
Krent!Ook Svante Paabo - Neanderthal Man- In Search of Lost Genomes (epub).rar00:05
ubottuKrent: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:05
YankDownUnderKrent, "Ook" is a word spoken by the Librarian at the Unseen University and does not apply to Ubuntu.00:07
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john__has anyone tested the nvidia CUDA dev kit cuda-repo-ubuntu1604-8-0-local-ga2_8.0.61-1_amd64.deb on ubuntu 17.04?00:26
bazhangwrong channel orlock00:28
analyserorlock: lol00:28
YankDownUnderorlock, Only after 11am can you state that - according to NSW laws.00:28
orlockbazhang:  *** Noodlewitt [textual@] joined channel #ubuntu00:29
orlockbazhang: Nope, write channel, just people not paying attention00:29
bazhangorlock, take the chatter elsewhere please00:29
orlockno u.00:30
sambagirlevening. i have a 500+ gig micro sd card and i wanted to know whether i can modify the partition and/or make multiple partitions? reason is the laptop internal sdd is only 32gig and windows 10 takes up most of that and i prefer not to use linux on usb like i am now.00:44
sambagirlso instead of dual boot, i could just select the boot menu00:45
sambagirl i set up legacy00:45
lunagirlpartitions have mostly nothing to do with devices, its up to the os00:46
YankDownUndersambagirl, The BIOS on the machine would be the limiting factor. Aside from that, you should be able to treat a microSD the same as a normal drive.00:46
lunagirlwell, yeah, unless you have a very old BIOS00:47
sambagirli'll give it a show with a smaller one just for the results. what i was thinking was to resize the micro sd actually, but not sure about that.00:47
sambagirlshot not show00:48
YankDownUnderI've used "microSD" cards for boot/system/system rescues....they're convenient.00:48
lunagirlit depends ultimatly what you want to do00:49
sambagirlyes i agree and less chance of breaking off in a usb port00:49
YankDownUnderI've broken a few USB's...er...actually...more than a few...WAY more than a few...00:49
lunagirlhow did you manage that00:49
sambagirlthe internal ssd is so small. 32gig. win10 takes up almost of it. i have been using linux for a really long time. i prefer it.00:50
YankDownUnderlunagirl, I used to drink like a fish and I would go "apey" on delicate machinery/parts/walls/guitars00:50
sambagirllaptops fall and or you bang up against the usb and ther you go00:50
sambagirlhey thanks let me see what  i come up with. chao00:51
lunagirlYankDownUnder: nothing like a drunken bliss of the moment00:51
YankDownUndersambagirl, The BIOS on that machine - is it capable of reading the 500gb microSD?00:51
lunagirlsambagirl: its like this, my main is a 14 year old P4 and it happily reads a 2 ter USB disk, like Yank says, check the BIOS and what its specs can do00:54
orlocklunagirl: damn, go and buy a cheap i3, just for the power savings!00:55
lunagirlorlock: it costs $9 to run 24/7 a month and I can live with it00:55
lunagirlbesides, it would mean i actually had to buy new stuff which i prefer not to do00:56
lunagirlwhy buy stuff when you can get it free from a dumpster00:56
orlockWhich is what i do00:56
orlockbut if you were doing that, why would you still have a 14 year old PC?00:57
orlocki7 2600's have just started becoming EOL here btw00:57
lunagirlill have it until something else turns up00:57
lunagirlorlock: i dont need something bigger, this one serves me good00:58
YankDownUnder"Buying" is a sin.00:58
lunagirllol, the sticker says, designed for windows xp, it runs customized ubuntu happily01:00
YankDownUnderIf it's got stickers still on it, um...it might be too new...01:02
lunagirlYankDownUnder: imagine it was pulled straight out of a DC01:02
lunagirli just happened to be near by when they dumped it01:03
YankDownUnderXP runs great in a VB-vm...just made me test that...(forgot I had it nearly)01:08
lunagirli would like qemu for virt if it wasnt such a bitch on having to bridge host and guest01:10
lunagirlits worthless if out of the box you cant connect from host to guest01:11
YankDownUnder...hence Virtualbox...01:11
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lunagirlwhich is what i use01:12
YankDownUnderIt's free, it always - ALWAYS works...and it's free. Did I mention it's free?01:12
pd1yes, its free. but ALWAYS !!!!1111elfeins seems too much01:14
lunagirlyou might have mentioned it once or twice01:14
YankDownUnderEvery now and again I give "qemu" a shot, but it requires the patience of a rocket scientist to get to work properly...and I don't have that much time...I have coffee to drink and ciggies to smoke.01:15
lunagirlYankDownUnder: sounds like the average human01:16
lunagirli havent had problems with it or the virt manager, its just this stupid kink not having frame grabs to enable the host and the guest to talk which gets me01:17
lunagirlmust be some gray and neck beard decision01:17
YankDownUnderThey'll work out a nice "GUI" for configuration sometime in the hopefully near future...(two years from now)01:18
lunagirlits called virt manager and its actually nicer than virtualbox01:18
pd1virsh is a nice gui ;)01:18
YankDownUnderI've used VirtManager (MANGLER) and still not quite happy...either which, I resolve the issues that require resolution with the already established tools (Virtualbox)...and all that that entails.01:19
lunagirla glass of wine tastes different to everyone01:19
YankDownUnderI get presented with an issue to resolve - I resolve the issue. Given the tools I have...and have direct experience with...and keeping it all K.I.S.S. in case I get hit by a bus.01:20
pd1the nice thing with virtualbox is that you have no trouble exporting appliances and carry them around to friends/whatever01:20
YankDownUnderpd1, "Friends" - what is that? Is that a new tool? New application? New fad? What are these "friends" you talk about? ;)01:21
lunagirlexcept when you try to run openbsd with no extensions in the cpu01:22
lunagirllevel of disk corruption is hillarious01:22
YankDownUnderThat just made me curious about building a nice OpenBSD image for VB...01:24
lunagirldont try it without virtual extensions in the cpu which almost all cpus have today01:24
lunagirlopenbsd is imao a long overdue fad, it works yes, but usability, no01:25
lunagirlmaybe as a frontend ssh server but nothing else01:26
YankDownUnderI might could use it for something entirely productive (IMHO)01:26
lunagirlgood for you01:26
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YankDownUndercapum321, Did you sort out your issues with "qingy"?01:30
lunagirlsco is funny cause its its speaks funny, like the security mechanism though01:33
lunagirland it only needs 64 mb to run01:33
YankDownUnderSCO has always bee "aloof and robotic"01:33
lunagirlyeah, its very clear on user hostility01:34
YankDownUnder"User hostility" = "Customer Support"01:35
lunagirland they wonder why they are at the bottom01:36
lunagirlbeen toying around with the openserver on max security settings, its nice as such but very single minded01:36
lunagirland the ssh server cant talk security for jack01:38
YankDownUnderSecure = OS/2 Warp 3 Server + LAN Manager. Secure.01:39
impliteHi YankDownUnder01:41
lunagirlYankDownUnder: are you going for the new release?01:42
lunagirlanyone here have experience with cpulimit?01:46
YankDownUnderimplite, For experimenting - in a VM, yes. For actual live production? No. Not on your life.01:48
lunagirlim not having luck, i shoot a process with 20% but it still takes up cpu like normal01:49
elkyYankDownUnder: lunagirl can you limit discussion here to specific ubuntu support (ubuntu support does not include chitchat about what you're considering running in a vm). we have #ubuntu-offtopic for non ubuntu support discussion.01:50
lunagirlelky: sure01:50
lunagirlim just trying to figure out why my ubuntu install is not responding as one of the programs in the repositories promises01:52
lunagirlpoint taken though01:52
pynkiyou are limition on a running process or start it with the limits?01:54
lunagirlhey, i was told to shut up or leave to off topic01:54
lunagirli do know its ubuntu specific cause ive not seen this in gentoo01:55
YankDownUnderhttps://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-limit-cpu-usage-of-a-process-with-cpulimit-debian-ubuntu (on topic)01:55
pynkimore detailed01:55
pynkithe scoutapp link next? :D01:56
pynkiis there a convinient command to add keys to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys from the same machine?02:03
lunagirloh, to hell with it, having a 20 year old grey beard stifle chat during the graveyard hours, not worth it02:03
Aginorpynki: ssh-copy-id02:04
YankDownUnderpynki, "Convenient" as in...?02:04
pynkidoes that work on localhost?02:04
pynkias in "one liner"02:04
Aginorit installs the user's keys on the remoteuser@remotehost02:05
Aginorwhere remotehost can be localhost02:05
YankDownUnderLearning something new everyday - SO, Aginor - this being said, I can copy the keys I have locally here - to a remote machine (one of my remote servers)...yes - is this the case?02:06
pynkissh-copy-id does that, yes02:06
pynkithx Aginor, my fault was that sshd is limited to an external ip address02:07
analyserhey guys, does anyone know a VCS that manages diffs word-by-word instead of line-by-line?02:08
YankDownUnderI assumed that all VCS was "word by word"...02:09
FishPencilWhy are users who are not  the owner, group, or other for a folder able to go one level in? For example, usr1 is able to see inside /home/usr2 and /home/usr302:09
FishPencilThe home folders all have drwx------ permissions02:10
YankDownUnderFishPencil, The possibility could be that "usr1" and "usr2" have admin rights - but not necessarily rights - as root - to do anything further...?02:10
pynkiis the "others" permission 0 FishPencil, or is that a philisophical question about user rights in linux home dirs? the "why" confuses me a bit...02:11
pynkiand i my eyes users are always owner,group or other02:11
FishPencilThe users are only part of their group02:12
pynkidrwx------  6 user user 4096 May  2 12:41 user/02:13
pynki[vm-dev-server] root [/home]# ll user/02:13
pynkitotal 4802:13
pynkisame here...02:13
stoner19is there an Ubuntu Server distro for Raspberry Pi 2B? I don't need the desktop environment02:13
john__uninstall the desktop environment02:14
john__and probably uninstall 100 apps the pi comes with that you don't need on your server02:14
stoner19yeah, that doesn't seem to be the proper way to go about this02:15
pynkijohn__, that can take hours to get rid of everything that is a desktop program02:15
john__write a script so you can do it again every time you deploy the hardware02:15
stoner19server would be better02:15
stoner19if only I knew how to write said script...02:15
john__you can probably deploy the same script on any pi distro02:16
pynkistoner19, have a look at these scripts, https://github.com/debian-pi/raspbian-ua-netinst, you might be able to let it download ubuntu instead of raspbian02:16
stoner19awesome pynki thank you02:16
john__that way you always have an easy way to get a distro even on a pi that has not been invented yet02:16
stoner19was hoping for Ubuntu as I'm more familiar with it02:17
pynkistoner19, dont knwo why you need a ubuntu, these scripts will give you a minimal raspbian.02:17
john__I like the idea of buying a pi kit pre flashed02:17
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john__micro sd out of the box always works02:17
pynkiminimal as in minimal ;)02:17
capum321hello does 17.04 run with systemd?02:17
capum321in previous version which is the program?02:18
Jordan_Ucapum321: Before Ubuntu switched to systemd for init it used upstart for init. What are you trying to accomplish?02:19
capum321i am trying to make qingy work02:20
AginorYankDownUnder: it copies the public key, not the private keys02:20
YankDownUnderAginor, Ah...hmm...noted...02:20
AginorYankDownUnder: more explicitly, it installs them in the authorized_keys file on the remote host, allowing you to do key-based authentication instead of password based02:21
pynkior besides password based02:21
YankDownUnderAginor, Roger that.02:22
pynkibut a 'cat key.pub >> authorized_keys' will work too i assume :D02:23
Aginorpynki: it would, and you can write a scriptlet to do it all for you easy enough02:24
Aginorit's just a little convenience command02:24
Jordan_Ucapum321: Do *not* try to use upstart in Ubuntu 17.04.02:26
capum321Jordan_U: i am supposed to edit a file that exec agetty tty1-6 and replace it to qingy02:27
capum321Jordan_U: what is the file in 17.04 ?02:27
YankDownUndercapum321, Have you asked the developer about proper instructions for "qingy" as I posted?02:28
orlockgettys were traditionally run from inittab, no idea about 17.0.4 though02:28
capum321YankDownUnder: the manual was correct then02:29
capum321will check02:29
YankDownUnderAll of this for a "themed" console tty...hmm...02:29
capum321there is no inittab file in /etc02:30
YankDownUndercapum321, /etc/init02:30
orlockcapum321: yeah, just saw02:31
orlockdamn they really went all-in with systemd, fuck that02:31
orlockthey broke unix02:31
capum321YankDownUnder: neither there is02:31
YankDownUnderorlock, The author admits clearly that this is NOT an actual functional or useful "application" or replacement for getty...however...I digress...I suggested the code be downloaded - which I actually did - against my better judgement - and out of curiosity. The instructions - well, plainly suck.02:32
capum321and you wanted me to have a discussion with this kind of person02:33
YankDownUndercapum321, You're wanting to use a program written by someone...someone that didn't really give proper instructions for installation (on 16.04 or above)...and you don't want to contact the person that wrote the program - but want to get the program to work by asking everyone and their brother how to get the program to run...hmm...I smell a bit of illogic in that.02:34
capum321it was a joke02:35
YankDownUnderYes. A joke. Like mustard gas and nuclear bombs. Yes. Coolbeans.02:35
capum321great i am paranoid 1 you paranoid 202:36
impliteBah LOLOLOL02:36
YankDownUnderI survived to 54 by being slightly - if not more - paranoid than most...hmm... :)02:37
impliteyou guys are all wacky02:37
YankDownUnderimplite, Zackly.02:37
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analyserYankDownUnder: afaik, most of them compare line-by-line. :/02:38
YankDownUnderanalyser, Didn't know that...02:38
analyserYankDownUnder: Me neither :/ I'm trying to reproduce to word review feature with latex file, it's been a pain in the a**!02:42
tubalI'm really tuning in late to the  broader systemd story out there. I hadn't even looked into what 16.10 uses; I assumed upstart.02:46
YankDownUnderanalyser, I'm sure that someone has thought this through - more than one someone - and I'm sure there is a resolution to this VCS issue - perchance to research and dig...02:47
Jordan_Ucapum321: I'm confused. Why do you not want to ask the developer exactly?02:49
YankDownUnderJordan_U, ...the instructions given are unclear and do not fit the system structure of Ubuntu 16.04 and above...02:49
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gr8kodrhaving issues with mysql-*-5.7.18 and ubuntu 16.04.2, will removing installed components also remove any databases, or will they still be there after a reinstall?02:50
analyserYankDownUnder: i'll keep searching. But believe me, it's not been easy by no means. The best lead that I got is to use wdiff with ATOM wdiff extension.02:50
YankDownUnderanalyser, Egads...02:51
YankDownUnderanalyser, And you've asked in #latex for the same?02:52
analyserYankDownUnder: Thats a good idea, I'll try it!02:53
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capum321"<Jordan_U> capum321: I'm confused." YankDownUnder: see what you did?02:58
capum321Jordan_U: truely, this information already exists on web, i just have to find and parse it02:59
YankDownUndercapum321, It's my duty to confuse and obfuscate.03:00
vivsonihi I am unable to install ubuntu package 'libsystemd-dev'03:08
vivsoniit gives error "E: Unable to locate package libsystemd-dev"03:08
Jordan_Ucapum321: Why are you sure that this information exists on the web? What is the downside to asking the developer?03:08
capum321talking the devil03:08
capum321i assume it is through email?03:09
capum321hate emails03:09
YankDownUndervivsoni, Is that the correct name for the package?03:09
vivsonii have found i link in which it states that its dependency package is DELETED link "https://www.ubuntuupdates.org/package/core/trusty/main/proposed/libsystemd-daemon-dev"03:09
YankDownUndervivsoni, I just did a search - "libsystemd-dev"03:10
vivsoniYankDownUnder, yes the package name is correct03:10
vivsonidid you found that package03:10
YankDownUndervivsoni, Yes - it's "libsystemd-dev"03:10
vivsonii am using 14.04 trusty ubuntu03:10
YankDownUndervivsoni, ah...well...can't quite help you with that...using 16.04 here...03:11
kode54systemd wasn't introduced to LTS until 16.0403:11
YankDownUnderThat makes more sense...so it'd be time to upgrade/update...hmm...03:11
kostkon!info libsystemd-dev 14.0403:12
ubottu'14.04' is not a valid distribution: artful, artful-backports, artful-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed, wily, wily-backports, wily-proposed, xenial, xenial-backports, xenial-proposed, yakkety, yakkety-backports, yakke03:12
kostkon!info libsystemd-dev trusty03:13
ubottuPackage libsystemd-dev does not exist in trusty03:13
TLoFPHi, how good is the ZFS support in Ubuntu 17.04?03:13
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TLoFPI have to decide between Motherboard RAID 0 and ZFS, any suggestions?03:17
Bashing-omvivsoni: old but maybe still valid : http://linuxg.net/how-to-install-and-test-systemd-on-ubuntu-14-04-trusty-tahr-and-ubuntu-12-04-precise-pangolin/ .03:17
YankDownUnderTLoFP, Patience. Have you asked in #ubuntu-server ?03:17
TLoFPYankDownUnder: now I was unaware of the mentioned room03:18
YankDownUnderTLoFP, Since ZFS is more conducive to "server" application - yeah - probably a better place to ask...03:18
TLoFPthanks YankDownUnder it has been a long time since I have been on the Ubuntu platform... glad to be back though03:19
YankDownUnderTLoFP, Coolbeans...and understandable...(go with what works and has the most easily accessible support) :)03:20
TLoFPYankDownUnder: Yea, I really want to do this one right ;D03:20
TLoFPThe Ubuntu-server is actually a VM but it will have two physical disks attached to it.03:21
RakkoI keep getting an error when trying to install a package, and it's not telling me what I need to know to fix it. "lldb : Depends: lldb-3.8 (>= 3.8~) but it is not going to be installed"03:27
Rakkohow do I actually get lldb (of any version) installed?03:28
Rakko"it is not going to be installed" is... well, not helpful.03:28
YankDownUnderRakko, What package are you trying to install...?03:29
SlidingHornRakko, no...what's requiring lldb?03:29
RakkoI'm trying to install lldb.03:29
kode54I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest "circular dependency"03:30
Rakko(hmm, now I see that I have a version of it already; not the current one, but maybe good enough. But its version number is added to its /usr/bin name.)03:30
Rakkothat message is followed by "E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages."03:31
Rakkohow do I view my "held broken packages"?03:31
YankDownUnderRakko, "sudo apt-get -f install" => does that fix it?03:32
Rakkono (but it did suggest a package I no longer need)03:32
robattila256do you guys know a file manager that shows image preview on the folder and not just the picture thumbnail?03:34
Delphinanyone use webvirtcloud? having a error whenever I click instances "Error: Failed to connect socket to '/var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock': Permission denied "03:34
Rakkooh. dpkg --get-selections | grep hold03:36
Rakko... which yields nothing.03:36
Rakkook, I removed lldb-3.5 and it worked03:41
pynkiYankDownUnder, still awake? are you able to set the monitor count in you ubuntu hosted virtualbox VMs?04:24
YankDownUnderpynki, Yes, matey...you are...04:24
* pynki is moving the windows install back into the vm where it belongs04:25
YankDownUnderpynki, It's useful - THAT being said, make sure to install the "guest additions" and get all the vid stuff straight prior to playing around with it...but yeah, it's quite nice...(read, understand, play, test, understand more, read more)04:26
pynkiYankDownUnder, before i trash the windows install i needed to know :D04:26
pynkibut well, as i just figured out - i need hyper-v :o04:27
pynkiso no vm-windows :/04:27
YankDownUnderpynki, I thought that any Windows installation was already trash - even prior to it's installation...hmm...04:27
pynkiYankDownUnder, yes they are - its feeling like being trapped in the horror house - but some thing, even they are just a few, can not bedone with linux atm04:28
YankDownUnderpynki, Unfortunately that is true...for the moment...04:28
impliteLol i dont need windows for anything now04:31
pynkiYankDownUnder, i could by a Mac! but thats even more stupid then running windows04:31
capum321how to check if I am using xinitrc or xsession?04:32
YankDownUnderpynki, Um...I've got Macs...rather happy with them...04:32
impliteWhy would you ever want any winblows04:32
pynkiOS: Windows 7 SP1+, 8, 10; Mac OS X 10.8+. because of these requirements...04:32
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pynkiYankDownUnder, jsut go a solid new laptop, don't want to spend another XYZV dollars on a nice shiny mac :D04:34
* YankDownUnder looks at the 2011 MBP chugging away on the desk04:34
YankDownUnderpynki, Yersh...yersh...horrible investment these Macs...04:35
pynkiYankDownUnder, with enough heat you could make the mg-alloy burn like a flare i think if it rains for wekks and you need to attract helicopers...04:35
YankDownUnderpynki, hehehehehe...strewth04:36
capum321i have a variable $TERM set to screen, where is it place so I can change to tmux?04:36
implitecapum321: I think you can use capum32104:36
implitexpdyinfo | grep version04:37
implitethat would be better04:37
impliteto check what you are using04:38
implitex11 -version04:40
pynkicapum321, how to you set it to screen?04:41
capum321i didn't04:42
capum321ubuntu is madness04:43
capum321mayhem chaos lunetunes04:43
YankDownUnderIf a person is doing something WITH something that is not really MEANT for something - and complains that it's insane...where exactly does the insanity lie?04:45
tubal /msg NickServ identify fr33#n0D3#c0M)04:45
pynkitubal: nailed it!04:45
YankDownUndertubal, Yersh...you just broadcast your password...reckon it's time to change it...like NOW...hmm...04:46
pynkilike all of them04:46
tubalmeaningful whitespace. A charming feature, I'm sure.04:46
pynki   /msg pynki test04:47
capum321i can't believe this guy04:47
capum321what is the .bash_profile in ubuntu?04:48
YankDownUndercapum321, You've literally and consistently asked questions that are easily "Googled" - um...is your "Google" broke, perchance? Or have you been introduced to "Google" yet?04:49
pynkicapum321, kind of another .bashrc04:52
capum321i just setup bloated terminal emulator with browser, tmux, irc client, bash, i am getting overwhelmed... just doing final configurations for X04:53
capum321working with keyboard shortcuts on each04:54
capum321daaam nut job04:54
capum321we are just so used to the mouse04:55
capum321it lacks brain power04:55
tubal /msg NickServ identify fr33#n0D3#c0M)04:56
tubaloh ffs.04:56
lotuspsychjetubal: change your password now :p04:56
YankDownUndertubal, Um...yeah...ya did it again...04:56
tubalSorry. history....   I was trying to edit the line in my history, hit return instead.04:57
SwedeMikegood password though04:57
SwedeMikeor well04:57
SwedeMikeI hope you don't use that strategy on other sites04:57
capum321actually is .profile for the record04:57
tubalSwedeMike, I usually just user 'password' or '12345678'. Never 'swordfish' though, everyone know that.05:00
lotuspsychjeuse the #ubuntu-discuss channel guys05:00
w6equj5Hi all, I'm trying to create a launcher for an app I installed with Wine, but for some reason it doesn't work. When I open a terminal in the folder of the .exe, "wine JRS.exe" works without a problem. But when I try "wine 'absolutepathtomy.exe'", it finds the program but the result is not the same and the program crashes. Any ideas?05:12
YankDownUnderw6equj5, You might want to ask in #wine-hq ?05:13
w6equj5YankDownUnder, ah yes didn't think of that thanks.05:13
fugeei deleted a directory that was a symlink to another director, i didnt expect any files to be deleted05:14
fugeei deleted a directory that was a symlink to another directory, i didnt expect any files to be deleted05:15
Ben64fugee: yes you said that05:15
fugeetypo in the first05:16
Ben64is there a question that goes along with that?05:16
w6equj5Is there a way, when creating a launcher, to launch a command from a specific directory rather than launching a command writing the absolute path?05:17
Ben64w6equj5: use a script05:18
w6equj5Ben64, should the script make a couple of 'cd fhdsfhds' and then just launch the program?05:20
Ben64well you should only need one cd command05:21
w6equj5Ben64, yes sure OK just wanted to make sure cd, then launch the command was the way to go05:21
capum321hello again05:25
capum321where is the variables set placed?05:26
capum321give me all locations you can remember05:26
geirhawhat variable?05:30
capum321there is a particular on set in this system $TERM  ( screen )05:41
lgcHi. When I click on the file manager icon in Unity nothing happens (Ubuntu 16.04). What gives? Thanks.05:41
capum321which is native to this system05:41
capum321native from the installation05:44
geirhaTERM is set by the terminal emulator05:45
zikuto_hello :)05:48
YankDownUnderIt's not a good idea to be on IRC - or on the net - when you're logged in as "root".05:53
d1eqwis it possible to run compiz with unity05:53
d1eqwwow conpiz so beautiful05:56
lotuspsychje!compiz | d1eqw06:06
ubottud1eqw: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz06:06
d1eqwbut unity is a window manager too, could they play nice together06:07
EriC^^d1eqw: unity is a compiz plug in06:10
zap0just tried to start an app that listens on port80,  but it has "listening error"    what magic do i need to do for it to use port80 ?06:33
hateballzap0: you need to run as root for ports <102406:35
hateballwell, root privs06:35
hateballaka sudo06:35
zap0so if i was to run    sudo my_port_80_using_app      that shold be suffecient ?06:36
hateballzap0: probably06:37
zap0it's saying  my user is not in the sudoers file.06:39
zap0how is it that apache runs?06:40
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ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process.06:41
CrazyTuxis Lubuntu based on lxde or lxqt?06:42
auronandaceCrazyTux: lxde, but they are preparin to switc to lxqt06:46
CrazyTuxis lxqt lighter or heavier than lxde?06:46
CrazyTuxI am using Lubuntu 17.04 on my old laptop now.06:47
CrazyTuxdoes it have lxde or lxqt?06:47
auronandaceCrazyTux: lxde, i just told you06:47
ducasseCrazyTux: you know you are banned here06:48
zap0anyone recommend a serial port terminal program ?06:48
CrazyTuxhow can I get unbanned?06:49
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BlackDexi have some strange issues with trying to update. I get "  Could not resolve 'ppa.launchpad.net'07:17
BlackDexwhile if i do ping, host, dig, nslookup etc... it all resolves07:17
BlackDextried dns-clean, changed dns etc..07:17
hateballBlackDex: is that the full error output07:18
BlackDexyea, the rest is just the line of which repo07:19
BlackDexlike webupd8, wireshark etc...07:19
BlackDexi suspect it has something to do with the localdns07:21
BlackDexsince if i strace i see that the calls go to the localdns
ducasseBlackDex: ubuntu version?07:22
BlackDexif i strace the dnsmasq process, i see that it tries to check the external DNS, but then fails07:26
BlackDexi see DNS requests for SRV _http._tcp.ppa.launchpad.net07:33
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pennTellerHi guys! has anybody gotten the trackpad to work just as well as on the mac side in ubuntu 17.04 or 16.04? Mouse works but cant get palm rejection to work07:51
akikpennTeller: i don't remember if this helps with palm rejection but i'm now able to keep two fingers on the clickpad after installing xserver-xorg-input-libinput. otherwise the two fingers would make it so that the mouse pointer wouldn't move at all07:53
pennTellerakik: thanks a lot I will give that a shot!07:53
pynkiianyone has a running ubuntu minimal in a hyper-v vm?08:02
BlackDexhateball, ducasse i have found a solution08:03
BlackDexAcquire::EnableSrvRecords "false";08:03
BlackDexput that in a apt.conf.d file and it works08:03
bitfawkeshello, how I can add a directory containing bin file in /usr/local/bin/foo for user foo?08:05
ducassebitfawkes: you want to add it to the user's PATH, is that what you mean? /usr/local/bin should already be in the PATH by default.08:08
bitfawkesI would like the user foo to have access to his own binary subdirectory folder located in /usr/local/bin/foo/08:10
ducassebitfawkes: why not in ~/bin? that is the convention for user specific binaries and scripts08:11
bitfawkescause more I need to split binary in a folder accessible just to his user08:12
bitfawkesbinary with the same name08:12
ducasse~/bin _is_ accessible just to that user, if you disable read/exe perms for others08:13
bitfawkesI cant leave it in home folder all file have to been reached by root08:14
ducasseroot can read files in a user's homedir08:15
bitfawkesand have tab copletion in this case?08:19
bitfawkesand have tab completion in this case?08:19
ducasseof course08:20
ducassejust add it to root's path08:20
=== Rockhopper is now known as r0ckh0pper
r0ckh0pperhi all08:26
r0ckh0ppercan someone tell me how to rotate a desktop-wallpaper 90 degrees clock/counter-clockwise? Cant find this function in the gui08:27
TuorHi, I'm looking for Back in Time developpers. Does someone knoe where to find? I have searched for a channel with a similar name, but didn't find any.08:27
r0ckh0pperhey cashew08:27
cashewCould you open the wallpaper in Gimp and edit it?08:27
r0ckh0pperthe original is already aligned right08:27
r0ckh0pperbut once I use it as a background it rotates it08:28
cashewHuh, that is different. Is it only that one file?08:28
r0ckh0pperhang on a sec just second checking with gimp to be sure08:29
ducasseTuor: 'apt show backintime-common | grep ^Homepage'08:30
r0ckh0pperthat did the trick thanks! apparently my picture viewer rotated for visibility but did not really rotate the picture itself.08:32
r0ckh0pper:) thanks08:32
cashewNo prob, Its silly stuff like that most of the time08:33
Tuorducasse, apt-cache instead of apt and it works perfectly. Thx!08:40
viktor_I'm using "wine cmd" to run a windows .bat file. but i don't know how to navigate te a folder that has a name with whitespaces (such as "program files"). "\" like in bash doesn't work. anybody knows?08:50
YankDownUnderviktor_, You would use the quotes -> as in "Program Files" -> and you can also find out more in #wine-hq08:51
ducasseviktor_: try quoting the entire filename08:51
viktor_YankDownUnder, ducasse: Quoting doesn't work: dir "Program Files"08:52
ducasseviktor_: try #winehq08:53
andywwwhi, i have a frequent need to log into a server and perform a task, I’d like to, from the ssh client, pass an argument that says ‘and when you’ve logged in, run these commands’ is this possible? I’d like to actually log into the server then run the command rather than just run it remotely from my local terminal08:55
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YankDownUnderandywww, This is interesting: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18502945/how-to-execute-a-remote-command-over-ssh-with-arguments08:58
pynkiiandywww, 'ssh user@host command'08:58
andywwwthanks for the input08:59
andywwwwon’t the latter just leave me in my local terminal though?08:59
qswzskype is so much terrible on linux08:59
pynkiiqswz, if thats a question: yes08:59
qswzwill try teir shitty version 509:00
qswzin case it's better09:00
YankDownUnderqswz, There's also: https://jitsi.org/Main/Download09:00
qswzah thnaks09:01
hateballUnless you depend on Skype specifically there's lots of alternatives09:01
qswzI'd like to use handout or something else09:01
qswzbut most people I need to talk with are on skype :(09:01
YankDownUnderqswz, If "need" is a high priority, then follow the priority.09:02
YankDownUnderqswz, As is the nature of "monopolies" and "big corporate business" - since MS obtained Skype, they're going to make absolutely sure that if you're NOT running MS Windows, you're going to get a lower end and lower quality product/application/utility...09:06
qswzI wouldn't care a lot, if at least it didn't crash09:07
pynkiimaybe they are just loosing the ability to tap into the conversations easy enough ;)09:07
YankDownUnderpynkii, Trust me - they aren't losing that ability in the least.09:07
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pynkiiYankDownUnder, i know. but tapping into your custom linux box than into clicki-bunti windows, you might limit ports and stuff and other wired things i heard of people do09:11
YankDownUnderpynkii, All the data streamed through Skype is held/directed on MS owned servers. It doesn't matter what ports you keep an eye on in linux...the data stream sent is interpreted/stored on MS servers.09:12
pynkiiYankDownUnder, we are going off topic again :D but i think in stays in the network when the machines are behind the same public ip...09:17
YankDownUnderpynkii, you might research that...MEANWHILE, back at the ranch...09:17
pynkiiYankDownUnder, i use qq - much more secure *facepalm*09:18
YankDownUnderpynkii, Facetime/iChat/iMessage here (my mom has an iMac and an iPad...I don't care about anyone vid-chatting outside of Mom and Dad) :)09:19
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pynkiiYankDownUnder, me too. but my boss decided that email is evil/too complicated/lame/whatever and now we are using qq for company communication. its like wechat, but wack/crap/chinese09:21
pynkiiwechat is like whatsapp :D09:21
YankDownUnderpynkii, Corporate minds. Yes. I have "Wechat" on my iPhone (not for vid)09:22
pynkiiyou might heard of it since chinese people are invading down under :P09:23
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TheEagerPadawanhi is there an flavor of ubuntu available that has the FDE passphrase after setting your language09:39
TheEagerPadawanbecause it quite annoying for people who don't use qwerty09:39
YankDownUnderTheEagerPadawan, Any version of Ubuntu is able to change the keyboard layout during the installation - and after, as well...unless you're alluding to something other than that...09:41
TheEagerPadawanYankDownUnder i'm just stating the fact that you are prompted for a password for your FDE before you are prompted for your language settings09:42
_ADN_lubuntu 16.10 doesn't install on a USB drive Ubuntu 16.04 does09:45
_ADN_I needed encryption and Lubuntu doesn't allow it09:45
_ADN_do not know why09:46
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ducasse_ADN_: why install 16.10 now? it's soon eol.09:46
_ADN_just wanted the latest version install09:47
_ADN_anyway I install corrctly Ubuntu 16.04 with encryption on a usb09:47
Ben64latest version is 17.04, 16.04 is supported for way longer though09:47
Harishello all09:48
_ADN_yes I saw it yesterday about 17.0409:48
Hariswhat's the pkg for mysql cli client utility for accessing mysql database/servers?09:48
HarisI'm on 14.04 LTS09:48
FinalXmysql-client .. ?09:48
HarisI have 5.6 installed on server side09:48
_ADN_apt-cache search mysql09:48
_ADN_you will see the packages there09:48
FinalXby default in most versions mysql-client and mysql-server are the meta packages to install the default version of each09:49
FinalXI don't think 14.04 was any different09:49
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ducasse_ADN_: if the lubuntu installer can't set up encryption, use the alternative installer image09:54
Haristhank you all09:55
Harisdirectoryindex is not defined in apache 2.4.7 on 14.04 lts ?10:00
Harisdo I need to install a pkg for that too ?10:00
Harisah, I don't need to10:01
Harisits already there10:01
Harisbut its not picking index.html for one vhost10:01
HarisI have index.html set for a redirect on / on a vhost in apache. this is the first vhost on it. its not redirecting10:03
HarisI explicitly added DirectoryIndex clause in vhost config10:03
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BluesKajHi folks10:45
Harisgood day10:55
Harisdirectoryindex is not working on 14.04 lts apache 2.4.710:55
Hariseven after explicit mention in vhost config10:56
YankDownUnderWouldn't that question be better answered in #ubuntu-server or in #apache ...?10:59
Harisapache guys don't know ubuntu's implementation or config of apache11:00
Harisbut ubuntu-server should know exactly what is goingon11:00
YankDownUnderHaris, There appears to be blokes in the #ubuntu-server channel talking about apache based stuff...11:00
Ben64Haris: you probably didn't configure it properly11:00
HarisBen64: Perhaps11:00
Ben64so... pastebin configs11:00
Harisdorectoryindex feature works out of the box on centos11:00
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Harisplus after php install, the php index files spec should have been added through its respective config file11:01
Hariswhich is not showing on 14.04 lts11:01
Haristhis place is only for desktop and client end support ?11:03
Harisserver has been separated completely ?11:03
Harisin -server room11:03
hateballYou're just more likely to get -server related questions answered there11:04
KevinRatkliffelots off pll here and now questions.. :)11:19
KevinRatkliffeI have a question or isnt they allowed here at this channel?11:19
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hateball!ask | KevinRatkliffe11:19
ubottuKevinRatkliffe: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:19
KevinRatkliffe:) oki understood..11:20
KevinRatkliffeI have a eserver / Xserver226 IBM was planning to run a HTTP server and a nice FTP on it.. (for serving the a website) any ideas what can be nice and easy to install then?11:22
Ben64don't use ftp, use sftp11:23
YankDownUnderEr....Ubuntu server edition 16.04.2...11:23
KevinRatkliffeSo u recommend server edition 16?11:23
YankDownUnderI say "Er" because the question is being asked in an Ubuntu channel...so I'd obviously recommend Ubuntu as the resolution to the issue presented... :)11:24
KevinRatkliffeYes its ubuntu Iam planning ofc11:24
YankDownUnder16.04.2...latest and greatest. Comes with free coffee, too.11:25
KevinRatkliffeBut will a new version like that support a server type like this11:25
KevinRatkliffeKinda old server.... that why Im asking... Im a little bit newbie... Not totally11:25
KevinRatkliffe:) :)11:25
YankDownUnderI'll safely assume that since Ubuntu is being used on extremely large scale servers that it would most likely suffice.11:26
YankDownUnderIt's also very easy on resource.11:26
KevinRatkliffeVery !NICE11:26
KevinRatkliffeSo that will run like a charm ;)11:26
YankDownUnderAnd you get free coffee. Granted that you have to use your own coffee and make it yourself.11:27
KevinRatkliffeI shall make all my cups myeslves11:28
KevinRatkliffeIs it GUI friendly11:28
YankDownUnderThe pricing is quite nice. $0, 100% financing, $0 up front - and no monthly payments.11:28
YankDownUnderKevinRatkliffe, If you wish to use a GUI, feel free. I personally install Webmin - there are PPA's for it...but there are other options. You can install a window manager or complete desktop on the server if you so desire.11:29
KevinRatkliffeYeah Ubuntu is kinda fantastic in pricing11:30
ElleryGood morning. Wondering if anyone has any ideas about this. I installed Ubuntu Budgie on a new PC and the system would freeze upon login once desktop loaded. Tried install numerous times with same result. I then decided to try Xubuntu, worked without a hitch. Any ideas?11:31
hateballKevinRatkliffe: Ubuntu Server by default has no GUI11:31
KevinRatkliffeOk so what do u recommend for GUI to start with for kinda newbies.. to build up easy HTTP/Apache server / Mysql, and SFtp is it like package installer into it..?11:32
EriC^^Ellery: try just starting xserver from a terminal, or check /var/log/Xorg.0.log11:32
hateballKevinRatkliffe: for mysql there is phpmyadmin if you want a web gui11:33
Ben64KevinRatkliffe: you should just install ubuntu server, you don't need a gui it won't really help for doing server stuff11:33
hateballKevinRatkliffe: for apache... you'll want to learn do manage it using cli11:33
YankDownUnderEllery, "Budgie" is still in "early stages" - the next thing to consider is graphics driver. Xubuntu (XFce4) is very easy on graphics. And mature. If you really really want "Budgie", you could try replacing the "display manager" (login GUI) with lightdm - and also try to make sure you have the proper graphics driver...otherwise, since Xubuntu is working nicely for you, you can always download the PPA's and install "Budgie" along11:33
YankDownUnderwith having XFce4 as your primary desktop.11:33
KevinRatkliffeok so phpadmin for mysql then11:35
ElleryYankDownUnder wouldn't installing Budgie along with XFce4 cause the same issues? I suspected graphic driver issues as well...11:36
YankDownUnderEllery, No. It would not.11:36
KevinRatkliffeI am kinda new in this.. so fexample if I use a wordpress site then.. then install phpmyadmin and apache2 isnt it..11:36
YankDownUnderEllery, XFce4 works nicely, right? Ergo, installing "Budgie" as "yet another" desktop/window mangler should work well - as XFce4 is already utilising the graphics driver (installed by default?)...and it's not going to affect your "driver setup/configuration".11:37
Ellerygotcha... yes, installed by default11:38
ElleryOk i'll give that a try11:38
YankDownUnderEllery, It's not going to kill you.11:38
ElleryYankDownUnder Ha! thanks for your help11:39
YankDownUnderEllery, Peace, be well.11:39
mr_pincGreetings -  I just installed Ubuntu 16.04 next to my windows installation - I created UEFI boot drive but I obviously misread something in the installation because when I boot now Windows is not an option in grub - I tried to use this tool - But the 'REcommended Repair' option just seems to reinstall grub - windows is still not an option - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair11:43
mr_pincAlso I don't have windows installation media handy - so if i can solve this through Ubuntu that's best.  But if the only option is a windows usb I can obtain that11:44
localadminhey guys, Ubunu 17.04 seems to have lost the ability to customize an Hotspot's SSID, it appears that that configuration file gets re-written everytime the hotspot is enabled. Is there any way around this? I tried scooping around for a file with default values, something that would return the machine's hostname to the configuration but to no avail.12:01
KevinRatkliffeSorry was eating, Ok I understand that have to use some CLI commands to get this server up running... on this xserver But Ill have to take that in the next step on the latter.. :) But do u guys recommend X64 or 32 bit on this kind off server.. Xeon dual processor 3.0 Ghz and 4 gbs of RAM.12:02
hateballKevinRatkliffe: 6412:02
KevinRatkliffeOk.. so no doubt there12:02
cfhowlettask #hardware or perhaps #ubuntu-server KevinRatkliffe12:02
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KevinRatkliffeYeah ohh there is such a channel too.. tnks12:03
hateballKevinRatkliffe: If your machine can handle it, there's no reason to not use 64-bit12:03
Ben64KevinRatkliffe: and you need to use pretty much all CLI to get a server working properly12:03
KevinRatkliffeWell anyway I try to install the server now..12:03
KevinRatkliffeyeah I understand that.. but there must be some kinda GUI controll too? Or isnt it?12:04
linuxthefishor you could install something like ubuntu desktop and add server stuff on later if you need other gui stuff12:04
linuxthefishmost stuff like apache/lighttpd doesn't have GUI controls, it's mostly editing configuration files and simple commands12:05
KevinRatkliffeSO if Im klinda newbie and only want to setup a Http server / FTP u also recommend that ubuntu desktop can easily be used12:05
cfhowlettdesktop?  servers don't have desktops.  CLI!12:06
cfhowlettbut again, #ubuntu-server is the channel with such advice, KevinRatkliffe12:07
ducasseKevinRatkliffe: you can run a webserver on a desktop, but you still need to admin it via the command line12:07
KevinRatkliffeYeah tnks.. but Ill manage that.. ;)12:08
KevinRatkliffeIl just start now install the server... There is a lot of good reading for putting up the http site on the server I guess12:09
mr_pincAny way to repair a messed up window bootloader after an ubuntu install - only ubuntu is an option un grub - I followed this but only ubuntu remains an option12:12
tomreynmr_pinc: do you still have the url boot-repair printed?12:17
tomreynhmm this tool dumps luks headers to a pastebin? bad idea...12:19
mr_pinctomreyn it' actually gave me a blank url12:22
mr_pincit just said paste2.org with no trailing url12:22
tomreynmr_pinc: did you use the boot-repair script from the yannubuntu repository as discussed on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair ?12:24
tomreyn...or did you get it from elsewhere?12:25
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cfhowlett!fr | m4th12:31
ubottum4th: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.12:31
m4thho im sorry12:32
bonsaitreeI am monitoring the processes running on my machine, using htop. Can someone explain why the command for the bluetooth functionality is not "/usr/lib/blueman/blueman-mechanism" and "/usr/bin/blueman-applet" but it's "/usr/bin/python3 /usr/lib/blueman/blueman-mechanism" and "/usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/blueman-applet"? Thanks in advance.12:36
mr_pinctomeryn sorry coleague distracted me - I followed the instructions here - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair12:42
mr_pincI used the terminal commands12:42
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magalhaesOlá pessoal. Estou com umas duvidas em gpg, alguém pode dar uma ajuda?12:49
cfhowlett!brazil | magalhaes12:49
ubottumagalhaes: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.12:49
magalhaesOk. Obrigado. :-)12:50
guest9I'm compiling a kernel at the moment. Is there any way to estimate how much time is left for compilation to finish?12:55
m4thi m sorry please give my the ubuntu-fr13:02
cfhowlett!fr | m4th13:02
ubottum4th: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.13:02
machine_Hello, i have a question about the squid config, someone here ?13:03
machine_i have the squid.conf and i want to add the Tag hostname part, but i don't know i can add it where i want in the file13:05
SzabolcsHey guys! I have a package constantly failing do download from the repos13:10
SzabolcsErr:101 http://uk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 libavahi-common3 amd64 0.6.32~rc+dfsg-1ubuntu2   Hash Sum mismatch13:10
SzabolcsWhat on earth is wrong with the repos? I get this every once in a while (with different packages).13:10
SzabolcsAnyone is actually here to support?13:12
cfhowlett!patience | Szabolcs13:12
ubottuSzabolcs: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/13:12
EriC^^!ask | Szabolcs only one way to find out13:12
ubottuSzabolcs only one way to find out: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:12
SzabolcsAll right. Thanks.13:15
localadminhey guys, Ubunu 17.04 seems to have lost the ability to customize an Hotspot's SSID, it appears that that configuration file(/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/Hotspot) gets re-written everytime the hotspot is enabled. Is there any way around this?13:22
rockyhIs this guide https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1421998 still up-to-date?13:33
cfhowletthttps://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/openldap-server.html   rockyh13:35
jackhumis there any GUI client for github for ubuntu ? if not , any alternative13:37
jushurif i want my alt+tab to never group terminals, anything i can do? preffer to not install any applications. and just do it in terminal/edit files.13:37
Bob_Hello, Can anyone out there with a problem I am having... ubuntu 14.04 need to add bridging br0 but once I add eth0 to it I can no longer connect to it... brctl addbr br0 , brctl addif eth0...13:38
jackhumcan anyone tell me some github client for ubuntu ? why is there no github desktop for ubuntu13:40
ducasse!patience | jackhum13:41
ubottujackhum: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/13:41
cfhowletthttps://git-scm.com/download/gui/linux  jackhum13:41
=== tokyo is now known as tokyo97
yanomeif you use the WeeChat IRC client and haven't already upgraded, you should upgrade: https://weechat.org/news/95/20170422-Version-1.7.1/13:43
rockyhcfhowlett: thank you, it is useful, but it doesn't deal with the topic of my link. I am looking for configuring sudo with Ubuntu and LDAP13:43
cfhowlettsorry I didn't supply a more precise link, rockyh13:44
rockyhdon't worry13:44
jackhumcfhowlett, is gitkraken good ? any specific reason why there is no github desktop for linux yet ?13:45
=== tokyo97 is now known as tokyo91
cfhowlettjackhum, question 1: haven't used it so no opinion.  2.  I suspect most github users are more comfortable with CLI - or perhaps that's just me.13:46
b_pSomeone can suggest me an ide that displays hint about javascript libraries? thanks.13:46
jackhumb_p, atom , sublime text ?13:47
jackhumb_p, jetbrains webstorm13:48
zzero1question I want to use gpg subkey for ssh authentication with authorized_keys I 've used this https://incenp.org/notes/2014/gnupg-for-ssh-authentication.html13:48
b_pjackhum, which one should i try as first?13:48
jackhumb_p, atom13:49
b_pjackhum, thanks a lot13:49
jackhumb_p, atom is just a text editor , but it has lots of packages and plugins , which can make it powerful13:49
zzero1however in the  gpg 2.1.11 there is no export-reset-subkey-passwd option13:49
jackhumb_p, try all of them out , and choose one which suits you13:50
jackhumjackhum, atom , sublime text 3 , jetbrains webstorm13:50
jadesoturihi all. im runnig a ubuntu vm on an unraid server.. and i have a problem.. df -h shows me that all the space on the device is used up. but du -sch shows that /home is only 391mb big while the partition is 2.2gb or so.. so im like, what? why ?13:54
FinalXjadesoturi: open files can take up space without it showing with du.13:54
FinalXjadesoturi: try see with lsof which files are open, or start stopping processes that might cause big logs, like apache, nginx, etc.13:55
stevenjamhy bro salam kenal13:57
stevenjamgood nigt bro13:58
jadesoturiFinalX, ok. ill try. very possible. its a server running a fuseki tdb store..13:59
FinalXjadesoturi: that sounds like it'll be a pain to debug :/13:59
jadesoturimhm... i will be. so an easie rsolution will be to expand the home partition.. haha but need access to the unraid locally then :/ and thats a nogo until the weekend.14:00
stevenjamsiapa yang di sini orang indonesia14:01
Pici!id | stevenjam14:01
ubottustevenjam: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia14:01
stevenjamia membahas memakai bahasa indonesia14:02
stevenjam#apa artinya ubuntu14:03
stevenjami,m not speking englis14:05
cfhowlettstevenjam, please join the #ubuntu-id channel14:05
max3can someone help me? i'm getting only mono through my headphones http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=373d259cc79c12f0be18ae8a61613ca3c71af57114:13
zap0advice?:  what apps do you use regular.. what's worth installing?14:25
cfhowlettzap0, way too general and unfocused a query.  instead: what exactly do YOU Need to do?14:26
zap0i'm asking YOU.14:26
cfhowletthow would I know what you need to do?14:26
zap0i'm asking you.14:27
nacczap0: that's not how this channel works14:27
nacczap0: if you have an issue with ubuntu, this is the right place14:28
cfhowletttake your question to #ubuntu-offtopic for chitchat14:28
max3i have an issue with ubuntu14:29
max3i only get mono from my headphones14:29
cfhowlettmake sure it's the phones are properly plugged in max314:31
max3of course they are14:32
max3err actually now that i wiggle it14:32
max3maybe not14:32
max3oh my god14:32
max3cfhowlett, thank you14:32
cfhowletthappy2help! max314:32
max3that's what i get for using cheapo headphones14:32
zap0how do i remove a repo entry in apt ?14:41
nacczap0: is the repo a PPA?14:41
zap0nacc  im following this:  https://wiki.winehq.org/Ubuntu    and i did that  3rd line  the apt-add     when i should have done the next one instead for Mint,  so i want to remove the mistake14:42
=== PlasmaStar is now known as Plas
nacczap0: one, if you're on mint , you're in the wrong channel for support14:44
nacczap0: and you probably will need to edit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/... as appropirate14:45
insidiousi need some help.... fresh copy of ubuntu latest release....14:45
insidiousi had the wifi on working it just stopped14:45
insidiousany ideas?14:45
insidiousi went to software and updates my wifi card is detected.14:45
zap0nacc, i looked in a bunch of files in /etc/apt/  and couldn't find it..    do you know the name of a mint channel?14:49
cfhowlett!mint | zap014:50
ubottuzap0: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)14:50
insidiousIs this a bug with the latest release?14:50
insidiousit wont even allow me to turn on the wifi via the connections settings.14:52
insidiouswhen i click enable and log out or reboot wifi is not enabled.14:52
=== jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod
zachhello, where would i go to get helpo with Inbrowser games not working15:02
localadminzach, Do you know if those games are flash or java based?15:02
zachflash, i can run them on Windows without java15:03
localadminzach, please exemplify the game or the gaming platform you're trying to use15:04
localadminand what is the browser.15:04
zachkongregate, newgrounds and armourgames15:04
zachimusing mozzila15:04
mikeymopzach: those are flash based, you could use google chrome for it's pepperflash plugin or you can install an extra package for firefox15:05
mikeymopchrome will work out of box15:05
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zachi cant seem to find chrome for ubuntu15:05
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mikeymopinstall it from google.com/chrome15:06
cfhowlettchromium-browser zach15:06
mikeymopyou will be given a .deb package, this installs like a .exe on windows.15:06
mikeymopalternatively, the Open Source chromium browser is available in the software repos/center15:06
rud0lfflash-installer worked fine for me15:06
zachi tried, all ive goten from it for ubuntu is a ? icon with a loadin bar on my launcher and its been like that for two hours15:06
mikeymopfor chromium?15:06
rud0lffor firefox15:07
mikeymopzach: for chromium?15:07
rud0lfpardon me15:07
mikeymopwhere did you get that flash installer rud0lf ?15:07
mikeymopgotcha thanks15:07
localadminShouldn't flashplugin-installer install the plugin for firefox? I'm under the impressing my install came bundled with it,15:07
zachyes, ive tried the software store from ubunutu and when i search chromium, im stuck with a loading icon15:08
traxusAnybody know how to switch graphics drivers from AMDGPU back to Radeon? I swapped out a newer card to one too old for AMDGPU.15:26
k0z3r0What programming standard is used in the terminal in ubuntu?15:29
EriC^^k0z3r0: you mean the shell language?15:29
aotaointbinubuntu's default shell is bash.15:29
aotaointbinbut that's not a programming standard.15:29
rud0lfit's more like behavior15:30
rud0lfor character15:30
aotaointbinit's more like a shell.15:30
rud0lfor that15:30
k0z3r0So what's its advantages over other scripting languages like python and java?15:30
aotaointbinjava is not a scripting language.15:30
nacc!ot | k0z3r015:30
ubottuk0z3r0: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:30
k0z3r0My bad, sorry.15:31
ubottu/bin/sh links to the DASH shell in all releases since Ubuntu Edgy (6.10). Since DASH is not 100% compatible with the BASH shell, some scripts might break. You can make scripts execute using  BASH by changing the first line of the script to « #! /bin/bash | See also https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DashAsBinSh15:32
pavlostraxus: see the Additional Drivers in Settings | Software & updates. Does it list other video drivers?15:33
PleaseHelpMeIs there an easy way to copy and paste directories from the files browser?15:44
PleaseHelpMeI'm new to ubuntu and can't figure out how to do it15:44
privacythink if you triple-click the top bit it'll turn into text15:45
privacynot sure though15:45
localadminPleaseHelpMe, if you cant copy paste between folders, they probably dont belong to you. Are the source and destination directories inside your home folder?15:46
mikeymopPleaseHelpMe: ??? it works just like in window15:46
PleaseHelpMelocaladmin I don't mean copy and paste files, but the address at the top of the files window. For example Home/documents/folder etc15:46
PleaseHelpMemikeymop in windows when I click the address bar it turns to text and I can copy it. I can't get that to happen with ubuntu though15:47
PleaseHelpMemikeymop I figure it out thanks. I right clicked the address and clicked copy and it worked15:47
MaDMaLKaVhi everyone. One question: does the install media include open and non-open drivers for GPUs? I ask because I have a card with driver problems in linux and I wanted to a quick way to see the current status with both drivers15:50
traxuspavlos: No, it just shows an Intel microcode driver.15:50
naccMaDMaLKaV: dependso on the gpu -- there is no longer, e.g. fglrx15:54
naccMaDMaLKaV: so you must mean nvidia?15:54
naccMaDMaLKaV: i'm not sure the nvidia drivers are on the isos15:56
MaDMaLKaVno, I mean AMD. I have a card that never worked with the open source stack, it worked with bad performance with fglrx, and never worked with amdgpu-pro either15:56
MaDMaLKaVI just want to boot with both amsgpu and amdgpu-pro, confirm the problem is still there, and go cry to my corner :)15:57
jushurMaDMaLKaV: what card exactly u have? and is it a laptop or desktop? (can it be swapped that is)15:57
traxusOn a related subject, does anyone know how to switch between AMDGPU and the old Radeon driver, for older cards?15:57
MaDMaLKaV7870 LE, desktop15:58
ubottudj-diskri: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:58
MaDMaLKaVthe bug is reported and well know bu AMD developers15:58
naccMaDMaLKaV: well 'amdgpu-pro' isn't an ubuntu package15:59
MaDMaLKaVI just want to boot and see if there is some new info in the logs, but no longer have a linux install for that. I can install to an external drive but it is a pain in the ass to do it just for some dmesg15:59
naccMaDMaLKaV: so it definitely isn't on the install media15:59
MaDMaLKaVnacc, thanks15:59
MaDMaLKaVummm, I'm sure there was a distro that offered to boot with the propietary drivers, but can't recall which one...15:59
nnybywhy doesn't the android-sdk ubuntu package come with the 'android' executable?15:59
BigMaoHi everyone, I have an issue with my GNOME desktop that I can't figure out how to solve from a Google search.  What I want is simple - I want to change the color of the title bar of the active window.  My current theme has the colors the same (but the active window has a darker text), and it's hard to see which window is active.16:00
BigMaoIs there any tool that allows me to do this?  I've spent far too long looking at .css files16:00
naccnnyby: becuase there is no such executable?16:00
nnybynacc: $ cordova requirements   -- Failed to find 'android' command in your 'PATH'. Try update your 'PATH' to include path to valid SDK directory.16:01
=== Plas is now known as PlasmaStar
dj-diskrican download ubuntu iso elsewhere16:02
muchoois moving window buttons to the right still not possible? I recall there was some controversy surrounding that a few months ago16:03
naccnnyby: i can only tellyou what i see -- there is no 'bin/android' in ubuntu (17.04)16:03
jushurmuchoo: anything is possible, question is how much work your willing to do to do it.16:05
muchoohow much work does it take?16:05
wiggmpkI no longer have the ability to type a tilde after upgrading from 16.04.2 -> 17.04. I have tried reconfiguring the keyboard layout. Any suggestiosn?16:05
cfhowlettmuchoo, hacking unity is of low priority since it's on its way out.16:05
muchoocfhowlett what is replacing it?16:06
wiggmpkshould of always been gnome =P16:06
jan_some german hear16:07
jushurkinda dont like gnome here, so ubuntu will not be my choise when you swap to that.16:07
cfhowlett!flavors | jushur16:07
ubottujushur: Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours16:07
jushurcfhowlett: unity still going to be a "solid" usable DE when you swap to Gnome? or will it be left behind and break a lot because its not updated to follow the new standards (imposed by using Gnome).16:09
naccjushur: please stop using 'you'16:09
cfhowlettit will be forked.  can't say anything more than that16:09
naccjushur: this is a volunteer channel, none of us 'are' ubuntu16:09
jushurwhen i say "you" i mean the ubuntu community tho.16:10
naccjushur: which none of us control individually16:10
naccjushur: so your question is nonsense16:10
naccjushur: unity will be in universe16:10
naccjushur: if you mean unity8, it's already been forked16:10
CuriousUsrMy hard drive did something funny and it ended up in read-only mode and grub seems not not find any files to boot up from that Ubuntu installation, some of the root directories from the installation appear as plain text files now.. mapped all strangely16:15
lotuspsychjeCuriousUsr: syslog showing any hd errors?16:16
CuriousUsrhm that i dont know16:17
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=== Guest99858 is now known as rjb_
tomreyni'd say post any relevant error messages to a pastebin16:17
lotuspsychjeCuriousUsr: can you check for IO or badblock errors perhaps?16:17
CuriousUsri ran gparted on it as unmounted that appeared ok16:18
CuriousUsra 'check' of it16:18
lotuspsychjeCuriousUsr: when did this all start to happen? on wich ubuntu version?16:19
CuriousUsrit's an older version..i think 14.04, it all happened at once.16:19
lotuspsychjeCuriousUsr: try to detail everything you find to get your issue solved like tomreyn suggests16:21
lotuspsychjeCuriousUsr: it all happened at once isnt very usefull to help you16:22
lotuspsychje!dmesg | CuriousUsr16:22
ubottuCuriousUsr: dmesg is a console command which outputs the kernel ring buffer - an important log for diagnosing problems in  Linux. Often when something errors with hardware it will result in additional lines reported which can be seen by running dmesg in a console.16:22
tomreynif you can't access log files or the system doe snot boot up properly you can still take screen shots with smartphone or camera and upload them to an image hosting site such as imgur.com16:23
CuriousUsrright.. what would cause directories to now be recognized as plain text files.. it seems theyre mapped to various configuration files, is that a symbolic link issue?16:23
tomreynmaybe what you see are broken symbolic links which are broken because the file system they point to coul dnot be mounted16:24
tomreynthat's just a theory, since we have no information to work with16:25
lotuspsychjeCuriousUsr: you cant enter grub normally anymore to bootup, lets say an older kernel?16:25
CuriousUsri got on the grub command line but only checked out a few things..ill try an older kernel next time16:26
royal_screwup21How do I write a script that executes a file every time I turn on my computer? For example, I might want to view open up my browser upon starting up my computer - what's the easiest way to accomplish this? (I looked up the "@reboot" command as well as "crontab" but none of them seems to work16:29
naccroyal_screwup21: there is a distinction between every time you turn on your computer and when you first login16:31
naccroyal_screwup21: the first is crontab stuff, the  latter is session startup scripts16:31
mediamonsterwhat could be the reason that a crontab entry dont work? can i dry run it ?16:31
ycyclistIs there a special IRC group for device problems?16:33
ycyclistI'm trying to install a second gpu.16:34
lotuspsychjeycyclist: ##hardware16:34
ycyclistThank you16:46
naccmediamonster: are you using relative or absolute paths?16:48
mediamonsterabolute. even inside the skripts i run16:48
naccmediamonster: perhaps pastbin the crontab entry16:49
naccmediamonster: iirc, cron emails the admin user with failed cron runs16:49
naccmediamonster: otherwise, i think they also show up in syslog16:49
mediamonsteryep, i see these mails. thats why i investiagte.16:50
mediamonster"@hourly sh /home14/medienmonster/rclone.upload"16:50
ycyclistThat place does not appear Ubuntu specific.  This question is about an Ubuntu package install problem around the GTX 1070.  Are you sure it's not a question for here?16:51
naccmediamonster: 'sh' is a relative path16:51
naccmediamonster: fwiw16:51
mediamonsteroh true16:51
naccmediamonster: also cron's sh may not be your user's sh16:51
lotuspsychjeycyclist: you asked a hardware related group? not an ubuntu hardware question16:51
mediamonsteris there a way to run a cron entry as user16:51
ycyclistOkay, this is an ubuntu support hard ware question:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/24506332/16:52
ycyclistThe main error message of interest at the end of the above is:  Failed to open connection to "system" message bus: Failed to connect to socket /root/anaconda2/var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory16:52
ycyclistThis is also in there:  W: The repository 'http://ppa.launchpad.net/mc3man/trusty-media/ubuntu xenial Release' does not have a Release file.16:53
ycyclistmediamonster:  You can make your own user oriented crontab.16:54
w9qbjmediamonster: yes, the user uses the command crontab -e (edit) then sets up the crontab file16:54
naccycyclist: ppa owners support the ppa16:54
naccycyclist: not ubuntu16:54
ycyclistcrontab -l >crontab I think to start.  Then edit it.  Then crontab crontab.16:54
ycyclistHowever, also look at "at" if you just want ad hoc submissions.16:54
mediamonsterah okay, i did edit crontab as user16:54
lotuspsychjeycyclist: how about you start from the start? ubuntu version? your card doesnt work because of?16:55
ycyclistI am not even trying the card yet.  I tried to do the apt driver install, and it failed.  It is a brand new card installed after the Ubuntu install.16:56
ycyclistI've had 1604 on this machine for a week.  Then I got the gtx 1070.  Now I need to add the device driver, or whatever software that it needs for support,.16:56
lotuspsychjeycyclist: you dont trying the card but added all kind of ppa's?16:56
naccycyclist: adding a driver for a card that doesn't exist ... seems silly16:57
naccycyclist: but again, the ppa owners are responsible for that ppa16:57
ycyclistThe card is on the board.  The document I read for this is here:  https://askubuntu.com/questions/791439/trouble-installing-ubuntu-16-04-since-i-got-gtx-107016:57
ycyclistIs that just #ppa?16:58
naccycyclist: you also don't need the ppa for nvidia-36716:58
nacc!info nvidia-367 xenial16:58
ubottunvidia-367 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-375): Transitional package for nvidia-375. In component restricted, is optional. Version 375.39-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 (xenial), package size 4 kB, installed size 17 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; armhf)16:58
ycyclistOk reading ...16:58
ycyclistOk.   What do I look under (presumably in /proc) to know that the board is recognized?16:59
zAZ cd in-bash: cannot create temp file for here-document: No space left on device16:59
=== zAZ is now known as Guest21852
sjohnsonGuest21852: check "df"17:00
sjohnsonyou probably ran out of space on your VPS.17:00
Guest21852yes :/17:00
Guest21852i cant use "tabl"17:00
sjohnsonodroid: hi17:00
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odroidhow are you guys doing17:00
lotuspsychje!chat | odroid17:01
Guest21852sjohnson: https://paste.debian.net/930629/17:01
ubottuodroid: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:01
Guest21852odroid: fine17:01
Guest21852and you17:01
naccycyclist: not sure why you think it would be under /proc? i'd use lshw to see if the card is recognized17:01
naccGuest21852: please take chat elsewhere17:01
ycyclistThank you.17:01
Guest21852nacc: im not here for chat.17:02
Guest21852i have problem17:02
naccGuest21852: ok, then don't chat with others17:02
odroidthats awesome, im fine too17:02
Guest21852sjohnson: https://paste.debian.net/930629/17:02
odroidhow can i help you bro?17:02
Guest21852are u see paste ?17:02
lotuspsychje!ask | odroid17:02
ubottuodroid: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:02
sjohnsonGuest21852: you need to delete a file.17:02
sjohnsonyou ran out of space.17:02
Guest21852for example which?17:03
naccGuest21852: sjohnson already told you this17:03
naccGuest21852: we don't know what's on your system17:03
sjohnsonGuest21852: check /tmp17:03
sjohnsonmight be some shit there.17:03
Guest21852i have ircd and another problem17:03
nacc!ohmy | sjohnson17:03
ubottusjohnson: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList17:03
sjohnsonnacc: sorry, my bad.17:03
ycyclistNo there is no information about either of my GPUs in lshw.17:04
lotuspsychjeycyclist: sudo lshw -C video shows nothing?17:04
ycyclistPerhaps I am searching for the wrong string.17:04
ycyclistIt shows memory, usb a bunch of stuff.17:04
ycyclistWhat is a good search string?  I looked through the entire list and recognized nothing for video.17:05
lotuspsychjeycyclist: sudo lshw -C video17:06
Guest21852sjohnson: Which files should I delete ?17:07
Guest21852i dont known17:07
ycyclist  *-display UNCLAIMED        description: VGA compatible controller        product: NVIDIA Corporation17:07
Guest21852sjohnson: https://paste.debian.net/930629/17:07
sjohnsonGuest21852: cd && ls -l17:07
lotuspsychjeGuest21852: wich ubuntu version are you on?17:07
ycyclistSo it appears to be seen and unused.17:07
sjohnsonmight be some stuff there.17:07
ycyclistPerhaps that's fine.,17:07
Guest21852ycyclist: how i can see17:07
lotuspsychjeycyclist: means not correct driver loaded, card unclaimed17:07
Guest21852i use which ubuntu ?17:08
sjohnsonyou don't need to keep showing me the paste, i got it.17:08
ycyclistOk.  Please make suggestions.17:08
ycyclistShould I take out the stuff I just added?17:08
lotuspsychjeycyclist: open additional drivers section and install a driver?17:08
ycyclistOk.  I'm used to using apt-get.  I'll take a look...17:08
lotuspsychjeycyclist: after reboot, you can test the new driver if it works17:09
Guest21852lotuspsychje: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS17:09
lotuspsychje!nomodeset | ycyclist if driver gives you a black screen17:09
ubottuycyclist if driver gives you a black screen: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter17:09
lotuspsychjeGuest21852: install bleachbit, make some free space17:10
Guest21852I want to delete unnecessary files17:10
lotuspsychjeGuest21852: install bleachbit, make some free space17:10
Guest21852but i use vps ?17:10
sjohnsoni just guessed you were using a VPS>17:11
Guest21852: You don't have enough free space in /var/cache/apt/archives/17:11
sjohnsonsince they usually have low SSD disk-space for basic plans, i assumed you used one and ran out.17:11
lotuspsychjeGuest21852: rental ubuntu vps, or own installed vps?17:12
lotuspsychjeGuest21852: did you install stuff on it yet?17:12
Jerathi, ¿how I move file with comand line?17:12
lotuspsychjeGuest21852: uninstall something?17:13
Guest21852how ?17:13
naccJerat: mv src dest17:13
sjohnson$ mv file.txt /tmp17:13
lotuspsychjeGuest21852: how did you install?17:13
Guest21852i have kiwiirc and ircd17:17
ycyclistOkay, I have my reboot, and I have two entries under display, but both with physical id 0, and neither indicates its a GTX 1070:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/24506444/17:19
lotuspsychjeGuest21852: the ircd software too big perhaps?17:20
Guest21852i dont known17:20
lotuspsychjeGuest21852: you pay your vps right? doesnt it mention space?17:21
Guest21852i pay17:21
Guest21852no i dont mention17:21
TatouI have an old laptop with a broken keyboard. How do I best set it up?17:24
ikoniaplug a usb keyboard in it17:24
Guest21852Tatou: you ne buy a keyboard :d17:25
TatouI want it as a media machine mostly, so I figure.. Set up some puppet manifests to get sshd going and then configure it via a remote laptop?17:25
ikoniaTatou: then why are you asking ?17:25
TatouMe has no keyboard :( Only one that hs a custom rf dongle17:25
TatouI just want input. I am a linux noob17:26
ikoniaTatou: you're new to linux, yet your thinking of using a stateful config manager to configure a host17:26
TatouI'm just that pro, ikonia17:26
ikoniawhat ?17:26
TatouWait are you saying I am wrong to use puppet?17:27
lotuspsychjeamirite: best not login to irc as root17:27
ikonianot at all, it's very power, I'd question if its not overkill and going to make what you want to do more complex17:27
ikoniaTatou: why not just ssh in and configure it17:27
ikoniaor at worst, run an ansible playbook17:27
TatouWhy ansible over puppet?17:27
Southern_Gentlemlotuspsychje, correct17:28
ikoniaTatou: because it can use ssh and is not a stateful config manager17:28
TatouBut my aim: If I configure it all via puppet/bash, put that all into git and if I get a pi or a new laptop then i can just set it up in no time17:28
Tatouikonia: Stateful.. how is puppet stateful?17:28
=== Plas is now known as PlasmaStar
ikoniaTatou: you can do exactly the same with ansible, but the playbook into git and just run ansible-playbook configure-something myhost17:29
ikoniaTatou: puppet maintains state unless used in masterless mode, it does not "transition" to a state, it just sets a state17:29
Tatouikonia: It maintains a state? TIL17:29
ikoniaTatou: this is very good and powerful, but it means you really need to understand it, especially if doing cross-platform/hardware development17:30
ikoniaTatou: TIL ?17:30
TatouToday I learnt17:30
TatouI use puppet in passing mostly (But it's hard unless you're willing to write your own modules mostly)17:30
ikoniaTatou: this is why I'd suggest either a.) a shell script b.) ansible17:31
ikoniaTatou: (for what you are trying to do )17:31
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TatouAlso I did mean puppet in masterless mode17:31
TatouRight.. Sure.. I have no problem picking up sme ansible17:32
ikoniaTatou: puppet in masterless mode is bad, more so when you consider you're putting in all those dependencies for a one time run17:32
ikoniathe whole point of puppet is to maintain state and not transitional state,17:33
ikoniaif you're not using it for that - it's a waste17:33
TatouI'm not seeing your point? How is ansible different?17:33
ikoniaansible is a one time deployment that transforms a box to a state, and has no dependencies on the client17:33
ikoniait's basically a library driven shell script17:34
TatouAnsible just acts over ssh then?17:34
ikonia(over simplified explination I grant you)17:34
ikoniaTatou: correct17:34
ikoniathe client needs nothing17:34
TatouOk right I remember now. Thus it's no good on windows17:34
roryit does work on Windows but you need a Linux control machine http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/intro_windows.html17:37
TatouWhich is fine for actual infrastructure. I use puppet a little for windows dev machines17:38
naccmost of this can probably move to a better channel at this point :)17:39
rory"plug a usb keyboard into it" is the actual answer to the question tbh17:39
rorythe rest is nerds showing off17:39
TatouYou're saying I'm a nerd showing off ? :(17:39
roryI wonder if you can use an Android phone as a USB keyboard?17:40
TatouI have an MS Sculpture keyboard, but it doesn't work. It uses a custom usb dongle for some reason17:40
TatouIt's ok. I can pick a keyboard up from work. Longer term I am going to use a wireless full sized keyboard anyways17:41
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mikeymopanyone here good with awk? the channel there is quite dormant17:47
lotuspsychje!ask | mikeymop17:48
ubottumikeymop: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:48
mikeymopcan someone assist me in breaking down this the awk statement in this answer17:48
pennTellerHi guys. Has anybody gotten the trackpad to work as it does on the Mac but in Ubuntu 16.04 or 17.04? I cant get thumb/palm rejection to work17:53
adachi there! I wasn wondering how can I show the full hostname in the command line?17:54
adaci.e if I have est the hostname to myhost.example.com only myhost is shown currently17:54
pavlosadac: /etc/hosts or /etc/hostname17:54
lotuspsychje!hostname | adac17:55
ubottuadac: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.17:55
adacpavlos, hmm yes I have set that17:55
adacbut in the terminal it only shows "myhost"17:55
adacnot myhost.example.com17:55
lotuspsychjeadac: can this help? https://askubuntu.com/questions/158957/how-to-set-the-fully-qualified-domain-name-in-12-0417:58
naccadac: 'in the terminal' ?17:59
naccadac: do you mean at the commandline prompt?18:00
naccadac: or do you mean when running `hostname` ?18:00
naccadac: for the former, see 'PROMPTING' in `man bash`, you want PS1 to use \H rather than \h (the latter is the default)18:00
naccadac: for the latter, you need to ask for it, `hostname --fqdn`18:01
adacThis is actually the situation: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/9ed01d40f9217df7f82300080121bd7018:01
naccadac: so ... answer my question?18:02
adacnacc, lotuspsychje https://gist.github.com/anonymous/7fd6d4502d025ecbaa25a5075cb31414 that would be what I wanted18:02
naccadac: your paste shows *both*18:02
naccadac: literally what i just answered, then18:02
adacnacc, ok thanks a lot!18:03
adacThank you too lotuspsychje18:03
pennTellerHi guys! Can anybody help me get the trackpad working as it does on the Mac side but on the Ubuntu side?18:05
pennTellerI already got it to "work" but its basically just single touch18:05
lotuspsychjepennTeller: can this help? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Multitouch/AppleMagicTrackpad18:06
adacnacc, use \H rather than \h  is this in .bashrc?18:07
adacnacc, I noticed that rsyslog also sends only the -h18:09
adacis this also dependent from this PS1?18:09
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naccadac: you set it in your PS1 definition, which is usually in .bashrc18:13
naccadac: i doubt rsyslog is using PS1, i'm not sure where it decides18:13
adacnacc, kk thanks, asking in #rsyslog about that18:14
adacnacc, can this PS1 also be set globally?18:15
bashtheshellNew here. Anyone familiar with `libvirt`?18:17
bashtheshellI mean... virt-install18:18
nacc!ask | bashtheshell18:19
ubottubashtheshell: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:19
justalex_i got a problem with my usb stick18:35
Bashing-om!details | justalex_18:35
ubottujustalex_: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.18:35
justalex_My USB Drive does not connect to my Ubuntu and I am not sure what to do.I tried it in other computers but no success.18:36
pavlosjustalex_: dmesg in the terminal will give you info about the plugged in device18:38
justalex_This is what i get about it18:38
justalex_[  367.793707] usb 2-1.2: Product: UDisk18:38
justalex_[  367.793709] usb 2-1.2: Manufacturer: General18:38
justalex_[  367.793711] usb 2-1.2: SerialNumber: Љ18:38
justalex_[  368.376520] usb-storage 2-1.2:1.0: USB Mass Storage device detected18:38
justalex_[  368.376707] scsi host5: usb-storage 2-1.2:1.018:38
tomreyn!paste | justalex_18:39
ubottujustalex_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:39
pavlosjustalex_: dont paste many lines here, try this, dmesg | nc termbin.com 9999 and give the url18:39
justalex_what can i do18:39
justalex_It shows in the terminal but it does not show in disks18:40
tomreynhow many lines did you mean to paste here?18:40
pavlosjustalex_: just one18:41
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justalex_pavlos : pardon me18:41
tomreynjustalex_: paste again to a pastebin18:41
justalex_tomreyn : what do you mean by that18:42
tomreynjustalex_: some minutes ago, you copied and pasted some lines of your dmesg outpout to this channel.18:42
justalex_tomeryn : yep18:43
tomreynjustalex_: i'm suggesting that you copy the same dmesg output again but paste it to a paste bin instead, and reposrt the URL here18:43
pavlosjustalex_: the url will look like http://termbin.com/qtzs18:43
tomreynyou can also do what pavlos says, either shoudl work18:43
justalex_tomeryn : here is the link https://pastebin.com/GU8JJ33M18:43
justalex_anything i can do?18:45
tomreynjustalex_: and 'lsblk' does not list it? (care to paste it to a pastebin as well?)18:45
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justalex_this is what i get with lsblk https://pastebin.com/DtknyXpE18:46
tomreynokay, so apparently no device node is attached to your usb stick.18:47
justalex_tomeryn : what do you mean by that18:47
tomreynyou said it fails to work on several computers, this suggests that something is wrong with the stick in general.18:47
justalex_tomeryn : what can i do?18:48
tomreynwhat i mean: the lsblk output lists all your detected disks and the partitions on them. it only lists one disk, sda, which will be your ubuntu installation. and a cdrom/dvd-rom (sr0). but not the stick.18:48
justalex_tomeryn : then how do i get the stick to work again18:48
tomreynif it does the same with multiple computers, escpeciially if they run different operating systems, i would bet your stick is broken and you need to replace it.18:49
justalex_but it shows in dsmeg18:49
pavlosjustalex_: in dmesg it should report sdb: sdb1 (something like that ... lsblk does not show it so as tomreyn said, probably a bad stick18:51
justalex_how can i format it without losing the stick18:51
pavlosjustalex_: you said 'disks' does not see it ...18:52
justalex_i know but i want to format it18:52
pavlosjustalex_: if it does not appear as a valid device, you cannot format it18:53
tomreynthe kernel does not consider it to be a useable storage media, so you won't be able to address and thus to format it.18:53
pavlosjustalex_: dmesg just reports header info about this stick18:54
justalex_cant i mount it18:54
* cousin_luigi is having a hard time seeing how a particular bug reported on launchpad was fixed.18:55
pavlosjustalex_: no b/c you dont get a device (like sdb sdc or ...18:55
nacccousin_luigi: which bug?18:55
_MattBI have 16.04 running in a VM and everything was working fine for months. Now, however, when I login I briefly see a black screen then it flashes back to the login prompt. Any ideas on how I can figure out whats going on18:55
tomreynpavlos: i think you said it does not work on other computers either, is this correct?18:56
tomreynsorry, justalex_ ^18:56
tomreynthen consider it dead.18:56
calhax_zasup guys, anyone know of a good tutorial or piece of software to make a bandwidth sharing/login system for a Cafe or Hotel? All the windows software I can find is outdated and crap18:56
justalex_when i plug it in a red light appears18:56
justalex_but sooner than later it dissappearrs18:57
cousin_luiginacc: Old stuff, 1096914 for example.18:59
tomreyncalhax_za: you could try https://packetfence.org/18:59
justalex_how can i charge it18:59
justalex_it seems like its battery has run out18:59
calhax_zalooking into it right now tomreyn18:59
calhax_zathanks tomreyn18:59
pavlostomreyn: he wrote it doesnt not work in other systems19:00
nacccousin_luigi: that's a MIR bug it was fixed by src:testrepository moving from universe to main19:00
tomreynpavlos: where? i dont see him writing that19:00
pavlostomreyn: My USB Drive does not connect to my Ubuntu and I am not sure what to do.I tried it in other computers but no success.19:01
tomreynpavlos: "no success" "in other computers"19:01
pavlostomreyn: 11:36:3519:01
tomreynpavlos: to me this means it works nowhere19:01
cousin_luiginacc: I don't see any patch though. What was changed in practical terms?19:01
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pavlostomreyn: right so stick is dead. It gets power when plugged in but nothing after that19:02
nacccousin_luigi: literally what i just said19:02
nacccousin_luigi: a source package has moved from universe to main19:02
cousin_luiginacc: And that fixed the issue?19:02
nacccousin_luigi: why are you looking at an old bug like that one?19:02
causativemy laptop fan is barely functional and annoyingly noisy, instead I have the case open and an external fan blowing over it, which seems to control temperature well enough... however, if I mechanically stop the fan, the computer will sometimes shut down without warning, even though sensor tells me temperatures are normal... pwmconfig does not recognize the fan19:03
nacccousin_luigi: it feels like you maybe don't know enough about ubuntu development for that bug to be relevant to you19:03
cousin_luiginacc: I'm trying to fix a problem elsewhere.19:03
tomreynjustalex_: so trash it, buy a new one if you need one. done.19:03
nacccousin_luigi: do you know what a MIR is?19:03
causativeshould I simply remove the entire fan?19:03
cousin_luiginacc: Yes, not sure how it relates to a python module though.19:03
justalex_It has a red light meaning is not dead19:03
nacccousin_luigi: a MIR relates to a source package19:03
nacccousin_luigi: it doesn't matter what kind of source package it is19:03
nacccousin_luigi: as i, again, *literally* just said19:04
tomreynokay, it' half dead, but broken beyond being of any use.19:04
_MattBThis is what it looks like here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NhxKpn3Ri8 any help would be appreciated. Like I said it was working fine a day or so ago and I'm not sure what changed19:04
nacccousin_luigi: if you know what a MIR is, then you would know that19:05
cousin_luiginacc: Perhaps I don't know enough about the internal workings of Ubuntu, but how can a failing test be fixed like that?19:05
cousin_luiginacc: I thought it was the now defunct display server.19:05
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tomreyn_MattB: ~/.xsession-errors is a log file which may have a hint on what's going wrong.19:06
tomreynit's in the users' ("Parallels")  home directory.19:06
nacccousin_luigi: no, it's not19:06
nacccousin_luigi: that's Mir19:06
nacccousin_luigi: a MIR is something elese19:07
_MattBtomreyn: thanks I'll check now19:07
cousin_luiginacc: Whatever. But to the matter at hand, do you have any idea how the build differs in main compared to this MIR?19:07
nacccousin_luigi: and that bug is not about a failing test. A developer saw a test failed and fixed it by skipping the test.19:07
nacccousin_luigi: seriously?19:07
nacccousin_luigi: i think you don't understand something basic19:07
nacccousin_luigi: the bug was a MIR, which was just moving a src package from universe to main19:08
cousin_luiginacc: I can't see how the test is being skipped anywhere in the source package.19:08
nacccousin_luigi: it might not be anymore19:08
cousin_luiginacc: That's why I wanted to see how it was back then.19:08
nacccousin_luigi: ... and how did you go about doing that?19:09
nacccousin_luigi: maybe that was yoru actual question?19:09
cousin_luiginacc: Doing what?19:09
nacccousin_luigi: seriously. what is your actual question.19:09
nacccousin_luigi: "I wanted to see how it was back then"19:10
nacccousin_luigi: so is taht your question? how do you see the srcpkg at the version supposedly containing the fix?19:10
cousin_luiginacc: I need to see what command they used back then to exclude the failing test.19:10
cousin_luiginacc: Precisely.19:10
nacccousin_luigi: ok, so why not ask that to begin with?19:10
cousin_luiginacc: Because it's not the first time, so I thought there was something I was missing about the way patches are listed on launchpad.19:10
nacccousin_luigi: `pull-lp-source testrepository 0.0.11-0ubuntu5` has the disabling. and `pull-lp-source testrepository 0.0.11-0ubuntu6` has the drop of the patch19:11
cousin_luiginacc: Thanks. Is there a way to do that from the web interface? I'm not on ubuntu right now.19:12
nacccousin_luigi: to do what?19:12
_MattBtomreyn: looks like there was a disk issue. Fixed. Thank you!19:12
cousin_luiginacc: To see the patch in question.19:12
nacccousin_luigi: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/128192660/testrepository_0.0.11-0ubuntu4_0.0.11-0ubuntu5.diff.gz and http://launchpadlibrarian.net/128412082/testrepository_0.0.11-0ubuntu5_0.0.11-0ubuntu6.diff.gz19:13
cousin_luiginacc: much obliged19:14
cousin_luiginacc: Strange that I would still see that problem on 0.20 though. Will also ask on #testrepository.19:15
tomreynwlecome, Matt19:16
Newbie_Hey, anyone looking to solve the unsolvable?19:17
Newbie_Broadcom 4352 wifi doesn't show up, nothing seems to be fixing it, made several forum posts, if anyone can advise?19:18
MathisenNewbie_, "nothing seems to be fixing it" what have you done ?19:18
MathisenNewbie_, for example first thing i would do is " sudo apt install firmware-b43-installer " with cable ofc then reboot19:19
rypervencheWouldn't it be this?: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#Broadcom_STA_Wireless_driver_.28Proprietary.2919:20
Newbie_Well that's problem 1, i have no internet to do that, my laptop has no ethernet port19:21
rypervencheNewbie_: You'll probably want to get a USB-to-Ethernet cable for your laptop.19:21
rypervencheNewbie_: That having been said, it is possible to do this from a chroot.19:22
Newbie_I'm living in a student house where the cables don't work, is there anyway around this or is it my only resort to buy the adapter+cable?\19:22
rypervencheNewbie_: I don't know if your knowledge will be enough to do that though. But you could boot up a liveCD and then chroot into your system while asking for help on IRC.19:23
MathisenNewbie_, find out the dependencies of the package download them on other computer transfer to your laptop19:23
rypervencheOr yeah, if there aren't many dependencies, you could do that too.19:23
MathisenNewbie_, then just install " sudo dpkg -i Packackage "19:24
poorUserHi people! have anyone experienced freeeeeze problems with 17.04?19:24
Newbie_I'm going to try that, thank you :)19:24
pavlosNewbie_: does your laptop have a CD drive? you could insert and ubuntu disk, drivers are in the pool dir19:24
Newbie_it doesn't :(19:24
Newbie_it's a dell xps1319:24
th0rNewbie_, download the ubuntu iso file, copy (do not burn) the iso onto a usb drive, and use fuseiso to mount it and access the drivers19:26
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nies hello, am new to ubuntu and I need your help, i am not getting any sound from my laptop.please help19:31
niescould someone please help me, please19:32
poorUsernies: right click over volume button, check that the audio uses the right driver19:33
soopnies: did audio ever work?19:34
niesin play though box nothing is being displayed, its empty19:34
poorUsernies: you've found the problem, but i cannot help you furthermore :(19:34
niessoop: yes audio worked, but yesterday I updated to ubuntu 16 , and from then am getting this issue19:35
niesbut why @poorUser??19:35
poorUsernies: out of my knowledge :(19:36
soopalsamixer work?19:36
nies@soop, please help19:37
poorUseryeah better try the linked guide19:38
soopand this as well19:38
aadihey all, Is there any way to lock a particular directory ?19:38
l9that moment when you realise you made something work but has no use for it19:38
soopaadi: lock it how?19:38
kboschhi there, can anyone explain to me why a raid10 consisting of 3 320gb and 1 500gb hdds is 560Gb in size?19:39
aadisoop, So that it requires password to open it19:39
poorUseraadi: you can encript folders, there are several methods, choose the one you like19:40
methewaELK question.. when we write a grok pattern %{USER:user} .. we can user the "user" as the field name while creating mapping for the index.. right or wrong?19:40
Newbie_Hey, i was getting the b43 installer and driver, it says it's unsupported for the BCM4352 (mine) and does not work, is there anything else i can try to fix my wifi?19:40
Newbie_Should i just go for the STA?19:40
aadipoorUser, But I don't know any :(19:40
methewany ELK user here19:40
pavlosaadi: https://askubuntu.com/questions/104542/how-to-encrypt-individual-folders19:41
aadipavlos, Thanks alot :)19:42
poorUseraadi: just google "encrypt folder ubuntu", it's plenty of tools, graphical or command line ones19:42
aadipoorUser, Yes :)19:42
pavlosNewbie_: https://askubuntu.com/questions/590442/how-can-i-install-broadcom-wireless-adapter-bcm4352-802-11ac-pcid-14e443b1-r19:43
Newbie_Thank you :)19:44
poorUseraadi: obviusly depends on your needs, if you need to just lock a folder, or something more complex, is up to you.19:44
Newbie_P.s is it the same i download this elsewhere and transfer with a usb and install?19:45
pavlosNewbie_: look at the STA - No Internet section ... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#STA_-_Internet_access19:46
Newbie_Thanks a million!19:46
poorUseraadi: the simplest way is to just install Cryptkeeper, name of the folder, password -> create.19:48
lilian23hey, i am getting strange behaviour as root. # id19:56
lilian23uid=0(root) gid=0(root)19:56
lilian23but cant access /dev/mem: /dev/mem: Operation not permitted19:56
lilian23either flashrom is telling me: ERROR: Could not get I/O privileges (Operation not permitted).19:56
lilian23i've recently updated the kernel of my ubuntu to 3.19.0-80-generic19:56
lilian23any guess what it could be?19:57
pavloslilian23: ls -l /dev/mem shows ...19:59
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hyper3xpl0iterhey guys, I want to make an updated package for Ubuntu, Ubuntu only offers Nagios 3 in it's repository. What is the best/proper way to make a package for Nagios 4? first I'd like to know how to properly go about it as I'm new to Ubuntu packaging. But eventually I'd like to be able to make the package good enough to qualify for being put into the Ubuntu repositories for others to be able to use. Any20:04
hyper3xpl0iterhints or links would be greatly appreciated. Should I start with the Source for Nagios from Ubuntu's repositories? I should I start right off the bat with the latest source from Nagios' Github page?20:04
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lilian23pavlos: crw-r----- 1 root kmem 1, 1 мая    3 19:03 /dev/mem20:08
sirru5hhyper3xpl0iter, have you checked out the following https://www.nagios.com/solutions/ubuntu-monitoring/?gclid=CMqj2pbD1NMCFQuAfgod5rkIVQ20:08
pavloslilian23: that looks ok20:08
sirru5hthere is a pdf for installing to ubuntu20:09
lilian23pavlos: the thing is I was able to make such request before i updated my kernel20:09
konradosHi! I want to find all links to a directory, I two options here: https://askubuntu.com/questions/429247/how-to-find-and-list-all-the-symbolic-links-created-for-a-particular-file - why the second answer: `find / -lname /path/to/original/dir` has much less votes than the first one:  `find -L /dir/to/start -xtype l -samefile ~/Pictures` - doesn't the first solution do the same thing, while being much simpler?20:09
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onomatopieaI have full disk encryption enabled - how can I login remotely?20:10
konradosI mean: doesn't the `-lname` do the same thing, while being much simpler?20:10
sirru5hin addition the following may shed more light https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/nagios.html20:11
energizerI have a label printer Brother QL-710W, and its LPR and CUPS drivers. The printer is plugged in, detected and installed, but nothing happens when I press print.20:12
energizerWhat can I do?20:12
hyper3xpl0iterI'm sorry, could you please copy and paste what you wrote? My machine rebooted on me and I lost what you said before I could see it20:13
pavloslilian23: does this help? https://superuser.com/questions/562249/attempting-to-access-ram-dev-mem-says-operation-not-permitted20:13
sirru5houch alright20:15
sirru5hhyper3xpl0iter, have you checked out the following https://www.nagios.com/solutions/ubuntu-monitoring/?gclid=CMqj2pbD1NMCFQuAfgod5rkIVQ20:15
sirru5hthere is a pdf that details installing to ubuntu on that page20:16
sirru5has well as http://www.ubuntugeek.com/install-nagios-core-4-1-1-on-ubuntu-16-04-xenial-xerus-server.html20:16
sirru5hI hope that helps hyper3xpl0iter20:19
lilian23pavlos: i think it willl help. I did not know about STRICT_DEVMEM=y, i think they've suddenly decided to include it in the latest version as default. thanks20:21
lilian23will reboot and test not20:21
anddamis alt-` a default shortcut for cycling windows in the current app?20:21
hyper3xpl0itersirru5h: yes, I've seen and know how to install it, However I'm hoping to make a new updated package for the server, tools, and NRPE, as Ubuntu only has Version 3, and I'd like to make a new package for the latest Nagios 420:22
anddamI changed keyboard I and I keep going there to cycle terminal windows, this keyboard use a composition key for ` so I figure that's not being correctly sent20:22
hyper3xpl0iteragain I know how to install it, I'm just hoping to make a package out of it so other can easily have and user Version 4 as well20:22
sirru5hoh like a .deb20:23
sirru5hhyper3xpl0iter, http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/packaging-new-software.html20:26
minimecenergizer: Do you see the printer icon in the top bar. Are there any pending print jobs?20:26
anddamand is this setting I'm referring to System Settings > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Switch windows of an app directly?20:26
Aivis-Ubuntu_MatSorry for being noob :D why is my touchpad not working on Ubuntu Mate? I am now in Live CD mode. i think about installing it. Touchpad is working in Lubuntu and Ubuntu20:28
sirru5hyou can make a .deb out of src using that walkthrough20:28
zambai'm trying to migrate a bunch of users that previously used blowfish crypt for the passwords.. this has been deprecated in more modern systems, but for now it's easier to copy the old users to the new system and then update the passwords naturally whenever the password has to be changed.. but right now i'm not able to set new passwords20:31
zambai'm getting: crypt_r: Don't know 020:31
zambaError: Password NOT changed.20:31
RalphBahi all20:35
RalphBais there a way to build library unittests using dub without them getting executed?20:36
energizerminimec: yes20:49
energizerive tried it a bunch of times, and sometimes it says "processing", sometimes "pending"20:50
minimecenergizer: ok. So first remove that pending job and check in the >settings>printer GUI, if the printer is marked 'ready'.20:50
energizerminimec: yes20:51
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minimecenergizer: meaning you removed the pending job and the printer is 'ready'? ;)20:51
energizerminimec: yes20:51
minimecenergizer: Ok. ;) Now check your printer (hardware) if everything is ready and try once again...20:53
energizerminimec: actually sorry it says "Idle"20:54
energizeruh it worked20:55
energizerim totally at a loss20:55
minimecenergizer: Nice ;)20:55
energizerminimec: thanks20:55
minimecenergizer: NO problem.20:56
RalphBacan anyone explain me, why a mutex requires __gshared to even work but an array doesn't need anything like shared?20:56
skinuxWeird problem. Sometimes I find I can't restore apps by clicking on them on the bottom panel, I have to use ALT+TAB to switch. Is this a known issue?20:59
skinuxWhen this occurs, I usually can't close applications using their X button either, sometimes I can't even access individual application menus.20:59
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friendimaginary!MirtheN WILEY.DATA.SCIENCE.FOR.DUMMIES.2015.RETAIL.EPUB.EBOOK-kE.epub21:04
rafazHi, can anyone help me? I formatted my computer the wrong way using C:\ and D:\ at the same time. Then I used partition manager and deleted C:\ which led me into a big error on my computer. Only Ubuntu works there... I wanna have my Windows back, can anyone help me out? I tried so many stuff I'm feeling desperate I have no clue what to do.21:04
compdocyou deleted a partition?21:06
rafazand it broke my Windows21:07
YankDownUnderrafaz, "Hirens Boot Cd" - or "System Rescue Linux"21:07
rafazI can only use Ubuntu now and my computer lost a lot of performance21:07
compdocwindows usually has a couple or partitions, small and large21:07
rafazwhat is that? I'm really bad onto this things YankDownUnder21:07
YankDownUnderrafaz, They are "tools" for recovering partitions that have been damaged or deleted.21:08
rafazHow can I recover them on linux?21:08
YankDownUnderrafaz, You can try to use a utility called "testdisk" - which is in the repos.21:09
compdocif you exactly recreated the deleted partition , it might work again, but doesnt sound you had the knowledge to do any of this in  the first place21:10
rafazI installed Windows Partition Manager21:10
rafazthen I deleted C:\21:10
rafazand bam21:10
rafazrip windows!!21:10
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YankDownUnderrafaz, Try "testdisk" before any other damage is done.21:10
rafazhow can I try it, YankDownUnder?21:10
YankDownUnderrafaz, Install the program through the "Software Center" or from the terminal. It's called "testdisk".21:11
YankDownUnderrafaz, That should be your FIRST thing to do. Your absolute first priority.21:11
rafazim gonna do it21:13
YankDownUnderrafaz, It's not like you have heaps of choices...but that depends on your priorities...(I don't run MS Windows, so it's not a priority in the least)21:13
rafazi started it now YankDownUnder21:15
rafazi have a lot of stuff on here21:15
YankDownUnderrafaz, Good luck - peace and blessings.21:15
YankDownUnderrafaz, IN THE FUTURE - I hope you're going to be slight more careful in what you're doing.21:16
Bashing-omrafaz: Homework: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk_Step_By_Step ; http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/15761/recover-data-like-a-forensics-expert-using-an-ubuntu-live-cd/ .21:16
tomreynalso the first step in data recovery is to duplicate the media and to work on the copy21:17
tomreynnever on the original21:18
tomreynthis way you have more than a single chance to recover the data.21:19
YankDownUndertomreyn, Have two or more "utilities" working on retrieving the data on two or more different systems...(redundancy along with getting something with one set of tools and mixing it all up in the end)21:22
lavinhogood night21:23
lavinhohow to unlock samsung e1200 ?21:24
tomreynYankDownUnder: thanks for the suggestion, i don't have any data loss here, though.21:24
tomreynlavinho: does it run ubuntu?21:24
tomreynwhat is this channel called?21:24
tomreynokay, can you now add one to the other and make a conclusion?21:25
YankDownUndertomreyn, Did that in a production environment...and when "forensic recovery" stuff lands in my lap here, that's what I do. Create multiple copies of the data, work on the separate "copies" on separate machines with separate tools. I combine the data in the end and hand back all the copies and resultant data.21:25
tomreyni see21:26
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studio-user455hey gang21:28
studio-user455Ubuntu Studio install trouble21:28
studio-user455will not install Grub21:28
studio-user455New Acer21:28
reaxdcc send!21:29
studio-user455Chose install along side21:29
studio-user455can any one help me?21:29
reaping _ADN_21:29
tomreyn!ot | rea21:29
ubotturea: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:29
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studio-user455where do i register21:30
tomreyn!register | studio-user45521:31
ubottustudio-user455: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode.21:31
studio-user455grub install failed cant boot21:31
lintonis there a version of `dpkg` available for 16.04 that works with package names containing the '~' character?21:32
boB_K7IQAny idea what the best way to reset my password is for ununtu on my win7 laptop with grub installed ???  Somehow it forgot or changed my main password.21:33
nacclinton: ~ is not allowed in package names21:33
boB_K7IQI do have a USB  stick with ubunto on it21:33
nacclinton: ref: https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html#s-f-Source21:33
lintonwhy so i'll have to rename ubuntu supplied kernel packages prior to installing them?21:34
nacclinton: what are you referring to?21:34
lintoni downloaded `linux-image-extra-4.8.0-51-generic_4.8.0-51.54~16.04.1_amd64.deb` using `apt-get download` but i can't install it with `dpkg`21:35
nacclinton: where did you download it from?21:35
lintonthe tilde have only been there since april-ish, so i wondered if the dpkg version on 17.04 accepts them21:35
nacclinton: that's not the package name, that's the .deb name21:35
nacclinton: and, afaik, dpkg has supported that just fine21:36
nacclinton: can you pastebin the message you are getting?21:36
lintonnormal ubuntu ppas - https://pastebin.com/a9SeKW3H21:36
nacclinton: those aren't PPAs.21:36
nacclinton: just to be clear21:36
tomreynboB_K7IQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword21:37
tomreyndon't try to change it from windows, it'll just cause havoc21:38
lintonnacc: sorry, are they just referred to as "sources"? here is my output https://pastebin.com/DxSPfmx621:39
nacclinton: ok, why are you using dpkg to install the package?21:42
nacclinton: directly, i mean21:42
lintonis there a different way i can install .deb files to avoid that error? i was going to just script a rename to remove the bad chars21:42
lintonspeed really21:42
nacclinton: i mean, why aren't you using `sudo apt update; sudo apt full-upgrade` ?21:43
nacclinton: end users should not need to use dpkg directly at all21:43
lintonit was faster to dpkg install all the .debs ignoring the dependencies rather than using `apt-get install`21:43
nacclinton: that's ridiculous21:43
nacclinton: 'ignore the dependencies' defeats teh whole point of packages21:43
tomreynthe speed difference between apt and dpkg is (bedides downloads and some management taks)  resolving dependencies and conflicts. which you have chosen to neglect.21:43
naccand it won't ignore them eventually, if they are actual dependencies21:43
lintonright, but do you know a location where i can fetch just the `aufs.ko` file?21:44
nacclinton: what are you talking about?21:44
nacclinton: why do you want just the aufs.ko file?21:44
nacclinton: you are jumping around from unsupported thing to unsupported thing21:44
lintoni've been told thats who i am.. the packages i'm trying to install are `linux-image-extra` which contain the aufs kernel module, i have been pulling just that file to drop onto servers to speed the installation of docker21:45
nacclinton: what about post-install hooks or potential dependencies?21:46
lintoni've found dropping that file into `/lib/modules...` then running `depmod && modprobe aufs` accomplishes my goal21:46
lintoni run the install (skipping deps) on a disposable server21:46
tomreynwait, are you a windows sysadmin?21:47
tomreynsorry, pretend i did not ask this, it doesn't belong here21:47
lintonit lives for <hour. ha, negative linux/solaris but mostly golang dev now21:47
nacclinton: if you only need the aufs.ko then you don't need to install the package21:48
tomreynyou should not just place random files in random directories. that's one of the main points of packagement management21:48
nacclinton: extract it and pull the .ko out21:48
nacclinton: but i think you're being incredibly shortsighted in your choices and it's not really a supported thing you're doing21:48
lintonoh great! i didn't even think about just extracting it21:49
* tomreyn runs21:50
lintonfor the record (afaicr) this is the only file i "randomly" place, but i will re-evaluate the way i'm doing this21:50
nacclinton: but i'm testing in a lxd of 16.04 and it works just fine to install .debs with ~ in them (via apt, which in turn is using dpkg). So `apt policy dpkg` ?21:51
tomreynthe right way to do this sustainably would be to create your own package with just the files you need, with dependencies / confliucts configured to prevent installation of the other package. this custom package could be loaded from a ppa you maintain.21:52
lintoni did recently update dpkg and try again. it was 1.1, now is 1.18.4ubuntu1.221:53
* tomreyn runs to safe room21:53
lintontomreyn: good call, i'll investigate aufs dependencies21:53
nacclinton: but i'm testing in a lxd of 16.04 and it works just fine to install .debs with ~ in them (via apt, which in turn is using dpkg). So `apt policy dpkg` ?21:54
lintonnacc: https://pastebin.com/Ly6aS3Jy21:55
* linton cackles like a mad scientist to running tomreyn21:56
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nacclinton: LOL, PEBKAC21:57
lintonnacc: i install on digitalocean, so i did what i could to rule them out of the mix, i updated my `/etc/apt/sources.list` and updated, then installed the newest dpkg before i jumped on21:58
nacclinton: read man dpkg21:58
lintonah shux21:58
lintoni figured21:58
nacclinton: specifically what --ignore-depends does21:58
nacclinton: it takes an argument, which is a package name (not a .deb)21:58
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nacclinton: so i believe dpkg is taking your .deb filename as the package name, which illegally contains ~21:58
nacc(the proper name is 'linux-image-extra-4.8.0-51-generic') or whatever21:59
* linton is ashamed...21:59
lintongood catch, odd it worked until the `~` was introduced into the name, thanks21:59
nacclinton: well, it's possible it was shortcutting before22:00
nacclinton: but i wouldn't rely on undocumented behavior22:00
nacclinton: hence also the specific message you got, which is reflecting debian policy for package names (not version strings)22:01
RonaldsMazitisI have question about vlc22:06
lintoninteresting, it seems to only conflict when i use `--ignore-depends`22:06
RonaldsMazitishow can I change default folder it finds videos at22:06
RonaldsMazitisbtw Ubuntu on gnome is so bad22:06
RonaldsMazitisI mean using gnome programms is good, but gnome shell is impractical22:06
lintonRonaldsMazitis: https://forum.videolan.org/viewtopic.php?t=9754822:06
nacclinton: right, ignore-depends is what takes the argument of a pckage name22:07
nacclinton: so you're changing (possibly overloading) what the .deb means22:07
RonaldsMazitisis that windows dir?22:07
RonaldsMazitisthe guy who thinks ubuntu will run gnome22:08
RonaldsMazitissorry it will suck hard22:08
lintonahhh ok, yep, thanks again22:08
nacclinton: np22:08
naccRonaldsMazitis: please stick to support topics here, opinions can go elsewhere (#ubuntu-offtopic or /dev/null :)22:09
lintonRonaldsMazitis: `vim ~/.config/vlc/vlc-qt-interface.conf`22:09
RonaldsMazitisbut it's complete truth, just try openbox instead of gnome, and You will see what I'm talking about22:10
RonaldsMazitissorry again opinion22:10
naccRonaldsMazitis: your opinion is not truth, please take it elsewhere22:10
RonaldsMazitisI can speak out few more reasons 1)openbox with one panel takes less space 2)speed22:11
m3e33Hey guys. Using ubuntu 16.04 using the nvidia binary drivers version 375.39 (proprietary tested)  . Getting this weird thing happen to the windows when I resume the computer from sleep ( http://i.imgur.com/AuvjqUw.png ) . When I do sudo service lightdm restart the problem gets fixed. But then it closes all my applications when I run it. So its really annoying when I try to resume work.22:11
m3e33This started happening like a month or two ago.22:11
blackflowm3e33: known issue22:12
blackflowsome report fixed with latest nvidia drivers (381 I think)22:12
blackflowm3e33: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-375/+bug/166715822:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1667158 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-375 (Ubuntu) "Regression: Borders of windows and desktop background are displayed badly after suspend/resume" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:12
naccRonaldsMazitis: no one is stopping you from using openbox, this channel is for support22:12
lintonm3e33: with the funky window bars and such? i had that too. sticking to 367 worked for me, havent tried 381 personally22:12
m3e33381 is in beta yes? Ill wait a bit for the devs to push a stable one. Thanks blackflow and linton.22:14
lintonprobably common knowledge, but you have to specify version 367 when installing nvidia-367 or else you'll get 37522:14
blackflowm3e33: there's a link to the PPA in that bug report, if you feel like trying it out22:14
m3e33blackflow: haha no :D this is my work computer. Can't experiment too much, remember this being a pain to set up Ubuntu on this computer (an asus rog. I think i used the 267 drivers few months ago. With that i had the whole login loop issue. :D . Thaks for letting me know this is a known issue, so im happy :D22:16
justin__hi dabba22:18
justin__hi everyone22:19
naccjustin__: this is not a chat channel22:20
naccjustin__: ask a technical support question, if you have one22:20
dannyLopezI have a problem, I edited the fstab and I did not load the system, now I edited the grub with init=/bin/bash and I deleted the lines that I put in, but still no X, just let me log in as root in ttys and X22:22
naccdannyLopez: you've rebooted since then?22:24
naccdannyLopez: logging in as root is unusual on ubuntu22:24
dannyLopeznacc: I activate the root user22:25
dannyLopeznacc: root@FIGADM00205:~/.config# whoami  root22:25
naccdannyLopez: which is not typical for Ubuntu22:25
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dannyLopeznacc: I reboot, but show me a progresive cont (1min:30sec) and then "Pres Ctrl+D or type root password"22:26
naccdannyLopez: then it didn't not succesfully boot22:26
naccdannyLopez: that's the emergency shell22:26
naccdannyLopez: it was presumably waiting for something22:26
naccdannyLopez: note that if you edited your /etc/fstab in the emergency shell, that is not persistent22:27
naccdannyLopez: you should boot off a live USB and fix your fstab on disk22:27
dannyLopeznacc: I edit in mount -o remount,rw /dev/sda122:27
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dannyLopeznacc: In the file persist the change22:28
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justin__hi latz22:33
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justin__hi everyone22:34
justin__want to chat ?22:34
Grorco1Hi I'm trying to compile my first kernel 4.4.66 from linux.org, when I go to make it I get openssl/opensslv.h file/folder doesn't exist. Does anyone know where I would find these files so I can finish the build?22:35
Bashing-omjustin__: chit chat in the #ubuntu-offtopic channel :)22:36
compdocGrorco1, is openssl installed?22:36
Grorco1compdoc, it shows up when I run dpkg -l openssl so I'm not sure if I need it inside the new kernel, or if there is something wrong with my install22:38
compdoci have the file here:  /usr/include/openssl/opensslv.h22:38
compdocyou install build essentials?22:39
Grorco1compdoc, hmm I don't have it there22:40
compdocdo you have it at all?22:41
Grorco1compdoc, I thought I had, I'm on like my 5th install trying to get a driver to work properly, so maybe not22:41
Ben64what are you actually trying to accomplish22:41
Grorco1Ben64, a kernel patch for the amdgpu-pro driver22:41
Ben64why, and why 4.422:42
RalphBagot a question to typeof(this). if I have A : B and do this in ctor of B I get B but when I do this in A I get also B. How to get A in A?22:42
compdocno idea what you just said22:43
RalphBamoment will prepare an example22:43
RalphBaif dpaste would work :(22:43
RalphBaok, have a class B inherited from A22:44
Ben64hastebin.com paste.ubuntu.com sprunge.us termbin.com22:44
Grorco1Ben64, it was just listed as stable22:44
RalphBadpaste is nice because it compiles22:44
Ben64RalphBa: seems like you're in the wrong channel though22:44
RalphBaoh, sorry22:44
Grorco1Ben64, I'm not positive which kernel the patch is for 4.4, 4.8? Amd just refers 16.04 users to the patch file.22:45
Ben64Grorco1: link?22:45
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dannyLopez[17:22] <dannyLopez> I have a problem, I edited the fstab and I did not load the system, now I edited the grub with init=/bin/bash and I deleted the lines that I put in, but still no X, just let me log in as root in ttys and X22:48
Grorco1Ben64, http://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/AMDGPU-PRO-Driver-for-Linux-Release-Notes.aspx    17.10 is the latest driver22:48
Grorco1Ben64, the patch is at https://patchwork.kernel.org/patch/9443007/22:49
Ben64you don't need that patch22:49
Grorco1Ben64, but it's supposed to fix the exact issue I seem to be having22:51
Ben64you're using vulkan?22:52
Grorco1Ben64, no using openCL22:52
Ben64that patch isn't about opencl22:53
Grorco1Ben64, well crap :( I guess no fix for me22:55
Ben64don't allocate more memory than you have22:56
Grorco1Ben64, is there a way to tell the system to stop doing that?22:58
Grorco1Ben64, or is it completely dependent on what the programs are throwing at it?22:59
babahulkI was wondering if anyone technically savvy can try to help me out with an issue I am having23:04
* YankDownUnder looks at channel topic again23:07
blackflow!ask | babahulk23:08
ubottubabahulk: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:08
babahulkLol thank you23:09
YankDownUnderWas there a question?23:11
babahulkSo I have Ubuntu Dual Boot, it has been working well.  Recently I modified partitions to make my ubuntu one larger than it was.  I finally rebooted and can no longer boot up through grub.  I can get to the loader but can't get into Ubuntu.  I wasn't sure if there was anything I can do from the Windows partition or if anyone had recommendations to repair?  When  try booting it starts and drops me into a shell23:11
YankDownUnderbabahulk, http://linuxpitstop.com/repair-grub-boot-loader-on-ubuntu-linux/23:12
babahulkwow thanks23:12
babahulkthat looks like a great resource i've never seen23:12
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YankDownUnderbabahulk, It works better than a hammer.23:13
Bashing-ombabahulk: ^ also " Recently I modified partitions " may a;sp change the UUID. confirm that /etc/fstab UUIDs agree now with what 'sudo blkid ' reports .23:13
babahulkthat was my next try23:13
babahulkok thank you very much bashing23:14
babahulkI will let you know how it works23:14
Bashing-ombabahulk: K; we are here - to help .23:15
babahulkOne question, can i do all of it via command line?23:17
babahulksince I can't open any applications can it run background?23:17
Bashing-ombabahulk: You can certainly verify the UUIDs from terminal .23:19
dlamis there a package or something to install better fonts for web development?   im trying to get ``font-weight:600`` to render in chrome on my laptop with a slightly bolder look, but it seems to not work =(23:20
Grorco1Ben64, I could kiss you! lol Thank you, I didn't think about checking, the application I was getting the hangs from has built in gpu throtling :)23:20
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solicitocan you ubuntu be installed on usb drive?23:26
YankDownUndersolicito, Yes.23:27
YankDownUndersolicito, https://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows23:27
gsilvaptYankDownUnder, that's not an ubuntu installation, that's a media installer23:28
gsilvaptOh okay, that guide explains the difference. Sorry23:29
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ohnothisguydrunkhiya! is there someone workin' on keeping unity7 after ubuntu gives it up?23:34
YankDownUnderohnothisguydrunk, There are already "forks" being worked on...it ain't gonna "die"...that's for sure...it's just not going to be the primary "desktop/window mangler" any longer...23:35
ohnothisguydrunkYankDownUnder: very good23:38
YankDownUnderohnothisguydrunk, And I can tell you (from experience) that I honestly gave up on Gnome back in the 1.4.6 days...and THIS version...well...it's simple, clean, and it just works. Very ergonomic and decidedly simple. IMHO.23:38
ohnothisguydrunkYankDownUnder: this version of unity have helped me through so many troubles with making art that as I see (propably like the gnome 2 people say) no function without it23:40
YankDownUnderohnothisguydrunk, We all have our preferences. That is the beauty of all linux versions (and most unix)23:41
ohnothisguydrunkYankDownUnder: :)23:41
koryhey guys23:42
ohnothisguydrunkYankDownUnder: i hope unity stays23:43
ohnothisguydrunkkory: hi :)23:43
koryHey drunkguy23:43
ohnothisguydrunkkory: wooooooo!!!! here is a song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IaFWGNlWdYc23:44
korynah fam23:44
koryim good23:44
bazhangohnothisguydrunk, thats not topical here at all23:44
ohnothisguydrunkbazhang: sorry23:45
koryso whats this whole irc thing about?23:45
blazeme8If I have a package that depends on "packageB_2.2.0-123" but "packageB_2.2.0-124" is also available in the repo, why do I receive the "The following packages have unmet dependencies" saying 124 is going to be installed?23:45
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bazhangkory ask on #freenode , this is ubuntu support only23:46
latino31how come changes in the sound gui ubuntu 17.04 are not persistant?23:55

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