
=== poster is now known as Poster
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
CodeMouse92__oooookay, so apparently etherpad-lite is NOT friends with mod_evasive or fail2ban:apache-auth01:41
CodeMouse92__It just banned my entire staff from the prod server.01:42
CodeMouse92__I had to fix that, so.............01:42
sarnoldouch ;)01:42
CodeMouse92__According to access logs, etherpad-lite has an average of, I dunno, around 12 pings a minute?01:42
CodeMouse92__Way above evasive's threshold of 501:42
CodeMouse92__So...I need some advice.01:43
CodeMouse92__Can I (a) adjust fail2ban:apache-auth and mod_evasive to NOT freak out with etherpad-lite being used?01:44
CodeMouse92__or (b) turn OFF those mods for only the etherpad subdomain (not ideal, of course)01:44
CodeMouse92__or, (c) are they just practically incompatible and I need to kick etherpad to the curve if I want to keep a secure server in any capacity?01:44
CodeMouse92__I mean, is 15 a REASONABLE threshold for mod_evasive?01:45
sarnoldCodeMouse92__: this page looks like you can also whitelist ips in mod_evasive https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-protect-against-dos-and-ddos-with-mod_evasive-for-apache-on-centos-701:46
CodeMouse92__sarnold: Well, the trouble is, my staff is all remote.01:50
CodeMouse92__Changing IPs.01:50
CodeMouse92__sarnold: I think I'll raise the threshold on mod_evasive to 15 hits per page01:51
CodeMouse92__per minute01:51
CodeMouse92__And, actually, since nothing's authenticating on etherpad-lite, I think fail2ban:apache-auth may have been reacting to the error logs filled up by mod evasive01:53
sarnoldCodeMouse92__: what happens with etherpad when people type? does it send every keystroke in a new packet? or does it wait a full five seconds before sending the new text?01:54
CodeMouse92__sarnold: I'm not honestly sure.01:54
CodeMouse92__It seems to send in packets, based on how it updates01:54
CodeMouse92__large packets, that is01:54
sarnoldI'd aim for something more like 120 requests per minute for etherpad things; most devs can touch-type quickly01:55
CodeMouse92__sarnold: It's an open thing. Would you mind spam-typing on mine, just to see if you get locked out?01:55
CodeMouse92__I've whitelisted local network (me)01:55
CodeMouse92__sarnold: https://pad.mousepawmedia.net/p/test201:56
CodeMouse92__sarnold: Must be working now. I've got someone trying it, no bans02:01
Latrinagood evening everyone. not really a server related issue but I dont know where else to ask02:02
Latrinacan a ecryptfs folder / volume be mounted without passphrase but with the only signature?02:02
Latrinathe situation is the following, I have home fully encrypted, while the rest of the rootfs is not encrypted. passphrase key file is store in home, while signature of this mount is stored in /root/. (not crypted)02:03
Latrinathe crypted folder in this case is found in /usr/local/02:04
CodeMouse92__Latrina: If you *don't* get an answer here, you can try ##linux02:10
LatrinaCodeMouse92__, thank you man02:13
Latrinathe passphrase signature?02:23
fishcookeri try to install "$ sudo apt search linux-generic-lts-trusty", but i couldn't find the kernel listed on the menu.lst http://vpaste.net/kKRu902:41
cpaelzergood morning05:06
lordievaderGood morning06:28
cpaelzernacc: I added usd build-source to the workflow on the wiki09:31
cpaelzernacc: working fine after the fix you added yesterday09:31
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zioprotojamespage: any news about the refresh for nova 14.0.5 ?10:50
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=== jgrimm is now known as jgrimm-away
compdocI have a server with a bad mdadm drive that rebooted this morning. now its resyncing, but I assume the bad drive is syncing to the good drive, and copying any damaged data to the good drive.14:53
compdocbad, meaning it has reallocated sectors14:53
tsgloveI was reading about apr-proxy, yet not sure if there is a newer solution?15:06
nacccpaelzer: great, thanks!15:21
naccrbasak: re: LP: #1686859, my reading is that should be ok to sponsor?15:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1686859 in ruby-riddle (Ubuntu) "ruby-riddle tests start mysql server with unknown option --force" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/168685915:58
naccrbasak: as delta for us? since our default is still mysql 5.7?15:59
rbasaknacc: I believe so, though I think Lars might be working on an improvement. Would you want to wait for that? If so I can confirm with him in the bug.16:00
naccrbasak: that's fine, i'm just trying to push through the php7.0 removal and that's the last build-dep to get rid of :)16:03
jgehey all, got a problem here. I ran some install script that installed MariaDB but it failed, now every time I install anything I get the MariaDB configuration script pop up asking me to set a root db password16:03
jgeif I do a apt-get purge mariadb-server it looks like I don't have it installed16:04
jgebut maria's package config keeps popping up when I install or remove anything on the box16:05
rbasakjge: there are other related packages, like mariadb-common and mariadb-server-10.0 (or 10.1), etc.16:06
rbasakjge: try "dpkg -l|grep mariadb"16:07
rbasakAlso "dpkg -l|grep mysql"16:07
rbasakNote that some libraries are needed by the base system, so you can't remove everything. dpkg will stop you with an explanation if you try.16:07
jgeok, yeah I see them now.. let me try to remove one by one16:08
rbasakI'd do them all at once to avoid dependency issues between them.16:08
jgeok let me try16:08
tewardrbasak: and anyone who cares, thanks to Debian and some googling I've got patches from upstream sources to patch the fail to builds i'm seeing for nginx 1.12.0, an upload is 'soon' if it builds alright in the PPA.16:08
rbasakteward: thanks!16:09
jgerbasak: that did it, thank you :)16:12
tewardyay it built, uploading shortly lol16:33
teward(it also works from what I can tell in this container...)16:33
tewardrbasak: nginx 1.12.0-0ubuntu1 uploaded to artful proposed :)16:44
rbasakteward: \o/ thank you!16:56
=== poster is now known as Poster
sgroverodd mount issue.  Have a tmpfs mounted directory that has run out of space.  Need to remount with new space.  But this is on a busy website and there is a good chance of a file/directory being created in the time between the umount command and the mount -a command.20:04
sgroverThe mount was NOT in /etc/fstab (I've slapped the fingers already), but is now, so the remount should be done via a mount -a.  Would a "mount -a -o remount" do the trick?  We really need to make sure the fstab entry is working properly as well...20:05
ThiagoCMCGuys, how to enable libosinfo in Ocata (Ubuntu 16.04)? Under [libvirt] at the docs, there are no such "hardware_config=libosinfo" option... I have installed libosinfo-bin, but I'm still seeing: "Cannot load Libosinfo: (No module named Libosinfo)" at nova-compute.log. Any idea?20:06
jgehmm strange, I'm trying to use SNI to host two apache SSL sites (same IP/Port)  but when I split my VirtualHost in two files I get some ProtocolERROR and when I put them on a single file it works.. anyone know why this is?20:18
grendal_primehas anyone here ever added spice drivers to existing windes kvm guest?20:47
grendal_primesorry ... has anyone here ever added spice drivers to existing windows 7  kvm guest?20:48
ikoniawhats the real question20:54
ikoniaand please don't cross-post20:54
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
bindihttps://hastebin.com/owujucazoq.erl what do these mean in dmesg?23:36
sarnoldbindi: probably something like grub-install probing disks to find out what filesystem types need to be supported..23:41

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