
ubot5`Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) was the tenth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 23, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.01:04
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:31
lotuspsychjemorning baizon04:45
EriC^^morning lotuspsychje04:48
lotuspsychjehey EriC^^04:49
lotuspsychjebbl shopping06:26
Bashing-ombbl sleeping07:04
ducassegood morning07:06
wajideusif canonical stays with the decision to use gnome 3 as the DE for 18.04, I'm gonna have to jump ship to Kubuntu07:36
Ben64yeah it's gonna be gnome07:41
* wajideus plugs ears07:42
wajideusthey have 4 years to change their mind, or else07:42
Ben64i don't see why it matters?07:49
wajideusit matters because gnome 3 is hideous and extremely buggy07:50
wajideusI just tried out the latest version of ubuntu gnome earlier today07:51
wajideusI now have a CD entitled, "A Mentally Handicapped Version Of Ubuntu 16.04" in sharpie07:52
Ben64but i mean, use whatever DE you want, it's all still ubuntu07:52
ducasseso you are going to install from another image. big deal...07:52
wajideusI know I can just switch to Kubuntu07:52
wajideusI'm just disappointed that canonical chose to officially support the worst possible option07:53
ducassethe worst option in your opinion, not in everyone's.07:54
wajideusdo you think that's a worse non-x option than gnome?07:54
* wajideus raises brow07:55
ducasseno clue, haven't even tried gnome on wayland _or_ x.07:55
ducassebut i do know some people like it.07:56
wajideusgnome 3 isn't even a desktop environment. it's a tablet environment, that fudges up anything that uses gtk2 and breaks plugins and themes with every minor revision07:56
wajideusootb, the title bars are about twice as thick as the ones in unity07:57
wajideusthere are no desktop icons by default07:57
wajideusand the solid black activity bar at the top of the screen is a completely useless waste of screen real-estate07:58
sirru5hHey wajideus you have rtl 8188ee wifi adapter?  I got one on my other box and I haven't put linux on it because when I first looked n 2014 there were no drivers07:59
wajideusone I'm on right now actually07:59
sirru5hcool i'm going to look around for the drivers see what I can find07:59
sirru5hits not out of the box support I am figuring correct?08:00
wajideusnah, it worked out of the box on both ubuntu and arch08:00
sirru5hoh wow okay well that sounds pretty good I might be running it a dual boot then thanks for the info.  greatly appreciate it.08:01
sirru5hbtw what was the "hp" value in /etc/modprob08:02
sirru5hthat you were talking about as its an HP machine08:02
wajideusI think I might have actually been thinking about my sound card. idk. it was something I did a while back on one of my laptops08:03
sirru5hahh okay well either way I can figure it out.  I'm semi new to ubuntu but not linux.08:03
wajideusbasically what I was talking about was that the kernel has a hard time distinguishing between certain types of adapters for some reason, so some adapters require you to manually specify something like "hp-laptop" as a hint in the configuration08:05
wajideusthe driver is basically the same, but there's subtle quirks that cause problems08:06
sirru5hahh okay makes sense I remember in 98 first using linux I had a 28kbs modem and in order to make it work I had to always manually insmod when I wanted it to work and if I left it in and forgot to rmmod it wouldn't work on the next boot08:08
jinkI have a problem with postfix not being able to bind to my IPv6 address, since the network isn't fully ready yet, despite the "Wants=network-online.target".  https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/280183/65174 seems to be a way to fix that.  Should I do that?08:08
ducassejink: ask in #ubuntu08:09
wajideusin my personal opinion, whole linux driver/library situation is fundamentally fudged08:09
sirru5hwell there are many resources and to be honest for a person just starting that terminal is a bit scarey08:10
wajideusin an ideal os, there's only 2 things you're concerned about: ipc between kernel and user space, and abstraction of hardware08:11
wajideusthe first problem can be solved by simply passing a vector table through a system call or shared memory (aka. a device context). The second can be solved in user space08:12
wajideuseg. mapping 8 audio channels down to 2 (7.1 surround -> stereo) with a mixer08:13
wajideusor blitting one surface to another with a different pixel format08:13
sirru5hyeah simplifying the solution while dealing with the hardware08:14
sirru5halso if you would have more resources with less audio channels to deal with08:15
sirru5hha that simple solution actually just gave me an idea for something I was working on brb08:17
BluesKaj'Morning folks10:27
sirru5hGood morning BluesKaj11:20
BluesKajHi sirru5h11:20
sirru5hHow are you doing BluesKaj11:22
BluesKajsirru5h, fine thanks, and you ?11:24
sirru5hI think I'm doing alright troubleshooting a few things on my system11:24
sirru5htwo night ago my computer died my dog um chewed up my external hd, she had chewed up the remote for the tv so hd was next i guess11:26
sirru5hso I been busy installing and decided to try out ubuntu which I had not used in years11:26
BluesKajhmm, sounds like your dog has a mineral deficiency in her diet.11:30
sirru5hhaha she also chewed up the leg of our bed about 2 years ago11:31
sirru5hits alright as it gives me a reason to experiment a bit.  Ubuntu has really come a long way11:32
sirru5hI've been so used to apt-get and synatpic, but it looks very sleek now. Last time I used ubuntu was maybe hoary hedgehog days11:34
BluesKajbeen a while alright11:40
sirru5hyup sure has but I'm sure after a few days more I'll feel right at home11:45
BluesKajI still prefer KDE, I found out right around the same time (2005) that gnome wasn't my cup o' tea. Unity didn't help either :-)11:45
sirru5hhaha yeah I have been struggling I just am not used to all the flash11:48
sirru5hthat said ubuntu has really improved greatly.11:49
sirru5hha seems as if it doesn't have the right stuff to run my bluetooth11:51
BluesKajbluetooth apps should be installed by default , but depends on the devices11:58
adIs there any way to limit my partners internet speed, He is always downloading some torrent and thus hogging the network. we are on a lan connected through a router. OS on his pc windows 7 and my pc ubuntu. There are parental controls on router but they either block his connection entirely or provide url based filters. Can anyone suggest any neat simple way to limit the speed of his connection so that we others can atleast browse normally.12:02
ducassead: ask in ##networking12:03
adducasse, ok thanks12:03
ducassead: (you want qos)12:03
sirru5hwell gonna reboot see if this works12:05
BluesKajad mpst torrent clients can set a DL limit in options/settings12:07
adBluesKaj, but for that i have to access his machine12:07
ducassethat depends on him agreeing to lower his speed, qos on the router doesn't :)12:07
BluesKajad , have an adult discussuion with him about his torrent client settings :-)12:09
adthanks guys, ducasse, QoS is the way to go. will google the rest.12:21
ducassead: np. be aware that many common (cheap) routers don't support qos in any meaningful way.12:24
adducasse, there are options of setting QoS in tenda (the cheap one i have). Though I need to learn how to setup.12:25
ducassead: the people in ##networking can probably help with that12:29
BluesKajad convince him to use qbittorrent client.if all else fails, one can set download and uploads speeds very easily in the speed options12:29
adBluesKaj, I use qbittorrent in ubuntu. didnt knew it is available for windows too.12:34
adits a nice torrent client12:34
ducasseeven exists for mac, iirc12:35
BluesKajyup all 3 platforms12:58
LordZeddCan someone show me the meaning of being lonely13:18
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