
xubuntu57dhey everyone! Just converted my Win10 machine over to Xubuntu. Feels good to finally make the jump!01:18
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Aquzai have a question13:54
Aquzai choose the wrong keyboard language13:55
Aquzanow i was trying to change in settings the language to german but13:55
Aquzathe special character are still on the wrong buttons13:55
flocculantAquza: try Keyboard > Layout for the keyboard itself13:57
Aquzawhere i can choose this flocculant ?13:59
Aquzaah it works14:00
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thunder011hello please can you tell me difference between software and ubuntu saftware center app ????????????????17:23
thunder011anyone ??????????17:26
drcYou're talking about the current app "software" in17.04 and "ubuntu saftware center" in pre-16.04?17:27
drcopps..."ubuntu software center"...the perils of cut-n-paste :)17:29
thunder011i cant find any diffrence between them???17:31
drcWell, from what I've gathered "software" is the replacement for "ubuntu software center".  I've seen notes that say "ubuntu software center" won't work in versions later thatn 16.04, but I really don't know, besides I use synaptic :)17:34
thunder011synaptic ????17:35
GridCubesynaptic is another package manager thunder01117:35
GridCubejust like software and the USC are17:36
drcolder (and better :) package manager.17:36
GridCubesoftware and USC are just different clients of the apt base17:36
drcbut not as pretty17:36
GridCubeyou can also use apt-get P:17:36
thunder011yeah thanks for the help17:36
Spassthunder011: do you have an issue with your keyboard?17:38
thunder011okay can you tell me where can i ask hacking releated questions?? is there any form in irc??17:38
thunder011nope,    sorry my english is not perfact17:39
Spassthunder011: looks like you may have problems with a "?" key...17:39
Spassyep, something like that :)17:40
Spassthunder011: there are some general "hacking" channels on freenode, so you can try asking there, but it depends what do you want to hack exactly, it's a general term17:45
Spass_birne: hello19:03
Spass_hmm, my screen goes black after 15min of YouTube watching (for example), but in the Power Manager/Display I have it set up to 30min19:39
Spass_is there other place in the settings handling this?19:40
Spass_I have "Handle display power management" option checked19:41
thunder011hello can you tell me is there any official youtube player in ubuntu software center?????????????19:54
kaenovskyHi thunder011, I've never heard of Youtube players before19:56
thunder011sorry i mean youtube video app like in android19:57
mrkrampsthere's nothing "official"19:57
kaenovskyoh, right. I don't think there is..why wouldn't you just use youtube from your browser? Any particular reason? : )19:58
mrkrampssome video players can use the the youtubedl backend directly19:58
mrkrampskaenovsky, because it tortures your cpu?19:58
kaenovskyohh okay I didn't think of that19:59
thunder011i tried mini tube but it doesn't working20:00
thunder011and ther is no particular reson i just want to waste my free internet data lol :P20:00
mrkrampsthunder011, maybe you just need a more uptodate minitube version20:01
thunder011okay i try to update it20:02
mrkrampsthere are often API changes for web services20:02
thunder011thank its working now20:02
thunder011okay i need one more help is it possible to develop form or conole application in c# with linux without using mono develop ??????????/20:05
mrkrampsi have absolutely no idea =D20:05
mrkrampsthunder011, but i guess stackoverflow will tell you20:08
thunder011i searched on that but there is no solution visualstudio code on linux may be works but i am not familier with it.20:10
Spass_ok, I set "xfconf-query -c xfce4-power-manager -p /xfce4-power-manager/blank-on-battery -s 30"20:13
Spass_maybe Power Manager thinks I'm on battery (I'm not)20:14
Spass_will see if that helped20:14
birnehi all. could you please help me to install the mailwatch plugin on xubuntu 16.04? i installed glib2, which is needed for it and then i get the following error message: https://pastebin.com/c00mWw2X ; I read the line "please add the files" but I only have these 3 files in the aclocal folder: glib-2.0.m4, glib-gettext.m4 und gsettings.m4 ;20:36
mrkrampsbirne, use your package manager20:37
mrkrampstha plugin is in the repositories20:37
mrkrampssudo apt install xfce4-mailwatch-plugin20:38
birneok thx20:39
birnehow do I start mailwatch?20:43
mrkrampsbirne, add the plugin to your panel20:43
birnesorry I don't even know where to find the plugin20:44
mrkrampsin the panel setting → add item (or something similar)20:45
birneok, thanks20:46
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