
Guest48025many years ago, let me think00:00
deskwizardTake your time, trying to tame some snake here00:01
deskwizard(python hehehe)00:01
Guest48025near the niagara falls00:02
Guest48025a very good city but i dont remember00:02
Guest48025i think it was toeronto00:03
Guest48025only a couple of days00:04
deskwizardGuest48025, yeah most likely00:10
Silentz0rHello, sorry to bother, new linux guy here. I have 2 wired connection with internet access. When i installed Ubuntu Mate it got default a wired connection that i use as backup. If i click it says "LAN2 (default)" (I changed the name) i really want to be default the other one. How can i change it? Thank you.03:37
Silentz0rSry, if i click "Connection Information" missed that.03:39
Silentz0rWell, i tried to delete the default network and the other one got default (the wired that i want default). But as soon as i added got default again the other.03:44
imexilHi, I was playing around with ubuntu mate 17.04 and 16.04. In both cases I see to be missing the maximise, minimise and close buttons once a windows is maximised. So the only way to minimise the windows is with help of the ALT button and dragging the window. Is this the expected normal behaviour?08:13
alkisgimexil: of course not, but there's an option to hide the controls on maximized windows, which you might have activated08:18
alkisgDoes it happen on a guest session, or is this happening only on one account that has broken settings?08:18
imexilalkisg: it's one account. It's actually a test machine so I never did much other with the account then switching between the different layout settings. Mainly looking at Mutiny08:21
alkisgjust remove the broken settings then :)08:21
imexilDo you remember what that option is called and were I can find it?08:21
imexilany hint to where to remove them from?08:22
alkisgIf it's a test account, just logout and remove .config08:23
alkisgIt'll remove all settings08:23
imexilOK will try that.08:24
alkisgI think the keyword was "undecorate" for that setting, but I'm not sure08:24
imexilsigh, that didn't change anything :-(08:28
imexilWell the config reset did not.08:29
imexilBut I found the option.08:29
imexilpitty that it does not place the buttons in the menubar unity like (when using the mutiny theme)08:30
imexilAnyway thanks alkisg08:30
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deskwizardHi again :) just in case someone that wasn't there yesterday knows, I'm looking for the source code for the volume applet, I want to do a similar notification and I'd like to have a look to get a feel for it11:33
quardhey, how does one change the keyboard layout in ubuntu mate 17.04?13:12
quardThe System => Preferences => Hardware => Keyboard => Layout doesn't seem to be working13:12
quardI've added my own layout and even removed the english one, but the layout is still US.13:13
quardusing live USB image ^^13:13
arduino_hola jaimeeeeeeeeeeeeeee13:27
arduino__oscar es niga13:28
arduino__quien quiere lio?13:28
guest-qenjblsoy rober, qienes sois?13:30
ubuntu-mate_is any1 there ?14:57
elkyif you have a question ask it15:04
ubuntu-mate_can you tell me the best download manager for ubuntu mate ?15:05
elkyubuntu-mate_: someone who uses mate will when they have a moment to look in here, just hold on and be patient15:11
ubuntu-mate_ok ........15:12
ergosomnicdownload manager? I use curl, but you're probably looking for something else.16:35
Akulii tried a thing called uget once, it worked ok16:38
MarioMeyHi, there.17:24
MarioMeyI installed Ubuntu-Mate 16.04... then kdenlive.17:24
MarioMeyNow, I don't have avconv... but ffmpeg.17:25
MarioMeyDid kdenlive replace libav with ffmpeg... or 16.04 comes with ffmpeg again?17:25
ali123416.04 has both17:50
MarioMeySo, why if I want to use avconv, it says that I have to install libav?19:13
vltMarioMey: If you want to use it you have to install it.19:42
MarioMeyvlt: If you didn't read above, I installed 16.04 and then kdenlive. I see that kdenlive installed ffmpeg... but now I don't know if Ubuntu back to ffmpeg... or kdenlive remove libav to install ffmpeg.19:44
Akulimaybe check /var/log/apt/history.log?19:46
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MarioMeyAkuli: thanks for that file. I wanted to know that log for a while. Yes, it removed libavcodec-ffmpeg56:amd6419:55
MarioMeyBut it installed libavcodec-extra:amd64 and libavcodec-ffmpeg-extra56:amd64,19:56
MarioMeyMaybe libav-tools are not installed... but libav is.19:56
MarioMeyTo encode to x264... I should install another package... what is its name?19:57
kp__how can i add mpeg2 License to mate20:12
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