[00:42] @SivaMachina, arandr to adjust i3 draw space to fit a bar or something else? I've been rocking naked, no bar for a while and it's really grown on me. feh has been my wallpaper champ for a while. Currently launch a script to pull a random image and feed it to feh upon launching X. [00:46] What I'm thinking about is moving sxhkd config over to w/e i3 is using. [02:22] @ALL - You will soon no longer be able to make fun of me for my slow internet. Just ordered Xfinity [02:23] Hahah! Keith ordered the worst internet! [02:24] It is still better than the UVerse I have now (150 MBPS vs 24 MBPS for the same price) [02:24] Meh. I think you'll find ping times make up for the speeds. [02:25] Xfinity has bad ping times. [02:25] My current ping times are laughable [02:26] mtr google.com [02:28] I have no idea why my cable modem takes so long to respond. I theorize that the node actually responds because I have tried several modems and cables to reduce that first hop out of my network. [02:30] I get faster speeds, but the ping times and data corruption sucks. [02:30] Not to mention that my connection drops about once an hour [02:31] Oh, and I am paying $230 a month for this crap [02:31] wait what [02:31] Just an average day of dropping 5000+ packets per channel [02:31] I pay 80 for 75mbps [02:31] Dude, he uses DSL. It's faster overall. [02:31] Aaron, you use DSL? [02:31] And AT&T wants to increase the price by $97 in September [02:32] believe so [02:32] Oh, that's being phased out then.. have you asked about at&t fiber? They are putting it in, in my neighborhood. [02:34] They keep pushing it out here. We were supposed to get Gigafiber "Summer of 2016" but it got delayed indefinitely [02:35] My HOA forced me to go with Comcast. At&t has gigafiber in my area. [02:36] They also forced me to go with paying part of my dues to several channels and some premium, along with boxes and remotes... None of which I will ever use, because that crap is free on the internet... And I believe anyone who is still watching the old-school boob toob needs to wake up. [02:37] Comcast gets $3,000,000/year from my community, and they provide inferior service. [02:41] @KMyers how do you feel about forums on the site? [02:42] Security, security, security! [02:42] well yea [02:42] Forums allow for a lot of security holes. [02:42] well I'm sure your going to find one or two on there anyway [02:44] I disclosed this a year ago to Hyundai Aftermarket, so I don't have a problem talking about it. But they have a social status update feature that can inject JavaScript. This can be used by an adversary to perform any actions on behalf of the viewer (including admins) to post or moderate accounts... Even delete or report passwords. [02:45] All the cool features need to be thoroughly vetted. The software must be continuously updated. [02:46] Just know that a forum is a huge security risk even if continuously updated. There are so many inputs and outputs. [02:52] @ahoneybun, Because the group is still small, I say we stick with telegram/irc. I would not be opposed to a mailing list though [03:05] well we have one [04:41] http://matrix.org [16:11] so two more weeks off work [18:35] Damn [20:28] @KMyers @AdamOutler this terminal app is awesome [20:28] Saved credentials to ssh/vnc/etc? What is it? [20:28] sorry it's just for ssh and telnet [20:29] https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.server.auditor.ssh.client [20:30] Would be 10/10 on ChromeOS [20:31] well ChromeOS can use some android apps [20:31] There's an SSH extension for Chrome. [20:32] Termius is fine, I have used it in the past. I use JuiceSSH [20:32] I have JuiceSSH too [20:32] tho Juice gives you a lot for free [20:33] I also use Guacamole but it is not an Android App [20:34] I'm a big fan of ConnectBot. It's FOSS. https://f-droid.org/posts/connectbot/ [20:35] Hacker's Keyboard is great for doing remote SSH stuff. [20:37] Termux is also a great option - it is more of a full Linux stack running on Android then a SSH client