[02:18] babbageclunk: would you mind reviewing a couple of small testing PRs? https://github.com/juju/testing/pull/125 and https://github.com/juju/testing/pull/126 [02:29] axw: sure [02:32] axw: approved! [02:32] babbageclunk: ta [02:46] babbageclunk: and when you have another moment, here's the juju/juju one: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/7297 [02:47] should make landings faster and more reliable [02:59] axw: done. [02:59] babbageclunk: cheers [03:11] axw nice! [03:12] veebers: :) [03:12] gotta sort out a failure in the PR it seems, will do after I'm finished reviewing stuff [04:39] veebers: any idea what's going on with http://juju-ci.vapour.ws:8080/job/github-merge-juju/10793/? [04:39] "Build has been executing for 2 days 13 hr on juju-core-slave-b" [04:41] * axw cancels [04:42] veebers: might have something to do with the error on https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/7295 ... :) [04:46] * veebers looks [04:47] axw: ah good catch, thanks for that :-) That's something that needs to be followed up. [04:48] veebers: http://juju-ci.vapour.ws:8080/job/github-merge-juju/10794/console looks like it might be doing the same thing [04:48] check_blockers hsouldn't take long, right? [04:49] axw: aye just checking. Looks like it's using old creds, updating now [04:49] cool [04:51] axw: ok, I've updated the job, aborted that previous run and the next run started and has gotten further [04:51] veebers: cool, thanks [04:51] axw: Thanks for bringing that to my attention :-) [04:51] np [04:52] axw: oh actually , should probably abort all those other jobs until the version one passse [04:52] veebers: why's that? [04:52] veebers: oh, so they come after [04:52] yeah [04:53] axw: sorry was busy cancelling jobs. Yeah so they come after :-) [04:54] axw: I've merge commented on that PR but I'm not 100% confident my account will trigger it :-\ [04:55] easy fix, just force rebuild that job :-P [04:55] veebers: I've commented too [04:55] either way [04:55] bot is having a little sleep, hasn't picked up my comment either [05:03] the gui one snuck in again [05:03] canceled it again [05:03] or I was looking at an out of date tab ... [05:12] axw: hah it's possible you aborted the version update job :-) [05:12] veebers: it's still running [05:13] ph [05:13] oh [05:13] maybe I did [05:13] sigh [05:13] :-) [05:13] * axw backs away from the jenkins [18:26] Bug #1662272 changed: Agents stop running hooks and are hung [18:32] Bug #1662272 opened: Agents stop running hooks and are hung [18:44] Bug #1662272 changed: Agents stop running hooks and are hung