
theblazehenMaaz tell nsnzero, what does `echo $TERM` say in an ssh session?08:19
Maaztheblazehen: I don't know who nsnzero, is. Say 'nsnzero, on freenode' and I'll take your word that nsnzero, exists08:19
theblazehenMaaz tell nsnzero, on freenode, what does `echo $TERM` say in an ssh session?08:19
Maaztheblazehen: I don't know who nsnzero, is. Say 'nsnzero, on freenode' and I'll take your word that nsnzero, exists08:19
theblazehenMaaz tell nsnzero on freenode, what does `echo $TERM` say in an ssh session?08:19
Maaztheblazehen: Okay, I'll tell nsnzero on freenode08:19
=== MaN1 is now known as MaNI
* pavlushka looking for Kilos09:23
nsnzeroevening all16:48
Maaznsnzero: By the way, theblazehen on freenode told me "tell nsnzero on freenode, what does `echo $TERM` say in an ssh session?" 8 hours, 28 minutes and 24 seconds ago16:48
nsnzeroMaaz: thanks16:49
Maaznsnzero: Sure16:49
inetprohi nsnzero17:39
nsnzerogood evening inetpro 17:40
inetprohow are you doing?17:45
nsnzerowell and yourself inetpro ?17:47
inetproall good as well thanks17:47
theblazehenHi inetpro, nsnzero17:52
nsnzerogood evening theblazehen 17:53
nsnzerotheblazehen: did you  check out the link i posted relating to security / pentesting ?17:56
theblazehennsnzero: May have missed, got it handy?17:58
theblazehenmissed it*17:58
nsnzeroone second17:59
nsnzerotheblazehen: https://github.com/Hack-with-Github/Free-Security-eBooks-from-PacktPub18:03
theblazehenWill check it out, ty nsnzero18:05
nsnzerono problem theblazehen 18:06
nsnzerocheck out wiki leaks vault 7 - its mostly windows stuff but good reading 18:09
theblazehennsnzero: Yeah, had a little check of that ty18:12

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