
Unit193mapreri: I know that you aren't the correct person to talk to this with, but telegram from the repos fails to load when I set QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=gtk2 (I'm on Xfce, looks awful without that.  Shipped by default in Xubuntu), but the upstream version does not.  The patch Avoid-depending-on-static-libraries.patch sets QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE=qwerty, which I wonder if that conflicts.06:18
Unit193I see 1680943 seems related.06:42
mapreriUnit193: indeed, there is very little to nothing I can do about.  Please just follow up on the respective bug(s) (ISTR there is one on lp as well as one on the debian btS)10:17
Unit193mapreri: I don't think I saw the bts one, but ginggs was close enough on LP.10:18
Unit193(Since I haven't tested my guess, it's a random guess anyway..)10:18
tsimonq2Sponsorable patch here: bug 168554621:10
ubottubug 1685546 in healpix-cxx (Ubuntu) "Merge 3.30.0-6 from Debian Sid" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/168554621:10
tsimonq2Sponsorable force sync here: bug 168555522:21
ubottubug 1685555 in ostree (Ubuntu) "Force sync 2017.5-1 from Debian Experimental" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/168555522:21
tsimonq2Sponsorable force sync here: bug 168555722:41
ubottubug 1685557 in python-qtawesome (Ubuntu) "Force sync 0.4.4+ds1-1 from Debian Sid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/168555722:41
tsimonq2That'll be it for me today.22:41

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