
cmaloneyHow is the day so far?12:45
* shakes808 wants to go back to bed12:48
cmaloneyI can understand that12:51
shakes808has anyone come across MySQL error code 126: Incorrect key file for table... try to repair it15:20
shakes808i ran mysqlcheck on it and it comes back with a table with :: warning: found row where auto_increment column has the value 0 :: status: ok15:22
shakes808i ran the mysqlcheck -r on that db table and it says it doesn't exist.  i can run queries on it.  so  i know it is there15:23
shakes808i ran myisamchk on it and it says it doesn't exist there too.15:25
shakes808I look int the /var/lib/mysql/db/ and see that it is there15:25
shakes808i can query it in mysql workbench and command line mysql15:26
shakes808i think i found my issue.  not enough space for the tmp file.  tracked it down to a file that got up to ~1.7GB before stopping the query with that message.17:55
shakes808probably because i have some history tables there.  but wouldn't think that would happen since i was only pulling one order out.  ... mpfh17:56
cmaloneyshakes808: That's a strange way to complain about not-enough-space18:06
cmaloneybut good to know18:07
shakes808haha right?!18:07
jrwreni'm surprised greg-g hasn't moved all to postgresql yet ;p20:20
cmaloneyI'm sre if he could he would.20:22
gamerchick02evening everyone21:30
greg-gjrwren: I missed the context?21:31
jrwrengreg-g: just shakes808 having mysql issues :)22:50
shakes808Stupid temp files getting too large :-(22:51
greg-gjrwren: why would I move all to postgresql?23:03
jrwrengreg-g: because mysql is bad ;]23:22
greg-gwhy is it my responsibility?!23:51

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