
wallyworldbabbageclunk: i think the PR needs a new test? see my comment00:22
wallyworldthumper: which bug? there's nothing on the 2.2 beta3 milestone. i could search but if you have the number handy....00:24
babbageclunkwallyworld: thanks00:24
* thumper looks for wallyworld00:24
mupBug #1669540: state: storeManager dies permanently when it should not <jaas> <sprint> <juju:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1669540>00:24
wallyworldoh that one00:25
thumpersee related comments at the end of the bug00:25
wallyworldi wasn't intending to look at it00:25
wallyworldi have oracle provider stuff queded up00:25
wallyworldi want to get that done for beta300:25
wallyworldi could look tomorrow00:26
thumperwallyworld: where would I get the tools sha256 from?00:26
wallyworldthere's a tools doc in mongo or are you asking where's the code to calculate the hash?00:27
thumperI can see the calculation in the unpack tools00:27
thumperbut I'm doing the 1.25 upgrade00:27
thumperperhaps a 5 minutes Hangout would be better00:27
thumpergot time?00:27
thumperwallyworld: 1:100:27
babbageclunkwallyworld: there was already a test for updating - I tweaked it to make it clear that it preserves arbitrary firewall rule names.00:45
wallyworldbabbageclunk: ok. was there also an issue where adding a new rule with updated cidrs was an issue?00:46
wallyworldor applying a new cidr to an existing rule?00:46
wallyworldi thought there was a gap like that you mentioned?00:47
babbageclunkwallyworld: That test does add a CIDR to an existing rule. Do you mean handling swapped orders of CIDRs? I've got a test at the ruleSet level.00:49
wallyworldyeah, ok, sounds good. i didn't digest all the new tests00:50
babbageclunkwallyworld: sweet.00:50
babbageclunkwallyworld: Looks like the error swallowing I thought I saw was actually because I was watching log messages from juju.apiserver.remotefirewaller and juju.worker.firewaller, and the error was reported by juju.worker.dependency, so I didn't see it. Checking that now00:52
wallyworldbabbageclunk: can you look at this trivial PR to get Oracle provider working again?02:20
babbageclunkwallyworld: sure02:21
babbageclunkwallyworld: LGTM'd02:23
wallyworldbabbageclunk: tyvm02:24
wallyworldthumper: can you recall where the code to shorten the lxd instance ids lives? was that in a utils somewhere or was it a bespoke lxd bit of code? or similarly for maas02:35
thumperI think it is in the instance package02:36
thumpertail of a UUID02:36
babbageclunkwallyworld: It looks like this check is the cause of the ports not being closed: https://github.com/juju/juju/blob/staging/worker/firewaller/firewaller.go#L112403:11
babbageclunkwallyworld: Removing it makes my new test pass, doesn't break any of the other ones. Any idea why it's there?03:12
wallyworldbabbageclunk: hmmm, yes, that was to fix something else03:12
wallyworldi can't recall exactly what now, but it showed up in manual testing maybe03:13
wallyworldwhen you deleted a relation, the ports didn;t close03:13
wallyworldmaybe with your work, it's now fixed implicitly03:14
wallyworldi think it was that - create a remote relation. see the ports open, delete the relation, the ports should close03:14
babbageclunkwallyworld: ok, I'll check that manually.03:15
wallyworldbabbageclunk: or03:15
wallyworldi think you then need to add the relation again perhaps, and see the ports open again03:15
babbageclunkah, ok03:15
wallyworldso yeah, just a small manaul test to check everything03:15
babbageclunkwallyworld: sounds good03:15
babbageclunkwallyworld: review plz? https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/727004:23
babbageclunkas a reward, some delightful doggo pics: https://www.reddit.com/r/rarepuppers/04:24
wallyworldbabbageclunk: so the manual testing worked. i winder why i put that line in04:24
wallyworldbabbageclunk: before you land, we need to get the vsphere thing fixed or else it won't go through, so do try yet04:25
babbageclunkok, shan't04:27
* babbageclunk goes for a wee run04:27
wallyworldbabbageclunk: that means something different here in australia04:31
wallyworldjust saying04:31
blahdeblahwallyworld: that's a wee walk04:31
blahdeblahwee runs are anything under 5km04:31
wallyworlddepends on how much beer04:31
wallyworldaxw: your PR is on it's way....04:39
axwwallyworld: thanks04:40
wallyworldmenn0: here's a small PR for the watcher bit https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/727205:29
wallyworldi wish the bug only contained one issue rather than 205:29
menn0wallyworld: looking05:29
menn0wallyworld: done05:33
wallyworldjam: unless i am wrong, containers have never inherited their host machine's constraints, and that's not something that has been changed in the last week or so, right?06:41
jamwallyworld: it has never been the intent, but I do believe I've seen containers inheriting the host machines's space constraints for a reason I don't understand06:42
wallyworldoh, i see. that is unintended i'm sure06:42
wallyworldi saw the email to the list and it seems quite a bad issue for him06:43
blahdeblahjuju add-model has a --credential flag; is there a way to set this after the model has been added?07:55
blahdeblahor show which credentials are in use for a model?07:55
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tomk88Hi, if there's somebody awake now:11:04
tomk88I am writing new provider for juju. When I implement the provider interfaces, I am contastnly getting "method Id should be ID [go/golint]" from golint. do you guys have any recommendation how to turn this particular warning off in golint?11:05
tomk88I am using vim, vim-go, YouCompleteMe11:06
bdxrick_h: new bug here https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/168578212:24
mupBug #1685782: juju deployed LXD inherit constraints from the host causing lxd deploys to fail <juju:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1685782>12:24
bdxplease put some heat on that12:25
rick_hbdx: rgr12:25
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=== bdx_ is now known as bdx
zeestratAnyone got a spare cycle for troubleshooting steps on a model migration issue in #1680392?15:07
mupBug #1680392: Model migration fails on large model <juju:Incomplete> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1680392>15:07
=== bdx_ is now known as bdx
balloonsCan I get a review of https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/7273?21:19

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