
xubuntu02dhello can anybody help assist me in properly installing a tar/zip file? I followed standard procedure but i must be missing something?00:24
xubuntu02dhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/24514462/   hello can anybody help assist me in properly installing a tar/zip file? ".XZ" I followed standard procedure but i must be missing something?01:27
CoderEuropeHiya is the hangout in 2017-05-05 22:00 UTC I guess ?18:57
CoderEuropecool - where's the "Known issues" page on the Ubuntu wiki ? or is there one knome ?18:59
knomeubuntu wiki?18:59
knomeand known issues with what?18:59
knomeapart from release notes, the answer is generally "no", unless you count all reported and triaged bugs against launchpad packages/upstream bug tracker products19:00
knomebut it really depends on what you're asking about19:01
CoderEuropeSo- why is there a hangout, again  ?19:01
knomethe ubuntu folks run these weekly - it's xubuntu's turn19:01
sorinelloknome, regarding tonight's event, it is still at 22 UTC time ?19:29
knomesorinello, yes.19:29
sorinellocool. I think I'm gonna attend. It's gonna be on hangouts, right ?19:29
knomewe'll let you know the exact link etc when we know19:30
sorinellocool. I'll be here19:30
CoderEuropeIs this starting now ?20:59
knomeit's 21UTC now21:01
Spassyou're talking about Xubuntu QA session? I thought it's may 12th21:03
knomeno. the ubuntu on air session with xubuntu21:04
knomethe xubuntu QA session is indeed a week ago21:04
knomei mean a week from now21:04
Spassok cool, nice to know about that UOA session tonight, will watch21:06
sorinelloknome, please paste the link to the hangout when you have it21:46
knomei will.21:47
knomeaand here it is --> http://ubuntuonair.com/21:48
knomeyou can follow the irc discussion at #ubuntu-on-air21:48

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