
tychicusif you made changes to a juju config, is there a way to have juju "redeploy" the original config?00:55
lazyPowertychicus you should be able to extrapolate what that original config was by looking at the defaults in config.yaml01:17
lazyPowertychicus otherwise, you just juju config application foo=bar baz=bam01:17
tychicusyeah, I did that01:17
tychicusI think I horked something with openvswitch01:17
tychicusisn't there a juju config —reset01:19
lazyPowerah yeah01:22
lazyPowerjuju config --reset foo,baz01:23
lazyPowerargs being the keys you wish to reset to default01:23
tychicusguessing that is only for charms and not for bundles01:26
umbSublimeIs there any documentation to use juju to deploy applications to a public-cloud openstack ?03:02
Budgie^SmoreumbSublime https://jujucharms.com/docs/1.25/config-openstack03:14
umbSublimethx Budgie^Smore03:15
Budgie^SmoreumbSublime that is for 1.25, for 2.1 https://jujucharms.com/docs/stable/help-openstack03:15
umbSublimeanother quick question is, as an openstack public-cloud provider, is there a guide to make the OS compatible with juju ?03:15
umbSublimeI mean to be fully compatible and also shown in "juju clouds"03:16
Budgie^SmoreI haven't seen any yet, CentOS was added pretty recently03:17
umbSublimehmm, I don't see CentOS with "juju clouds" on version 2.0.2-xenial-amd6403:18
Budgie^Smorejuju clouds just shows the different clouds and isn't related to the OS installed by Juju03:18
umbSublimeyes of course03:18
Budgie^SmoreumbSublime actually I am getting maas and juju mixed up, been a long day... juju probably will never support non-apt based OSes (and probably only Ubuntu OSes)03:22
umbSublimethat's fine. What I mean is, if I would be a openstack public-cloud provider, How would I make sure my openstack infra is compatible with juju (so my potential users can deploy to ubuntu instances with juju)03:23
umbSublimeI found this https://jujucharms.com/docs/stable/howto-privatecloud which can probably be adapted for my use-case I think03:26
kjackalGood morning Juju world!07:51
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
MmikeHi, lads. What are 'hosted models'? I'm getting an error when running the 'juju create-backup' command saying that 'backups are not supported for hosted models'09:23
MmikeIt's a deployment against openstack provider. So, if I specify a controller model then backups run fine, but is the default model also backed up then?09:24
ZiclazyPower: hi, just to report you a strange things that just happens in our production cluster : the iptables's FORWARD chain default-policy pass to DROP from ACCEPT without *any* action of our team11:14
ZiclazyPower: all pods has lost their network11:14
Zicjust re-switch the default-policy with "iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT" and it was fixed11:14
Zicdid you ever see that?11:14
Zicit affected only one node / 511:15
Zicthe only other service witch touch iptables on this node is lxd, but it's not used on this server (it's just here because it's now a part of the metapackage ubuntu-server)11:20
* Zic need moar coffee11:20
Zicneeds* </flood>11:20
Zicok, find it, it's not LXD, it's UFW : /etc/default/ufw11:23
Zicconfirmed, if I reboot another node, the default-policy for the chain FORWARD switch to DROP instead of ACCEPT11:36
Zictrying to systemctl disable ufw11:37
Zic& reboot11:37
Zichmm, same, maybe it's not ufw either :(11:41
lazyPowerZic : thats a new one to me, i haven't seen that12:22
=== petevg is now known as petevg_afk
magicaltroutERROR cannot add application \"gitlab\": state changing too quickly; try again soon\14:01
magicaltroutwhat does that mean in bundletester?14:01
admcleodmagicaltrout: its waiting for the state of 'gilab' to settle, but apparently its not?14:03
admcleodmagicaltrout: maybe its hook error/retrying very quickly?14:03
magicaltroutits not even in the environment14:06
ZiclazyPower: I did some new debugging session : it's the cluster which is still in 1.5.3 with docker_from_upstream=true (upgrading is already planed but customer have very few moment to do maintenance outage...), in this Docker version, Docker switch the FORWARD chain default-policy to DROP when doing "systemctl restart docker"14:06
ZiclazyPower: in the Docker Ubuntu version, it does not14:06
lazyPowerZic: ah good insight14:07
ZiclazyPower: it mades me think if the last time we spoke about this docker_from_upstream, where all my containers had no network, it was maybe the exact same problem14:07
lazyPowerwerid i would think kube-proxy would re-read teh tables and fi that.14:07
admcleodmagicaltrout: huh?14:07
magicaltroutwell juju status is empty14:07
Zicanyway, I plan to downgrade to docker_from_upstream=false before upgrading to 1.6 when I will have the maintenance area from my customer :)14:07
lazyPoweri think my bluetooth keyboard is dying on me14:07
admcleodmagicaltrout: is there some weird multi-model oops thing going on14:08
lazyPowerZic just FYI with this weeks release that will happen for you automatically14:08
lazyPowerwe're migrating users who have enabled from upstream to archive, and disable the config flag14:09
magicaltroutnope as vanilla as it comes14:09
magicaltroutalthough now i paste the command i see the same as well14:09
ryebotI'm trying to bootstrap lxd on an aws box:14:10
ryebot$ juju bootstrap lxd lxd-test14:10
ryebotERROR no addresses match14:10
ryebotlxdbr0 exists14:10
ryebotnot sure what to check here14:10
admcleodryebot: try with --debug14:11
admcleodmagicaltrout: try with --debug14:11
ryebotwill do, thanks14:11
=== bdx_ is now known as bdx
ZiclazyPower: nice, I expect that we will have no GC error on docker-ubuntu / K8s 1.6... or that pod limits will mitigate this bad effect14:12
tychicushas any one run into an issue where neutron-l3-agent neutron-metadata-agent neutron-dhcp-agent sporadically go missing from neutron gateway?15:03
tychicusissuing apt install neutron-l3-agent neutron-metadata-agent neutron-dhcp-agent15:03
tychicusthen sudo systemctl restart jujud-unit-neutron-gateway-1.service15:03
tychicuswill re-create the corresponding config files and bring things back online15:04
admcleodtychicus: not i - you may want to also ask this in #openstack-charms15:06
tychicusadmcleod: didn't realize that was there, thanks!15:08
tychicusseparate question, I did something really silly I accidentally deployed units to my juju controller and juju remove-unit won't remove the units15:22
tychicusis there any way to force the removal, or would I be better up backing up and re-provisioning my juju controller?15:22
magicaltroutweirdly admcleod ... or maybe not maybe its a feature15:31
magicaltroutif i destroy my controller15:31
magicaltroutit runs bundletester again15:31
magicaltroutbut then i have to kill it again and rebootstrap15:31
magicaltroutsome random stuff about it being a bundle15:33
admcleodmagicaltrout: what happens if you manually deploy th gitlab-server charm?15:34
magicaltroutif i deploy it without the additional flags15:35
magicaltroutit deploys15:35
rick_htychicus: you can force a bit with remove-machine the units on are15:42
rick_htychicus: I'm curious why they won't remove. Maybe there's an error/etc and it needs some juju resolved xxxx ?15:43
admcleodmagicaltrout: maybe something for tvansteenburgh / coryfu15:44
tychicusrick_h: here is what I see15:45
tychicusnova-compute/3             blocked   executing  0                    (leader-settings-changed) Missing relations: messaging, image15:45
tychicus  neutron-openvswitch/11*  error     idle                          hook failed: "install"15:45
rick_htychicus: yea, it's in an error state. So to remove it you'll need to first mark it resolved to tell juju "yea yea, it's ok carry on"15:46
tychicusare there any specific logs that you would like me to examine15:46
tychicusrick_h, I tried that once before, but I'll try it again15:46
rick_htychicus: so as you do that it'll ignore one hook issue and it might run into an issue in the next hook and such15:46
rick_htychicus: so honestly, sometimes you have to do it a few times while removing things15:47
rick_htychicus: but as I said, one thing you can do is to take out hte machine under the unit as well15:47
tychicusmy only hesitation is that the machine is my juju controller15:47
rick_htychicus: ? well the unit isn't the controller. What machine is neutron-openvswitch/11 on ?15:48
tychicusmachine 015:49
rick_htychicus: so this is an openstack on the controller dense mode?15:49
rick_htychicus: yea, that won't work then. best thing to do is run debug-log in one terminal and keep marking resolved and watch it keep trying to tear down the unit15:49
tychicuswhat I did was: juju add-unit nova-compute —to 015:50
tychicusmeant to do juju add-unit nova-compute —to 1015:51
tychicusbut missed a keystroke15:51
rick_htychicus: huh, didn't it fail with there being no machine 10?15:52
admcleodtychicus: sometimes, i put "juju resolved thing/0 ; juju remove-unit thing/0" in a for loop, and go do something else for a minute15:53
tychicusI think it may be a dependency issue because nova-compute depends on neutron-openvswitch15:54
tychicusrick_h: no I never got the machine 10 command typed in, I had intended to place on 10 but accidentally placed on 015:54
tychicusadmcleod: I'll give that a try15:55
rick_htychicus: oic, I got it the other way around.15:55
lazyPowermagicaltrout thats a fun bug for sure.16:25
lazyPowermagicaltrout i'm not sure why it would be complaining about quick state changes. I suspect thats something we need ot get filed as a bug though16:25
bdxhas anyone else noticed dangling security groups left behind by juju?17:17
bdxonly 57 instances deployed .... http://imgur.com/a/Z2e1s17:18
bdxyet I have 640 security groups17:18
* bdx weeps17:19
rick_hbdx: huh, there's been bugs there but they were fixed I thought. https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/1385276 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/162562417:21
mupBug #1385276: juju leaves security groups behind in aws <bug-squad> <destroy-environment> <ec2-provider> <jujuqa> <repeatability> <security> <juju:Fix Released> <juju-core:Won't Fix> <juju-core 1.25:Won't Fix> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1385276>17:21
mupBug #1625624: juju 2 doesn't remove openstack security groups <ci> <landscape> <openstack-provider> <sts> <juju:Fix Released by gz> <juju 2.0:Fix Released by gnuoy> <juju 2.1:Fix Released> <juju 2.2:Fix Committed> <juju-core:Fix Released by gnuoy> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1625624>17:21
bdxrick_h: I just tagged you on that bug17:36
Budgie^Smoreanyone got any suggestions for intel nuc like systems?17:36
bdxpossibly you can help get some heat on it17:36
rick_hbdx: rgr17:37
rick_hBudgie^Smore: sorry, just use nucs here. I've not tinkered with the others like it17:37
rick_hBudgie^Smore: biggest thing is the AMT support for MAAS which most of them I don't think do. Even in the NUC line you have to get a couple specific models17:37
Budgie^Smorerick_h yeah I figured as much :-/17:38
Budgie^Smorerick_h I am just having the one large system running windows (cause I like to play a game that doesn't run well under linux even with wine) struggle17:39
Budgie^Smorerick_h trying to decide it is better to get nuc or nuc-like systems or spend the money on cloud credit17:41
rick_hBudgie^Smore: so the cloud stuff is handy as you can move it around and make it bigger/smaller/etc. However, real hardware is always faster.17:42
rick_hBudgie^Smore: when I push my nucs I'm always floored at how much faster they are than a VM17:42
Budgie^Smorerick_h yeah I geet that having been a bare metal guy most of my career17:43
tychicusBudgie^Smore: what's your budget, the intel xeon D stuff is really good, but a bit more expensive than a nuc17:55
Budgie^Smoretychicus really only want to spend a couple hundred on each and have 4 or 517:57
lazyPowerBudgie^Smore i have a handfull of gigabyte brix systems myself17:58
Budgie^SmorelazyPower running MaaS?17:59
lazyPowerthey dont support AMT so i image them every so often17:59
lazyPowerthat or i could enlist them in maas and pull sneaker-net power17:59
tychicusMay be more than you want to spend, but you can get much better density than the nuc, since the xeon D can handle 128GB ram vs 16GB with the AMT capable NUC https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01M0VTV3E/ref=psdc_11036071_t1_B01M0X365V18:02
Budgie^Smoreyeah I also don't need 6Gb NICs and SFP+ ports... not really looking at doing SDN at home yet18:09
Budgie^Smoreadmittedly 2 would be nice but I can "fake" that easily18:10
Budgie^Smorehttps://www.amazon.com/ASRock-DESKMINI-110W-BB-US/dp/B01L3J1JFQ/ might be promising18:13
bodie_Can't figure out how to get rid of my bad configs.  I have a couple of GCE controllers that I destroyed the real VMs for and now 'status' and so on hang18:18
bodie_OS X18:18
bodie_Any pointers?  There doesn't appear to be a .jenv file in $HOME18:20
rick_hbodie_: sorry, I don't follow. Status hangs, but the controllers are gone? What status are you checking?18:27
rick_hbodie_: you can use juju unregister to remove controllers that you manually pulled from your controllers list18:28
bodie_Hi Rick.  The controllers are still in my list, since destroy-controller also failed to finish...18:28
bodie_I just want to erase everything and start over from scratch.18:28
rick_hbodie_: k, you can use unregister to clean up the controllers from your listing. If you want to remove config/etc they're int he data directory (~/.local/share/juju/)18:31
bodie_Ok :+1: thanks @rick_h18:34
rick_hbodie_: k, let me know how you get along and if there's anything else you hit.18:35
bodie_rick_h -- the real issue was that my deploy was stuck waiting for some machines to come up18:36
bodie_GCE provider got set up OK, and I was able to deploy and use juju-gui18:36
bodie_I'd previously tried to deploy canonical kube from my CLI, but the machines were stuck waiting18:37
bodie_(Maybe due to a bad connection on the train leaving some API calls unfinished?)18:38
bodie_So, I blew that setup away and tried to use juju-gui to deploy it18:38
bodie_But I suspect somewhere in there something got mixed up18:38
lazyPowertychicus the perk to a nuc vs that xeon is its a 1u vs 3 slices of toast.18:40
lazyPoweri myself have some space constraints. I actually have a 2u hp proliant sitting in my closet collecting dust because fan noise and space :|18:40
lazyPoweri had it running in my office -once- since i moved in. It sounded like a b2 bomber landed in my office and hangouts were out the window :{18:40
tychicusdon't get me wrong, I really like the form and noise factor of the nuc18:42
Budgie^Smorenot to mention those of us that want that environment aren't running huge workloads just need multiple small machines18:42
Budgie^SmoreHow many times have you deployed CDK to it lazyPower?18:43
lazyPowerBudgie^Smore every release18:44
lazyPowerI also have an older i7 wokstation hooked in as a beefier worker. I wanted something to run the game servers on18:45
lazyPowerso to date: its 2 Brix, and 1 i718:45
tychicusmy home lab still consists of an old dell core2duo machine and a mac mini, both were free so they were the right price18:46
Budgie^SmoreI think someone is missing out a significant niche market18:48
jrwrenthose old core2duo's work wonders IME ;)18:56
tychicuscan the import-ssh-key or add-ssh-key command be associated with a controller rather than a model?18:56
tychicusrick_h: admcleod: got the stuck charms removed19:17
tychicusjuju resolved --no-retry neutron-openvswitch/11; juju remove-unit neutron-openvswitch/11; juju remove-unit nova-compute/319:18
tychicusdidn't know about the --no-retry option for resolved, but that did the trick19:19
tychicusthanks again for your help, and pointing me in the right direction19:19
admcleodtychicus: ah cool19:54
lazyPowerwell to be fair i didn't include any of the appliances and arm based boards i have running19:55
lazyPoweri seem to run machines for the sake of blinken lights19:56
bodie_rick_h: I managed to clean up and re-bootstrap my google provider, but when I `deploy canonical-kubernetes`, some machines remain pending.19:56
lazyPowerbodie_ do you have a fresh google cloud account?19:56
Budgie^SmorelazyPower hehehe... I am just missing my lab systems19:57
bodie_Yeah.  I created the project / juju credentials per the user guide19:57
rick_htychicus: good to hear19:57
lazyPowerbodie_ there are CPU restrictions on a new account, and i know that canonical-kubernetes is a fairly large requirement...19:57
bodie_Mmm... that could be it19:57
lazyPowerbodie_ you're running into that limit :( i'm 80% certain of this19:57
rick_hlazyPower: bodie_ yea, I think you need to request > 10 cpus or something19:57
lazyPowerbodie_ in the interim to get you un-blocked, you can deploy kubernetes-core, which is a much lighter bundle for experimentation19:57
lazyPowerNo problem, if that continues to be problematic, just let me know and i'll do what i can19:59
lazyPowereven if its perform a rain dance to appease our google overlords :)19:59
admcleodi think they're pretty quick at increasing limits?19:59
lazyPoweradmcleod in my experience it can take a few hours from request to fulfilment19:59
bodie_Hail to the Basilisk20:00
admcleoda few HOURS?20:00
lazyPowerbut theyre pretty good about just handing it over20:00
lazyPoweryeah, submit support ticket20:00
lazyPowerunless you have an account rep, then you can call20:00
* admcleod hops on spaghetti monster and flies off towards the horizon20:00
bodie_Apparently "free tier" (new $300 of credit mode) doesn't let you have more than 8 cores up at a time20:04
bodie_c'est la vie20:04
Budgie^Smorewhat would be a good price point for say a 5 (maas + 4 node) system cluster for a "home lab"?22:12
magicaltroutone million dollars........22:13
Budgie^Smoreyou got a million magicaltrout, I will build you the best "home lab" cluster ;-)22:14
magicaltrouti'm building one actually similar to the ubuntu orange box that these chaps take on tour22:14
magicaltroutexcept i'm cheap and cheating22:15
magicaltroutbut i am using these: http://www.udoo.org/udoo-x86/22:15
Budgie^Smoreyeah I liked the look of the orange box22:15
Budgie^Smorewhat do you use for "power management"?22:16

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