[01:31] Unit193: new lightdm-gtk-greeter package in https://launchpad.net/~bluesabre/+archive/ubuntu/experimental, if you want to take a peek [01:34] Seems like a minor release. [01:34] yeah, not a huge deal, but builds with current lightdm [01:34] was following up https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm-gtk-greeter/+bug/1669818 with a fixed package [01:34] Launchpad bug 1669818 in lightdm-gtk-greeter (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu Budgie shows debian wallpaper due to greeter recommendation / lightdm-gtk-greeter does not compile" [Undecided,In progress] [01:34] Right, not a bad thing that it's minor. [01:36] I'll nudge fossfreedom with it as well so we can finally get it uploaded to artful [06:27] not sure I'm great at breaking things - but I have jolly good bash at it :p [06:29] You're better with thunar than I am at least. [06:29] ha ha ha [08:55] and first install of the artful dodger installed fine.. [10:04] bluesabre: getting a bug on Parole "GStreamer Backend error, could not initialise XV output" on AA.. tried the 'parole --xv false'.. which doesn't work... ubuntu-bug crashes when trying to report it with error "Gth-message: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged.. [10:04] I have not manually reported it yet.. [10:05] "Gtk-Message" that is.. [10:05] akxwi-dave: that flag has been removed from the cli interface. Instead, go to Preferences > Display > Video Output and switch to No Xv [10:06] XV does not work in virtualbox, Clutter does not work, so X is all we have [10:09] lol... bangs head on desk... just changed it to that and works.. doh... cheers [10:10] and that ubuntu-bug message is because Gtk devs thought they should always print that output when a dialog does not have a parent... even though lots of dialogs don't have parents, users can't do anything about it, and developers don't care :D [10:22] oh god.. just reported a bug and noticed that i missed off a letter on the title.. bet you cant guess what one.. [10:22] bug 1686667 [10:22] bug 1686667 in sgt-launcher (Ubuntu) "licking on the Preferences option on the main menu does nothing on 17.10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1686667 [10:24] lol [10:24] I never implemented that it seems [10:24] :-) i bet you wouldn't expect someone to lick a menu [10:25] I never know what to expect from you QA guys [10:26] pmsl true.. gotta test everything.. :-) [10:27] now corrected. [10:51] mmm tasty menus ... [10:54] :-) [12:03] small website issue - link to FAQ provided on https://xubuntu.org/help/ goes here https://xubuntu.org/news/category/faq [12:41] h [12:41] hmm. hello. [12:41] Spass, what's the issue? [12:43] knome: in Help & Support - "Also visit our Frequently Asked Questions blog category (...)" [12:43] link to FAQ seems broken [12:43] right... [12:44] fixed. [12:45] i still don't understand why wordpress doesn't have automatic redirection from inexisting categories to the tag with the same name and the other way === Zren_ is now known as Zren [16:57] flocculant, tweeted too; poke pleia2 for more social media coverage please :) [16:57] bbabl [17:37] shared on fb and g+ [17:38] thanks pleia2 <3 [17:38] thanks for the ping :) conferencing today so you know [17:38] mhm === ubott2 is now known as ubottu === wxl_ is now known as wxl