
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:56
lotuspsychjemorning wizardyesterday05:03
wizardyesterdaymorning to you05:04
lotuspsychjewelcome shrewdu05:05
vivsoniGood Morning05:06
lotuspsychjehey vivsoni05:07
lotuspsychjewe have a nice discuss channel, everyone forgets to use :p05:07
lotuspsychjehmm unity dead, lightdm continues?05:08
shrewduhi lotuspsychje05:10
shrewduthanks for the welcome05:10
lotuspsychjeno sweat :p05:10
wizardyesterdayI think I will visit here perhaps when I'm awake during the day since I do use Ubuntu at work. Relaxing channel indeed.05:12
wizardyesterdayfor now, good night. :)05:14
wizardyesterday /part05:14
wizardyesterdaydarn androud05:14
ducassegood morning06:10
EriC^^morning ducasse lotuspsychje06:11
lotuspsychjehey ducasse and EriC^^06:11
lotuspsychjehow are you guys06:11
EriC^^good here thanks you?06:11
lotuspsychjegreat, working day and big rainy day here06:11
lordievaderGood morning.06:13
lotuspsychjehey there lordievader06:14
lordievaderHey lotuspsychje06:18
EriC^^wow bitcoin at $146006:21
lotuspsychjebig libreoffice update this morning06:21
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: yeah heared in radio bitcoin is at max currency06:22
EriC^^!info grub-macbless06:36
ubot5`Package grub-macbless does not exist in xenial06:36
EriC^^!find grub-macbless06:36
ubot5`File grub-macbless found in grub-common06:36
EriC^^damn, i thought i got it from a ppa helping someone with an apple06:36
EriC^^it's standard in grub-common now? :D06:36
EriC^^ducasse: i figured out why grub-mkrescue wasn't working for me, i needed to install xorriso package06:37
EriC^^somebody had mentioned it online about if you got a warning, but i didnt check to see if i had it since i got no warning, i just tried making the iso in debian and it gave the warning, then i installed the package and it seemed to do most of the work so i checked if i had it in ubuntu and it wasnt there06:38
EriC^^so ubuntu is missing the warning and it's just failing silently06:38
ducasseEriC^^: silly bug :-/06:45
EriC^^yeah, very annoying though06:46
ducasseweird that no warning is printed06:48
EriC^^i'm trying to make a grub file i loaded it in virtualbox, maybe i can make a custom config file that only has windows in it06:49
EriC^^i got a grub> but the configfile seems missing, hmm06:49
ducassecrazytux is pm'ing me, complaining that he's banned06:52
EriC^^ignore him06:52
ducassei have now :)06:53
ducasse"is lxqt lighter or heavier than lxde" and so on...06:54
Ben64one day he'll decide on something06:57
EriC^^damn i can't figure out why i dont get a grub menu06:58
EriC^^the config file is in iso/boot/grub/grub.cfg i tried a very simple menuentry, nothing it's not even there when i do ls / in grub>06:59
EriC^^the iso is 3 parts, a gap an efi partition and a hfsplus fs, that's odd07:01
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: what distro?07:02
EriC^^i'm making a grub .iso to boot in virtualbox, i want a custom grub menu07:02
EriC^^i'll try installing the hfsplus utils things07:03
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: you editing the iso manually?07:03
EriC^^sort of, i want to check where the heck is the grub.cfg going :D07:04
lotuspsychje!info uck07:04
ubot5`uck (source: uck): Tool to customize official Ubuntu Live CDs. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4.7-0ubuntu2 (xenial), package size 145 kB, installed size 384 kB07:04
lotuspsychjeperhaps this can help?07:04
EriC^^oh no, it's nothing like that, i just want to make a grub iso i can load in virtualbox with a custom menu07:04
EriC^^it's for using a rawdisk image with virtualbox, to boot the other os on the hdd without restarting, from virtualbox,07:05
EriC^^i want to make the grub menu custom instead of using the one that usually appears so that nobody can press on ubuntu in grub while it's running, and boot it in virtualbox (while it's running as host and go kaboom)07:05
EriC^^ubuntuception :p07:06
EriC^^it would get destroyed07:06
ubot5`GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub207:06
lotuspsychjeperhaps usefull locations here07:06
EriC^^hmm the grub.cfg is in the grub.iso somewhere, i tried hexdump | grep and it found some stuff07:08
EriC^^ok it's in the grub.iso, i found it, i'll try configfile in grub to see if it'll load07:10
EriC^^ok it loaded it!07:11
EriC^^why isn't it showing the menu automatically though?07:11
EriC^^hmm the $prefix isn't so right07:15
EriC^^somehow it doesn't have the grub.cfg there07:15
EriC^^it's like iso/bunch of .mod & grub.cfg and iso/boot/grub/some other stuff   prefix is iso/boot/grub, dunno07:17
* EriC^^ wishing tj- were here, he'd probably figure it out07:17
EriC^^oh god, it worked07:20
EriC^^i had a hunch, i created in the iso file iso/boot/grub/boot/grub/grub.cfg07:20
EriC^^since it had everything in iso/boot/grub in the iso and took everything from there and made it like in the root of the fs07:21
BluesKajHi folks10:45
lordievaderHey BluesKaj11:02
lordievaderHow are you doing?11:02
BluesKajhi lordievader, fine here, and you?11:13
ducassehi, both of you :)11:15
BluesKajhi ducasse11:16
BluesKajHi EriC^^11:22
EriC^^hi BluesKaj11:22
lordievaderHey ducasse11:30
lordievaderHey EriC^^11:30
lordievaderDoing good here, BluesKaj :)11:30
EriC^^hey lordievader11:30
lotuspsychjegood evening to all16:11
lotuspsychjenew trigger for us guys:16:20
ubot5`Canonical offers paid extended security support for 12.04 through the Ubuntu Advantage program. For more information, see https://ubuntu.com/esm . ESM is not an Ubuntu community offering; please direct questions about it to Canonical directly.16:20
lotuspsychje!info gnome-shell zesty16:31
ubot5`gnome-shell (source: gnome-shell): graphical shell for the GNOME desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.24.1-0ubuntu1 (zesty), package size 650 kB, installed size 7304 kB16:31
lotuspsychjemorning nacc :p16:32
lotuspsychjeevening brunch87516:34
brunch875hallo lotuspsychje16:34
brunch875was gnome going to hit ubuntu 18.04 or 18.10?16:35
brunch875I can't remember anymore16:35
lotuspsychjebrunch875: 17.1016:35
brunch875oh, so I take it ubuntu+1 is on gnome now?16:36
ducassealpha2 is the switchover16:36
lotuspsychjebrunch875: yeah not yet16:37
brunch875I hope gnome gets super+# without plugins at that point16:37
lotuspsychjelets hope16:38
brunch875it also bothers me greatly that plugins get installed through firefox / chrome16:38
brunch875seems like a decision taken based on a fad16:38
brunch875and I _strongly_ dislike the whole "browser based" theme nowadays16:39
brunch875I've recently read microsoft is released a windows 10 S which they claim to be the "cloud windows"16:39
brunch875hopefully ubuntu and linux in general don't go that route16:40
lotuspsychjebrunch875: on alpha2 ill start bugging out gnome16:43
lotuspsychjeeverything that doesnt work will hit launchpad16:43
brunch875"bugging out". I see what you did there :p16:43
ducasse'cloud windows' - that sounds like a concept only a marketroid could come up with :)16:44
lotuspsychjea new feature can also be a bug right?16:44
brunch875surely, I remember reporting features :)16:45
brunch875they get marked as "wish"16:45
lotuspsychjeyeah replaces brainstorming16:45
lotuspsychjeso when 18.04, hopefully we get a clean gnome16:47
brunch875gnome has some pretty neat quirks such as notifying you when a terminal command finishes16:55
brunch875back then I remember calling notify-send in the end for long processes16:55
brunch875and yet some very irksome issues16:56
lotuspsychjebrunch875: i wanna have a smooth feeling..is that too much of asking?16:56
brunch875lotuspsychje, is gnome3 too big for smoothness?16:56
brunch875it seems to work well on my computer16:57
lotuspsychjehey Bashing-om16:58
lotuspsychjebrunch875: not sure, but on my netbook 4gig it feels bit sluggish for me16:58
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Hiya !  Good day in our neighborhood ?16:58
lotuspsychjeevening xangua17:00
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: yeah all ok here17:01
lotuspsychjeevening baizon17:01
lotuspsychjenew trigger for supporters:17:03
ubot5`Canonical offers paid extended security support for 12.04 through the Ubuntu Advantage program. For more information, see https://ubuntu.com/esm . ESM is not an Ubuntu community offering; please direct questions about it to Canonical directly.17:03
lotuspsychjefor those 12.04 questions17:04
brunch875woah, there's people still in 12.04?17:17
naccbrunch875: of course there are17:17
naccbrunch875: i'm almost certain there are people still on, e.g., rhel417:17
brunch875but _why_17:18
naccbrunch875: because stability17:18
naccand mission critical infra17:18
lotuspsychjedont change too often17:18
nacclots of reason17:18
brunch875I remain unconvinced17:18
lotuspsychjenacc: you think esm will hit 14.04 after eol also?17:19
ducasselotuspsychje: probably, as popular as it has been17:19
lotuspsychjeducasse: so i guess payed after eol will be the new standard17:21
naccbrunch875: no one is trying to convince you17:22
naccbrunch875: but it's a fact17:22
nacclotuspsychje: probably17:22
ducassewould not surprise me, and it's better than no support at all after eol. enterprise customers are the ones who are most likely to need this - i don't mind them having to pay up.17:23
nacclotuspsychje: enterprise users will pay millions to not have to upate17:23
nacclotuspsychje: that's true across all distributions17:23
naccbasically how enterprise linux makes money :)17:23
lotuspsychjei see17:23
lotuspsychjeperhaps with the $$$ they earn, they can release a new ubuntu phone lol17:24
naccphone was ... probably never going to make money17:24
naccit's just a losing battle17:24
naccit took google a while to unseat any bit of iphone's ridiculous market hare in the us17:25
naccso you have to assume that you'd need to do something similar timeline wise17:25
naccwhich is just too costly to invest in without revenue17:25
lotuspsychjeyeah prob never happen17:28
nacci just don't know how you make a business model that is different enough from android that makes money17:28
lotuspsychjenacc: alot of linux based mobiles out there, but alot have failed so it seems17:29
lotuspsychjenacc: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_for_mobile_devices17:29
brunch875I bet failure is tied to depending on android17:31
brunch875wonder if the ubuntu edge would have had more success17:31
lotuspsychjethere's so many android/iphone based apps out there17:31
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lotuspsychjeppl are so used ot it, they cant go back17:31
baizonhi lotuspsychje17:31
lotuspsychjebaizon: got ryzen yet mate?17:32
lotuspsychjeim curious of that beast :p17:32
brunch875is AMD back into competitiveness?17:33
lotuspsychjebrunch875: seems like it17:33
brunch875do they also embed firmware to the chip like intel does?17:34
nacclotuspsychje: yeah that's the other aspect, you have to 'disrupt' people to get them to swtich17:34
nacclotuspsychje: if the only motivation is that it's ubuntu, i don't think that's sufficient17:34
brunch875nacc: the latest security issues on intel should be motivation enough17:34
brunch875I'm just wondering if AMD would be as guilty as them17:34
naccbrunch875: what security issues?17:35
brunch875nacc: I had some articles laying around about the business remoting technologies17:36
brunch875nacc: think this is related to it https://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/05/01/intel_amt_me_vulnerability/17:36
naccbrunch875: what does that have to do with phones?17:38
brunch875oh, I was side-chatting baizon's ryzen17:39
brunch875oops haha17:39
brunch875too much work and no play makes johnny a dull boy17:40
lotuspsychjenot sure what i will do in june..17:41
lotuspsychjego back to android or try the ubports17:42
brunch875I went back to android. But I believe the kernel is reaching EOL really soon anyway :/17:43
lotuspsychjenacc: my dream is that mariogrip makes a new turn and makes an ubuntu-touch to be installed on 'any' device :p17:43
lotuspsychjealot of git guys invent new things that usefull right17:44
immuhow ducasse18:03
lotuspsychjeare you18:03
immulotuspsychje, i am fine , you?18:09
lotuspsychjegreat here18:09
immuthats your desktop?18:14
lotuspsychjeno new one on deviant18:15
lotuspsychjetesting gnome-shell again18:19
Bashing-omBuuttttt ......... I do not want to learn a new DE (gnome IS interesting ) - be hard to pry me away form xfce !18:24
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immuafter death of unity i am a lost cost?19:55
immugood nite gentle men20:09

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