
cmaloneyJ is done with her classes for the semester00:36
cmaloney(save for the exams)00:36
cmaloneyshe literally knows just a hair more about networking and databases as when she started these classes00:37
cmaloneyNo joke01:18
jrwrensad sad sad sad.01:23
jrwrenmaybe I should run an online networking and databases course ;)01:23
cmaloneyjrwren: The "final presentation" worth 10% of their grade was terrible01:23
jrwrenwhat did she pay to take the course?  2500$ ?01:23
cmaloneyWas a project to set up a POS system for a business01:23
cmaloneysome people literally used something like ZoHo for their hotel01:24
jrwrenwell, POS system is a pretty great example of database.01:24
cmaloneyJoDee's group actually used Access and set up the forms / database01:24
cmaloneysome groups didn't even have their own database01:24
cmaloney(and one group, no joke, played an ad for Access in their presentation)01:24
cmaloneyit was awful01:24
cmaloneyand this was a 100 level Database class01:25
jrwrendid you go watch presentations?01:25
cmaloneyso no programming requirement01:25
jrwrenwtf?  a 100 level course?01:25
jrwrenwhat is the damn point of a 100 level DB course?01:25
cmaloneyThis thing was terrible01:25
jrwrenthere is no point!01:25
cmaloneySyllabus said they'd cover hadoop01:25
jrwrenI said the same thing when I first saw a 200 level DB course :p01:25
jrwrenrofl @ hadoop.01:25
cmaloneyprof said he hated OSS software so they didn't cover hadoop01:25
jrwrenholy shit.01:26
jrwreni'd have dropped as soon as I heard that, and demanded a refund.01:26
cmaloneyThey didn't even set up a SQL server for them to play around01:26
jrwrenuniversities suck.01:26
cmaloneyit's OCC. Unless you realize it within the first week you're fucked01:26
jrwrenman, 10-20yrs ago... i get it... admining a sql server for courses is hard... now... with cloud... make students run their own. so easy.01:26
cmaloneyTheir teacher was a PhD in MIS from a diploma mill01:26
cmaloneyI don't think he knows what a database is other than a cylinder on a chart01:27
jrwrenI've never even heard of PhD in MIS01:27
jrwrenis his name Gary Null?01:27
cmaloneyNo, but it might as well01:28
cmaloneyDude didn't even lecture, he just read their book to them01:28
jrwrenin this day and age... i can't imagine.01:28
cmaloneyJoDee's currently taking the exam in the other room. She's literally using Google to answer the questions01:28
cmaloneyand that's OK01:29
cmaloneyencouraged even01:29
cmaloneyJoDee said I could probably teach this class and do a better job of it01:30
cmaloneyand she knows I'm not a patient person01:30
cmaloneybut I don't think I could do much worse01:30
cmaloneySo, to recap01:31
cmaloney- Taught Access in a database course01:31
cmaloney- Given an extensive tutorial on Access (15% of grade to complete, was not checked)01:31
cmaloney- POS project (10% of grade) to folks who have never programmed before01:31
cmaloney- Barely covered SQL in any great depth outside of tutorials01:32
cmaloney- Threw ALL the relational terms at them at the beginning of the class01:32
cmaloney- Had them diagram (using relational diagrams) 1 - 1, 1 - many, many - many relationships.01:33
cmaloney- Didn't fucking mention a document database at all01:33
cmaloney- Didn't mention any databases other than Access and MSSQL01:33
cmaloney- Didn't touch Hadoop at all (Map? Reduce? Fuck that hippie shit)01:33
cmaloney- Redshift? Kafka? Redis? Away with those hippie databases based on shitty OSS.01:34
cmaloneyFor their project they could have used any database, but the computers in the lab wouldn't allow them to install shit01:35
cmaloneyso most folks chose access (or decided on being marketing arms for zoho / Microsoft)01:36
cmaloneyAnd (get this) some of those projects didn't even make their own databases01:36
cmaloneyIN A DATABASE CLASS01:36
cmaloneyNow, I may be one of those unwashed hippie Open Source loving freaks, but I would think in a database class that if the instructor says you're doing a POS system that you might need to ...01:37
cmaloney... make a database01:37
cmaloneybut that might be one too many bong-hits on the GNU Manifesto01:38
jrwreni'm actually ENTIRELY ok with teh relational diagrams and not mentioning document database and not touching hadoop or any of that other shit you said.01:40
jrwren"zomg, access isn't a database. excel is a database"01:40
* jrwren searches for that comic01:41
cmaloneyOh, and "Access is free"because it's part of Office01:41
cmaloney(whichyou can get a copy of as a student and somehow register)01:42
cmaloneyjrwren: Ugh01:43
cmaloneyI'll just take this screenshot and paste it into Word so I can attach it to my HTML mail.01:43
* cmaloney cocks his gun01:44
cmaloneyThe thing that bugs me the most is one of the other students in the class took it for the same reasons JoDee did (to better understand databases, including Hadoop)01:46
cmaloneyand now he's done with trying to be a well-rounded developer and is planning to just focus on web development01:46
cmaloneyIf my options for becoming a more well rounded developer included this program I would just take BS classes on Udemy01:48
cmaloneyshe got one wrong on her exam02:05
cmaloneyan exam that asked the optimum number of mappers02:05
cmaloneyfor a database they never covered.02:06
_stink_the course02:09
_stink_not JoDee :P02:09
cmaloneyYeah, we agree that she has a homeopathic A02:10
cmaloneyproblem is it counts as much as a regular A from somewhere that actually teaches02:10
cmaloneyAnd of course no evaluation02:11
cmaloneyso it would be on her to let folks know how terrible this class was and how backward the professor is02:12
cmaloneybut he's full-time faculty02:12
cmaloneythey hired him to shape their program02:12
cmaloneyShe can't get a full-time job as a physics instructor, yet they hired someone who just happens to have a PhD in MIS02:13
cmaloney(Oh, and their project? They got 100%!)02:13
cmaloney(Pretty sure he didn't even look at the files)02:13
cmaloney(Or the tutorial)02:14
cmaloney(or any of their work)02:14
cmaloneyHe's worse than a rubber stamp: people likely think they can "database" after leaving this course02:14
cmaloneywhen all they have is a smattering of concepts and a false sense of knowledge02:14
cmaloneyDBA? More like Dunning Kreuger Administrator02:15
cmaloneyBut hey, I can't even pass proficiency tests in my field so what do I know?02:19
hpucksPhD in MIS?  Oh lord.11:52
cmaloneyhpucks: yeah13:00
cmaloneylike a PhD in Burgerology13:01
cmaloneythough burgerology might be more useful13:02
shakes808this is pretty neat ( for the non-artist ) http://i.imgur.com/NlkLS1T.gifv20:52

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