
bumblefuzzwhy does lsmod indicate that my video kernel module isn't the one for my graphics card00:01
UmeaboyInstalling 17.04 with a fresh installation iso gives me strange screen resolutions no matter how I change it.00:01
UmeaboyEither the windows on every program is as if I've got the highest resolution set so they become small or the panels in Unity becomes big as if I have a lower resolution.00:03
UmeaboyNo settings fits.00:03
UmeaboyThey did in 16.10.00:03
UmeaboyI have shared graphics between Intel and Nvidia.00:04
UmeaboyGeForce GTX 850M is the graphics card if I'm not misstaken.00:04
Bashing-omUmeaboy: what graphic's card ? and what is the situation when booting a recovery kernel ?00:04
UmeaboyI haven't tried that yet.00:04
UmeaboyI'll do that and come back to you.00:05
* afonsobarrenha se perguntando se há mais brasileiro aqui00:05
jacks_anyone familiar with hostapd? i'm trying to get an adhoc ap setup on my c.h.i.p mini computer so far its working but i wanted to get notifications once a client connects, is there an easier way to get an email notification than parsing logs ?00:07
UmeaboyBashing-om: If I boot into Recovery mode the screen resolution seems OK, but I can't change it to anything else.00:10
UmeaboyI'll test to blacklist the nouveau module like I have done before.00:11
ritztechdd if=/dev/sdb conv=noerror,sync bs=16M   (if i did that how can i analyze it if i see it had the right partitions)00:11
ritztechi did a qemu to convert to vmdk but (it says operating system not found)00:12
Bashing-omUmeaboy: That is expected - no KMS is avaolabale in this envoronment . now - what shows ' dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia ' ?00:12
UmeaboyA blank new row.00:12
Bashing-omUmeaboy: dpkg -l has no outpur . confirm with sudo lshw -C display ' in a pastebin .., look'n like there is no driver installed .00:14
UmeaboyBashing-om: Does it matter which Pastebin?00:15
UmeaboyI use pastebin.ca00:15
Bashing-omUmeaboy: Nope .. any pastebin site will do .00:15
UmeaboyBashing-om: https://pastebin.ca/380172200:16
rober_alguien de san roque cordoba00:17
UmeaboyUsuaully nouveau is the driver that has caused most problems in Ubuntu and other distros that I've tried.00:17
UmeaboySo, what's next?00:18
UmeaboyI'll blacklist the driver and reboot. Hold on.....00:19
poco_could anyone take a look at my rsync script and tell me what's going wrong with my If condition? https://pastebin.com/uYph9q3w00:19
Bashing-omUmeaboy: "driver=nouveau" proprietary driver perfoms the better in hubrid situations . try ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ; sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall ' IF you are comfortable running proprietary software .00:19
sabounhi, does someone have a good tutorial to set up a dual boot macOS / ubuntu ?00:20
Bashing-om!dualboot | saboun00:20
ubottusaboun: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot00:20
sabounthank you ubottu00:21
UmeaboyBashing-om: Nope. Blacklisting the nouveau module didn't change anyting.00:24
UmeaboyWhat should I do next besides installing 16.10?00:24
UmeaboyCan I leave some useful info?00:24
Bashing-omUmeaboy: I would not expect it too ! 19:19 < Bashing-om> Umeaboy: "driver=nouveau" proprietary driver perfoms the better in hubrid situations . try ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ; sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall ' .00:25
UmeaboyWhat do I report the issue against?00:25
Bashing-omUmeaboy: the nouveau driver - not sure how well nouvea is designed to support hybrid cards .00:26
Bashing-omUmeaboy: ^^ That is IF Nvidia driver is functuonal !00:27
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BobbyJobbyDoes anyone know how to fix the error "System is running in low-graphics mode"00:29
BobbyJobbyThis happened after I installed AMD GPU drivers00:29
UmeaboyBashing-om: Well, 16.04 and 16.10 installed normally and had no issues with nouveau.00:29
bumblefuzzhow do I activate my AMD driver?00:29
bumblefuzzI've installed it00:29
BigBawbHi there. I just ran the apt-get upgrade command and now my display manager isn't working properly00:30
bumblefuzzbut lsmod returns a different value for my video driver00:30
BigBawbIt goes to the password screen. I log in. It   turns black. And turns back to login scren again00:30
UmeaboyI'm gonna reboot now.00:31
UmeaboyBashing-om: Still same problem.00:34
Bashing-omBigBawb: Lost access to "your" GUI ? What shows for permissions : ' ls -al .ICEauthority .Xauthority ' . from a crl+alt+F1 console at the login screen .00:34
Bashing-omUmeaboy: Humm . ' dpkg -l grep -i mvidia ' shows what ?00:35
Bashing-omUmeaboy: nvidia**00:36
BigBawbBashing-om: One sec friend. Im trying to reinstall ubuntu-desktop to see if that helps00:36
UmeaboyBashing-om: dpkg-query: no packages found that matches -i00:38
Umeaboydpkg-query: no packages found that matches nvidia00:38
BigBawbBashing-om: -rw--------00:39
Bashing-omUmeaboy: Soory bout that - need to pipe to grep . make it ' dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia ' .00:40
AzeroI'm off. Have a good week, everyone.00:41
Bashing-omBigBawb: we re looking at who owns the files " -rw------- 1 sysop sysop 13188 Apr 23 10:25 .ICEauthority " where I am sysop .00:41
bumblefuzzwhat is asus_wmi ?00:41
bumblefuzzwhen I do 'lsmod | gre video' asus_wmi is all that comes up00:42
UmeaboyBashing-om: https://pastebin.ca/380173700:42
bumblefuzzand I have an AMD graphics card00:42
segersjerryHi, I can't put files on thumbdrives, it says permission denied and when I try to eject, it requires my password. Is there a group I need to add myself to?00:43
Umeaboysegersjerry: plugdev00:43
BigBawbBashing-om: -rw-------- 1 bob bob00:43
BigBawbmy username is bob00:43
BigBawbfor both files00:43
segersjerryumeaboy, thanks googling. :)00:43
Bashing-omUmeaboy: That looks correct and good to me . Boot into a guest session and see what the GUI looks like there ( Config issue in your session ??) .00:43
UmeaboyHold on....00:44
Bashing-omBigBawb: Well so much for that thought . Beyond my skills now ( as I run xfce ) .00:44
BigBawbwell when I try to install ubuntu-desktop it says I have unresolved dependencies00:45
BigBawbsays "wll not be installed"00:45
segersjerryI'm already a member of plugdev. Any other ideas?00:45
Bashing-omBigBawb: K; that I can work with . let's "look"; show ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ' in a pastebin .00:45
UmeaboyBashing-om: It got even worse changing the screen resolution.00:46
Bashing-omUmeaboy: Sorry I do not follow . in the guest session login ?00:47
UmeaboyI see this error in the terminal if I install some random program/app/package: /sbin/ldconfig.real: /usr/lib32/nvidia-375/libEGL.so.1 is not a symbolic link00:48
UmeaboyWhat could that error cause?00:48
maumhow can I see the custom fonts by using matplotlib in jupyter notebook?00:49
Bashing-omUmeaboy: See: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-375/+bug/1662860 .00:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1662860 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-375 (Ubuntu) "/sbin/ldconfig.real: /usr/lib/nvidia-375/libEGL.so.1 is not a symbolic link" [High,Confirmed]00:50
BigBawbis llvm.org down for anyone else?00:50
UmeaboyYes, it's down.00:52
BigBawbI think that screwed up my upgrade looking at my logs00:52
Bashing-omnightf0x: try termbin ' sudo apt update 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 9999 ; udo apt upgrade 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 9999 ' .00:52
UmeaboyBigBawb: http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/00:52
Bashing-omBigBawb: ^^ sorry bout the highlight nightf0x .00:53
poco_damn, can't seem to figure out this if command following rsync https://pastebin.com/uYph9q3w00:55
Umeaboypoco_: You're free to use https://www.shellcheck.net/ to check your script for errors.00:57
UmeaboyIt even gives you suggestions. :)00:58
poco_Umeaboy, woah had no idea this existed00:58
UmeaboyYou're welcome. :(01:00
UmeaboySo, going back to 16.10 then.01:02
poco_Umeaboy yeah it doesn't like my if command. figures. it took me here but I'm having a hard time understanding it https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/wiki/SC218101:03
eLdiaBLo1911hey guys, anyone familiar with the Audio-CD ripping tool CDex? i want to encode like the scene does, but unsure about a few parameters01:05
segersjerrywhen I put in a thumbdrive, it mounts and shows up in the gui but the gui also throws up a message box that says "device /dev/sdg1 is already mounted at 'media/usb0'. The device is formatted fat32 and has no files, a ls -al shows . and .. as owned by root.root My user was already a member of plugdev before this login. any ideas?01:05
Bashing-omsegersjerry: Normally we expect a gvfs mount to be "/media/<username>" .. did you explictly nount to "media/usb0" ?01:09
segersjerryBashing-om, no sir.01:09
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Bashing-omsegersjerry: Terminal command ' mount ' shows what with the usb drive plugged in ?01:11
Bashing-omsegersjerry: My result : " /dev/sdc1 on /media/sysop/8023-774F type vfat  " .01:13
oerheksfat32 owned by root:root .. sounds like unclean filesystem01:13
segersjerryBashing-om, http://paste.ubuntu.com/24445030/01:14
Bashing-omsegersjerry: ^^ see oerheks's above . concur as I have " drwxr-xr-x  10 sysop sysop 16384 Dec 31  1969 ." .01:15
segersjerryBashing-om, ok, googling, thanks. :)01:18
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Bashing-omsegersjerry: Ya got access to a Windows machine to check that fat32 drive ?01:18
segersjerryoerheks, thanks.01:18
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segersjerryBashing-om, only in a virtualbox, but I do have a mac.01:19
Bashing-omsegersjerry: Well, I be a strong advocate of Windows tools for a Windows file system .01:20
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DAnicknameUsing ubuntu 10.04 i installed django on settings.py i only have sqlite3 db how can i get MySQL as default also on django ?01:33
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Bashing-om!10.04 | DAnickname01:35
ubottuDAnickname: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended May 9 2013. Server support ended on April 30 2015. See http://ubottu.com/y/lucid for more details.01:35
ubottuUbuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) is the current LTS release of Ubuntu. Download at http://www.ubuntu.com/download - Read the release notes at http://ubottu.com/y/xenial01:37
DAnickname:( what version should i upgrade? any easy comand to update entire OS to new one with best support for python develop?01:38
masbergood morning all01:39
masberI am having an issue trying to bring up a network interface01:39
masberit says "Unknown interface ens224"01:40
masberdo I need to add ens224 to my interfaces file?01:40
Pearceso i just installed ubuntu 16.04, installation went smooth but it won't boot.  ran boot repair stilll nothing.01:40
pd1masber: yes01:41
pd1Pearce: any error messages? how far does it go? where does it crash/stop?01:42
Pearcei get no bootable device found, then i have to run off the live usb01:43
teegeetrying to set up a ppp dial in server on my 16.04 so I can use the rs232 port to log in from a device that talks ppp. Everything I find tells me to configure /etc/inittab to run mgetty on ttyS0 but 16.04 doesn't have inittab any more. should I just create a new file in /etc/init or is that not the right way?01:43
midnightmagic:-( Trying to install 16.04.2 LTS, and wondering if there's some clever way to put both a swap and root partitions on an encrypted volume from ubiquity..?01:43
pd1masber: Pearce: bios boot order contails the devise with the installation?01:43
Pearceyes, emmc is first, then usb01:44
Pearcei have a boot repair log : http://paste2.org/pydmHBnW01:46
Bashing-ommasber: Does network-manager or /etc/network/interfaces control networking ?01:46
masberBashing-om, how can I know that?01:47
Bashing-ommasber: what returns ' dpkg -l network-manager ' ?01:48
wiggmpkHypothetically speaking, if I wanted to upgrade from GNOME Ubuntu 16.04.2 to Ubuntu 17.04 (which I just read abandoned the Unity interface) is there a clear upgrade path or does it require a reinstall?01:49
PipeItToDevNullwiggmpk, 17.04 is still using Unity, 18.04 will not01:50
wiggmpkpiercedwater: I see, thank you for the info. Same question though, hypothetically of course01:50
PipeItToDevNullAnd regardless, it is just a DE, any DE can be run01:50
masberdpkg-query: no packages found matching network-manage01:51
masberBashing-om, ^^01:51
wiggmpkPipeItToDevNull: so there would be no issues regardless of flavor on upgrading?01:52
pd1masber: just put an entry in the /etc/network/interfaces for the interface01:52
PipeItToDevNullwiggmpk, There should not be01:52
Bashing-ommasber: "network-manager" with an r .01:52
wiggmpkPipeItToDevNull: thanks mate :)01:52
masberBashing-om, yes it is installed01:53
Grorcohello everyone01:54
marvin2this should supposedly move close/minimize/maximize buttons to the right but it isn't doing anything for me. I am using ubuntu 16.04 gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences button-layout ':minimize,maximize,close'01:54
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Bashing-ommasber: K then is it "active" : ' systemctl status NetworkManager.service ' ?01:54
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masbershould I install network manager?01:56
pd1masber: just put an entry in the /etc/network/interfaces for the interface01:56
masbersomething like this will work?01:57
masberauto ens22401:57
platzwell that was absolutely horrifying.. after re-installing removed kernel wifi and xorg didn't work.  iwlwifi wouldn't load.  then intermittently i was able to modprobe iwlwifi and after reboot wifi and xorg worked on startup01:57
masberiface ens224 inet static01:57
Bashing-ommasber: Good not in use !so yes make sure the interface name is in /etc/network/interfaces file .01:57
pd1masber: iface ens224 inet dhcp01:57
pd1if you do not have a static config01:58
GrorcoI would like to run text based ubuntu for a project I'm working on, and would like to automate mounting hardware, drivers and such but really have no idea where to start. Can anyone point me in the right direction?01:58
platzlesson learned, never copy+paste ansers from stack overflow that say "sudo apt purge linux-headers-* linux-headers-*-generic linux-image-*-generic linux-image-extra-*-generic linux-signed-image-*-generic"01:58
pd1and a dhcp server is running on the network enc224 is connected to01:58
masberiface: command not found01:58
pd1Grorco mininimak image. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD02:00
pd1masber: this needs to go to the /etc/network/interfaces02:00
pd1then can ifup/ifdown the iface02:01
RobinDoes LTS means, I won't be getting newer version of installed softwares?02:01
pd1Robin: no. means long term support02:01
buulikanyou say hello02:02
buulikanfux thix manx02:02
RobinWill I be able to download and install latest version of software, for long time?02:02
PipeItToDevNullRobin, Kinda, don't expect the lastest releases of software, the packages will be stable and maintained with security fixes02:02
buulikanred thix man02:03
Bashing-om!latest | Robin02:03
ubottuRobin: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.02:03
pd1PipeItToDevNull: but thats not an lts issue.02:03
buulikanuse thix manx02:04
buulikanMZ     ÿÿ  ¸       @                                      º ´Í!¸LÍ!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.02:04
buulikan$       EŠ£ësðësðësðvïðësð’¥ëðësðvíð02:04
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