
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:00
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lotuspsychjemorning shrewdu04:57
Bashing-omGood nite \o05:03
EriC^^morning lotuspsychje05:08
lotuspsychjeworking day guys05:15
lotuspsychjehave a nice one EriC^^ ducasse05:15
lotuspsychje; )05:16
EriC^^morning ducasse07:16
ducasse\o EriC^^ - what's up?07:26
ducasseeverything well?07:26
EriC^^not much, you?07:26
ducassewatching a documentary on snowden, the 'escape to russia' thing.07:27
EriC^^all good thanks07:27
ducassethat documentary says some scary things about the kind of world we live in :-/07:35
EriC^^yeah governments and such07:35
ducassemostly, having to rely on russia for protecting somebody's freedom :)07:37
ducasseEriC^^: have you tested the artful isos yet?07:39
ducasse(to get back nearer topic)07:40
EriC^^nope what are those?07:45
EriC^^ah the new release?07:45
ubot5Ubuntu 17.10 (Artful Aardvark) will be the 27th release of Ubuntu.  It is due to be released in October 2017. Discussion in #ubuntu+107:45
ducassei like the codename, best in a while :)07:46
Ben6418.04 breezy badger07:47
lordievaderGood afternoon10:51
BluesKajHi folks12:04
lotuspsychjegood evening to all16:18
lotuspsychjehey BluesKaj16:20
BluesKajhi lotuspsychje16:21
lotuspsychjehey nacc16:21
lotuspsychjeubuntu showing up everywhere on devices16:38
\9why must the laptops be so thin nowadays16:43
BluesKajcool factor promo...think it's silly16:44
\9i'd prefer a bit sturdier design that doesn't require me to violently disassemble it to get the hard drive out16:44
lotuspsychjefor those business men that need leightweight :p16:46
lotuspsychjebut businessmen prob dont need ubuntu on it16:47
BluesKajthey wouldn't know what ubuntu is anyway....they're so mainstream focused16:48
BluesKajthey're just computers ...computers use Windows :-)16:49
\9or they use macs instead of computers16:51
BluesKajfollow the logic "-)16:51
BluesKajmost business ppl use Windows afaik , macs are for the "creative crowd"16:52
lotuspsychjeis that still valid BluesKaj16:53
BluesKajwho think paying thru the nose for all that proprietary stuff is cool because it's a mac16:53
lotuspsychjehave a mac for graphics design and moviecuttin?16:53
BluesKajdrank the kool-ade16:54
lotuspsychjewhole world owns an iphone though16:55
BluesKajnot here16:55
lotuspsychjeme neither16:55
BluesKajthey're still phones to me .. all that software on a dinky screen16:57
lotuspsychjehandy for a fast google17:00
lotuspsychjebut danger for storing your whole life on it...17:00
lotuspsychjehave a nice1 guys laterz17:35
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naccBashing-om: warning, they are a troll18:17
Bashing-omnacc: Thanks for that heads up !18:18
naccBashing-om: np18:20
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=== Guest16696 is now known as lordievader
nicomachusuhhhhhh.... http://www.zdnet.com/article/canonical-starts-ipo-path/20:25
Bashing-omThis ^^ I gotta know !20:33
Bashing-omso much for ubuntu always being "Free" - investors will want a return .20:39
ducasseugh :(20:52
akikthey're no longer trying to create their own ui, and then choose gnome shell as default?21:03
akiki hope they give the DE choice during the install21:08
ducassewhy? they don't now - just use another installer.21:09
akikit would make it easier for users21:09
ducasseusers having to make more selections make it easier?21:11
Bashing-omI had no seen gnome in a while , was pleasantly surprised with gnome3 in 17.04 . Smooth .21:11
tgm4883no, giving users more options is not easier21:12
akikit's just one more screen, select the ui you like the best21:12
tgm4883which by definition, it 1 more choice than they have now in teh installer21:12
ducasseakik: new users have no idea what that means or what the differences in those uis are21:13
tgm4883I'd argue that adding a one page option in the installer is doing a disservice to all the DEs21:14
akik"We're no longer trying to create our own interface. We'll support the existing ones -- KDE, MATE, Lxde -- but while all these desktops are great, GNOME presents the least change for users."21:14
tgm4883I mean really, we're going to pick DEs based on a single screenshot now?21:15
akiktgm4883: most of the users already know what they are21:15
ducasseif you like kde more than gnome, then just use the kubuntu image - done. should that also have a page to select the ui?21:15
tgm4883akik: then they can download the correct installer rather than have a ubiquity chooser21:16
akikok just my 0.0221:16
tgm4883It seems silly to me to have the default ISO be 3GB because we want a DE chooser in the installer21:17
ducassemaking the installer more complicated in the process. the easy installer is a large part of why newbies use ubuntu.21:19
* Bashing-om recalls the shock and dismay that a lubuntu .iso would not decompress to a CD .21:19
ducasseBashing-om: the alternate should fit on a cd afaik21:21
Bashing-omUh Huh .. and the minimal is still doable .21:22
ducassefor now, yes. dunno what will happen there with the new server installer etc...21:25

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