
drabI am mighty confused... which isn't new and probably not a good thing for a friday evening, but if anybody is around01:45
drabI got nfs-kernel-server working in kvm01:45
drabthe host is running zfs, and has a ZVOL exported to the kvm instance01:45
drabthe kvm instance takes that and creates a zfs pool out of it01:45
drabit then exports it over nfs01:45
draball well so far01:46
drabI then mounted the share on my desktop and started fio against it (I have a baseline of fio against shared on baremetal and another machine)01:46
drabthis is where things got weird to put it mildly01:47
drabfirst thing, zpool iostat -v 1 returns all 0s all the time...01:48
drabthere's like no disk activity01:49
drabbut the file is created as expected by fio startup and the test completes01:49
drabzpool iostat -v 1 shows activity as expected on the host01:49
drabsecond, I get 609MBs for the random writes test... I wish...01:50
drabthe link is 100mbit in the test setup01:51
draband in fact the sequential read looks actually really good as fio reports 11978KB/s , which is basically the theoretical 12MBs of a 100mbit link01:52
drabactually I take that back, /me scratches head02:01
drabzpool iostat is now giving weird numbers (almost all 0s) on the host too02:01
CodeMouse92__Anyone have recommendations on a postfix admin frontend for a LAMP server?02:07
qman__a what?03:35
lordievaderGood morning07:16
drabis anybody in ubunt-server land using pnfs?15:24
dave6500hey, thanks for one of the best platforms ever ... 12.04 :) sorry to see it go ... top notch web server15:52
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runelind_qLandscape is complaining about W: Failed to fetch http://www.nmon.net/apt-stable/12.04/x64/Packages  Hash Sum mismatch16:42
runelind_qbut I cannot for the life of me find where it is trying to grab from nmon16:43
runelind_qthis is on a 14.04 box16:45
dpb1runelind_q: grep -r nmon /etc/apt/17:15
runelind_qdpb1: yea, I did that and it ain't there17:29
dpb1do you see the same thing with sudo apt-get update on that box directly?  also pasting /var/log/landscape/package-reporter.log would be good.17:37
drabrunelind_q: apt-cache policy nmon17:39
drabshould tell you exactly where the src of that pkg is17:39
drablooks like it's in universe17:39
runelind_qyeah it says Installed: (None)17:52
drabrunelind_q: so what's the problem?18:12
drabthe hash mismatch is either a proxy in the way or a bad mirror18:13
drabI had that issue in the past with my own local mirror18:13
runelind_qjust Landscape complaining about it.18:13
drabit's not really the package, it's the Packages file that contains the wrong hash compared to the hash of the pkg on file18:13
drabdoesn't apt-get complain about it?18:14
draba hash mismatch should show up with a simple apt-get update18:14
drabbecause that's part of the update routine to check the hashes18:14
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runelind_qnope, the box itself is quiet.18:52
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cukenHey guys, I'm running into a problem on an old server I have stood up. I didn't size the partitions well and my root is out of space but I have a ton of extra space available on the /home partition23:57
cukenWhile SSH'ing into the server, am I able to shrink home and expand root?23:58

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