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cpaelzergood morning05:32
cpaelzerrbasak: the revised edition of the squid tests will be added to squid4 by Amos05:44
cpaelzerrbasak:for squid3 we have to device on next merge if we want to use them as they are now or if you want to move in the same shrinked version that will be in squid4 then05:45
cpaelzerrbasak: we can talk later today about that05:46
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lordievaderGood morning08:45
zioprotohey there10:43
zioprotowe upgraded trusty to xenial and mitaka to newton10:43
zioprotowe are hitting a few 'ulimit' issues10:44
zioprotois there any limit in /proc for the routing of the packets in the namespaces on the network nodes10:44
help-im-stucki wrote lxc launch ubuntu:16.04 and it downloaded 2 things.. adapted-kangaroo and cunning-gelding.. what are these for? Can't find much on google about this..11:49
TafThorneI think...11:50
TafThorneThose are the randomy generated named the scripts generate for your two new containers.11:50
TafThorneIf you chose to name your container it would use that name instead.  If you do not specify a name it makes one up.  That is based on the whole 30 minutes of lxc related stuff I have typed in on one afternoon.11:51
help-im-stuckThanks for the info11:52
TafThorneYou are welcome.  I hope it is at least vaguely correct.11:52
help-im-stuckbut who does it download 2 containers when i asked for one?11:52
TafThorneThe US should start waking up soon.11:52
help-im-stuckwhat timezone are you in?11:52
TafThorneUK so currently BST which is... GMT+1 or UTC+111:52
TafThorneI am meant to be doing some testing using lxc for a bug that is probably fixed.  I downloaded a something, connected to the container, logged in and then something.11:54
help-im-stuckso it's only one hour difference from where i am11:54
TafThorneDunno.  It is 13:001912:00
TafThornefor me12:00
help-im-stuckit's 14:02 for me12:02
help-im-stuckdo i really need multicast on ubuntu server?12:06
help-im-stuckufw is blocking it anyway12:06
hateballdepends if you are serving stuff that you announce with multicast I guess12:07
hateballlike cups services or whatever12:07
help-im-stuckmy modem/router sends multicast requests to my ubuntu.. even tho upnp is disabled on the router xD12:10
hateballdid you reboot the router after doing so12:11
hateballsome routers only re-read configs on reboot, like crappy ISP ones :p12:11
help-im-stuckyes, i rebooted it12:12
hateballand you havent any smb shares going?12:12
help-im-stuckthe ufw log says src=modem ip dest =
help-im-stuckso it's my modem.. maybe i should give my isp a call12:14
maswanwell, upnp is not the only multicast out there, is there?12:16
maswanI'm thinking of mdns etc12:16
hateballyes, is why I asked if there were any smb shares or something in the router12:17
hateballor if it shares a printer perhaps12:17
hateballor maybe even media sharing12:17
help-im-stuckno, it's a pretty simple config.. it just acts dhcp for my internal lan12:18
help-im-stuckwhat is session c1 ?12:41
aaronrcpaelzer: thanks for your help on that Nagios issue. added an SRU to the launchpad bug, if there's anything else I can do to help out with resolving that issue please let me know.13:04
cpaelzeraaronr: thank you for your support13:05
cpaelzeraaronr: the next thing to do is really create the updated packages13:06
cpaelzeraaronr: the USBSD even we now de regularly is for people to learn doing so, otherwise this is down to waiting until priority made it happen by someone who already knows how13:06
cpaelzeraaronr: that is the event I linked on the bug13:07
cpaelzerwhenever I see issue which would perfectly qualify for that even I kind of "offer" it more explcitly13:07
cpaelzerafter all we are a community, so I like teaching how things are done13:07
aaronri'm totally up for learning about that. :) I've done some packaging for PPAs before so I have a little experience, but I've not worked on any official packages, so not sure what differences there would be13:07
cpaelzernot only for the sake of not doing them on my own :-)13:07
help-im-stucklxc exec <container> bash .. and I don't have to enter a root password.. not even when typing it as a regular user.. why?13:08
cpaelzeraaronr: there are a few things which "shold be done" like on the versioning, on a proper changelog and so on13:08
cpaelzeraaronr: but in general all of that is out there documented, yet as ducumentation is - it is useless if not guided through a bit13:08
ahasenackhelp-im-stuck: because you are in the lxd group13:09
help-im-stucki see :o13:09
aaronryeah i remember that from reading docs before, although it's been a while. am i best off waiting until the next event and then tackling this during that?13:09
aaronrhappy to do so if that's best13:09
cpaelzeraaronr: yeah if nobody else picked it until then that would be great13:10
cpaelzeraaronr: but if you happen to prefer other timing than every other week on wednesdays let me know13:10
cpaelzeraaronr: I do not insist on the timing, we jsut happen to try to keep these days free for it13:10
cpaelzeraaronr: if no one shows up there is always plenty to fill the days, but vice versa if one is active and willing we could do on another day13:11
cpaelzeraaronr: next event is on 10th May, and if you want to do on another day catch me here and give me a bit headroom to clean up other tasks13:11
aaronrah okay, in that case when I get some free time am I okay to just pop in here and ask for a little help? if so, I should be able to tackle it this week, or i can just book some time in for may 10th13:11
cpaelzeraaronr: ok both work, you will find me here13:13
cpaelzeraaronr: and if I'm not around nacc and rbasak are the others to catch for this13:13
aaronrcpaelzer: okay great. i'll try and tackle it this week at some point then. I'll give one of you a shout once I get a bit of time to look at it13:14
aaronrthanks again for all your help on this13:14
cpaelzernacc: I think I found a nice new importer case :-)13:15
cpaelzernacc: well I'm talking too early let me check the detauls first and then I'll file something for you13:15
rbasakcpaelzer: well I want to know too :-)13:17
cpaelzerjust found the reasons I think13:17
cpaelzerrbasak: nacc: https://packages.debian.org/search?suite=sid&searchon=names&keywords=exim413:17
cpaelzerThe last version never migrated for Debian on "hurd-i386" it seems13:18
cpaelzerthat makes unstable/sid have 4.89-1 AND 4.89-2 for tools like rmadison and such13:18
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cpaelzernacc: rbasak: it seems usd merge picks the first version for the tagging of new/debian13:19
cpaelzerI'd think it should pick the last in that case13:19
cpaelzeralthough it might differ case by case dependign what the reason is13:19
rbasakThe importer should be blind to build issues - it sees source only.13:20
cpaelzerrbasak: nacc: oh I see it is not only the tagging, there isn't even a lpusip/import/4.89-213:20
rbasakAnd 4.89-2 is published in sid, so that's all it should care about.13:20
rbasakSo either it hasn't imported 4.89-2 yet or there's some different issue with it.13:20
rbasakPerhaps the empty directory bug?13:20
rbasakThose should block imports now.13:20
rbasak(until we've fixed it)13:20
rbasaknacc will need to check the importer log to see why 4.89-2 isn't imported. Or we could try importing manually to see.13:21
cpaelzerrbasak: he imported it a few days ago for me manually13:21
cpaelzerrbasak: I'm checking what the dates of that upload are, but I think it was in his manual run13:22
rbasakusd.source_information.SourceExtractionException: Empty directory/ies found in source package, which are not representable in git. Please report a bug at https://bugs.launchpad.net/usd-importer.13:23
rbasakSo that's the reason. The import would be buggy.13:23
cpaelzer-2 is form 20th April and his re-upload was on 27th, so it should be there13:23
cpaelzeroh I see13:23
cpaelzerrbasak: you said that is "The empty dir bug" it didn't introduce himself to me :-)13:24
cpaelzerthat is bug 1687057 I assume?13:24
ubottubug 1687057 in usd-importer "git cannot represent empty directories by default" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/168705713:24
rbasakYes. I just updated the bug.13:24
cpaelzerrbasak: lets talk about that later when we sync anyway13:25
cpaelzerrbasak: I can pick another package for now13:25
rcjC-Otto: Just a follow-up on cloud-images.u.c.  lost+found has been removed13:58
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jbichahi, does Ubuntu Server want to be the bug subscriber for LP: #1200296 ?14:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1200296 in ubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "[MIR] spice-vdagent" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120029614:21
cpaelzernacc: for the first time used the "warp up all" usd merge finish, but I get missing debian/control.in14:23
cpaelzernacc: is that a known issue or should I file something so you can look deeper?14:23
rbasakjbicha: I don't think ~ubuntu-server wants to be touching the spice stuff at all, but perhaps we have to because qemu :-/14:28
cpaelzerI still don't "want" to touch it14:28
rbasakI think it'll be between cpaelzer and dpb1 to decide :)14:29
cpaelzerneed to read on the history of those decisions first14:30
cpaelzerand dpb1 likely is a bit busy atm14:30
cpaelzerI'll keep the bug open to look at it14:30
cpaelzerthere are also more MIRs on accelerated 3d on virt, but that was new and then full of CVEs at first14:31
cpaelzerso that didn't pass yet either14:31
cpaelzereven Debian dropped it again after a few weeks14:31
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ndeehi there, when I do a df, I see following: /dev/md2        1.8T  1.7T     0 100% /15:43
ndeedf -i gives me /dev/md2       121561088 27353493 94207595   23% /15:44
ndeehow come the harddisk as 100GB free but I can't write any more data to it?15:45
naccndee: what message do you get when you try to write?15:47
ndeenacc: I deleted now some files and I can write again15:47
ndeenacc: but how can the display in "df" be off for about 100GB?15:50
naccndee: you haven't said any error messages or what you were trying to write15:50
naccndee: so i don't know15:50
ndeenacc: the message was: No space left on device15:53
ahasenackndee: does that filesystem has reserved space for the root user? By default, unless you changed that during mkfs, it will15:54
tomreynndee: if it's an ext* file system: sudo dumpe2fs -h /dev/md0 | grep ^Reserved16:01
tomreynmd1 rather in your case16:01
tomreyni mean md216:01
ndeetomreyn: umpe2fs 1.42.9 (4-Feb-2014)16:04
ndeeReserved block count:     2431101216:04
ndeeReserved GDT blocks:      90816:04
ndeeReserved blocks uid:      0 (user root)16:04
ndeeReserved blocks gid:      0 (group root)16:04
ahasenack24311012 * ${block_size}16:04
ahasenackblock_size is further down, remove the grep and use |less16:04
ndeethe block_size is 1kb16:05
ndeeah no, 409616:05
ndeejup, that matches it around16:05
ahasenackyou can change that setting with tune2fs16:06
ahasenack-m (percentage) or -r (actual count)16:06
tewardahasenack: if you ahve any questions on the nginx triage guidelines up there, let me know - I know powersj, rbasak, and others had asked me how to handle certain triage cases so I put the special cases up :p16:26
teward(since some of them are "Not Going To Happen" and we didn't want to step on any workflows I have in place heh)16:27
teward(in case that wasn't clear during the meeting, I didn't want to steal the entire stage for too long :P)16:27
naccteward: you are quite the diva :)16:27
tewardnacc: i'm semi-attention-whorey if that's what you mean :P16:28
naccteward: lol16:28
tewardjust glad I resolved the FTBFSes with the assist from Debian heh16:28
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dougquaidI have an ubuntu server without a gui, but I want to install a minimal version of the xubuntu desktop on it. What packages do I need for that?17:21
ahasenackteward: oh, it's ok, I just wanted to know what the "template" for the mysql triage page would look like, that's all17:28
tewardahasenack: i think the 'template' is slightly different17:28
tewardin that there's no real template.17:28
tewardbut if the MySQL page uses the nginx page i wrote as a start point, that's cool :)17:28
ahasenackI think that's the intention :)17:29
powersjhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/mysql is our start17:32
tewardsomehow my quick attempt with the NGINX page happened to make the template for mysql heh17:32
masondougquaid: apt install xubuntu-core or xubuntu-desktop at a guess17:38
__Yiotaok, is anyone experiencing issues with services on 16.04?17:47
teward__Yiota: 'services'?17:50
__Yiotapgpool2, nginx, haproxy17:50
__Yiotathey fail to start sometimes17:50
tewardbeing more specific next time might help.17:50
nacc__Yiota: and what 'issues'17:50
nacc__Yiota: your statement is so vague as to be contentless17:50
tewardI haven't had issues with 'nginx', and 'fail to start' suggests you should be looking at error logs lol17:50
__Yiotathat's the thing, the error logs don't show anything17:51
__Yiotapgpool2 logs, haproxy logs, all clean17:51
__Yiotasudo service haproxy status shows it has started without errors17:51
__YiotaI guess the issue is we built our cookbooks on 14.0417:51
teward__Yiota: don't rely on that17:52
__Yiotawe upgraded without testing, pinning these issues down is hard17:52
teward`sudo systemctl -l status [SERVICE]`17:52
__Yiotais there a system.d log?17:52
__Yiotathank you teward17:52
tewardget the actual useful data from there lol, stop relying on upstart stuff.17:52
tewardor dedicated service error log files (for example, /var/log/nginx/error.log heh)17:52
__YiotaI see17:52
__YiotaI created an ssh tunnel to my node's ip18:25
__YiotaI pointed chrome to the SOCKS proxy on localhost18:25
__Yiotaeverytime I create the SSH tunnel, no other computer except mine can access it18:25
__YiotaI've closed the SSH tunnel and I can still access the node via DNS via load balancer18:26
__Yiotaand im also able to access it via the node's ip18:26
__Yiotaany ideas?18:26
RoyK__Yiota: autossh?18:30
__Yiotassh -D 8080 -C -N me@node_ip18:31
RoyKtry autossh18:31
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help-im-stuckso.. i'm trying to create a lxc vpn and i've done so.. it's working but i don't know how to check for dns-leaks and such from the commandline.. any ideas?18:53
sarnoldhelp-im-stuck: there's a website listed in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openvpn/+bug/1685391 that may be helpful; I've never tried it but someone else recentlypointed it out..18:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1624317 in systemd (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1685391 systemd-resolved breaks VPN with split-horizon DNS" [High,Confirmed]18:55
help-im-stuckso it's broken?18:56
sarnoldno idea18:56
help-im-stucki block my isp:s dns servers with ufw18:56
sarnoldbe sure to block tcp too18:57
help-im-stuckyes, both18:57
help-im-stuckbut in tcpdump, when i boot my lxc and it connects.. i can see that it talks to isp dns:es..18:58
help-im-stuckbut after that it's all ok19:00
help-im-stuckmaybe it should be like that..19:00
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help-im-stuckI would like to have a vpn+dnscrypt in one lxc.. that acts like a nat router and give other lxc:s ip:s..19:12
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help-im-stuckhow about the -new- lxd and lxc.. no more config files to edit and everything should be done by lxc command ?19:29
help-im-stucklxc start .. etc19:30
help-im-stuckare there any additional info about this new config system?19:31
ahasenackhelp-im-stuck: https://linuxcontainers.org/lxd/introduction/ should be a starting point for everything lxd related19:40
* mason bookmarks that.19:44
help-im-stuckbeen reading there all day :)19:48
powersjThis is also reading through if you are new to lxd 2.0 https://stgraber.org/2016/03/11/lxd-2-0-blog-post-series-012/20:02
powersjworth reading*20:02
help-im-stuckpowersj, thanks20:10
ahasenackhelp-im-stuck: lots of good blog posts there indeed20:11
SkittishtriggerI am using ubuntu 16.04-server and am having issues with a vsftpd(secure) connection. Would it be ok to ask questions pertaining to that here or is there a btter spot?20:14
Skittishtriggerufw is NOT the issue btw.20:14
SkittishtriggerAnyways https://gist.github.com/skittishtrigger/889dd213e7ab6eba93b573ca06760f7b is my current setup. Initial tests before securing went fine but after adding the chroot list connections started timing out (connected but timeout after 20sec)20:18
Skittishtriggernevermind. I apologize. I found a better channel for that. thank you thoguh.20:20
Dynamiiic hi, ive got 2 ubuntu servers (1 14.04 and 1 on 16.04) when i SSH into them the 14.04 serv has tab-autocompletion whilst 16.06 doenst, any experience with it?21:06
tarpmanDynamiiic: apt install bash-completion21:09
Dynamiiicapt list | grep auto-complete21:10
DynamiiicWARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts.21:10
Dynamiiicauto-complete-el/xenial,now 1.3.1-2 all [installed]21:10
Dynamiiicyet it wouldnt auto-complete parameters like apt-get (install) like 14.04 would21:11
Dynamiiicit would only complete apt-get21:11
tarpmanDynamiiic: auto-complete-el is completion for emacs. not for your shell.21:12
Dynamiiic apt-get install bash-completion21:12
Dynamiiicbash-completion is already the newest version (1:2.1-4.2ubuntu1.1).21:12
tarpmanis your shell bash?21:13
Dynamiiicoh wow.21:14
Dynamiiici simply connect thru ssh, the 14.04 server seems to start in bash whilst 16.06 doenst21:14
Dynamiiicexcuse me for the troubles21:14
tarpmanif you want to change your login shell to bash: chsh -s /bin/bash21:14
Dynamiiicdont recall doing that on the 14.04 one tho, was that default back then?21:15
tarpmanit should be default on 16.04 as well. I can't say why your 16.04 server would be different21:15
tarpmanmaybe some difference in how your user was created/configured. idk21:16
Dynamiiichmm, etc/passwd shows:21:16
tarpmanok. if you ssh in and do echo $SHELL - does that say /bin/bash?21:16
sarnoldor ls -l /proc/$$/exe ?21:17
tarpmancheck your ~/.bashrc, the lines for enabling completion may be commented out21:17
tarpmanI've been porting my own .bashrc for so long I have no idea what the default looks like any more :)21:17
Dynamiiic$uname@hostname:~$ echo $SHELL21:18
Dynamiiic$uname@hostname:~$ ls -l /proc/$$/exe21:18
Dynamiiiclrwxrwxrwx 1 $uname $uname 0 May  2 23:17 /proc/8581/exe -> /bin/bash21:18
Dynamiiicoh, echo $SHELL returns /bin/bash21:18
Dynamiiicwell, on the 14.04 install its commented out but still works21:18
Dynamiiictried ucommenting on 16.06 but that didnt do the trick21:19
tarpmantakes effect after you either source ~/.bashrc or log out and in again21:19
tarpmannot sure whether the default /etc/bash.bashrc has completion uncommented or not21:19
Dynamiiicdefault its uncommented i believe21:20
Dynamiiicguess i didnt remember to source ~/.bashrc after editting21:30
Dynamiiicfixed, thanks alot21:30
Dynamiiicstrange it wasnt on by default tho21:30
Dynamiiicalso, if running a small wordpress site on a low-memory server would you guys recommend nginx or apache?21:31
sarnoldwhichever you understand better21:34
sarnoldI prefer nginx because it feels simpler in all respects21:34
Dynamiiici can setup both but looking for performance21:34
sarnoldthen make it a high-memory server? :)21:34
sarnoldI suspect wordpress caching / database performance may matter more than which front end you're running21:35
Dynamiiichaha, running it for a small company that belongs to a friend, he doenst want too much hosting costs/year so i suggested i´d setup a server for him21:35
Dynamiiica 256MB serv should be sufficient for his traffic, but think nginx is better optimized21:35
sarnoldthat would be my expectation too but I can't promise that it's based on anything scientific :)21:36
ppetrakiit's hard to go wrong with nginx21:36
vagvafhello people. I think have completely broken my php installation and need help. this is the error that i'm getting: https://pastebin.com/Y0w10T1s21:57
sarnoldvagvaf: eww. I think I'd aim for apt-get purge for all those php things and try to return to a clean slate quickly. Be sure to backup whatever -is- configured first if you've got anything configured..21:59
vagvafsarnold, i don't. let me try it22:00
patdk-lphmm, missing things22:00
patdk-lpjust phpmoddisable or whatever all the stuff22:01
patdk-lpthat should fix it up22:01
patdk-lpwell, fix fpm so it runs22:01
sarnoldoh? I figured it was unhappy at the apt level too22:01
patdk-lpprobably what is hanging it all up22:01
patdk-lpit is, cause the install package for fpm isn't sucessful cause the restart of fpm fails22:01
patdk-lpso making it start clean, will fix it up and it will fix up the other stuff22:02
patdk-lpand likely have only one thing to fix afterwards22:02
patdk-lpthe big question I have, is why have mod-php and fpm installed at the same time22:02
patdk-lpthey are redundant22:02
patdk-lpor maybe, disable fpm from systemd so it doesn't attempt to start it22:02
patdk-lpbut that doesn't always work out during package update time22:03
vagvafso, i purged php.* and reinstalled it. i get no errors anymore but my localhost/info.php returns a blank page22:03
patdk-lpwell, could do that too :)22:04
patdk-lpnow what did you install?22:04
patdk-lpmod-php or php-fpm?22:04
patdk-lpyou can only use one or the other, or even php-cgi22:04
patdk-lpyou can have them all installed, but useless to attempt to use more than one22:04
vagvafphp php-common php7.0 php7.0-cli php7.0-common php7.0-fpm php7.0-json php7.0-opcache php7.0-readline22:05
patdk-lpok, did you configure apache to use php-fpm?22:05
vagvafpatdk-lp no..i will look for it22:06
patdk-lpsee if a php file is in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled too22:06
patdk-lpone of those might have pulled in mod-php22:06
patdk-lpnot sure if php does or not22:06
patdk-lpif you wouldn't have specified all those, but let it pull in dependencies itself, yo uwouldn't get into this whole mess so badly :)22:07
patdk-lpbut it being blank is odd22:07
vagvafi just installed php it drew everything else by itself ;)22:07
patdk-lpunless php is working22:07
patdk-lpwhat do you mean just installed?22:08
patdk-lpapt-get install php7.0-fpm22:08
patdk-lpthat wouldn't pull in cli22:08
patdk-lpyou might need cli, but not websites22:08
vagvafapt-get install php22:08
patdk-lpya, that is too generic22:08
patdk-lpyou didn't tell it what php yo uwanted so it made a guess22:09
vagvafi don't see a php file in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled22:09
patdk-lprestart apache22:10
patdk-lpthen tell is what happens22:10
patdk-lplooks like, apt-get install php, picks fpm/mod/cgi22:10
patdk-lplikely fpm first22:10
patdk-lpto help your sanity, if you just want it simple22:10
patdk-lpapt-get remove php7.0-fpm; apt-get install libapache2-mod-php7.022:11
vagvafaaah thanks :D22:11
patdk-lpmod-php is much easier, but ends up using more memory normally22:11
patdk-lpand you have to be careful what apache threading model you use22:11
patdk-lpbut it's *simple*22:11
patdk-lpif you just want to leave most htings at default settings22:11
patdk-lpfpm is great, but does require a lot of manual work, but is highly flexable :)22:12
vagvafstill blank page22:13
patdk-lpwhat does apache log say?22:13
patdk-lpin /var/log/apache2/, likely access/other/error22:14
patdk-lpor is this server public and I can test?22:14
vagvafno it's not public22:15
vagvafhold on22:15
vagvafthis is the message: https://pastebin.com/1AW8y41H22:16
patdk-lpnothing in the other files?22:16
vagvafhold on22:16
vagvafit worked!22:18
patdk-lpcould have been browser caching issue22:18
vagvafthanks a lot!!22:20
tewardsince when do Xenial LXD images come with SSH password auth disabled by default23:50

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