
=== ahoneybun is now known as Guest36814
ProfMacI'm having fun with partman.  I have found the log files at /var/log/partman during an unsuccessful installation, from one of the terminal windows.  I am, as is everyone, debugging a preseed file.05:22
ProfMacI wonder if somehow I can feed the preseed file into the front of the pipe, and observer meaningful steps along the path.05:23
cjwatsonProfMac: Preseed files aren't imperative in a way that would cause that to make sense; they operate by setting a load of values in a database, which are used by later steps in the installer.09:35
cjwatsonProfMac: The usual swiss-army-knife for debugging is to pass DEBCONF_DEBUG=developer on the kernel command line when starting the installer.  That will cause a trace of all debconf interaction (i.e. nearly everything) to be written to /var/log/syslog.09:36
ProfMacah.  I'll try that.  I take it that it takes a while for people to grok the preseed partition descriptions.09:37
ProfMacI wish that the working examples worked :-)09:38
xnoxCarlFK, but, we do support NVMe drives....09:40
xnoxCarlFK, e.g. we did SRU bug fixes for it - https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub-installer/1.128ubuntu5.109:42
cjwatsonProfMac: Declarative partitioning is certainly the most complicated part of the task by a long shot.09:52
ProfMacI would like to find documentation on how partman works, and a working example with LVM and/or raid.  I have several apparantly well written examples, but they don't work in my hands.09:54
ProfMacis there a tool that reads an existing set of disks, and produces a preseed file that implies how to re-create them?09:57
cjwatsonI don't believe so, unfortunately.10:00
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CarlFKxnox: thanks12:08
ProfMacI notice the X-window system is alive during install.  I have used ssh to reach out to another system.  openssh-server is not installed, however.  Is there any way to reach in from the outside during the install process?20:21
CarlFKProfMac: well.. here is what I came up with like 6 years ago:20:46
CarlFKd-i preseed/early_command string cd /tmp && wget  http://$url/ec/early_command.sh && chmod u+x early_command.sh  && ./early_command.sh20:47
ProfMacCarlFK, it looks nice and clean.20:49
CarlFKd-i preseed/late_command string /tmp/misc/isshd.sh20:50
CarlFKfrom what I remember,  i can't run isshd.sh at the time early_command runs - it errors and all goes bad20:51
CarlFKso I grab all the files, let them sit till needed.  like if the installer stops at some point, I can hit a-f2, /tmp/misc/issd.sh and then ssh in from my laptop20:52
ProfMacYes, that is pretty much the plan, ssh in when it needs attention.20:53
CarlFKI just found "preseed/run”  but haven't tried it. nor can I find any docs. there was a bug report that said it ran pretty early.  there is prof it exits here: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/installation-guide/armhf/apbs02.html21:03
CarlFKI am always a little bothered that I need to go to the keyboard of the machine being installed21:04
CarlFKI think there is something to provide the anyway, but never figured out how to make that work either21:05
CarlFKxnox: does the 128  in  grub-installer/1.128ubuntu5.1 mean I don't have it in BusyBox v1.22.1 (Ubuntu 1:1.22.0-15ubuntu1) built-in shell (ash)23:09

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