
=== Tweak is now known as Oderus
Oderusdoes anyone happen to know the file location for the kmail system tray icon?00:48
Oderusjust curious because my kmail system tray icon is just a black spot on the tray00:52
mattpalermotry `dpkg -L kmail`00:58
Oderusmattpalermo: thank you i will try that00:58
Oderusanyone know the location of the "desktop themes"01:06
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Oderuslike i have a ton of them installed but can't find their location01:10
Oderusfound it but still no luck. system tray icon for kmail just appears black. any ideas?01:21
mattpalermoI don't really have any ideas, but what version of Kubuntu are you using?01:22
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lordievaderGood morning06:11
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mrdarkuserHi, I'm having a problem where my panel width is being reset on reboots and screen height changes.07:54
mrdarkuserI want to make the width and viewmode of the panel immutable... I don't want the user to be able to change it.07:54
krisehi, what program i can use to view dwg. files08:04
hateballkrise: I'm not sure if there's any FOSS apps for it, but you could use something like Draftsight08:06
hateballHmmm, seems they only offer an RPM now, I could swear they packaged a deb08:07
hateballoh they do, it's just mislabeled08:08
mrdarkuserI used a free as in beer software from the makers of solidworks08:10
mrdarkuserIt might work in wine08:10
mrdarkuseralso if you are an academic you can get academic copies of autodesk products free of charge08:11
krisei take a look, theres many browser based programs for viewing but i was hoping there is some good free progrm for kubuntu08:13
hateballkrise: There is also Qcad08:20
hateballbut there is nothing in official repos that handle DWF/DXF08:20
valoriemrdarkuser: there is a kiosk mode of Plasma but that's as much as I know08:29
valorieyou might ask in #kde or so08:29
mrdarkuservalorie, thanks08:29
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kriseQcad works fine !08:40
IrcsomeBot1JAnguita was added by: JAnguita10:14
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BluesKaj'Morning folks10:39
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xmedihoi @ll11:10
BluesKajhi xmedi11:11
xmediich bin neu...    hab problem seit dem ich von ubuntu 16.10 auf 17.04 aktualisiert habe  bin ich hier trotzdem richtig ?11:13
BluesKaj!de | xmedi11:14
ubottuxmedi: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!11:14
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