
ubottulotuspsychje called the ops in #ubuntu (babo offtopic)05:27
PriceyHeyoo. Probably about time to remove me from the default ops trigger please?09:11
bazhangPricey, hi!09:12
PriceyUuu, I still have megapowers here though.09:13
Unit193Pricey: Howdy!  That's out of every ops call?09:16
PriceyUnit193: I have a bit of random access for random channels, but most of it has been removed now.09:23
Unit193OK, I'll take that as a yes.  I'll do it "tomorrow" (Friday) if someone doesn't get to it first.09:24
bazhangPricey, no staff emeritus nor ubuntu member cloak?09:25
Priceybazhang: It wasn't offered.09:25
bazhangthat's odd09:25
Unit193(You still qualify for the latter.)09:27
PriceyI do, have been dutifully clicking the link each year to keep my email address.09:27
Unit193Heh, and you're still in the cloaked group too. :P09:28
ikoniaPricey: really not fancy hanging around ?09:40
Priceyikonia: I'm not going anywhere :)10:01
PriceyLittle point me being on ops calls though.10:01
ikoniaPricey: you could still op though11:06
daxubottu: ops-#ubuntu-beginners-team =~ s/Pricey, //15:47
ubottuNothing changed there15:47
daxubottu: ops-#ubuntu-beginners-team =~ s/Pricechild, //15:47
ubottuNothing changed there15:47
daxnow what15:47
daxoh, case15:48
daxubottu: ops-#ubuntu-beginners-team =~ s/PriceChild, //15:48
ubottuI'll remember that dax15:48
daxubottu: ops-#kubuntu =~ s/PriceChild, //15:48
ubottuI'll remember that dax15:48
daxubottu: ops-#ubuntu-offtopic =~ s/PriceChild, //15:49
ubottuI'll remember that dax15:49
daxubottu: ops =~ s/PriceChild, //15:49
ubottuI'll remember that dax15:49
daxubottu: ops-#kubuntu-offtopic =~ s/pricechild, //15:50
ubottuI'll remember that dax15:50
Priceydax: Thanks muchly.15:55
Priceyikonia: I didn't leave you guys on great terms.15:55
ikoniaPricey: is that not fixable ?15:55
daxPricey: i didn't remove the ones that you still have +o in, do you want those dropped too?15:57
Priceyikonia: I don't see what the benefit to Ubuntu would be if I just inserted myself back it with a position of authority? That's only going to be weird for the existing members.15:58
Priceydax: Less bothered, but I figure the owners should probably be cleaning shop anyway ;-)15:59
ikoniaPricey: extra hands and people in the team to contribute, I didn't think it would be weird, but I'm not really aware of the reasons you left, wasn't trying to dig, just sorry to see someone step away15:59
daxPricey: alrighty, will leave those factoids alone for now. Feel free to poke in here or in PM if you want them dropping in the future16:00
Priceydax: Thanks.16:00
Priceyikonia: You'd be better off with new blood ;-) But thanks.17:54
Unit193!forget ops-#ubuntu-beginners-team20:23
ubottuI'll forget that, Unit19320:23
Fuchs !forget about DRE20:23
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, Fuchs said:  !forget about DRE20:23
Fuchsoh bleh :( Sorry, didn't think it takes it with space20:23
daxja, she drops whitespace at the front of messages. i usually upside-down the ! or put a dot first20:25
* Fuchs goes to his corner and is quiet20:33

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