[00:10] diddledan: strawberry security dev - http://i.imgur.com/5NYeNYa.gifv [00:13] Wow [00:20] https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8512/8545742983_fd31dbc893_b.jpg [00:23] ooh what can i win!? [00:24] Pie :-9 [00:25] Raspberry? [00:26] So, I just ordered an lg g6 [00:26] Oops? [00:26] I swear I shouldn't be allowed on the internet! [00:27] I'm a liability to myself [00:27] oof [00:28] I looked at that recently but opted for a K7 instead. [00:28] i thought LG were a good break from the evil of Samsung etc, but they're even worse :( class action lawsuits all around about their bootlooping devices [00:28] I looked at the s8 but that's samsung..! [00:28] EVIL! [00:28] I used a Samsun Entro for a while. Nice phone but it's CDMA. [00:29] And I don't want their weird BIxby thing [00:29] ...and I need to be able to tether on occasion, too. [00:30] The camera looks good on the g6 [00:30] ...since my VDSL craps out at least once per day. [00:30] d'aww [00:30] Smack it [00:30] give your copper a good brasso! [00:32] What's sad is that it's the only option here, other than a mobile phone. [00:33] Is that an appropriate behavior towards the constabulary? [00:35] brb, time to feed the dogs. [00:41] dogs=fed. [00:42] ah we have VDSL2 tech here, but then it's much more befitting of an island [00:43] 60 down 10 up over my ~700m line [00:46] I get 3M down and about half that up. [00:48] :< [00:48] ...that's just over thirty six quid per month. [00:49] I get 80/20 on an 80/20 service via vdsl might be vdsl2 [00:49] your line might sync faster than that though [00:49] you only see your provisioned speed in most cases [00:49] * ball nods [00:49] It does - reports attainable of 96/29 [00:49] :D [00:50] I was only looking at those earlier today [00:50] ah har [00:50] mine was 52/20 prior to signing up to the 60/10 service [00:51] Apparently manufacturers are starting to make sfp vdsl2 adapters to allow routers to be made cheaper and be upgradable [00:52] D: [00:52] roll-on G.fast - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G.fast [00:54] Kinda like a dongle with the vdsl transceiver but being sfp it goes into a deeper hole that holds most of the unit with just the rj11 poking out [00:54] Supposedly this line could do 43M down. Not sure I believe that. [00:54] Yeah g.fast is getting closer.. but are now doing real world trials [00:54] Not paying extra unless they can make the thing work more reliably anyway. [00:54] S/but/bt/ [00:57] ball: mm if they're really forcing it onto VDSLx you'd be better off having it on ADSLx if it's line length that's the trouble [00:57] Ball, 3mbps is below the threshold to class an FTtc line as faulty [00:58] I believe the threshold BT set is 12mbps [00:58] daftykins: I don't think it's line length. The node is at the end of our street. [00:58] he's not in Blighty though! [00:58] Oh [00:58] ball: oh right so it's definitely a fiber backed cabinet of some kind? [00:58] * ball nods [00:59] i take it you've tried terminating a socket right on where the pair comes into the property to rule out internal wiring? [01:00] not that you're technically allowed to do that, but meh ;D [01:01] Bedtime I think [01:02] indeed! just finished an episode of Cosmos there, good ol' Carl Sagan [01:04] daftykins: The network interface box has an RJ11 in it. I suppose I could run a fresh pair out to that, to see whether things improve. [01:08] i'm imagining something close to the setup here, so a bunch of cables come out of the ground or sometimes from the pole over into the property, usually in a little grey plastic box - then the internal run patches onto that [01:08] i just stamp on a built-in filter socket there and give a sync test \o/ [01:10] I /could/ put the hideous modem/router box in the garage and run wires to one or two 5 GHz access points. [01:11] ...it would be nice to get off 2.4 GHz [01:11] ...and that would free up some space in the kitchen. [01:11] ah well you just toss it there to test it, if it's good then you can still extend away from it, you just ideally want to do it over a nice bit o' CAT6 cable instead [01:11] (the modem/router thing looks like a VCR from the late 1970s) [01:11] hehe [01:12] * ball breaks out the Cat3 [01:13] :D sounds like string [01:14] ok i'm gonna sleep, let me know of your tale of success ball! :) [01:14] Hey, it's perfect for 10baseT ;-) [08:41] morning boys and girls. [16:13] hey guys [16:13] allah is doing [16:13] sun is not doing allah is doing [16:13] to accept Islam say that i bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad peace be upon him is his slave and messenger [17:07] hello world [22:22] m0nkey_: ah, the man is fixing things - this weekend is good [22:25] I'm not home to watch. [22:25] d'aww [22:26] oh sorry for the distraction then :>