[00:02] !nvidia | etherlycht [00:02] etherlycht: For nvidia and matrox graphics cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto . For AMD/ATI graphics cards, see « /msg ubottu ati » and « /msg ubottu fglrxmissing » [00:02] many people find that the nvidia driver works better than nouveau [00:03] !info vysper [00:03] Package vysper does not exist in zesty [00:03] !info cytadel [00:03] Package cytadel does not exist in zesty [00:03] dunno what those are, etherlycht [00:05] fglrx skirmish is mine [00:06] im trying to install xmpp to rum kopete and telepathy... telepathy not more a interfasce? [00:07] You don't need any extra packages for XMPP connections in Kopete or Telepathy [00:10] why not setup kdetalk.net? [00:13] any can handle? [00:32] info vysper and cytadel are xmpp server to activate kdetalk account. [00:33] kdetalk is a server one can use [00:33] you would need some sort of software to use it like kopete, kde-telepathy, or some other xmpp client [00:39] this client works : https://www.jabbim.com/ [00:41] !info jabbim [00:41] Package jabbim does not exist in zesty [00:41] it's a server [00:41] not a client [00:50] is a xmpp online server or a cliente log maker. to you log and use com kopete and bonjour [00:51] so you get @kdetalk.net account work [00:51] do you wanna try and write via kopete? for fun? [00:59] anyone is logged in kdetalk.net? === claydoh is now known as Guest56888 === claydoh is now known as Guest86294 === josh is now known as Guest43088 [06:29] anyone see telepathy IM work with Google in the last few years? Wondering why a 'distro' would continue to include it when it has not functioned in so long [06:35] qbsd: I got it to work [06:35] then Google changed something [06:36] long time ago I got it work by installing empathy (over 165 Gnome packages) [06:36] that doesn't work any more [06:38] was just running through testing in a VM of the 17.04 release [06:39] was thinking about wiping the Neon, the last 2 major updates of KDE in Neon produced regressions [06:39] leaves me wondering about QA/QC [06:40] guess I can stick with Kopete; it works [06:41] was just about to put 17.04 to the bare metal and ran across this [07:01] Hi, I launch the terminal in gnome by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T. What's the shortcut for KDE? [07:05] sam_wong: i think you will need to add a custom shortcut for this, opening an instance of your prefered terminal (konsole is default in kubuntu) [07:07] shortcut is there, but disabled by default in examples. can be enabled. http://i.imgur.com/PHQhwSx.png [07:09] ribbley: how to open an instance ...... I am new to KDE [07:12] I just use yakuake [07:12] f12 and it's open [07:13] tabs and everything [07:13] f12 and it closes [07:13] !info yakuake [07:13] yakuake (source: yakuake): Quake-style terminal emulator based on KDE Konsole technology. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.2-1 (zesty), package size 357 kB, installed size 2093 kB [07:24] acheronUK: the "Run Konsole" box is dimmed when I tried to activate it. Further assistance is needed [07:26] sam_wong: tick the Examples box 1st. then the Konsole one should be tickable I think [07:27] acheronUK: thank you. the problem has been solved [07:27] :) === shawn is now known as Guest8436 [07:58] Good morning === daniel_ is now known as AlbertoPerni [08:53] Hello. Will there be more work on the Global Menus feature, specifically to make it work across all apps, not just KDE-ones? === ingvass is now known as ubuntuer [09:04] hello [09:04] I need to ask some questions [09:05] anyone? === ubuntuer is now known as k_ubuntu_er [09:09] Mrokii: I saw in passing the other day a comment by KDE devs that it would need some cooperation from GTK/gnome devs to work [09:10] hmmm, they left [09:10] Mrokii: maybe ask in #kde-devel #plamsa ? [09:10] hateball: yup k_ubuntu_er did :/ [09:11] or #plasma even! [09:12] why english women likes so much black boys? [09:13] acheronUK: Thanks, I'll try. [09:14] I am eating [10:08] 'Morning folks === pickle_ is now known as apikey [10:30] why english women likes so much black boys? [10:33] AlbertoPerni: this is the kubuntu support channel. please take questions like that somewhere else. === mike_ is now known as Guest50184 [11:12] hello - I have somehow broken the plasma setttings for one user's desktop [11:12] where do I find the settings config and how would I reset it? [11:13] something seemsto continually break in my plasma deskop [11:13] maybe there is a channel specifically for plasma? [11:17] mihaly, describe your issue in more detail please, it's difficult to help otherwise [11:19] forgive me I'm unsure where the problem actually is- bare with me. I had it all working (indeed for this user the desktop does work) [11:20] but I accidenally disconnected the secondary monitor and everything went crazy. Now when I restart, for the user who did that, the desktop seems to only show the top half, and I can't see or access the lower half (hence he desktop settings) [11:22] it would seem as if somehing makes the desktop blank out and the cursor cant move below about the halfway mark (where tthe bar of the desk startup is... [11:25] mihaly, have you tried resetting/rebooting the monitor itself with the computer turned off then booting up with the monitor already turned on ? [11:25] sounds more like a monitopr problem rather than plasma [11:25] yeah, thats how I get to be able to run /this user/ with a correct functioning desktop [11:26] I figure theres a config file somewhere I can reset or somehow get it to defaults? [11:28] i recall at some point I used the system gui to "relocate" the desktops arrangement, but it sort of pushed one of the desks way off the top of the alignment region? [11:28] I was trying to use the larger monitor on it's side in portratt mode (!) [11:31] I still also have issues with the current user arranging windows across screens, so I do think it's a plasma issue [11:32] if I grab a window I can only drag it to one edge, not across he second screen, and if I grab it on that side, it immediately snaps back to the right edge of my lptop monitor [11:35] also if both monitors are plugged in the default font is tiny. but with only the laptop monitor active, it's larger and readable [11:37] mihaly, dpi settings are different from each other [11:38] am I correct in guessing that the dpi is used for both monitors (large one is 1080, laptop is 1366x768 [11:40] 1920x1080 monitor defines the DPI for both monitors? [11:41] mihaly, dunno how to apply different dpi or resolutions on a hdmi feed [11:43] I'm not too fussed about the DPI, it's bearable :) just wondering where the user's config file for his desktop setup is ... if I can look inside that maybe I can set it to sane defaults? [11:44] is it under .config? Maybe there's a /etc/skel or similar I can overwrite for that user? [11:44] I tried my laptop hdmi to my TV connection , it wasn't good , it's was just an experiment and unsuccessful [11:45] I think I'm connected via the regular monitor out (not via the HDMI connecttion) [11:46] old school :) [11:46] mihaly, I didn't pursue the problem any further, but my HTPC with DVI to HDMI connectorto the TV works fine, so the laptop connection wasn'r needed [11:48] so do you think it's better just to not use the second monitor? I was really enjoying it when it first came up, [11:48] multiple monitors aren't my forte' :/ [11:50] mihaly, you could try asking in #kde chat [11:50] nevertheless, I appreciate you talking to me :) [11:50] mihaly, or even ##linux [11:52] is there a #plasma channel? [11:52] in Konversation, shouldn't clicking on those links open up a channel dialog? not doing it? [11:53] yes it should open the chat [11:53] oh it did ... lag ... [11:53] tabs should appear === lorenzo_ is now known as lorenzo92 [11:54] mihaly, think the ##linux chat requires a registered nick [11:54] cool I see yoi there [11:54] so it says - I am registered for mihaly, AFAIK [11:55] ok [12:10] well, I have a usable desktop now . tjanks again! [13:02] can anyone give me a link to register an openid account so i can logon to http://www.kubuntu.org/wp-login.php?action=register ?? [13:03] or is registering there even necessecary/ helpful [13:07] Hello! :) [13:09] I downloaded Kubuntu 17.04 image, wrote it to a USB stick and tried to boot from it. The boot is stuck on the Plymouth screen... [13:10] r3 som chats require a registered nick to join [13:10] r3gl17ch3d,^ [13:11] !register | r3gl17ch3d [13:11] r3gl17ch3d: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode. [13:11] The ISO is not corrupted (checksums match), the stick works fine (same problem with a DVD disk), nothing like that happened with previous Kubuntu versions [13:11] ilya_b, how did you write it to the usb? [13:11] I used SUSE ImageWriter [13:12] For the DVD, I used K3b [13:12] ilya_b, never heard of that method for usb [13:12] Ubuntu 17.04 loads with no problems [13:12] (same method) [13:14] With Kubuntu, tried Launch, Install, Check integrity - all fail [13:14] most users use dd since that method makes the usb image bootable. perhaps your boot sequence in uefi/bios needs to be made to boot the usb first [13:15] I boot from USB, why change the sequence? [13:15] ilya_b, so which media has ubuntu on it> [13:15] Boot gets stuck on the Plymouth [13:15] No matter if I use USB or DVD [13:16] so it does boot [13:16] Yes [13:16] But keeps showing Plymouth [13:16] And USB indicator is off, so data is not being read [13:17] The kernel works, Plymouth is animated [13:17] Any ideas? [13:17] which is it if data isn't being read on usb how is it booting [13:18] It reads data to some point, then stops. [13:18] After that, the boot is stuck [13:18] !nomodeset [13:18] A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter [13:19] Has anything important concerning graphics changed since 16.10? [13:20] Splash screen is not corrupted [13:22] it doesn't have to be corrupted if the gpu drivers aren't loading [13:23] Does Kubuntu use a different driver than Ubuntu? [13:26] ilya_b, no same drivers [13:27] no, some drivers [13:27] same even :-) [13:27] what's your gpu? [13:27] Ubuntu boots => drivers are not the problem [13:28] Nvidia GeForce 9800GT [13:28] ilya_b, it'll boot without the proprietary driver [13:29] uses nouveau driver by default [13:32] hey guys, am a bit confused by this output of free -mt. It doesn't make sense to me https://dpaste.de/AWNT . I've 8GB installed capacity, it's saying 2699 is used but 144 is free?!! How come? Am runing Kubuntu based off Ubuntu 16.04 LTS [13:34] oquidave- look at the buff/cache column [13:36] Dragnslcr: I understand that cache/buffers is cached memory!? so how much actual free memory does my system have [13:36] Oe, Oe, this is one for: http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ [13:36] oquidave: ^ [13:37] Preferably you want little "free" ram, since it means the OS is caching things nicely. [13:37] It depends on how you define "free" [13:38] The "free" column is RAM that isn't being used, and therefore not doing anything helpful [13:38] Unused free, doing nothing and being empty. [13:38] The "available" column is "Estimation of how much memory is available for starting new applications, without swapping. Unlike the data provided by the cache or free fields, this field takes into account page cache and also that not all reclaimable memory slabs will be reclaimed due to items being in use" [13:45] lordievader: good link over there. clears up alot. Dragnslcr first seen the "available" column in ubuntu 16.04. It's not there in 14.04 and lower versions. So I've been mailnly looking at the "free" column [13:46] True, it is only available, no pun intended, in newer versions of the free command. [13:51] lordievader: : [13:55] lordievader: if I use vmstat, I take it that active memory is my "freely available" ram https://dpaste.de/nE6R [13:57] Seems to match, indeed. [13:59] lordievader: thanks [14:25] Hi ! :) [14:26] hi yen [14:26] Does anyone has an advice for the following cmake error : Could NOT find OpenGL (missing: OPENGL_gl_LIBRARY) [14:27] When i have installed freeglut3-dev [14:27] what are you trying to build? [14:28] A project of mine [14:28] I didn' t write the cmake but it works well, it compiled on other computers [14:31] Something i don't understand is that it seems that i have several libGL.so : [14:31] locate libGL.so [14:31] /usr/lib/nvidia-375/libGL.so [14:31] /usr/lib/nvidia-375/libGL.so.1 [14:31] /usr/lib/nvidia-375/libGL.so.1.0.0 [14:31] /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libGL.so [14:31] /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mesa/libGL.so [14:31] have you mesa-common-dev installed? [14:37] i have yes [14:37] libgl1-mesa-dev ? [14:52] hello, does the latest plasma on kubuntu support multitouch touchscreen gestures like gnome does? === lethu_ is now known as lethu [15:15] v [15:20] toly, do yo have a kubuntu question? [15:21] yes,rus === lab is now known as Guest77927 [16:38] Hi :) Can someone help me with the following error ? Could NOT find OpenGL (missing: OPENGL_gl_LIBRARY) [17:02] I just made a ServiceMenu for Dolphin (open as text) and placed it in ~/.kde/share/kde4/services/ServiceMenus/, and restarted dolphin. It works, but only when right-clicking on the openastext.desktop file that defines the service--even clicking on the neighboring .desktop files doesn't display the option. Why would this be? [17:23] lolinder, are you on 14.04 ? [17:23] 17.04 === Guest70269 is now known as Haudegen === juboxi is now known as jubo2 === usuario2 is now known as NatashaHack === TheRedQueen is now known as Drone` === John is now known as Guest56641