
nectari have been trying to install lubuntu for the last 3 days08:44
nectarkeep getting an error08:44
nectarlubuntu grub error08:45
nectarwhile installing08:45
nectarthis has been dissappointing08:47
nectarcan  anyone help me08:47
nectari ma having a grub error when i am installing lubuntu08:49
nectarwhat do i do to install this cleanly08:49
nectari have been trying to install it for 3 days08:50
guardianxdid you use the nick grandpa before?08:50
JohnDoe_71Rusi have trouble install 14.04 to gpt partition. rebuild hdd to mbr08:53
guardianxit's not a trick question08:53
nectarsorry i am new08:53
nectarno i haven't08:54
nectari have ued ubuntu before many years ago08:54
nectarthis is new for me08:54
guardianxwell, i probably can't help with gru problems08:56
nectari will look at a youtube tutorial tomorrow08:56
=== guardianx is now known as uSureDo
hateballnectar: What does the error message say?10:48
hateballnectar: And is it *during* install, or afterwards on boot?10:48
naturalScrollingI am new to Lubuntu and i am having some troubles with natural scrolling on my freshly installed Lubuntu 17.04 on my Thinkpad E450.13:32
lynxoriannatural scrolling means what exactly16:20
=== Guest68241 is now known as Pipton
aleksascan you hear me?18:51
aleksasi have installed lubuntu on USB and i think it nuked  boot partition of my windows that is on ssd18:52
aleksasi did a boot repair that created a log18:52
aleksasmaybe someone can help me and get a look through it18:52
aleksasand also i want that my usb with installation be able to save session if i run it without installing, if possibler18:54
=== san is now known as Guest5470
Guest5470hi every one19:24
=== wxl_ is now known as wxl

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