
CodeMouse92__Anyone using OpenDKIM, I just wrote a script for my server that automates most of the key rotation process: https://github.com/CodeMouse92/dkim_manage01:47
CodeMouse92__Feedback welcome, of course01:48
sarnoldCodeMouse92__: I recommend changing from mkdir -p $TEMP to using mktemp -d to create a random directory for your script to work in; otherwise you run the risk of other users on the system being able to read the keys or otherwise manipulate the script in unexpected ways; this can sometimes be leveraged to arbitrary code execution01:52
CodeMouse92__sarnold: While I see your point, note that $TEMP is used in multiple places01:52
CodeMouse92__How can I load that into the variable for reuse *across executions*?01:52
sarnoldCodeMouse92__: it's not cleaned up once you're done? hrm. then maybe a /var/somethingorotherdkim would make more sense?01:53
CodeMouse92__sarnold: Makes sense. I'll change the default value in the script. Else, you're welcome to pull-request if you want credit01:54
sarnoldCodeMouse92__: no need, thanks :)01:54
sarnold(or more accurately, no time.. sigh :)01:54
CodeMouse92__Okay, well, I'll switch that now.01:54
patdk-lapI don't really get the point of the script02:35
patdk-lapthe key needs to be published into dns before you start using it02:35
sarnoldCodeMouse92__: ^^02:37
CodeMouse92__patdk-lap: There are a lot of other things that need to be done as well.02:37
CodeMouse92__And parsing out the DNS text record is anything but foolproof02:38
patdk-laphmm, not that I am aware of02:38
patdk-lapI just make a new key, push it to dns02:38
patdk-lapthen a week later update my mailserver to use it02:38
patdk-lapbeen that way for hmm, a decade?02:38
CodeMouse92__Maybe you're using a different platform. At least for me, on Linode, I have to generate the key, update the DNS record, wait for it to propegate, test the key, and then move the key into place and update key.table02:38
patdk-lapI do the same for my dane/tlsa certs02:39
patdk-lapnot sure what linode has to do with it02:39
patdk-lapdo they give you servers that don't operate like normal servers?02:39
CodeMouse92__Uhm, no. Seriously, you must have some really unusually advanced technology that all the docs don't know about02:39
CodeMouse92__because I've talked to at least four people today who work with this, and they all have to do the same stuff I do02:40
patdk-lapnope, it's pretty simple, and just takes a simple script like you have02:40
patdk-laprun script weekly02:40
patdk-lapgenerate new key, publish key using nsupdate02:40
CodeMouse92__Okay, we're not on the same page then. You don't update this cert weekly02:40
patdk-lapcheck if old key exists, move old key to production02:40
CodeMouse92__Yeah...you must be working with something else.02:41
patdk-lapwhy not?02:41
CodeMouse92__Read the docs02:41
patdk-lapdkim should be rotated often02:41
patdk-lapjust like certificates02:41
CodeMouse92__Not *weekly*02:41
CodeMouse92__Shoot, not even Google does it weekly02:41
patdk-lapheh? why not?02:41
patdk-lapgoogle NEVER rotated theirs02:41
CodeMouse92__It's designed to be a monthly thing.02:41
patdk-lapand used 512bits02:41
CodeMouse92__Anyway, whatever, we're not going anywhere.02:41
patdk-lapthat is why we got into the whole dkim key length issue02:41
CodeMouse92__Glad you've got this all figured out, tell the world, I'm out of this convo now.02:41
patdk-lapit's designed to be however you want it to be :)02:41
patdk-lapthey recommend *atleast*02:42
patdk-lapyou can always do it more often02:42
* CodeMouse92__ shrugs02:42
CodeMouse92__Ohhhhh, I think I know what's going on.02:42
CodeMouse92__Somehow you've configured this so you never actually update OpenDKIM's configuration files.02:42
patdk-lapsince google is the one the screwed dkim in the first place with never rotating their 512bit key, and getting it compromised, I wouldn't point at them for how to do things right02:42
CodeMouse92__nsupdate is only for pushing to the DNS, but my script handles the *other stuff02:43
patdk-lapupdating config files is risky02:43
patdk-lapwhy do you need to update the config file?02:43
* CodeMouse92__ sighs deeply02:43
CodeMouse92__RTD, have a nice day.02:44
patdk-lapguess I will never know02:44
sarnoldi'm so glad I don't manage an email server02:45
patdk-lapI still don't get why updating your rsa key weekly is a bad idea02:46
sarnoldautomation is king02:46
sarnoldyou test your script every week :)02:46
patdk-lapit's so much easier for me to script it weekly than monthly02:46
sarnoldthat sounds like a good way to catch errors02:46
patdk-lapand costs me nothing02:46
patdk-lapif I did monthly02:47
patdk-lapa new key would be pushed to dns to warm up a month ahead of usage02:47
patdk-lapthen a month of usage, and a month of retirement02:47
patdk-lapweekly, it only has to stick around for 3 weeks02:47
sarnoldpatdk-lap: oh you know, maybe he uses a one-minute ttl or something, so he's not worried about hitting dkim fails?02:50
patdk-lapthat wouldn't be an issue even if it was an hour02:51
patdk-lapthe issue would be if your using dnssec02:51
patdk-lapand dns replication delays02:51
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sarnoldpatdk-lap: hrm. I never think of dns propogation as being 'delayed' so much as free to hand out stale data until the ttl expires.. what am I missing?05:04
lordievaderGood morning06:13
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patdk-lapsarnold, dnssec signatures, the rr records are out of sync, causing the verification to fail10:35
patdk-lapwithout dnssec, it's just the non-existing entry ttl you really have to worry about, besides your name servers all getting in sync10:36
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rbasaknacc: Skuggen says he'd like https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ruby-riddle/+bug/1686859/comments/7 sponsored. It's in my todo unless you get to it first.15:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1686859 in ruby-riddle (Ubuntu) "ruby-riddle tests start mysql server with unknown option --force" [Undecided,New]15:59
naccrbasak: ack i'll do it next then15:59
naccrbasak: so you cn remove from your todo :)16:00
rbasakThanks :)16:00
naccrbasak: thank you!16:00
naccrbasak: i'm doing another transition (well, ready to upload, just testing it now) for dlm -> dlm_controld (dropping delta in 3 srcpkgs). Once I test those and these three php packages, i'm pivoting back to the importer and the namespaces16:01
rbasaknacc, cpaelzer_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/Merging/GitWorkflow step "git rebase -i old/debian" - any reason for the -i?16:34
rbasakI mean "git rebase -i new/debian"16:34
rbasakStep 3.116:34
naccrbasak: no, i suppose not16:34
naccrbasak: it will fail or succeed regardless and it's always just p's16:35
rbasakYeah. OK, I'll edit.16:35
naccand on fail, regular rebase will drop you to the shell to fixup16:35
naccrbasak: it so happens that in my case, i do use -i, because i know i want to drop some things )16:35
rbasaknacc: also, I'm not sure the "git status --ignored" and "git commit --allow-empty" make sense. If a commit already applies exactly, git will just drop and and you won't know.16:37
naccrbasak: sorry in which context16:37
rbasaknacc: git rebase new/debian16:37
rbasakof the logical.16:37
naccrbasak: git-rebase stops you16:38
naccrbasak: iirc?16:38
rbasakI didn't think it did. I could be wrong.16:38
naccrbasak: i'm pretty sure it stopped me :)16:38
naccrbasak: but i'd need to test it again to check16:38
naccrbasak: if you tell git-rebase to p something over16:38
naccand it cleanly no longer applies, then it will stop and tell you that you have a now-empty commit16:38
naccthat is the distinction between something becoming empty vs. picking an empty commit16:38
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compdocisnt a bbcmicrocomputer the Sinclair?17:30
RoyKubunt on a 6205 would be rather hard17:34
azeemhey, I'm running Postgres on Pacemaker with trusty (14.04) and noticed that the resource-agents package does not seem to support the pacemaker version (1.1.10), is there some chance to get patches applied for that package?17:42
naccazeem: what specifically happens?17:44
naccazeem: but yes, patches can be applied, file a bug17:44
nacc!bug | azeem17:44
ubottuazeem: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.17:44
azeemnacc: it's not super bad, but the pgsql agent does not set the master-score for standbys and standbys think there is no master in some corner-cases17:46
azeemI'll file a bug17:46
naccazeem: yeah, that's probably the correct first choice17:47
naccazeem: is the bug fixed upstream / later versions of ubuntu?17:47
azeembut just backporting resource-agents won't work I think cause newer versions might also need a newer pacemaker17:48
naccazeem: yes, it won't be a backport of a newer version17:53
naccazeem: but the fix must already exist to sru it to older releases17:53
nacc!sru | azeem17:53
ubottuazeem: Stable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates17:53
azeemok thanks17:55
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beisner_thedac, thanks;  celebrating a fixed false pass looks odd, but \o/ "Finished: FAILURE"21:26
beisner_o/ thedac channels are hard sometimes.21:42
tomreynhmm, i have a trusty system where the unattended-upgrades package is installed. i just learnt that it stopped running updated roughly half a year ago. i cannot say why. /var/lib/apt/periodic/ was empty (no time stamp file), the configuration file is http://paste.ubuntu.com/24513841/23:17
sarnoldtomreyn: eww23:18
sarnoldtomreyn: does the mailx root thing work?23:18
sarnoldtomreyn: does the mailx root thing work?23:24
tomreynsarnold: i actually modified the 'Unattended-Upgrade::MailOnlyOnError "false";' line just now. it was saying "true" before23:25
tomreynand the system was not rtrying to send mail23:25
tomreyni assume that's what you mean by 'the mailx root thing'?23:25
sarnoldtomreyn: just the comment near the 'root' line says it it expects mailx address to work23:26
sarnoldtomreyn: so I thought it would be worth testing if 'mailx root' actually works23:26
tomreynyes mailx is available and in the path23:27
tomreynyes works23:28
sarnoldgood, but that was my only idea23:28
tomreynthis isn't the first system i have seen unattended-upgrade behave unreliably on, so i'm a little worried about it.23:29
tomreynbut it may be PEBKAC, you never know23:30
sarnoldthe fact that it stopped working six months back is troubling -- that's far enough back that you're unlikely to have logs that might help track it down23:30
tomreynright, i don't have logs of the latest run23:30
tomreynand the syslogs i have don't show that it was triggered23:31
tomreyn(but i'm not sure what i'd need to search for, apparently unattended upgrades themselves only report that they're run if in debug mode)23:32
sarnolddoes /var/log/dpkg.* have anything from the time preiod?23:32
tomreynthere's this huge gap in them between when it stopped working in dec 2016 and today where i triggered changes using apt.23:34
tomreyni'll just keep an eye on it23:40

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