
diddledanI'm not sure whether I'm reading this right. I ran the thingy that paul thurrott linked to which highlights how much space is being wasted in a file via xml metadata in embedded images.. my entire c:\windows is either wasting 6.9MB or 6.9GB: actual value 691120703:13
diddledanI'm unsure whether it was reading bytes or kbytes03:15
diddledanif you wanna try, compile this repo using visual studio community (https://github.com/riverar/eoraptor) and run the next line in an administrator powershell terminal:03:16
diddledanGet-ChildItem -Path C:\Windows\ -Directory -Recurse | Select-Object FullName | ForEach-Object { \path\to\eoraptor.exe $_.FullName | Select-String -pattern "Total: (?<bytes>\d+)" | %{$_.matches[0].Groups['bytes'].value} | ForEach-Object { $sum += $_ } }03:17
brobostigon-onemorning boys and girls.07:38
davmor2Morning all08:20
MooDoomorning all08:20
davmor2MooDoo: dude really we've been through this one already ;)08:22
MooDoodavmor2: shush you08:22
JamesTaitGood morning all, happy Thank You Thursday! 😃  ❤08:25
davmor2JamesTait: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYxHBmVq4GM08:38
JamesTaitAha! 😃08:39
knightwisehey peeps, how you doin today09:45
davmor2that about sums it up JamesTait does that cover  it for you too?09:45
knightwiseSame here09:46
knightwise5 hours of sleep is just not enough after a 19 hour workday09:46
JamesTaitdavmor2, that'll do nicely.09:50
JamesTaitBut foobarry's is better. 😉09:50
davmor2JamesTait: I meant the meh for how you are feeling right now :D09:55
JamesTaitdavmor2, oh that! Well, I'm not sure I have quite that much enthusiasm.09:55
davmor2JamesTait: hahaha09:56
diddledanthis is whack - the article plays on his orientation as though it would have been ok if he really had supported chelsea: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-3972956812:22
foobarrymy brother and cousins got assulated by a knuckle dragging spurs thug for supporting arsenal once12:40
davmor2Man you should see what happen when there is a local derby here,  There is a full police line up the fans are marched with their hands on their heads to the ground12:43
diploHey all, just wondering what do you guys do to store information about your customer sites. For example storing ADSL details for each site etc and licensing/hardware etc on site12:44
diddledandiplo: post-it notes on my monitor :-p12:44
diddledanit's a very organised system.. ;-012:44
diploIt feels like that is how we work at the mo12:45
diploIt sucks!12:45
diploI'm just trying to organise things as it's all in one blokes head at the mo and he's rarely in the office now and the other one who may know is leaving on May 10th and I'm sure this will all be dumped on my lap then12:45
davmor2diplo: you could use taskwarrior on a server I believe it does secure coms but you would have to double check on it12:47
* diplo investigates12:48
diploNope to hardcore, needs to be accessible to other people as well. trying to get away from one person knows everything. hence why I document EVERYTHING now and share it with sphinx all in a git repo too12:49
diploWe've got our own case manager, but its built in house and takes forever to get extra stuff added12:49
foobarrydiplo: wiki for internal stuff12:52
diploThought about that too, may have to be the way I go12:58
diploIs that what you use foobarry ?12:58
foobarryfor internal stuff . plus we have an internal github instance. lots of stuff lives in there too12:59
foobarryand we use racktables for server layouts etc12:59
foobarrydon't you use redmine?12:59
diploNope, I want to, everything is a challenge at my work13:00
diploThey say no, I do it in any free time I have, they see how great it is, we then start using it...13:00
foobarryredmine has some cool CRM type plugins13:02
foobarryand you can manage customers and other details13:02
diploI may chuck up another instance, is it any better with the dreaded ruby updates ?13:03
foobarryi haven't updated in a while :S13:05
foobarryi get scared of ruby13:05
diploThat's why I haven't used it :P13:06
diploAnother Q, anyone here use draytek routers ?13:35
SuperMattnever heard of them13:38
diploQuite well known I believe, used mainly in SMB's13:38
diploJust trying to see if I can automate backup of configs, they have a product but it appears to be 11-12k13:39
=== Myrtti_ is now known as Myrtti
foobarryyes draytek are q good14:21
diploThey're alright, thinking about moving us to ubiquiti though. trying to get the boss to get us some test equipment in14:33
aaronrHi all. I've found a bug in the Nagios package which has been fixed upstream in v4.2.2 but Debian doesn't provide anything beyond 3.x. I'd like to backport this fix into v3.5.1 which ships with Ubuntu 16.04 but am not sure how to go about tackling this... am I best off trying to get this fixed at the ubuntu level, the debian level, etc? what's the process? I have the patch already I just need to get it applied15:28
foobarryfind the maintainers in the debian package?15:29
davmor2aaronr: well you can start by writing a bug in launchpad and attaching a proposed fix to it that might get it expedited15:29
foobarryin the MAINTAINERS file15:29
foobarrywhats the bug btw?15:29
aaronrusers of a hostgroup can view servers that are outside of their hostgroup -- reported to nagios upstream in 2013 here https://support.nagios.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=21794 and fixed here: https://github.com/NagiosEnterprises/nagioscore/commit/d1b3a07ff72ece0d296b153d4d5c8c4543ed96c1#diff-b89a219dd5a0ac3e4e07f1dfd721dd7815:31
aaronrthere appears to be a list of maintainers here: https://packages.debian.org/jessie/nagios315:31
aaronrI'll start putting together a bug in launchpad15:32

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