
Trevinhoso quiet this morning...07:52
Trevinhoyour morning :-)07:53
oSoMoNgood morning!07:55
willcookemorning Laney08:02
oSoMoNhi Laney, willcooke08:03
Laneyhey willcooke08:03
Laneygood trip back?08:03
Laneyhi oSoMoN08:03
willcookemorning oSoMoN08:04
Laneyhow are you?08:04
davmor2Morning all08:04
Laneyso glad for tab completion with your nick08:04
oSoMoNI’m good, thanks :)08:04
willcookeLaney, uneventful.  I got upgraded on the way there becuase my TV was broken.  Alas not on the way back.08:04
Laneycan't win 'em all08:04
Laneyhey davmor208:04
* oSoMoN makes a note to complain next time I travel and the TV is broken08:05
oSoMoNhey davmor208:05
dufluMorning UK08:09
dufluand Europe08:09
willcookehey davmor2 & duflu08:10
dufluwillcooke: Silly question: Is there any reason for having Pulse at all other than mixing and per-app volumne? Seems like a poor choice if it's those features vs decades of bugs08:10
willcookeduflu, afaik it does some software sample rate conversions as well, but that might well be a hangover from the bad old days.08:11
dufluwillcooke: Sounds trivial. I just wonder why must we bother ourselves with years of pain and bugs for such a tiny feature gap pulse is filling...08:12
* willcooke reads up 08:13
dufluI mean, by now any software project that age should be perfect, or should be dead08:13
willcookeLooking at the Pulse pages here https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/PulseAudio/About/08:14
willcookeSoftware mixing - I expect ALSA handles that just fine now08:15
willcookeNetwork - dont think anyone uses this by default08:15
willcookeAPI abstraction - we only use ALSA, so !care08:15
dufluHeh. I did around 199708:15
willcookeHardware abstraction - which it says boils down to per app volume... which is... not super exciting08:16
willcookeDoes GStreamer rely on Pulse at all?08:16
willcookeduflu, so I can't see any immediate concerns, but let's socialise it a bit and see if anyone has any strong feelings.  I don't know enough to make a call.08:17
willcookeLaney, any thoughts on Pulse?08:18
dufluwillcooke: Yeah no problem, me neither. Just started bug bashing but I had to wonder why complicate the architecture in the first place...08:18
willcookeMy expectation is that it made sense at the time, and we never revisited08:19
dufluI'm wondering if it's now something like "because that's what the applets use exclusively"08:20
LaneyWhat's the actual problem?08:21
willcookeJust something else to maintain08:24
dednickit's pulse doing the output switching?08:24
dednickie, plug in hdmi, earphones08:24
dednick*doing it badly*08:25
LaneyFeels like a party like it's 2007 Linux hatefest08:25
dednick:) i've been having issues with it running on gnome. Seemed to work better with u7 for some reason.08:26
dednickloosing all sound sometimes. seems to be getting confused when switching outputs.08:26
willcookeLaney, I don't think so, not really. More a case of a critical look at a component.  It makes sense to review it, even if that decision is "keep it and fix bugs".08:27
dednickplug earphones in/out again and it starts to work.08:27
dufluLaney, to be fair I've got my back up about non-Ubuntu problems today. But it's still an objective question: Does the functionality provided outweigh the cost/pain of maintenance?08:28
Laneyduflu: I think we don't know what the functionality is, what the cost is, or what the pain is, or even really what the bugs are.08:31
dufluLaney: Fair point. I'm only about 5% through the Pulse bug list and will learn more. Was just hoping someone might know off the top of their head08:32
LaneyOr what kind of maintenance costs having a different stack from the rest will incur.08:32
Laney<upstream> Oh, you're on Ubuntu? They don't have pulse so that's probably your bug. BYE!08:32
LaneyFeeling a bit grumpy this morning, sorry for being short08:40
willcooke"Looks like someone's got a case of the Mondays"08:41
dufluLaney, I wish you a pleasant Monday and pleasant week.08:46
davmor2willcooke: I'm still suffering from friday08:47
dufluSounds like an excellent Friday08:47
willcookedavmor2, that sucks man.  I'm really sorry. :(08:47
Trevinhoah hey Laney, willcooke, oSoMoN e duflu09:19
dufluEvening Trevinho09:20
dufluWouldn't it be great to sprint in Asia, right after you get home? :)09:20
Trevinhoevening... it's sitll afternoon :-P09:20
dufluGetting darkish, so I called it09:20
Trevinhoyeah... let's do it here..09:20
TrevinhoIt's cheap :)09:20
Laneyhey Trevinho09:21
Trevinhohey Laney...09:23
TrevinhoLaney: speaking of the devil... Would you mind to give a look to these debdiff https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-software/+bug/1689239 ?09:23
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1689239 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "Headerbar used as toolbars in unity are missing proper css classes" [High,In progress]09:23
TrevinhoOr i'd break things apps soon once my updated themes will be there...09:24
dufluHmm, not just dark but also noisy frogs telling me it's night time10:04
dufluGood night10:04
jbichaTrevinho: hi, yes I saw the bug but hadn't gotten to it yet10:11
Trevinhojbicha: ok, good10:12
jbichaif I understand you correctly, your patches are to support a future change to ubuntu-themes?10:13
willcookejbicha, re: webapp - I've not looked properly yet - but does your suggestion handle the geo-specific stores, like if I run it here in the UK, I get the .co.uk version, in the States I get the .com version etc?10:14
jbichawillcooke: that's up to the website so the answer should be yes10:14
jbichawillcooke: for instance, the BBC News app gives me bbcnews.com instead of bbcnews.co.uk10:15
willcookeHumm, I think that didnt work properly for some reason.  I'll look at what we used to do and check10:15
willcookeMaybe we have different referral codes depending on which store you hit.10:15
jbichajust a blind guess, but if you have to do stuff like that, maybe you would need to patch webkit directly?10:16
willcookeOr a wrapper which works out what's what and launches the correct site - probably easier than patching webkit :)10:17
willcookeyeah, we have different codes depending on which site is launched:  http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~webapps/libunity-webapps/trunk/view/head:/src/runner/unity-webapps-runner-amazon.c10:26
willcookewe could re-use that10:26
LaneyTrevinho: what updated theme?10:37
Laneyare you going to SRU these fixes?10:37
TrevinhoLaney: I'm fixing ambiance/radiance to work properly in GS (keeping unity compatibility)10:41
LaneyWell I'm not sure it's sensible for us to keep carrying UI patches for Unity in applications10:46
jbicha…particularly because we never got around to patching many GNOME apps so it's still going to be inconsistent10:52
LaneyGuess it's okay to update existing patches though10:57
willcookeI spoke to the design team last week about the possibility of a new theme, I need to follow up with them this week and find out if that's going to be possible this cycle.  In the meantime though getting Amb/Rad generally working in G-Shell is worth doing.  And as Laney said, I dont think keeping U7 working perfectly should be a priority.  Getting them working in G-Shell first should be the priority10:57
* Laney nods willcooke 10:58
Trevinhowillcooke: sure... That's what I'm doing in fact. Just I prefer not breaking things for unity too... As it's just easy changes to apply11:03
Trevinho(to the patches we already carry)11:03
flocculantwillcooke: jfyi - I had to fiddle with pulseaudio - finally got around to looking into why the dac always said 44.1kHz, then I stopped that and went to alsa so it doesn't muck about at all11:06
willcookeTrevinho, ack, thanks11:07
TrevinhoLaney: do we have a list of app for which we did patches to remove headerbar?11:14
jbichaTrevinho: epiphany is another one11:42
Trevinhojbicha: mh, ok... fix is easy, when we carry patches... it's just to update this11:43
Trevinhojbicha: I currently updated only the default installed ones...11:43
jbichaeog & evince11:45
Laneyxnox: so how did you make that list?11:52
xnoxLaney, multiple ways. 1) I used the demote email, from when unity8-desktop-session was demoted from main to universe 2) then I also used http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/germinate-output/ubuntu-touch.artful/touch.sources (combined with touch-core.sources, touch-*.sources, sorted and uniquified)12:10
xnoxthen i tool all of those source packages and filtered them, to exclude things that are seeded anywhere.12:11
xnoxand then did a check to see if a package exists in debian, and filtered that out as "to sync"12:11
xnoxe.g. we have forked android-tools bits, which we should now sync from debian.12:12
xnoxi think i also looked through it manually, to remove things that are generic.12:12
xnoxit's mostly complete, apart from a few things that got seeded in other distros, and does not touch anything that is unity7 related (as all of that is still seeded in ubuntu-desktop)12:14
Laneyxnox: ok, commented, thanks12:47
* Laney goes to eat a burrito12:47
xnox*nom* *nom*12:47
willcookeawh man12:47
willcookeI would also like a burrito12:48
xnoxLaney, nice review =)12:48
* xnox thought watershed was only used by upstart jobs, will check12:48
Laneyxnox: while read pkg; do chdist apt-cache artful-amd64 showsrc $pkg; done < removals-take-1.txt  | grep-dctrl -sPackage,Version .12:49
Laneywillcooke: it's just a supermarket one, don't be too sad :P12:49
xnoxnice =)12:49
willcookeah, right.  In which case, be lucky.12:49
xnoxLaney, i did ask before, but is there at all any way to grep autopkgtest dependencies?12:50
Laneyafraid not12:50
Laneyxnox: You can look at Testsuite-Triggers12:51
xnoxTestsuite-Triggers? where is that?12:53
Laneyin the .dsc12:53
Laneytherefore in Sources.gz12:53
LaneyMight not be there for things which haven't been uploaded in ages or whatever, but should be good enough12:54
xnoxnice... can we teach reverse-depends about it?12:54
Laneyooh, firefox formats json12:56
Laneyanyway, burrito: back shortly12:57
zzarrhello! is there any way to install Ubuntu on a x86 based Android tablet? (I have an ASUS Zenpad 10 Z300C / P023)14:21
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willcookedinner, bbl16:53
Sweetsharkhttps://opensource.googleblog.com/2017/05/oss-fuzz-five-months-later-and.html <- yo guys.17:22
willcookeThanks Sweetshark, much appreciated17:51
willcookeI can't grok their reports at all.  There doesn't seem to be a link back to a fix at LO17:52
Sweetsharkwillcooke: They just linked to the list of issues: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/oss-fuzz/issues/list?can=1&q=Proj%3Dlibreoffice+Type%3DBug-Security+status%3ANew%2CAccepted%2CFixed%2CVerified&colspec=ID+Type+Component+Status+Proj+Reported+Owner+Summary&cells=ids17:54
willcookeSweetshark, right, but each of those issues is unreadable to me17:54
willcookeIt says "It's fixed" but doesnt provide any links to where it's fixed afaict17:55
oSoMoN« ClusterFuzz has detected this issue as fixed in range 201612212121:201612220925. »17:55
oSoMoNit gives a window in which the fix was committed upstream, I guess?17:55
oSoMoNa link to an upstream commit would be useful indeed17:56
SweetsharkoSoMoN: oss-fuzz just autosdetects "build it a day later. issue was gone", there is little human interaction in oss-fuzz there ...17:57
willcookeah, I see17:58
SweetsharkFWIW, I dont think libreoffice is the only thing to worry about (or even the most to worry about). I mean: 10 FreeType2 issues, 17 FFmpeg issues, 10 GnuTLS, 25 PCRE2? each of those are use by half the world.18:00
willcookeheh - it's good practice at least :)18:01
TrevinhoLaney: this is what I meant https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/ubuntu-themes/gs-decorations-fixes/+merge/32376020:04
Trevinhoand.... bed time now20:04
willcookenight all20:48
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