
meebeycan I trigger a "BinNMU" on launchpad PPA without a sourceful re-upload?06:12
meebeyI have changed the PPA dependencies and thus I only need to trigger a rebuild + package version bump, not sure if this is support06:13
RAOFmeebey: Nope, not supported sorry.06:23
_val_Hi everyone. On ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS I want to install this version of open-vm-tools: https://github.com/vmware/open-vm-tools/releases  Could someone create a .deb package for version 10.1.5 or 10.1.007:28
sarnold_val_: the backportpackage command from the ubuntu-dev-tools package may be able to rebuild the zesty version on trusty for you07:41
_val_sarnold: I come from a RH background.. I've no idea how ubuntu/debian does things07:43
_val_I'm not sure what tools I need etc.. etc.. to build the package. Would be awesome if someone could build the package for 14.04.5 LTS07:43
sarnold_val_: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/trusty/en/man1/backportpackage.1.html07:46
sarnold_val_: I'm thinking here, you create a launchpad account, create a ppa that can build for trusty, and then run something like 'backportpackage -u ppa:val/ppa open-vm-tools'  --- if the package is 'easy' to rebuild on trusty, then launchpad should build it for you07:47
sarnold_val_: of course there's always the chance that too much has changed and the build won't Just Work07:47
sarnold_val_: doing 'clean' local builds is enough of a pain that if you can get launchpad to do it for you it's probably worth the trouble of creating an account :)07:48
ricotzsarnold, pbuilder-dist is not hard to use ;)07:49
_val_sarnold: thanks for the link. Having a loop there07:52
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apwwe have two cases where (we think) update-manager asked apt-daemon to install linux-image-4.4.0-77-generic and linux-signed-4.4.0-77-generic directly ... leading to a broken machine10:15
juliankapw: That leads me to the idea that maybe we should have metadata indicating purely-automatic packages, that is, stuff you normally should not install manually.11:42
apwjuliank, it would be nice to be able to say, really this is not a package you want to install ever11:43
apw(we believe we have found teh cause of that behaviour and it is now understood011:44
rbasakHow about an update-motd snippet that checks for known dodgy manually installed packages and warns you?11:45
rbasak"You have linux-XXX marked as manually installed, which may cause problems with automatic kernel updates"11:46
rbasakor just "which may cause problems with kernel updates"11:46
rbasak(as it'll happen even if not automatic)11:46
infinityrbasak: Wouldn't have done any good in this case, those packages were marked automatic.12:21
infinity(And, I'm not sure what good it would ever really do, except to annoy people who intentionally install a kernel manually to test things)12:21
jbicharbasak: will you be doing zesty SRUs today? I'm interested in the GNOME 3.24.1 and gjs updates12:33
rbasakI'll try, but I'm not sure I'll manage it. I've got quite a bit at the top of my list which is mostly unblocking other people :-/12:35
jbichanp, maybe someone will get to it by tomorrow then :)12:37
rbasakjbicha: is there anything I can help with that should be quick for me (easy and obvious, etc)?12:41
jbicharbasak: I'm just interested in my zesty SRUs that have fully aged now12:43
rbasakJust Zesty? gnome-* and gjs? Does that include gnome-shell-extension-autohidetopbar?12:44
jbichayes if you can, and mutter too12:45
* rbasak is looking12:50
rbasakjbicha: your detailed comments made it very easy for me. Thank you. Let me know if I missed anything.12:55
rbasakI'm not sure whether to recommend one way or the other, but breaking the updates down into multiple isolated bugs helped too in this case. Less lining up and checking of things needed.12:57
jbichaI probably should have split mutter & gnome-shell into separate bugs since they were actually independently upgradable this time13:02
rbasakTwo I can keep in my head at once :-)13:02
rbasakbluesabre: around? About your lightdm-gtk-greeter merge.13:25
rbasak(else I'll review in the bug)13:25
rbasakfossfreedom: around? ^13:52
nacccpaelzer: i'm around if you want to debug your `usd tag` issue14:14
cpaelzernacc: hiho14:15
cpaelzernacc: so far I just dumped it to the bug to not forget14:16
cpaelzerI haven't checked anything in detail14:16
nacccpaelzer: ok, it's starnge the other tags worked14:16
naccit's a common code path14:16
naccfor all the tags, that is14:17
cpaelzerok will do the local diff, just a sec14:17
nacccpaelzer: which srcpkg?14:17
nacccpaelzer: ah dovecot ok14:17
cpaelzerha on ntp it worked14:17
cpaelzerI had assumed it would generally be broken14:18
nacccpaelzer: yeah it's strange14:18
nacccpaelzer: i've not seen that in a case where `git status` isn't also showing some output14:18
nacccpaelzer: it's possibly pygit's status() is broken, but seems somewhat unlikely14:18
nacccpaelzer: would need to see the output after the diff i suggested14:18
naccand maybe also14:18
naccprint(self.local_repo.status()) in the same if14:19
cpaelzerthe diff is broken, I'm repairing atm14:19
cpaelzer(no run there)14:19
nacccpaelzer: shot14:20
nacccpaelzer: from usd.run import run at the top14:20
cpaelzersure already there14:20
nacccpaelzer: sorry about that14:22
cpaelzernacc: the status command is still considering it clean14:23
cpaelzernacc: the local_repo.status output is new to me maybe you read it faster14:23
cpaelzernacc: I updated the bug14:23
nacccpaelzer: thanks14:23
cpaelzernacc: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24505508/ for here14:24
nacccpaelzer: http://www.pygit2.org/working-copy.html#status14:25
nacccpaelzer: what does `git status --ignored` say? :)14:29
nacccpaelzer: per libgit2 src 2^14 is GIT_STATUS_IGNORED14:29
nacccpaelzer: did the new upstream add a .gitignore by any chance?14:30
cpaelzernacc: git status --ignored is also clean and there is no .gitignore in the current branch (merge-artful)14:49
nacccpaelzer: well, the local_repo.status() says those files are ignored14:53
nacccpaelzer: not sure why14:53
cpaelzernacc: that merge has a MP, can you clone the MP and reproduce on that?14:53
nacccpaelzer: sure14:54
nacccpaelzer: i don't get an error14:57
cpaelzerhrm very interesting nacc14:58
cpaelzernacc: did you commit anything to usd the last 48 hours that might be related14:58
cpaelzerI haven't updated since then14:59
nacccpaelzer: not that i know of?15:05
xnoxcjwatson, i am preparing sru to fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openssh/+bug/1686618 in zesty only. Whilst it is in sync with Debian at the moment, and this code path is affected in Debian too, it is not as severe.15:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1686618 in openssh (Ubuntu Zesty) "ssh connection attempts fail if hw crypto support on s390x is enabled on 17.04" [High,Triaged]15:30
xnoxbecause debian does not ship the necessory userspace component to enable hw crypto support (openssl-ibmca is not packaged there yet)15:30
xnoxhence in practice it's much harder to fall into that trap there.15:30
xnoxit's just two small upstream cherry-picks.15:30
xnoxalready part of 7.5 in experimental.15:31
xnox(and artful)15:31
cjwatsonxnox: sure, go ahead15:34
cjwatsonxnox: IIRC the seccomp sandbox was refactored between 7.4 and 7.5, in which case you'll have to be careful to get the cherry-picks right15:35
xnoxcjwatson, tah.15:38
cjwatson(but if that's the case it'll be obvious due to conflicts)15:38
xnoxlooks like my cherry-picks are before the refactor that got rid of macros substituition; but i think i will need the missing header zcrypt now.15:45
rbasaknacc: thank you for "usd build-source --for-merge". Nice :)16:32
rbasakWe might want -sa in a few other cases. Like an Ubuntu-native native package perhaps.16:33
rbasakAn Ubuntu-native non-native package?16:33
rbasakThough perhaps I should have an orig locally in that case.16:33
naccrbasak: yeah there are probably a few other cases to consider16:47
juliankxnox: I want to release apt 1.4.2 soon (today/tomorrow), and I think I'll go with my locking in the script idea.17:10
xnoxjuliank, i have tested it out, it does work as intended.17:12
xnoxjuliank, we may need more indicators as to what is happening though in the future =)17:12
xnoxon boot i opened terminal and typed apt-get update, and got bamboozled why everything is locked, only to realise that apt-daily[-upgrade] are running =)17:12
* xnox ponders if we need desktop notifications, and/or command line notications17:13
xnoxapt database locked by:17:13
xnoxautomated daily-ugprade17:13
xnoxuser foobar17:13
juliankxnox: Ah, yes. We need to look who locked the database17:13
xnoxto be honest, non-root messages from apt are ugly and look like debug messages17:13
xnoxnot able to lock /var/lib/apt/foo/bar/something/rather/lists is a pointless message17:14
juliankYes, but if it says:17:14
juliankNot able to lock lists directory: Already in used by ....17:14
juliankor something, that might be better17:14
xnoxError: Lacking priviledges to access apt directories. Are you root? use -v to see debug messages17:15
juliankWe do actually want to have the path somewhere, in case you use different options17:15
xnoxError: Unable to lock apt database. Already in use by: apt-daily.service17:15
juliankBut that can be N17:15
xnoximho those paths should be hidden by default, it's way too debuging17:15
xnoximho those paths should be hidden by default, it's way too debuggy17:15
juliankI don't really disagree17:16
juliankThe question is how to get a descriptive string for the lock17:16
xnox>_< o_O ah17:16
julianks/the lock/the entity holding the lock/17:16
xnoxwell, i would say apt by default should wait for the lock, and print who is using the lock, with a timeout.17:17
xnoxbut that is a nasty change of behaviour.17:17
juliankWaiting is nice for apt17:17
xnoxbecause people expect apt to be non-blocking on locks.17:17
julianknot good for apt-get17:17
juliankThere's some issue figuring out who holds the lock though17:18
xnoxtwats like me expect apt to be human friendly, and apt-get have nasty barking on stderr of cryptic paths.17:18
juliankYou could display the cgroup, that gets you reasonably far for the timers17:18
xnoxjuliank, well we our selfs should leave hints as to what is holding locks.17:18
xnoxor yeah, do smart inspections like that.17:18
juliankBut that needs more locking or is (a bit) racy.17:18
xnoxhints do not need to be accurate or with locking17:19
juliankSo, if we acquire the lock, just leave a message in the lock file.17:19
xnoxi do not know who, but somebody is holding a lock, is the status quo. With better wording alone it will be better.17:19
juliankIf other clients are waiting, there might be a race if they get processed in order, but that's not terribly problematic17:20
xnoxwell you want to leave a structured message in the lock file, because i18n17:20
juliankOh, we can also leave the pid in there and then just check against the pid that really locked the file (which we can get via fcntl)17:24
hjdHi all :) I see that http://qa.ubuntuwire.org/ftbfs/ still lists Zesty build failures. When can I expect it (and semi-related pages) to start displaying artful issues?17:25
juliankAnd a fancy countdown maybe17:25
juliankWaiting for lock. Cancelling in <...> seconds. Press Ctrl+C to cancel now.17:25
xnoxhjd, i guess wgrant might adjust that ubuntuwire page for artful? Or maybe somehow magically make it work against $devel ?17:28
xnoxplease =)17:28
* wgrant does so17:29
wgrantSorry, been busy lately17:29
hjdwgrant: cool, thank you :) (you're probably aware, but the http://qa.ubuntuwire.org/multidistrotools/ tables also compares with zesty)17:35
wgrantYep,working on that17:35
wgrantxnox, hjd: Should all be artful now17:45
xnoxwgrant, so artsy =)17:47
hjdnice :)17:50
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jamespageanyone give me a clue why python-amqp is stuck in proposed?20:07
jamespagevine seems installable to me at least20:07
ginggsjamespage: python-amqp is in main, vine is not20:11
jamespageginggs: ah yes20:19
jamespagethat was kinda obvious now you point to it20:20
Unit193ginggs: I don't suppose you'll do an upload to fix #1680943?20:38
ginggsi will if someone tests the version in my ppa20:40
Unit193Oh, you never got feedback?  Hrm.  I did, it works.20:44
Unit193ginggs: There ya're.21:12
ginggsUnit193: thanks, but what is wrong with just putting 'QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME= telegram-desktop' in telegramdesktop.desktop ?21:16
ginggsthe user, that is, as a workaround21:17
Unit193ginggs: It'd work, sure.  Just doesn't work to launch it from the terminal without unsetting the var first.  And of course, as all workarounds, not ideal.  That is to say, package updates will either overwrite it, or if you place it in ~/.local/ then updates to the desktop file aren't taken into account.21:18
Unit193Also since you applied that patch, I figured I'd just address that.21:19
ginggsUnit193: I take it you actually want this in Zesty?21:37
bluesabrerbasak: hello!21:43
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Unit193ginggs: But I'm fine PPA'ing the backport.22:48
ginggsUnit193: if you take care of the SRU process, I'll upload to artful and sponsor your SRU to zesty22:50
Unit193ginggs: Ah sorry, I got to doing something.  Eh, I think going forward is fine.  As long as the fix is in, then people can use a workaround until they get it.23:58

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