
roaksoaxxygnal: if they are deployed, and the machine is manually configured to pxe boot by default, the machine will PXE boot and will be told to oot from local disk01:54
roaksoaxxygnal: that sad, the machine should still be dhcp'ing from the hostmap01:54
roaksoaxxygnal: as mpontillo explained...01:55
xygnalroaksoax the problem appears to be that the host map is not being created01:55
xygnali've just re-comissioned two machines and tried them with auto-assign, still doing this.  going to delete from MAAS all together next.01:55
roaksoaxxygnal: are there any error logs ? (tail -f /var/log/maas/*.log)01:56
roaksoaxxygnal: can you 'deploy' a machine, while tailing /var/log/maas/*.log01:58
roaksoaxxygnal: and share that01:58
roaksoaxxygnal: also share the output of /var/lib/maas/dhcpd.conf after the machine has been deployed01:58
roaksoaxafter you click deploy and the logs show that the deployment has started01:58
roaksoaxyou will see something like: Apr 27 01:57:27 xenial-maas22 maas.interface: [info] Allocated automatic IP address for eno1 (physical) on apt-heron.01:58
xygnalyes i always see that02:00
xygnalnever throws an error either02:00
xygnaland in the UI it shows the auto-asssignend IP02:01
xygnaljust dhcpd.conf which is missing the hostmap02:01
xygnalthere is only one such angry in there now for a node, and it is for a node i did not build.   all of the nodes I have tried to build (with identical config) dont end up with a hostmap02:02
xygnalit's as if the DHCP sync is not happeningning02:04
roaksoaxxygnal: can you please share your config?03:41
roaksoaxdhcpd.conf that is03:41
xygnalroaksoax: after moving my dhcpd.conf to a backup and restarting maas-rackd and maas-dhcpd, a new config has written, and it has the missing host mapping.03:56
xygnalroaksoax: and after that, it just booted up with its assigned IP address.04:05
xygnalconfirmed on a couple more - all green04:17
xygnalupdated the bug report04:17
mupBug #1686607 opened: maas gui doesn't show bond details nor allow editing <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1686607>07:12
mupBug #1686607 changed: maas gui doesn't show bond details nor allow editing <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1686607>08:09
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
mupBug #1686669 opened: MAAS fails to deploy Ubuntu on host that had CentOS deployed and vice-versa <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1686669>10:45
mupBug #1686678 opened: No obvious way to change the domain of a controller <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1686678>10:45
mupBug #1616231 changed: Can't select partition table (MBR vs GPT) <MAAS:Fix Released> <MAAS trunk:Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1616231>12:03
mupBug #1616231 opened: Can't select partition table (MBR vs GPT) <MAAS:Fix Released> <MAAS trunk:Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1616231>12:13
mupBug #1616231 changed: Can't select partition table (MBR vs GPT) <MAAS:Fix Released> <MAAS trunk:Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1616231>12:22
David_OrangeHi, can someone can provide me some information about "node-results" cli sub command ? i woud like to have the commisioning summary, but i can not find how to filter it from all the output (i can not find anything on that subcommand under maas doc)12:34
roaksoaxDavid_Orange: maas admin node-results read system_id=qctf8r name=00-maas-01-lshw13:32
roaksoaxthat's an example13:32
roaksoaxobtaining the 00-maas-01-lshw file for the system qctf8r13:32
roaksoaxDavid_Orange: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/24466683/ -> all the commissioning scripts/test scripts (this is maas 2.2)13:33
David_Orangeroaksoax: Ok, got it, it is files from "commisioning output", i was searching in summary. Thanks a lot13:39
roaksoaxDavid_Orange: cool, note that the 'data' field has the data in base6413:42
roaksoaxDavid_Orange: and the summary is just a nice way to show the output from the lshw script + the lldp output one13:43
David_Orangeroaksoax: ok, got it, thx13:50
mupBug #1686732 opened: [2.2] Cannot release a DISCOVERED IP address <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1686732>14:04
mupBug #1686732 changed: [2.2] Cannot release a DISCOVERED IP address <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1686732>14:10
mupBug #1686732 opened: [2.2] Cannot release a DISCOVERED IP address <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1686732>14:13
mupBug #1686736 opened: [2.2] DISCOVERED IP addresses should never exist outside of the dynamic range <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1686736>14:13
mupBug #1686736 changed: [2.2] DISCOVERED IP addresses should never exist outside of the dynamic range <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1686736>14:19
xygnalroaksoax:  hm.  this dhcpd.conf not updating strangeness is happening again.  had to remove dhcpd.conf, and restart maas-rackd to re-write it.14:31
xygnalroaksoax: a simple diff between the old and new file shows the missing host maps again14:31
xygnalroaksoax how does maas update dhcpd.conf? does it use API commands to add and remove things, or does it just re-write the config and HUP?14:32
roaksoaxxygnal: rewrites the whole config? are you still using multiople rack controllers ?14:33
roaksoaxxygnal: and in relay ?14:33
roaksoaxxygnal: i've been playing around (without relay or HA), and hostmaps get created just fine14:33
xygnalroaksoax:  i turned the HA secondary back on, but that side is not running DHCPd14:33
xygnalroaksoax:  it never was14:34
mupBug #1686736 opened: [2.2] DISCOVERED IP addresses should never exist outside of the dynamic range <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1686736>14:34
xygnalroaksoax still doing the same thing as before yes.14:34
roaksoaxblake_r: ^^ why would maas not create the hostmaps14:37
xygnalit does if i remove dhcpd.conf and restart maas-rackd14:38
roaksoaxblake_r: he is using dhcp relay14:38
xygnalbut not before14:38
roaksoaxxygnal: right, so rackd is nto writing the hostmaps for some reason14:38
roaksoaxxygnal: so if you removed dhcpd.conf, restarted maas-rackd, and deploy new machines, hostmaps are created just fine ?14:38
blake_rxygnal: is it not writing hostmaps for the relayed vlan?14:38
blake_rxygnal: but it writes hostmaps for the main vlan?14:39
xygnalnot exactly.14:39
xygnaleverything i deployed is missing hostmaps14:39
xygnalif i delete the conf and restart14:39
xygnalthe new conf has those hostmaps14:39
xygnalbut any new deploys after that are missinh14:39
xygnaluntil i repeat the delete and restart14:39
blake_rxygnal: okay let me test on my side without dhcp relay, and see if i am getting hostmaps one moment14:39
xygnalblake_r i've not tried to write maps for the local network, as there are no servers in that.  All of our deploying nodes are in relayed fabrics, as that is what the prod arch will be.14:47
blake_rxygnal: yeah I would bet that is the issue14:48
blake_rxygnal: I am going to verify the local, and then I will file a bug, and get you a fix14:48
blake_rxygnal: yep that is the issue14:52
xygnalblake_r: ty sir14:56
blake_rxygnal: thanks for testing DHCP relay!14:57
xygnalblake_r: two way street,  your quick help makes a big difference14:58
blake_rxygnal: https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+bug/168675514:59
mupBug #1686755 opened: [2.2] Relay'd VLAN's hostmaps are not writtin to the dhcpd.conf, unless rackd is restarted <MAAS:In Progress by blake-rouse> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1686755>15:04
mupBug #1686757 opened: [2.2] Rack registration fails if machine has domain in hostname <MAAS:Triaged by danilo> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1686757>15:22
mupBug #1686757 changed: [2.2] Rack registration fails if machine has domain in hostname <MAAS:Triaged by danilo> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1686757>15:31
mupBug #1686757 opened: [2.2] Rack registration fails if machine has domain in hostname <MAAS:Triaged by danilo> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1686757>15:34
mupBug #1686763 opened: MAAS blanks out search query <ui> <MAAS:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1686763>15:34
mupBug #1686763 changed: MAAS blanks out search query <ui> <MAAS:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1686763>15:40
mupBug #1686763 opened: [2.2, UI] MAAS blanks out search query <fff> <ui> <MAAS:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1686763>15:52
mupBug # changed: 1377335, 1393936, 1654063, 1672327, 1672363, 1677056, 1680086, 1680886, 1680979, 1681390, 1681407, 1681442, 1681745, 1681869, 1681937, 1682174, 1682663, 1683433, 1683440, 1683448, 1683502, 1683503, 1683542, 1683855, 1684074, 1684305, 1685306, 1685361, 1685410, 1685435, 1685624,16:04
mup1685835, 1685891, 1685904, 1685955, 1685963, 168651616:04
mupBug #1639332 changed: [2.2] Expire the DHCP lease after commissioning or make the  default-lease-time configurable <sts> <trivial> <MAAS:Won't Fix by andreserl> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1639332>16:43
mupBug #1683919 changed: NVMe disk with trusty and hwe-t kernel fails installation <kernel-da-key> <trusty> <MAAS:Won't Fix> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1683919>16:43
mupBug #1639332 opened: [2.2] Expire the DHCP lease after commissioning or make the  default-lease-time configurable <sts> <trivial> <MAAS:Won't Fix by andreserl> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1639332>16:52
mupBug #1683919 opened: NVMe disk with trusty and hwe-t kernel fails installation <kernel-da-key> <trusty> <MAAS:Won't Fix> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1683919>16:52
mupBug #1639332 changed: [2.2] Expire the DHCP lease after commissioning or make the  default-lease-time configurable <sts> <trivial> <MAAS:Won't Fix by andreserl> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1639332>16:55
mupBug #1683919 changed: NVMe disk with trusty and hwe-t kernel fails installation <kernel-da-key> <trusty> <MAAS:Won't Fix> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1683919>16:55
mupBug #1686794 opened: Cancel button broken on add user page <ui> <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1686794>17:25
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
=== mup_ is now known as mup
=== mimizone_ is now known as mimizone
mupBug #1624344 opened: [2.1] Can't SSH to machine in Rescue mode <MAAS:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1624344>22:37
mupBug #1624344 changed: [2.1] Can't SSH to machine in Rescue mode <MAAS:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1624344>22:43

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