
elachecheMornign folks!08:35
davlefouVendredi fatigué!08:55
davlefouEt je suis en retard pour le taf!08:58
praisethemoongood day feelows09:10
praisethemoonelacheche, o/09:10
Dromorning guys :)09:12
elachecheo/ praisethemoon09:12
elachecheo/ Dro09:12
davlefouSauriez vous comment transferer owncloud sur un autre serveur?09:14
elachechedavlefou: https://doc.owncloud.org/server/7.0/admin_manual/maintenance/migrating.html09:17
u-la-la[ Migrating ownCloud Installations — ownCloud 7 Server Administration Manual 7.0 documentation ] - https://doc.owncloud.org09:18
davlefouJe suis en vesrion 8!09:55
elachechedavlefou: It should be almost the same09:56
davlefouAlors pourquoi avoir mis 8?09:56

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