
CrazyTuxis Lubuntu based on lxde or lxqt?06:40
CrazyTuxI am using Lubuntu 17.04 on my 11 years old laptop.06:40
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gilAfternoon all - I have noticed that pulse audio server is not working after an upgrade from 16.04 to 17.04 - firstly, is this a known bug? If not, are there any sane steps to diagnose? I've already tried deleting .config/pulse and rebooting but no joy15:43
testdrgil: have you the same failure with a new user-account (to check its not a conlicting user-configuration) or do you use a systemwide pulse-server?17:19
giltestdr that's a good point. I haven't tried yet. I'll have a stab at that now17:25
giltestdr thanks for the tip. I created a new user, logged in and sound magically worked. Logged back in to my main account and sound persisted. One reboot later and it's still working. I have no clue what I did to trigger it, but at least it works now!17:45
testdrgil: there were always changes in pulse over the years. Glad it was so easy -- the tip having a fresh user-account for tests is necessary not to risk a missconfiguration of the one an only user-account. I use always different ones -- for gaming, special programming .. banking and so on. And a simple desktop-user cannot change system-settings by chance17:50
giltestdr I appreciate it, so thanks. I'm feeling a little stupid that it wasn't obvious to me to try a fresh user (before I started diving right into pulse configuration bits) and I'm still a little bemused that it just automagically started working, but very happy it is! :)17:52
jsoei need19:51
ubottuPlease try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone.19:51
jsoecomo puedo adquirir lubuntu en un cd original ?19:52
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.19:52
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omar_tengo un problema con la instalacion de lubuntu el cual es quww no me deja acceder a internet atravez del wifi22:59
wxl!es | @omar_23:02
ubottu@omar_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.23:02
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Guest30100how do I restore 17.04?23:42
wxlrestore it from what?23:44

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