bluesabre | evening all | 02:21 |
jgould | Evening | 02:21 |
bluesabre | sorinello: I think this has been explained pretty much in full, but the xubuntu customizations are primarily configuration defaults, a few patched applications, and a few original applications developed by our team. I can definitely break this down further for you, but you probably are not interested in a wall of text :) | 02:22 |
sorinello | bluesabre, It's rare that I am awake at this time (5:28 in the morning), but what would be cool is that if all of this would be somewhere documented so people cand understand more easily the nuts and bolts behind a Ubuntu based OS. | 02:29 |
cfhowlett | sounds wiki-worthy | 02:29 |
bluesabre | sorinello: that sounds like a pretty good idea... I think we had something like that at some point in the wiki, but if not, it can be made | 02:30 |
sorinello | I am aware that it would be a lengthily read, and it can't be done in one shot | 02:30 |
sorinello | the writing part | 02:30 |
sorinello | but over some iterations it can become a pretty compressive guide to understand | 02:30 |
bluesabre | certainly | 02:31 |
sorinello | and then maybe, just maybe, fewer stupid questions like ones I've asked today :) | 02:31 |
bluesabre | I'm too tired to do it tonight though :D | 02:31 |
bluesabre | heading to bed for now | 02:32 |
bluesabre | night all | 02:32 |
sorinello | good night | 02:32 |
Unit193 | It could be made, but pretty sure it'd get outdated fairly quickly as well. | 02:51 |
=== John[Lis` is now known as John[Lisbeth]` | ||
RoadRunner | was dd a part of Xubuntu 14.04 distro or did it need to be added from repositories? | 03:19 |
RoadRunner | sorry, lost connection; was dd a part of Xubuntu 14.04 distro or did it need to be added from repositories? | 04:44 |
Spass_ | RoadRunner: I think dd is a part of coreutils and is essential, so it was a part of a distro | 04:56 |
RoadRunner | thanks; what does dd stand for again? | 04:57 |
Spass_ | if you mean dd as a command, 'man dd' gave me this "dd - convert and copy a file" | 05:03 |
RoadRunner | Spass_: thanks again; I understand what it does, I just cant' figure out how you abrevieate convert and copy into "dd" :) | 05:11 |
Spass_ | "dd accepts the following operands, whose syntax was inspired by the DD (data definition) statement of OS/360 JCL" | 05:14 |
Spass_ | RoadRunner: ^ that's from | 05:17 |
RoadRunner | ok :) | 05:18 |
Spass | my system just froze, zero reaction to anything, what is useful in that cases after reboot? dmesg? | 05:30 |
Spass | I guess dmesg is only useful when I can Ctrl+Alt+F1 during freeze | 05:33 |
Spass | what a day, firefox just froze and it sits in processes with high cpu usage and I cannot kill it | 06:35 |
Spass | any other command besides 'kill' to deal with it? | 06:35 |
sorinello_ | try kill -9 | 06:37 |
Spass | still nothing, and funny thing - that process isn't showing in GUI system manager, but I can see it in 'top' and 'htop' | 06:40 |
sorinello_ | kill -9 should kill it, presuming it is started as your user | 06:41 |
flocculant | Spass: I saw this the other day - just thought it was my setup - hammered during testing cycle - in the end I logged out | 06:41 |
sorinello_ | bug ? | 06:41 |
flocculant | Spass: if you're still on desktop and can get to a terminal please ubuntu-bug firefox - it will likely not work cos firefox is just hanging there, but it should grab the data for the report and you can do it later | 06:42 |
Spass | yeah seems like there's no way to kill that process | 06:42 |
Spass | flocculant: it's collecting information now | 06:44 |
flocculant | Spass: k - when you've got a number I'll confirm it at least | 06:44 |
sorinello_ | wonder where this comes from | 06:46 |
Spass | Spass here, from my phone, my internet connection stopped working on my desktop | 07:00 |
Unit193 | flocculant: Other random things ended up being unkillable as well. | 07:01 |
flocculant | mmm nice | 07:01 |
Spass | Should I wait for that Apport to finish? | 07:01 |
sorinello_ | any steps to reproduce ? I could give a hand | 07:01 |
flocculant | Spass: check in /var/crash - it's likely waiting for firefox | 07:02 |
Spass | Nothing there, just one older file | 07:03 |
Spass | I think I'll reboot, it probably stuck forever | 07:05 |
Spass | What you think? | 07:06 |
Spass | Any chance for Apport to collect anything? Progress bar is moving, but all feels dead to me now | 07:09 |
bonsaitree | I have Wi-Fi speed problems in Ubuntu 16.04. The link acts like it's capped at 20 Mbit/s on Speedtests, but also the actual speed degradation is noticeable. There are frequent drops and link instability. How can i update the Wi-Fi drivers to the latest possible version? I have to notice that the tech guy has just changed the ONT, the problem fixed at the other PCs at home, but on mine it remained the same. Thanks in advance | 09:45 |
sim642 | I want to update my 15.04 to 16.04 to get support so I looked at, oddly it seems to link at the bottom to which confuses me. It should be a page for xenial but the wiki page says yakkety. | 09:48 |
bonsaitree | I have Wi-Fi speed problems in Ubuntu 16.04. The link acts like it's capped at 20 Mbit/s on Speedtests, but also the actual speed degradation is noticeable. There are frequent drops and link instability. How can i update the Wi-Fi drivers to the latest possible version? I have to notice that the tech guy has just changed the ONT, the problem fixed at the other PCs at home, but on mine it remained the same. Thanks in advance | 09:53 |
pmjdebruijn | ONT? | 10:03 |
pmjdebruijn | which wifi nic do you have, check driver is used (check dmesg, check lsmod) | 10:04 |
bonsaitree | pmjdebruijn:Optical network terminal | 10:09 |
bonsaitree | pmjdebruijn:Intel Advanced-N 6200 | 10:09 |
knome | sim642, that's fixed now | 10:18 |
twinstubzz | hey all i bought a refurbed x220 which arrives today witht eh intention of running it on xububtu is there anything i should know befoer i do it, such as certain errors to exspect or potentional nonoe supported internal hardware? | 10:28 |
knome | twinstubzz, check the release notes for the release you are about to install. | 10:35 |
twinstubzz | verywell tyvm | 10:39 |
pmjdebruijn | twinstubzz: check if it has latest bios (include bios release notes), run memtest :) | 11:15 |
pmjdebruijn | twinstubzz: considering it's older hardware, so it's more likely to work without any significant issues | 11:16 |
sorinello_ | I see an impressive effort in translating xfce in the past 3 months | 12:16 |
sorinello_ | I wonder what triggered this | 12:16 |
knome | maybe the impressive increase in development activity? | 12:26 |
sorinello_ | and whattriggered that ? 2017 seems to be a good year for xfce :)) | 12:31 |
knome | the inevitable need to move to gtk3 | 12:32 |
sorinello_ | knome, thanks for the info | 12:51 |
knome | well that is no absolute truth, but i'm pretty sure that was one of the reasons why it happened | 12:53 |
knome | and contributions usually attract more contributions | 12:53 |
sorinello_ | just when I was starting to think that xfce is dead .. suddenly :)) | 12:54 |
knome | anyway, got to go | 12:55 |
knome | hf | 12:55 |
sorinello_ | you too | 12:56 |
Spass | I think I found a bug, but I'm not sure it's in panel itself or whisker menu | 14:22 |
Spass | I've created new user to check it - you can see it here | 14:22 |
Spass | panel is big to better show the issue, but it occurs on 24px too | 14:23 |
Spass | I just move cursor on the screen edges | 14:24 |
Spass | it's annoying not because the hover is disco-flashing but because clicking on that specific points won’t bring up the menu | 14:29 |
Spass | anyone can confirm? | 14:29 |
Spass | and it doesn't matter if the whisker menu button is an icon or a text | 14:36 |
akxwi-dave | Spass: just tried that here on my VM and not getting that... | 14:43 |
akxwi-dave | will try it on hardware tonight as well just to check | 14:46 |
Spass | yeah, I can't replicate that on my VirtualBox either, so I assume it must be "real screen" | 14:50 |
akxwi-dave | are you using a Pc or Laptop ... also what GPU? | 15:03 |
Spass | ok, done some more testing, 99% it's a whisker menu bug, can't observe that behaviour on other plugins, plus WM must be first on the panel | 15:04 |
Spass | PC with NVIDIA GeForce 650Ti and 381.09 drivers from PPA | 15:06 |
akxwi-dave | I'll check on my desktop first then cheers.. | 15:16 |
Spass | same issue on Nouveau drivers, I checked just in case | 15:18 |
sim642 | I'm trying to upgrade my 15.04 but I just get errors | 15:24 |
sim642 | "An upgrade from vivid to xenial is not supported with this tool" | 15:24 |
davidseeber | hello! new to xubuntu... just installing now on Virtualbox and thought I would see what its like here | 15:34 |
davidseeber | does anyone know how easy it is to change the windows theme for something more square and simple, like windows 10? | 15:35 |
davidseeber | hello? i have the impression nobody is here | 15:38 |
Spass | davidseeber: hello | 15:41 |
Spass | changing theme is easy, you just copy some folders and open appearance settings | 15:42 |
Spass | if you want flat and simple theme I recommend this one | 15:44 |
akxwi-dave | nice one spass, might give that a blast myself.. :-) | 15:51 |
Spass | yeah it's pretty nice, it's a slightly lighter version of Zukitre | 15:58 |
Spass | I even made some simple Xfwm themes matching Plano | 15:59 |
akxwi-dave | :-) | 16:08 |
akxwi-dave | Spass: if you're there I can confirm the same.. so go ahead and file a bug report and let me know the number... | 18:20 |
bonsaitree | Is there a way to revert a Ubuntu machine to the freshly-instaled state? Let's say to configure a folder so that it's the same as you would get if you do a fresh install? | 19:42 |
knome | theoretically deleting the configuration directory from your home should get the "clean" state | 19:43 |
bonsaitree | knome:But it's risky. Okay thanks anyway | 19:46 |
diogenes_ | bonsaitree, instead of deletin rename it so in case you want to revert changes to can do that easily | 19:47 |
pmjdebruijn | bonsaitree: you might want to be more specific about what application | 19:49 |
knome | bonsaitree, well as diogenes_ said, take backups | 19:49 |
pmjdebruijn | bonsaitree: 'find ~/.* -type d | grep appname' might help | 19:49 |
knome | bonsaitree, most applications should handle this graciously and simply re-create the configuration; in case they don't, i'd consider that a bug... | 19:50 |
bonsaitree | diogenes_:You want to say that it keeps a record of all of the configurations with that name, let's assume i am changing the name, it changes (resets) the whole configuration to the "fresh state", and if i don't like it, i just rename it again with the initial name, and the configuration reverts to the standard configuration that was used previously? | 19:51 |
pmjdebruijn | for most apps that would work | 19:51 |
pmjdebruijn | if you get the right directory | 19:51 |
pmjdebruijn | bonsaitree: generally speaking it helps to _know_ the application your dealing with | 19:51 |
pmjdebruijn | as there are some special cases like gconf, etc | 19:52 |
pmjdebruijn | but many apps just have ~/.myappname | 19:52 |
pmjdebruijn | or ~/.config/myappname | 19:52 |
diogenes_ | bonsaitree, for example, if I messed up thunar configuration, i go ahead and rename .thunar config folder to something like .thunar_ and then start it and it will create a new fresh config, if I want my old config, I delete the new created .thunar and rename back the .thunar_ to .thunar | 19:53 |
bonsaitree | pmjdebruijn, The thing is that it seems that i have deleted important files in /lib/firmware (.ucode files for the Wi-Fi card), and now i get low bandwidth and link instability. I want to revert to the initial, "fresh" state of the /lib/firmware folder just to see if that will fix the problem. | 19:53 |
RoadRunner | can't write an image to a usb stick with dd; get a copy report and all seems to be well but when I check the stick - its empty... ? | 19:53 |
knome | /lib/firmware is not a configuration directory | 19:53 |
pmjdebruijn | bonsaitree: also never mess with files managed by dpkg | 19:54 |
knome | and it's only allowed to be written by sudoers for a reason... | 19:54 |
pmjdebruijn | bonsaitree: sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-firmware | 19:54 |
pmjdebruijn | IIRC | 19:54 |
pmjdebruijn | if you're messing with files behind apt/dpkg's back, you're probably having a bad idea :) | 19:55 |
bonsaitree | Yes, i know that i've made a mistake. The thing is, i wanted to delete the bluetooth firmware, so i will be sure that it won't be able to be used in any case. That's when i saw some iwl .ucode files that were meant for different Wi-Fi card models, and i have deleted plenty of them. I assume that i have deleted something important then. | 19:56 |
bonsaitree | pmjdebruijn, I will try with that --reinstall | 19:56 |
knome | while you are editing files with write permissions for only sudoers, always ask yourself "do i absolutely know what i'm doing" | 19:57 |
knome | if the answer is no or doubtful, don't do it. | 19:57 |
bonsaitree | knome:I will take that advice more seriously now :) | 19:57 |
knome | (sometimes configuration is only writable by sudoers and you need to do that, but these situations are relatively rare) | 19:58 |
bonsaitree | Yes, the .ucode files are restore in /lib/firmware now, but the link speed is still the same, or even worse. | 20:03 |
bonsaitree | restored* | 20:03 |
bonsaitree | The firmware load is still failing.. | 20:05 |
bonsaitree | | 20:05 |
diogenes_ | bonsaitree, maybe you should run: sudo idconfig | 20:09 |
bonsaitree | id or if? | 20:10 |
diogenes_ | id | 20:10 |
bonsaitree | diogenes_, No command found | 20:10 |
RoadRunner | knome: could I bother you for some expert wisdom? | 20:11 |
knome | you can always ask... | 20:11 |
knome | (but on the channel pleasE) | 20:11 |
RoadRunner | I can't write an image to a usb stick with dd; get a copy report and all seems to be well but when I check the stick - its empty; any ideas? | 20:12 |
knome | you should ask Unit193 | 20:12 |
knome | he's more familiar with dd things | 20:12 |
RoadRunner | I always thought you were it :))) | 20:13 |
knome | nahh | 20:13 |
knome | or maybe krytarik can help you as well. | 20:13 |
RoadRunner | maybe my mistake is basic, but I just can't seem to see it... | 20:13 |
diogenes_ | bonsaitree, here what I's do if I were you, instead of spending few hours trying to find a solution to a problem that I made, I's take 30 mins to reinstall the system and learn my lesson | 20:13 |
bonsaitree | diogenes_, :))) But i desperately want to fix it with tinkering :D | 20:14 |
RoadRunner | knome: are those guys around now? | 20:14 |
diogenes_ | RoadRunner, what you trying to burn? | 20:14 |
RoadRunner | OPNsense | 20:14 |
drc | RR: Are you sure the of= is correct? | 20:14 |
diogenes_ | RoadRunner, haha opensuse? | 20:15 |
diogenes_ | RoadRunner, opensuse leap? | 20:15 |
diogenes_ | RoadRunner, for opensuse, I recommend this software, for me it's the only one that did the job: | 20:16 |
RoadRunner | diogenes_: here's my syntax, see any issues? sudo dd if=OPNsense-17.1.4-OpenSSL-vga-amd64.img of=/dev/sdb bs=64k | 20:16 |
diogenes_ | RoadRunner, I'm not an expert in dd CLI, I prefer burning with GUI based applications | 20:17 |
diogenes_ | RoadRunner, the only thing I know for sure, opensuse is troublesome when it comes to find a good software for burning the iso | 20:18 |
RoadRunner | diogenes_: I prefer that too, BUT it is not opensuse its OPNsense and I need to burn an .img file not .iso | 20:18 |
diogenes_ | RoadRunner, sorry, I didn't read correctly | 20:19 |
AndChat247025 | Roadrunner: Seems ok. Did you check dmsg? | 20:19 |
mrkramps | RoadRunner, did you run a sync after dd? | 20:20 |
RoadRunner | AndChat247025: checked dmesg and also verified with GParted - usb was assigned as sdb | 20:21 |
RoadRunner | mrkramps: please explain sync? | 20:21 |
mrkramps | you have to flush the write buffers after dd manually | 20:21 |
mrkramps | or the image is partially not transferred correctly | 20:22 |
RoadRunner | ok, how? | 20:22 |
mrkramps | the command is just 'sync' | 20:22 |
mrkramps | sudo dd OPTIONS ; sync | 20:22 |
mrkramps | no sudo required for sync | 20:22 |
AndChat247025 | Roadrunner: you should check image by mounting with option loop. I lost a lot of time by a buggy downloaded image which i did not | 20:24 |
RoadRunner | mrkramps: so the correct syntax would be: dd sync (and then as a separate statement for dd copy)? | 20:25 |
AndChat247025 | Manually check before by mounting and checksum. | 20:25 |
mrkramps | no | 20:25 |
mrkramps | RoadRunner, run dd first and then run sync | 20:26 |
mrkramps | after dd finished writing the image | 20:26 |
RoadRunner | mrkramps: so after every run of dd - sync must be ordered or can get an empty usb? | 20:27 |
mrkramps | yapp | 20:27 |
RoadRunner | mrkramps: I'll try that | 20:28 |
mrkramps | data is not transferred directly but disk → buffer → device | 20:28 |
mrkramps | and when dd is done with reading disk and sending to buffer it is done | 20:28 |
mrkramps | but not all data ffrom buffer may be transferred to device | 20:29 |
RoadRunner | mrkramps: so just sync (after dd); not "dd sync" right? | 20:34 |
mrkramps | yes | 20:34 |
AndChat247025 | Roadrunner: check usb-stick with fsck when it is not working either. | 20:34 |
RoadRunner | mrkramps: just tried it - same result | 20:35 |
mrkramps | oO | 20:35 |
AndChat247025 | Dirty bit warning could do thos too. | 20:36 |
mrkramps | wether AndChat247025 is right and there's something wrong with image or stick | 20:37 |
RoadRunner | get the following feedback: | 20:37 |
mrkramps | or … dunno, does the stick mount? | 20:38 |
AndChat247025 | Roadrunner : Your writing time was to short. Usb 4.0 stick? | 20:38 |
mrkramps | that's pretty fast | 20:38 |
RoadRunner | mrkramps: stick mounts and files can be copied to it and read from it; its a 2GB generic probably usb2 | 20:39 |
mrkramps | you are not writing to your stick then -.- | 20:39 |
AndChat247025 | You have to unmount stick before using dd | 20:40 |
RoadRunner | it did have issues with that stick earlier but I created a new gpt partition table for it with GParted and formated the whole thing with a FAT32 partition | 20:41 |
RoadRunner | AndChat247025: unmount before using dd and not eject/remove/reinsert? | 20:43 |
mrkramps | if automount is used the reinsert will directly mount the stick again | 20:43 |
RoadRunner | my point is: just unmount without eject? | 20:46 |
mrkramps | nope | 20:46 |
mrkramps | eject will - as name states - unmount file system and "eject" device from system | 20:47 |
drc | RoadRunner: Check the OPNsense, ith img files appear to be compressed to .bz2. You did uncompress before attempting to dd the .img? | 20:47 |
RoadRunner | drc: yes | 20:48 |
drc | OK, just checking the obvious stuff :) | 20:48 |
RoadRunner | and the hash checks out and compared same to other copies on other mirrors | 20:49 |
dieterd | Radrunner and unkompressed it is not more than your 2gb stick? | 20:50 |
RoadRunner | dieterd: no, about 950MB | 20:51 |
dieterd | sudo umount /dev/sdb1 and so on will remount your stick. | 20:51 |
RoadRunner | how long would you guys expect a normal copy of that size to take with dd? | 20:52 |
mrkramps | usb 2.0 i'd guess 20 minutes maybe? | 20:52 |
drc | RoadRunner: good :) Never tried to dd an .img before (don't know if one can), you try dl'ing and .iso.bz2 file and using that? | 20:52 |
dieterd | Usb 2.0 950/5 minimum. | 20:53 |
dieterd | But old sticks often slow down to 1mb/s I observed often. | 20:54 |
dieterd | Roadrunner: | 20:57 |
RoadRunner | ok, just did: unmount (from Thunar), dd and sync; usb couldn't be read from Thunar with the following error: | 20:59 |
dieterd | Roadrunner: After dd copy to stick repeat umont of stick again. Put stick on another usb port. Check with lsblk if stick is recognized again. | 21:00 |
RoadRunner | operation didn't give any errors in terminal and took about 3 min | 21:00 |
mrkramps | seems like the file system is not known | 21:00 |
mrkramps | OPNsense is bsd? using zfs? | 21:01 |
mrkramps | afaik ubuntu has no preinstalled support for zfs | 21:01 |
mrkramps | mount error makes sense then | 21:01 |
mrkramps | RoadRunner, try booting the stick | 21:02 |
RoadRunner | after that error? | 21:02 |
RoadRunner | and yes, OPNsense is bsd | 21:03 |
mrkramps | as said, ubuntu has no support for the zfs file system presumably used by OPNsense | 21:03 |
mrkramps | or at least no preinstalled support | 21:03 |
RoadRunner | so you think the stick wrote and ubuntu just can't read it? | 21:04 |
mrkramps | yes | 21:04 |
mrkramps | if you are unsure install package zfs (< 17.04) or zfsutils (>= 17.04) | 21:05 |
mrkramps | but i guess the stick should be fine now | 21:05 |
RoadRunner | btw, what syntax would you concider correct: "of=/dev/sdb" with sdb being the usb or "of=/dev/sdb1" with sdb1 being the partition on the usb? | 21:07 |
mrkramps | you write to the device not the partition | 21:07 |
RoadRunner | ok, I'll try the boot (so leaving channel :) for now) | 21:08 |
dieterd | Yeah I think this too. There is a way to check this too. Dd if=/dev/sdb1 to an file and checksum over this. | 21:09 |
mrkramps | in general disk images contain the MBR with the image's partition table | 21:10 |
mrkramps | you cannot write such images to a partition | 21:10 |
mrkramps | at least as far as i know | 21:10 |
mrkramps | no question, you can of course write the image of a single partition to another partition | 21:11 |
dieterd | you are right. | 21:11 |
mrkramps | yeah, a rare occasion =D | 21:13 |
dieterd | You have to use if=/dev/sdb count=..... so that its exactly the same length checked. | 21:14 |
RoadRunner | stick didn't boot | 21:15 |
RoadRunner | but something wrote to it because Thunar now sees it as a 950MB volume (the size of the image) | 21:17 |
dieterd | Roadrunner: you could copy with dd parts of your image and of /dev/sdb to a file and compare there checksums. So you know that parts are written. | 21:18 |
dieterd | Roadrunner: And there are PC which can only boot from vfat sticks or ext2 sticks with that type of partition. | 21:21 |
mrkramps | RoadRunner, what do you mean by "didn't boot" | 21:22 |
RoadRunner | here's what Gparted had to say after looking at the stick: | 21:22 |
dieterd | SuperDisk sometimes works or not. | 21:22 |
RoadRunner | mrkramps: I mean I reset bios to boot from usb first but the comp ended up booting from HD | 21:23 |
RoadRunner | should I try GParted's suggestion of fix? | 21:24 |
RoadRunner | or am I flogging a dead horse? | 21:25 |
RoadRunner | I surely appreciate all the help I am getting here with dd but if someone knows a reliable GUI tool for writing .img to usb, perhaps this is the time to mention it? | 21:27 |
dieterd | Roadrunner: your pc has to support uefi/gpt on usb-medias. In case its windows 8 or 10 on it, booting of bsd has to be certified. If not then you are lost. | 21:27 |
dieterd | little distros can not afford this certification. | 21:29 |
RoadRunner | my pc is a core 2 duo with a dual boot setup of Xubuntu 14.04 and WinXP Pro sp3 (don't know if that helped...) | 21:29 |
mrkramps | nah, OPNsense amd64 cdrom or vga images should support gpt/uefi | 21:29 |
RoadRunner | what's "uefi/gpt"? | 21:30 |
krytarik | You flipped the order. :( | 21:31 |
RoadRunner | sorry :) | 21:31 |
mrkramps | | 21:31 |
mrkramps | but this should be not issue with your specs | 21:31 |
dieterd | Uefi should succeed bios. Gpt is another type of disk partition scheme. | 21:32 |
dieterd | For win xp on that machines uefi/gpt boot was deactivated. On some machines there is an file efi.img which does this mixed, so that gpt i | 21:33 |
dieterd | gpt on extern media is not supported either. | 21:34 |
RoadRunner | gpt is what I chose for my usb; should it be something else? I could change it with GParted but what bearing does win xp have on any of this if I am booting into Xubuntu? | 21:35 |
mrkramps | writing the image to the stick the gpt partitions are overwritten | 21:36 |
mrkramps | RoadRunner, and btw. there's #opnsense on freenode where people may be more familiar with this operating system and its potential problems | 21:38 |
dieterd | Xubuntu works on my machine with uefi/gpt and bios/mbr. There is a way of doing this parallel so both systems can read the partitions. You do this by not using some of additional options od gpt. | 21:38 |
dieterd | You have to look for an image, which is not an hd with gpt, which is an cd or dvd (iso) image. | 21:41 |
RoadRunner | it was a channel op on #opnsense who told me to use dd to write their image... | 21:42 |
RoadRunner | I just thought that from this point it is more of an os question rather than an image question | 21:43 |
dieterd | You could post output of fdisk -l /dev/sda to look mbr or gpt. | 21:43 |
RoadRunner | I am confused; is something brocken or is it an incompatibility of my Xubuntu and opnsense image? | 21:44 |
mrkramps | xubuntu has nothing to do with booting the stick | 21:45 |
RoadRunner | makes sense... | 21:46 |
RoadRunner | it's been a long day for me I guess... | 21:46 |
mrkramps | maybe just try the cdrom image of opnsense | 21:46 |
dieterd | For xp on some pc strange proprietary changes where done with uefi, "castrated uefi". | 21:46 |
mrkramps | as dieterd already suggested | 21:46 |
dieterd | Yes. I have an eeepc with such nonsense. | 21:47 |
RoadRunner | mrkramps: that's what I started with (iso->DVD) had issues with that; that's why switched to .img->dd | 21:48 |
RoadRunner | dieterd: so is Bios to blame? | 21:49 |
mrkramps | btw. | 21:49 |
mrkramps | opnsense docs suggests using bs=16K on linux and bsd for dd | 21:50 |
mrkramps | but i don't think that's of any importance | 21:50 |
dieterd | When usb-booting prozess does not support for sticks superdisk, only hd boot, then iso on sd-stick fails. You have to use a real extern usb-dvd-drive with a burned dvd. | 21:50 |
RoadRunner | dieterd: it was their guru who suggested it to me... I know nothing... unfortunately... | 21:51 |
dieterd | or internal dvd-drive. | 21:51 |
RoadRunner | I wanted to create this usb on a c2d comp to then, use the usb to install onto HD of a Pentium4 gateway | 21:53 |
RoadRunner | but if c2d has issues booting from that usb, what hope is there for a P4 box? | 21:53 |
mrkramps | your cpu has no issues booting something | 21:54 |
RoadRunner | but I am still not clear if it is issues of booting or issues of writing the usb in the first place | 21:54 |
mrkramps | it's a BIOS limitation or a fucked up BIOS implementation | 21:55 |
dieterd | Pentium4 computers often support only Mbr. | 21:55 |
RoadRunner | when I tried to boot from a DVD (iso) - same image - it was like it was being dragged by turtles; it booted but I don't think it would ever finish | 21:56 |
dieterd | Mrkramps: i think roadrunner has second you mentioned. | 21:57 |
RoadRunner | ? | 21:58 |
mrkramps | damn, remote maintenance is always difficult with such issues | 22:00 |
dieterd | Dvd install can take very long if all is fetched from dvd and less is buffered on hd during this prozess. | 22:00 |
mrkramps | RoadRunner, boot times of a dvd in a dvd drive of a pentium 4 might be suboptimal | 22:01 |
mrkramps | just because of the dvd drive's age and estimated read speed ^^ | 22:02 |
dieterd | On a slow pentium5 it took once 2 hours this prozess by a linux distro installer which did not buffer on hd during installation. | 22:03 |
mrkramps | horrible | 22:03 |
RoadRunner | it was the dvd drive on the c2d box which was acting super slow - that's where I was testing it; and it never got to instalation, I was talking about just booting from the DVD | 22:03 |
dieterd | that was done so that it was possible to install on pc with 8gb hd limit too. | 22:07 |
RoadRunner | to get back to writing images: is there a gui app you can recommend for .img's? | 22:08 |
RoadRunner | not to go through this pain with dd | 22:10 |
mrkramps | gdiskdump | 22:10 |
RoadRunner | is it reliable? | 22:10 |
mrkramps | it's a gui for dd | 22:11 |
mrkramps | but not in the package repository | 22:11 |
dieterd | K3b, but will install 100mb kde essentials. | 22:11 |
RoadRunner | dieterd: so K3b is not just for .iso's? | 22:12 |
dieterd | Yes. But i think hd boot will fail again. | 22:14 |
RoadRunner | strange, it calls itself a CD and DVD creator... | 22:15 |
dieterd | But i did img too. | 22:15 |
dieterd | With that tool. | 22:15 |
RoadRunner | dieterd: so you successfully made a booting usb from an .img file with K3b? | 22:16 |
dieterd | No, the other direction. I did an img from an booting usb, which I could compare and put on another stick too (not with k3b). | 22:19 |
RoadRunner | ok guys; so after all this; have I exhausted all my options here? | 22:21 |
dieterd | For pentium 4 i would use opnsense i386. | 22:24 |
RoadRunner | P4 can't handle 64bit? | 22:24 |
mrkramps | depends | 22:26 |
dieterd | And i could not find an info that there gpt is used so that it is mbr compatible too. On ubuntu forums is something written about this. | 22:26 |
pleia2 | no, p4 is not 64-bit | 22:26 |
mrkramps | dieterd, the installer of opnsense should support gpt/uefi … that's all | 22:26 |
mrkramps | pleia2, not all P4s | 22:27 |
dieterd | There is a mode pae for this, but not all have this. | 22:27 |
mrkramps | wiliamette and northwood are 32-bit iirc | 22:27 |
pleia2 | I've never actually seen one in the wild ;) | 22:28 |
pleia2 | best to assume not | 22:28 |
dieterd | I fear gpt is the only one, then usb-hd-stick boot fails of lack of support by castration of uefi for xp. | 22:32 |
RoadRunner | My P4 is running at 3GHz, does that help? | 22:33 |
mrkramps | yes, it is at least a prescott and is capable of 64-bit | 22:33 |
mrkramps | still just a slow calculating heater, but 64 bit | 22:34 |
RoadRunner | My other P4 which I was concidering for the gateway role is a 2.3GHz, is that one 64bit? | 22:34 |
dieterd | i have to leave now its late now. Bye | 22:34 |
RoadRunner | dieterd: thank you | 22:35 |
mrkramps | oh wait … still could be pnetium 4 HT northwood | 22:35 |
mrkramps | RoadRunner, lscpu would tell you | 22:36 |
RoadRunner | lscpu? | 22:36 |
mrkramps | terminal, you know? | 22:36 |
RoadRunner | my pentium4's don't have linux :) | 22:37 |
mrkramps | tit is 2,3 GHz for sure? | 22:37 |
mrkramps | it | 22:37 |
RoadRunner | maybe 2.4 but not more | 22:38 |
mrkramps | with 2.4 it could be prescott already, but also northwood … with 2.26 it would be definitely northwood | 22:39 |
mrkramps | RoadRunner, try using the i386 image | 22:40 |
RoadRunner | ok, let me put it this way; for a p4 in a gateway role, is there much to be gained by going with 64bit vs 32? | 22:40 |
mrkramps | i do not think so | 22:41 |
RoadRunner | even if it is capable? | 22:41 |
mrkramps | actually i386 might even save you some RAM | 22:41 |
RoadRunner | ok, and will going with a 32 bit image make writing a usb easier or make it boot more predictably on my p4's? | 22:42 |
mrkramps | nope | 22:42 |
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang | ||
RoadRunner | then I may still end up spinning my wheels because of bios limitations? | 22:42 |
mrkramps | give it a try | 22:43 |
RoadRunner | to be honest, I've been trying all this for so long I feel like throughing these things from my balcony | 22:43 |
mrkramps | you can stop whenever you want and start again later | 22:44 |
bonsaitree | No, no and no. Even after a fresh install, my Wi-Fi link is behaving like it's capped at 20 Mbit/s. | 22:44 |
mrkramps | 20 MBit/s is pretty nice | 22:45 |
mrkramps | taking into account all the environmental factors and diver issues and and and | 22:45 |
bonsaitree | mrkramps, Not when you have optic link and you used to have 45 Mbit/s. | 22:45 |
RoadRunner | mrkramps: so if I understood dieterd correctly, my issues are due to my bios being limited because it was made for an WinXP computer? | 22:47 |
bonsaitree | mrkramps, But it's not only numbers, it's the whole browsing experience. Sluggish and unstable. I guess it's because of a certain update, since the previous suspect was that i was deleting files in /bin/firmware, but it turns out that it's not the case. | 22:47 |
mrkramps | RoadRunner, there might be an issue with this OS image and your BIOS or your BIOS with usb boot … but it is hard to tell | 22:48 |
mrkramps | RoadRunner, would require the exact model and research on the internet and stuff | 22:48 |
mrkramps | RoadRunner, and you have to use a proper usb port on this main board sometimes | 22:48 |
ddaughtrey | Oh hello. I didn't expect people to be here. I'm not sure why... | 22:49 |
mrkramps | "proper" in terms of not all ports are bootable | 22:49 |
mrkramps | hi ddaughtrey | 22:49 |
knome | ddaughtrey, well you were right, we're all bots. | 22:49 |
ddaughtrey | Aren't we all bots by now? | 22:50 |
RoadRunner | then it really sounds like OPNsense people should be the ones to deal untangling this issue, sorry if I took so much of everybody's time here | 22:50 |
mrkramps | you're welcome | 22:50 |
ddaughtrey | Well since people are here I actually have a quick question | 22:51 |
knome | ddaughtrey, congrats, you've figured out the essence of this channel ;) | 22:51 |
RoadRunner | mrkramps: many thanks :) | 22:51 |
mrkramps | RoadRunner, but as a matter of fact you're trying to run a brand new freebsd on a nearly 15 years old computer | 22:51 |
mrkramps | this might be the main issue here =D | 22:51 |
Spass | akxwi-dave: sorry I was away, thanks for confirming, I'll post a bug on xfce's bugzilla | 22:52 |
ddaughtrey | So I just finished installing Xubuntu on a chromebook, because it's the only portable computer I have. But it doesn't seem like my sound is working. It keeps defaulting to the HDMI output. Any tips? | 22:52 |
mrkramps | ddaughtrey, nopaste of terminal command 'aplay -l' pls | 22:53 |
RoadRunner | mrkramps: these things are only good for gateways now; do OPNsense people expect everybody to run out and buy brand new hardware for their soft? | 22:54 |
mrkramps | RoadRunner, my quad core computer will definitely consume less power than your p4 | 22:54 |
ddaughtrey | mrkramps: **** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices **** | 22:54 |
ddaughtrey | card 0: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], device 3: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0] | 22:54 |
ddaughtrey | Subdevices: 1/1 | 22:54 |
ddaughtrey | Subdevice #0: subdevice #0 | 22:54 |
ddaughtrey | card 0: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], device 7: HDMI 1 [HDMI 1] | 22:54 |
ddaughtrey | Subdevices: 1/1 | 22:54 |
ddaughtrey | Subdevice #0: subdevice #0 | 22:54 |
knome | !pastebin | ddaughtrey | 22:55 |
ubottu | ddaughtrey: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 22:55 |
RoadRunner | mrkramps: I believe you; just don't want to through them out if they can still serve me :) | 22:55 |
mrkramps | RoadRunner, it's just a fact that a modern - let's say - intel atom would be a more optimal choicec | 22:56 |
ddaughtrey | Sorry for spam. I am also new to IRC. And Linux for that matter. | 22:56 |
mrkramps | ddaughtrey, is this the complete output? | 22:57 |
ddaughtrey | Yes | 22:57 |
RoadRunner | mrkramps: how much $? | 22:57 |
mrkramps | RoadRunner, no idea about current prizes | 22:57 |
mrkramps | i guess you can get refurbished stuff for less than 100 bucks which still performs way better | 22:58 |
knome | RoadRunner, mrkramps: may i suggest you to move to #xubuntu-offtopic with the slightly less ontopic discussion? thanks for understanding! | 22:58 |
mrkramps | ddaughtrey, seems like no sound card is found | 22:58 |
knome | (^ + anyone else interested) | 22:58 |
mrkramps | knome, sure … sorry for hijacking | 22:59 |
knome | mrkramps, no worries :) | 22:59 |
RoadRunner | knome: sorry :) and thanks again | 23:00 |
mrkramps | ddaughtrey, what kind of chromebook is this? | 23:00 |
ddaughtrey | mrkramps: Samsung Chromebook 2. Model Number: xe500c12-k01us | 23:00 |
mrkramps | maybe this will help (last answer) | 23:01 |
mrkramps | ddaughtrey, although you could foirst have a look at alsamixer | 23:02 |
ddaughtrey | I'll give them a shot. Thank you! | 23:03 |
mrkramps | | 23:04 |
mrkramps | ddaughtrey, as a matter of fact there are plenty of search results on the internet. something will work! | 23:04 |
Spass | akxwi-dave: bug 13509 on bugzilla | 23:22 |
ubottu | bug 13509 in control-center (Ubuntu) "g-s-d should monitor current background image changes" [Wishlist,Invalid] | 23:22 |
knome | xfce 13509 | 23:48 |
ubottu | bug 13509 in General "Button loses highlight when moving cursor on screen edges" [Normal,New] | 23:48 |
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