
bluesabreUnit193: I think it made it in00:07
bluesabreFeel free to bump version numbers00:07
bluesabreLet me know when you've uploaded so I can do the 2nd upload (https://launchpad.net/gtk-theme-config/1.2/1.2.2)00:07
Unit193bluesabre: Right-o.  Pushed all the things.01:37
Unit193bluesabre: That doesn'tlook related though.  And, next up: Splitting out elementary-xfce-icon-theme! :P01:38
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-artwork:: [artful] r324 Bump version number to 17.10 (by Unit 193)01:46
bluesabreUnit193: nah, no need for it to be related :D02:56
Unit193If you're talking Xubuntu uploads, I already got thunar. :P02:56
Unit193New gtk-theme-config sounds fun to try though.02:58
bluesabreUnit193: awesome03:00
bluesabrethe new gtk-theme-config might have some issues, but works better than it did since the last update was wily03:00
=== sorinello__ is now known as sorinello_
akxwi-daveflocculant: re bug 1687075 not sure if this has been patched into today's iso..  As looking at xfce bug 13535  it appears it may.. I can confirm that Thunar on todays iso is not leaving copies behin in trash any more.. (However still think the actual wording of the warning dialog could be better,,10:51
ubottubug 1687075 in thunar "Restoring non-empty folders spawns warning - leaves copy behind" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/168707510:51
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 13535 in apr "Restoring non-empty folders spawns a warning about modification/restores folder and leaves copy in Trash" [Normal,New] https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1353510:51
Unit193Should only be the one for LP: #1679488, Xfce bz #1348110:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1679488 in thunar (Ubuntu) "Thunar freezes when left inactive for a while" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/167948810:53
akxwi-daveahh.. even weirder then...   as the other bug wasn't bugging today.. although it did  on older ones.. (unless that fix, fixed the other as well)  :)10:59
flocculantakxwi-dave: I still see the bug btw11:26
knomeakxwi-dave, flocculant: qa admin tab should be fixed11:30
akxwi-daveknome: :-)12:01
akxwi-daveflocculant:  hmm.. deffo not leaving anything behind for me on 32bit vm on virtualbox ( windows)  just about to do the 64bit install so will check on there12:03
akxwi-daveflocculant:  Nope .. not bugging out on either 32 or 64 for me on todays iso..13:05
flocculantakxwi-dave: http://tinypic.com/r/14vrcc8/913:27
akxwi-davedoh..  you can tell I've had too much beer over the weekend.. I've forgot to test against the cancel option...  did virtually every other one..    some one slap me..13:33
flocculantakxwi-dave: yea - but when the warning shows up - the thing has already been restored13:38
flocculantanyway - I tested the patch yesterday in the xfce bug13:40
akxwi-daveaye same here now...  I was doing the skip and skip all13:42
flocculantakxwi-dave: wording is odd - or that's a different issue, to me if something warns me and option is skip, yes or yes to all - that would imply it would not restore13:45
akxwi-daveexactly.. which I think needs looking at as well.. As I would think the same..... to be honest does it need a dialog box at all?? or just a are you sure? one..13:47
flocculantneed to check with folders that include root owned stuff maybe?13:47
flocculantneed someone like bluesabre or ochosi to try and give a defnitive it 'should' do foo13:48
flocculantI suspect that the warning is useful in the situation it's there for 13:49
akxwi-daveyes If you were trying to edit them, but not really for restore...   8-)14:03
flocculantakxwi-dave: sso what you want to do re package testing? 15:26
akxwi-davein what way bud?15:29
akxwi-daveyou'll have to forgive me.. had a few skin fulls over teh weekend celebrating a few things15:30
flocculantin what way do you want the packages on the tracker? same as lts? new order?15:30
akxwi-daveseems to have lost some brain cells along the way]15:30
akxwi-daveahh yes..15:30
akxwi-dave  I would go for the same as LTS...  its familar to people, and if we do want to change bits/order  they can be done in small steps15:31
akxwi-davelets not frighten the testers that we do have too much.. :-)15:32
flocculantpretty simple to fiddle with the sections - though not as simple as it could be15:42
flocculantknome: thanks btw :)15:48
knomeflocculant, no problem18:02
ubottuError: debian bug 86170201 not found21:27

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