ...)18:30
flocculantthe first transparent bit from left is seperator18:30
ochosithe background is set to none and then how did you change the opacity?18:30
ochosiwith the leave/enter setting?18:31
ochosik, then i must have broken that part18:32
ochosicould you do a git checkout c2c3736addbb1c851a1e11863d994f6ff7d2db2d18:32
ochosiand then rebuild?18:32
flocculantusing this monstrosity for ./autogen just in case that makes a difference http://paste.ubuntu.com/24409020/18:32
flocculantochosi: I can if you tell me how to checkout ...18:33
ochosi"git checkout c2c3736addbb1c851a1e11863d994f6ff7d2db2d" ;)18:33
flocculantor is it obvious? git checkout 18:33
flocculantha ha ok 18:33
ochosiit'll tell you you're in headless mode, but that's ok18:33
flocculantk - that paste was the way I ended up making all plugins available at least (and likely a bunch of other stuff) 18:34
flocculantochosi: so that checkout bit - is how to build with 'specific' code? 18:35
ochosiyeah, it's how you jump to a specific commit/branch/tag in git18:36
flocculantochosi: ack18:36
flocculantochosi: still odd when transparent18:36
flocculantI assume just restarting panel should suffice?18:36
ochosiprobably have to do "xfce4-panel -q"18:37
ochosirestarting may be a soft restart18:37
ochosibut i haven't read that bit of the code yet18:37
ochosibut that's my presumption18:37
flocculantnope - still transparent in bits18:38
flocculantbut please look at paste above just in case there is something there ...18:38
ochosii will in a second18:40
ochosistill working on toning down the separator color18:40
ochosiyay, success18:40
flocculantbluesabre: had a couple of people (other than -team) respond re the thunar patch on bug 167948818:43
ubottubug 1679488 in thunar (Ubuntu) "Thunar freezes when left inactive for a while" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/167948818:43
ochosiflocculant: so, i can reproduce and it's external plugins that are broken18:52
flocculantochosi: ok cool18:55
flocculantwell ... you know what I mean - it's not me :D18:55
flocculantochosi: will git pull now take me back to where I was? 18:56
ochosi"git checkout master"18:57
ochosiyou basically have to jump back to a branch18:57
flocculantali1234: is it likely that bug 1645400 is the same issue as xfce 13481 ?18:57
ubottubug 1645400 in thunar (Ubuntu) "/usr/bin/thunar:11:g_mutex_lock:thunar_thumbnailer_queue_async_reply:thunar_thumbnailer_proxy_queue_async_callback:complete_pending_call_and_unlock:dbus_connection_dispatch" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/164540018:57
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 13481 in core "Indefinite hang" [Normal,New] https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1348118:57
flocculantochosi: aah right ok - that makes sense :)18:57
flocculantand from there you can git pull next time I guess18:58
ochosiflocculant: if you pull master now you can try the fixed separator styles18:58
flocculantokey doke 18:58
ochosido you remember that the opacity was ever working?18:59
ochosi(fwiw i'm not a huge fan of that opacity setting anyway, but whatever...)18:59
flocculantochosi: I don't 'think' so - I remember it being a bit off on vm when I was first looking - but opacity isn't something I ever use really19:00
flocculantonly saw it then because I was trying to find the seperator 19:00
ochosii'm wondering whether i should also re-implement that in a cleaner way19:02
ochosicurrently that type of opacity is weird, it makes the whole panel transparent19:02
ochosias opposed to bumping the alpha value, which would leave icons and text intact and only make the panel bg transparent19:02
flocculantochosi: nice - and the dots look like dots, not small squares too :)19:03
flocculantbut bg colour looks like it did before to me19:04
ochosii know, that part probably got a bit better19:04
ochosihmm, really? with what theme?19:05
ochosii tested adwaita and greybird here19:05
flocculantseperator icon in panel isn't scaling19:07
flocculantoh nvm 19:08
flocculantmust have been big when I upped panel size but didn't shrink with the panel19:08
ali1234flocculant: probably yes19:09
ochosiflocculant: odd that the color wouldn't be working for you...19:09
flocculantali1234: I thought it might be - might link the xfce one on some lp bugs19:09
flocculantali1234: alos had a few people test the patch19:09
ali1234did you get access to e.u.c yet?19:10
flocculantochosi: http://i.imgur.com/6qMlD0M.png bottom is current panel - top is previous screenshot19:11
flocculantali1234: yea some time ago19:11
ali1234actually this bug looks like it has been happening for a long time19:11
flocculantyea that's what I thought when I looked on e.u.c19:12
ali1234yeah this is not related19:12
ali1234its a totally different mutex, inside glib19:12
flocculantok 19:13
flocculantochosi: also - do you have more built from git there than me? would that affect this colour thing at all ?19:33
flocculantwandering a bit - but not gone for the night19:33
ochosiflocculant: i think it's just the line having been toned down even before19:33
ochosiwhen i started to implement dots/handle, they were #fff19:34
ochosiwith greybird19:34
ochosiwhich they are obviously not anymore now19:34
ochosiwe can tweak the color easily now19:34

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