=== ty is now known as Guest90573 === blade is now known as Guest47980 === harish is now known as Guest97224 [02:23] hello! I am really missing some functionality from gnome-screenshot. namly the ability to invoke from terminal, take area selection screenshot and then putting it inn the clipboard. Been trying to do thi with spectacle, shutter and a few other apps but always with sub optimal results [02:23] is it safe to install gnome screenshot tool in KDE? Or is there some way that I'm missing. want to re-assign the prnt screen to auto copy to clipboard. [02:30] vimes- did you try using xclip? [02:37] yes Dragnslcr , same error. but I just solved it using shutter. You can't do what I wanted through terminal. but you can edit the shutter config in the GUI to get the result I wanted (area selection - auto copy to clipboard - don't bother me with no program interface) [02:38] (xclip made the images super blurry) === harish is now known as Guest67800 [03:20] howdy [03:20] What's that new menu style option that Kubuntu has now? [03:21] In the options it says Application Dashboard but I can't find it when searching for widgits. [03:21] I was gonna add it to KDE Plasma on Arch but I can't find it in the widgets by that name. [03:28] wow a whole min === harish is now known as Guest1989 [06:05] Good morning. === harish is now known as Guest66448 === the_ktosiek is now known as ktosiek [08:12] uestion: I just moved over to KDE two days ago, long time Unity and Gnome user, I noticed that my desktop resultion seems smaller then it did in either unity or gnome but the settings say they are the same. But everything looks so much bigger than it did before. I have a system76 laptop and installed their drivers for my GPU does anyone have any ideas on how I can make it look better? [08:14] BinaryMaster: what does xrandr say about what resolution you have? [08:15] mhm, I see you are crossposting, also you run Neon which is not supported here [08:15] so that's that [08:15] BinaryMaster: are you using kubuntu or Neon? I see you posted the same in #kde-neon [08:16] and in #kde as well [08:16] DP-0 connected primary 1920x1080+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 382mm x 215mm [08:16] 1920x1080 60.02*+ [08:18] Might simply be DPI scaling. [08:18] is there a setting for global DPI other than the font setting? [08:20] BinaryMaster: Systemsettings -> Display and monitor -> Displays -> Scale Display. [08:21] It is set to 1 [08:24] And your DPI was set to? [08:25] I don't see anything that says DPI there under scale display [08:29] No, under the fonts section ;) [08:30] Oh, it was on auto, I just set it to 42 [08:40] Default is 75 irrc. [08:40] okay maybe that will fix it then I'm going to logout and back in see if it makes a difference [08:53] isnt default font dpi 96 [09:07] Ifv [09:07] Ifvi [09:07] Ifvi [09:07] Damn new tiny laptop keyboard …sorry [09:08] I have an issue with Zanshin. Namely, I stopped working. === Guest58671 is now known as Haudegen [09:09] I installed it on 17.04 and it worked fine, then I added the Kubuntu backports to have a new KDEPIM, so the PIM stuff work (even) better now, but Zanshin stopped working. [09:09] This is what I get: [09:09] zanshin: symbol lookup error: zanshin: undefined symbol: _ZN7Akonadi15EntityTreeModelC1EPNS_14ChangeRecorderEP7QObject [09:09] Any ideas? [09:13] silver_hook: my idea is I probably need to rebuild zanshin against new PIM [09:15] hateball: Oh that could be it too. [09:16] acheronuk: I was thinking it would be something like that, yeah [09:16] Sooo, until it reaches backports, best way forward would be to compile locally? [09:16] silver_hook: I can't take a proper look right now, but will hopefully later on. [09:17] silver_hook: you can give that a try if you are ok with that [09:17] acheronuk: That would be wonderful :) [09:18] I’m happy to compile it myself, but having a proper package is always nicer :) [09:24] silver_hook: just trying a quick test upload before I vanish for a while..... [09:30] silver_hook: building...... if it looks ok, I'll post a link for you to test [09:34] silver_hook: still here? amd64? [09:36] silver_hook: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/staging-misc/+sourcepub/7773889/+listing-archive-extra [09:39] in https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/staging-misc/?field.series_filter=zesty [09:39] acheronuk: I am. [09:39] Both here and on arm64. [09:40] build fails on some architectures are expected as some deps are not buildable for thsoe in the new PIM. amd64 and i386 should be fine though [09:41] acheronuk: I’m rather new to (K)Ubuntu, so is there a howto I should follow for this? [09:41] silver_hook: just tested the amd64 .deb, and seems to run ok. I got the same error as you when I tried the old version [09:41] silver_hook: ok. right. [09:42] I guess Staging is not something I want to add in general as a repository. [09:42] Sooo, download the .deb and then dpkg -i it? [09:43] silver_hook: yep, that was what I thought was best [09:43] you could add the ppa, upgrade just that, then remove it, but that seems more of a faff [09:44] Naaah, I’ll just grab that deb than. [09:45] I guess when backports catches up, I don’t need to manually remove the .deb, do I? [09:45] silver_hook: if the build is ok, that is the one I will copy to backports. or a later version that will just upgrade again over that deb [09:46] Hint: You can now actually sudo apt install ./foo.deb it, then to downgrade apt-get install zanshin/zesty [09:46] Thought so, thanks :D [09:46] Unit193: thx. I keep forgetting that [09:51] acheronuk: Worked, thanks :) [09:56] silver_hook: :) === fa is now known as vo1pbx [10:55] Hi folks === morgan_ is now known as yossariasnuk === jayhunold is now known as jhunold === MarqueI is now known as Marquel === ghostcube__ is now known as ghostcube === ghostcube is now known as schlaugekiffter_ === schlaugekiffter_ is now known as ghostcube === grumble is now known as 14WAA001L === 14WAA001L is now known as grumble === osboxes is now known as kirthi === juboxi is now known as jubo2 === morgan_ is now known as yossarianuk === hook is now known as silver_hook === christian is now known as Guest96650 === juboxi is now known as jubo2 === juboxi is now known as jubo2 === kubuntu_ is now known as altprol3 === keithzg_ is now known as keithzg [23:36] please, how join in kubuntu br?