
nsnzeromorning all05:21
nsnzerohi DalekSec 06:10
Kilosmorning all from an unstable 2g network07:34
nsnzerohi Kilos 07:47
K_K_Nanybody around?11:23
K_K_Nhi all11:23
paddatrapperHi K_K_N11:48
nsnzerocan i add a physical disk to a virtual machine - i only see the option of adding virtual drives 11:55
MaNIyou can12:04
MaNIjust select 'custom storage' and then put the dev inside the text field12:06
theblazehenYeah, that works. /me has 13 disks passed through to a vm that way12:08
K_K_Nhi paddatrapper 12:08
K_K_Ncan somebody intepret this log for me, I unplugged all USB devices from my laptop then ran tail -f /var/log/syslog in terminal12:10
K_K_NI then plugged USB Printer HP PSC 1315 to each of the usb ports on my laptop (which is not working)12:10
K_K_NI then unplugged an replugged my wireless mouse then 3G modem and then connected to 3G network12:11
K_K_Nthe issue is my printer seems to display on lsusb when I intially plug it in then disappears12:11
K_K_Nbut I am not sure what to make of the results I got12:11
K_K_Nany ideas?12:12
theblazehenK_K_N: Can you run a `dmesg -w` and do it again?12:13
K_K_Ntheblazehen, ok but I will try on the one port since my mouse and modem is plugged onto the other 2 or do you want me to try each USB port again?12:14
theblazehenYou can do it with just one I think12:14
K_K_Nok I unplugged the printer then ran the command now plugged it in a again I will paste it in pastebin12:16
K_K_Nok sorry have to do it again12:18
K_K_Ngive me a sec12:18
nsnzerocould be a driver problem K_K_N 12:21
nsnzeroMaNI:  thanks 12:23
nsnzeroK_K_N: is it an hp 1330 laser printer ?12:25
K_K_Nnsnzero, HP PSC 1315, I installed the HP software for ubuntu12:26
K_K_Ntheblazehen, sorry I used the ubuntu pastebin cause the link above asks me to click the street signs then the mountains and apparently I do not know what a street sign or a mountain is12:27
nsnzeroK_K_N: this may help https://askubuntu.com/questions/345856/does-ubuntu-support-hp-1320-printer12:27
K_K_Nnsnzero, ok let me check from just scheming it I have done the hplip part12:29
K_K_NI will check if there is anything else I did not try12:29
nsnzerosometimes you need to log out and log back in  / reboot to get the new stuff to be loaded 12:31
nsnzerotake care guys - K_K_N hope it work out 12:32
nsnzerohave a good afternoon everyone12:32
K_K_Nthanks nsnzero 12:32
K_K_NI hope as well cause now everytime I wanna print and scan I have to go to an internet cafe12:33
nsnzeroits just a matter of fiddling around K_K_N - took me some time to get mine to connect to a ricoh printer - turns out i had to add myself to the printer group12:35
MaNIhave you verified the cable is good? in the past I've had issues like that just because of the cable, those printer usb cables tend to be very prone to being faulty for some reason12:36
nsnzeroK_K_N: sudo usermod -aG lpadmin username12:37
K_K_NMaNI, yes I bought a new cable12:39
K_K_NI tested the old cable on a windows machine it did not work then borrowed a cable that was working and the printer worked so now bought a new cable and trying on ubuntu and not working12:40
nsnzerodid it print on windows ?12:42
nsnzerotry adding yourself to lpadmin 12:42
K_K_Nwell that was with the borrowed cable but never tried with new cable12:42
K_K_Nnsnzero, ok using the same command above?12:43
nsnzerosudo usermod -aG lpadmin $USER12:44
nsnzerologout for it to work as well12:45
nsnzerochat later 12:45
K_K_Nok cool let me try that12:45
K_K_Ntheblazehen, any ideas after reading the logs?12:54
theblazehenK_K_N: Sorry, was afk. Just read them now12:54
theblazehen> disabled by hub (EMI?), re-enabling...12:55
theblazehenEMI could be Electro magnetic interference, how long is the cable?12:55
K_K_Nhmm... let me measure it12:56
theblazehenJust roughly12:56
theblazehen2 meters?12:56
theblazehenIs it a laptop?12:56
K_K_Nyep around 2 meters12:58
K_K_Nit is a laptop12:58
theblazehenIs it plugged in?12:58
theblazehenIf so, try unplug it?12:58
K_K_Nits unplugged now12:59
theblazehengtg for a while, but see if it works now13:00
K_K_Nhmm... Electro Magnetic Interference... what could cause that?13:00
K_K_NI have a wireless mouse could that be it?13:00
K_K_Ngot disconnected there13:08
K_K_Nso Electro Magnetic Interference what would cause that13:08
chesedoinetpro: i've just created the meeting g+ event and sent the email... could you do the tweet?15:53
superflyMorning chesedo16:58
nsnzeroevening all18:09
K_K_Nevening nsnzero 18:19
K_K_Nand evening everybody else18:19
K_K_Nanyone can recommend a good software to read the sms of a Nokia CS-19 Internet stick?18:20
K_K_NI see wammu in the repository will that work?18:22
nsnzerohi K_K_N 18:25
K_K_Nnsnzero, do you know of any good ones you can recommend, reading the internet is always mixed reviews so one can never be sure18:27
nsnzeroK_K_N: this is something i am not familar with18:29
nsnzerobut i see wammu and gammu been used18:29
K_K_NI installed wammu18:32
K_K_Ndoes not see it, I think its looking for an actual phone18:32
smileI didn't know about this reggae musician https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eek-A-Mouse ;318:36
nsnzerohi smile 18:36
smilehi! :D18:36
smilehttps://www.last.fm/user/geoffreydebelie/library/artists <- nice overview, really well done by last.fm18:37
K_K_Nthanks nsnzero, why is it when I search I never find these sites yet you are able to18:52
nsnzeroi use duck duck go K_K_N 18:57
K_K_Nhmm... I used the same18:58
K_K_Nok I will have to look past the first page I guess18:58
nsnzerothat is strange - but i almost never go past the first couple of links18:58
K_K_Nis there a way to sudo an app using the GUI from the desktop?18:59
K_K_NI am getting this message when trying to search for devices using wammu19:01
K_K_NYou don't have permissions for /dev/ttyACM1 device! Maybe you need to be member of dialout group.19:01
K_K_Nand the list goes on for all19:01
K_K_Nso maybe I need to add myself somewhere or run the app using sudo command?19:02
nsnzeroyou can start any app from the terminal with sudo  19:02
nsnzeroadd yourself to the dialout group19:02
K_K_Nwhere are they located by default?19:02
K_K_Nok how would I add myself to dial out gtoup?19:03
nsnzeroto find an app location type in a terminal : which name_of_app19:04
nsnzerosudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER19:05
K_K_Nok so logout and login again to take effect19:06
nsnzeroyes K_K_N 19:06
K_K_Nthanks nsnzero great help19:06
nsnzerono problem19:06
nsnzeroevening theblazehen 19:08
nsnzerotheblazehen: some bedtime  reading you might enjoy https://github.com/Hack-with-Github/Free-Security-eBooks-from-PacktPub19:10
K_K_Nok not getting the errors now but it still not finding the modem so now back to searching for some other app19:14
nsnzeroi think the modem will  accept AT commands to pull sms's of it 19:17
nsnzeroK_K_N: consider getting a cheap android phone as a replacement for your usb dongle - load kde connect or something similar and you will have exactly what you need regarding smsing  plus the wifi-hot spot 19:23
K_K_Nnsnzero, and just think I started this process just because I could not remember the number for the sim in my 3G to log onto the website to check my data usage19:25
nsnzeroahh -that reminded me of something when i used to use a dongle https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/modem-manager-gui/19:28
nsnzeroK_K_N: sorry it took so long for me to recall that app 19:31
nsnzerohope it works as needed 19:31
K_K_Nnsnzero, no worries thanks I am busy installing the GUI now lets see if that does the trick19:36
K_K_Nwow nsnzero, that is exactly what I needed19:37
K_K_Nthanks a million19:37
nsnzerono problem - glad to help 19:38
nsnzerogood night all 19:39
nsnzerosleep well19:39
K_K_Ngood night nsnzero 19:40

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