
sarnoldgsilvapt: my shadow update is finished; i didn't touch the manpages04:59
hjdI'm looking at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apertium/+publishinghistory. It seems like the package has synced the latest version from Debian, but it was removed from -proposed before it has been added to -release. Anyone see why this might happen and whether it is expected?09:50
ginggshjd: i seem to recall it was unable to migrate from -proposed for a long time, I ~r68466-1 didn't migrate to testing in Debian either, but I cannot see why09:57
hjdHm.. I assumed that might be due to the freeze for the upcoming Debian release, but I don't know.11:35
hjdIn unrelated news, what's the recommended way to do a package merge (for packages with newer version in Debian, and an Ubuntu delta) these days?11:44
hjdI think the last time I did one, I used bzr. :)11:45
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infinityhjd: That disappearing package is a bug.12:58
infinityhjd: Fixed.13:00
adamFromSomewherHi there. What's the propoer channel for ubuntu phone/phablet development?15:01
juliankxnox: There'll be another round of APT uploads. Timers are being stopped/restarted in all packages (regression from 1.2) - See https://bugs.debian.org/862001 for details. Also thinking about moving (copying?) network-online dependency to the service, see #debian-systemd17:15
ubottuDebian bug 862001 in libapt-pkg5.0 "libapt-pkg5.0: Failed to try-restart apt-daily-upgrade.timer: Unit apt-daily-upgrade.timer not found." [Serious,Open]17:15
juliank(Just for the record)17:16
rbasakpopey: o/ could you mark armangharibi3@gmail.com as "always moderate" on ubuntu-devel-discuss@ please? See spam (perhaps by accident).20:44
rbasakor balloons: ^20:45
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gsilvaptsarnold, and what is next regarding that bug? You said I should wait for your update before doing anything else :)23:08

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