=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun [12:49] alan_g, is miral going to be maintained with mir? and do we need it in Ubuntu artful? [12:49] (e.g. kiosk?) [12:58] xnox: yes. [12:58] alan_g, ok, does it need to be in main? and then it probably may need subscriber, and be reseeded back in. Let me check. [12:59] i think it should be in main. [12:59] Me too [13:00] * alan_g would like it in Xenial too, but that's probably too much. [13:00] not sure where to put it, but sticking it into "supported" for now. [13:05] ack. In principle miral is a part of Mir that just happens (for historical reasons) to be in a different source tree. [13:13] we also have two boost source packages, per boost release..... [13:13] well, imho MIR stack is like 4 packages: mir, miral, qtmir, qtmir-gles =) [13:14] and i think we agreed to remove qtmir[-gles] in artful [13:14] * xnox hopes i got that right [13:14] +1 [13:15] I'm not sure what we plan with unity-system-compositor though [13:27] currently i have the mandate to remove from the archive unity8 + touch stacks [13:27] once ubuntu-desktop switches to gnome proper; remove unity7 too [13:28] this includes ui toolkit, terminal-app, and everything in between. [13:41] That sounds fair === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk === RAOF is now known as Guest7204 [16:02] greyback_: got time for a quick review? https://code.launchpad.net/~alan-griffiths/miral/modernize-cmake/+merge/323376 [16:03] alan_g: ok === Guest7204 is now known as RAOF