
lotuspsychjehey sebsebseb 06:29
lotuspsychjetested 17.10 yet sebsebseb ?06:30
sebsebseblotuspsychje: nope have you?06:30
lotuspsychjesebsebseb: ill wait until alpha2 so gnome will be there06:30
lotuspsychjesebsebseb: then help bugging out06:30
sebsebsebyeah thats what I was thinking probably no gnome shell in there yet06:31
lotuspsychjesebsebseb: until alpha2 it will stay on unity706:31
sebsebseblotuspsychje: I am testing a unity gnome theme in 16.1006:31
lotuspsychjesebsebseb: join #ubuntu-discuss and imgur your desktop theme?06:32
sebsebseblotuspsychje: one that can also do a nice windows theme, and a basic mac os x.  some random script omgubuntu mentioned. uhmm testing random scripts from the Internet that doesnt seem particulary secure? uhmm yeah! but this one seems ok06:34
sebsebseblotuspsychje: no  need just look on omgubuntu06:34
lotuspsychjesebsebseb: ah yeah, saw that script article06:34
sebsebsebthe dock/dash isnt that great06:34
lotuspsychjesebsebseb: found this on deviant also: http://www.deviantart.com/art/Fedora-67714996306:35
sebsebsebbut at least it turned firefox with whatever default black theme, which looks horrible in ubuntu gnome, to grey thats better06:36
lotuspsychjesebsebseb: lets make gnome better by bugging it out to the max :p06:36
lotuspsychjethats my plan for sure06:36
sebsebseblotuspsychje: yeah not done theming stuff for ages, but thought would try script06:36
lotuspsychjei tested gnome-shell on my xenial laptop06:36
sebsebseblotuspsychje: I think switching to gnome is wrong move06:37
sebsebsebunity is quite established now06:37
lotuspsychjesame here..but what can we do sebsebseb ?06:37
sebsebsebuhmm 16.04 untill 2021 h eh or try unity 8 from universe  repos, but some programs might not look quite right06:39
lotuspsychjesebsebseb: so i hear unity7 will still be installable from the official repos06:39
lotuspsychjebut if they wont work on it much..there's no point to continue right06:39
sebsebseblotuspsychje: for GNOME Shelll I would usually use another distro06:39
lotuspsychjesebsebseb: well we dont know yet how it will look vanilla on ubuntu, perhaps theyl add improvements06:40
lotuspsychjesebsebseb: http://news.softpedia.com/news/gnome-3-26-desktop-environment-to-offer-todoist-integration-quarter-tiling-515200.shtml06:40
sebsebseblotuspsychje: despite all the flak it got from various vocal online people over the years, Unity gave people a real reason to use Ubuntu, and thats both unity 7 and 806:41
lotuspsychjethats my opinion also06:41
sebsebseblotuspsychje: also if more fan boys reolised and then could accept, that in 16.10b06:41
sebsebseband 17.0406:41
sebsebsebthe Unity 8 is JUST A PREVIEW06:42
lotuspsychjethe ubports guys will work on unity8 still06:42
sebsebsebneed other programs in there snaps or whatever like the Ubuntu tablet and phone to make much more usuable06:43
sebsebseblotuspsychje: its asahame my ubuntu tablet is away for repair with a guy i know since some screen cracks, but its also ashame that it isnt going to be so simple to repair, since how BQ have attached certain hardware components together06:45
sebsebseblotuspsychje: might end up buying a second hand one later on as a result06:46
sebsebsebdont know yet06:46
sebsebseblotuspsychje: theres two Unity 8 forks actually yes two06:47
lotuspsychjesebsebseb: lets c what the future brings us right :p07:02
lotuspsychjesebsebseb: join #ubuntu-discuss mate, we all hang there07:03
sebsebseblotuspsychje: I am waiting for another distro to finally release its 6th version after over a year, but hey its a 100% community distro, all volunters, no commercial sponser, and reasonabbly small community, so07:07
sebsebseblotuspsychje: but the GNOME will be recent so :)07:07
sebsebsebbut I guess may start using that more again once that07:08
lotuspsychjesounds cool07:08
sebsebseblotuspsychje: been using unity 7 on computer  usuallly when using for about two years, well got a bit bored of gnome 3 gnome shell so.  and the bq 4.5 ubunu phone was a short lived daily driver, snce the mx 4 became one as well. later a ubuntu m10 hd tablet as well07:11
lotuspsychjesebsebseb: i got unity on all my machines, touch on my bq 4.5 and nexus707:11
sebsebseblotuspsychje: yes certain people actually use ubuntu touch as a daily driver. and you saw what i had to say about desktop previwes above, but yes convergence seemed like a good idea to, so despite also having gnome shell as a favourite, you can see why i am beng quite hmm to it switching  to that07:13
lotuspsychjesame here07:13
sebsebseband they wanted to make money,, but unity 7 and 8 were  also inovation07:14
lotuspsychjesebsebseb: i wonder how gnome 18.04 will look on a x86 tablet?07:14
sebsebsebi remember when things were mostly about gnome 2 and kde 3/4 all a bit boring really, but then along came gnome 3 gnome shelll and unity07:15
lotuspsychjei liked gnome2 lightweight07:16
sebsebsebyeah gnome 2 was good07:16
sebsebsebso I like mate as well :)07:16
lotuspsychjenow gnome3 feels bit laggy, sluggish07:16
lotuspsychjesebsebseb: tested mate on my xenial, not really fan of it either07:17
sebsebsebnever really liked xfce or lxde much, seemmed gnome 2 could do more, plus more used to it, simce both fedora and ubuntu used07:17
sebsebsebxfce was around firstt though07:18
lotuspsychjelubuntu 16.04 is pretty nice07:18
sebsebsebit dates back to like 1996 i think07:18
lotuspsychjeone of the best lubuntu's ever07:18
sebsebseband cinnamon uh no07:18
sebsebsebmate is good for light waight or classic style07:18
sebsebseblotuspsychje: unity tighed people to ubuntu, as of 17.10 well it will much less07:20
lotuspsychjesebsebseb: you know whats the problem, unity works right out of the box07:20
lotuspsychjesebsebseb: all others i tested...needs alot of tuning07:20
lotuspsychjeunworkable by default07:21
sebsebsebits easy to use and works well, thats unity 7, but also 8 on phone and tablet07:21
sebsebsebthe desktop reviews were a bit too much like a preview of 8, which may have been a problem there, since the fan boys, wont just put in there own stuff to that07:22
sebsebseblotuspsychje: as a interface I love unity 8 on phone and tablet though07:23
sebsebsebpreviews not reviews07:23
sebsebseblotuspsychje: well at least the 17.04 vesion of 8 works in virtualbox, so if you want to then remember what ccould have been, there you go07:24
sebsebseb16.10 version of unty 8 does not unfirtunatly07:25
sebsebseblotuspsychje: actually i read a good article about the so called failure07:26
sebsebseblets try and find that for you07:26
sebsebseblotuspsychje: http://www.networkworld.com/article/3192311/linux/lessons-learned-from-the-failure-of-ubuntu-touch.html07:27
lotuspsychjeyeah ive read that1, good article07:28
sebsebseblotuspsychje: indeed  it is07:30
valoriewell, halium project might help with that in a big way08:00
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